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Jurnal Dirosah Islamiyah
ISSN : 2656839X     EISSN : 27164683     DOI :
Core Subject : Education, Social,
Jurnal Dirosah Islamiyah is a scientific journal published by the Center for Research and Strategic Studies (PRKS) of the Institute of Islamic Religion (IAI) National Laa Roiba Bogor. This journal contains scientific papers from academics, researchers and practitioners in research on .education, management, religion, and Islam
Articles 25 Documents
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Improving Teacher Performance in Creating Innovations for Student Learning Isma. Hayati Daulay; Sulasmi Sulasmi
Jurnal Dirosah Islamiyah Vol 5 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Dirosah Islamiyah
Publisher : Sekolah Pascasarjana Institut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/jdi.v5i2.2953


This article aims to describe how teacher performance can be improved by creating student innovation in learning. This paper uses qualitative research methods and literature review. The collected data comes in the form of secondary and primary data, which are analyzed and presented by the authors in a descriptive manner. The results of the analysis indicate that in order to improve teacher performance and develop students' innovative learning abilities, educators must have the following: 1. Teachers must be able to use different learning strategies to communicate learning content. 2. Teachers must be able to use learning methods and media in learning activities. 3. Teachers must be able to engage students in any learning situation. 4. Teachers must be able to prepare learning in a playful way that brings different innovations to students in each lesson. 5. Teachers need to master technology Great reference for students in today's digital age. Keywords: performance, innovation
Sistem Monitoring Evaluasi Pendekatan Sistem Pendidikan Makmur Syukri; Fachruddin Fachruddin; Nuzurul Harmuliani; Rubino Rubino; Ade Putra
Jurnal Dirosah Islamiyah Vol 5 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Dirosah Islamiyah
Publisher : Sekolah Pascasarjana Institut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/jdi.v5i2.2972


The purpose of this research is to find out the monitoring and evaluation system of the education system approach. The process of monitoring the implementation of subordinate work is carried out to obtain facts, data and information in the process of efforts to achieve goals, whether in accordance with predetermined standards and no deviations occur. Monitoring requires leaders to directly see the process that occurs, as well as with the support of documents and opinions from those being monitored, this is done as validation and validity of the monitoring process. The system approach is a way to identify needs, select problems, compile identification of problem solution requirements, create several alternative solutions, evaluate the results of revising requirements on part or all systems related to limitations in meeting needs. Education as an open system, really requires a systems approach in its development. Because, with the open system, education will always try to update itself so that it remains relevant and not outdated. The risk of this open system is that education will always encounter problems every time changes are made, so it requires a robust system approach to find a solution. Keywords: Monitoring Evaluation, Education System Approach
Management Pattern of Facilities and Infrastructure in Improving Learning Quality in SMP Negeri 1 Hamparan Perak Nuzurul Harmuliani; Rubino Rubino
Jurnal Dirosah Islamiyah Vol 5 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Dirosah Islamiyah
Publisher : Sekolah Pascasarjana Institut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/jdi.v5i2.2973


The purpose of this study was to determine the planning of facilities and infrastructure in improving the quality of learning, to determine the procurement of facilities and infrastructure in improving the quality of learning, to determine the use or utilization of facilities and infrastructure in improving the quality of learning and to determine the maintenance of facilities and infrastructure in improving the quality of learning. This research uses qualitative research methods using a naturalistic approach in which data sources are obtained based on a natural situation as it is. Data collection procedures using observation, interviews and documentation studies. Then the data analysis technique uses (a) data reduction, (b) data presentation, and (c) conclusion. The results of the study found that: 1) Planning facilities and infrastructure based on needs analysis as well as proposals from teachers or other staff and determining the priority scale according to the availability of funds and the level of importance of facilities and infrastructure. 2) Procurement of facilities and infrastructure by purchasing from available funds or budgets that have been set. 3) The use of facilities and infrastructure has rules and schedules that have been available. 4) Maintenance of facilities and infrastructure is carried out by all school residents both special officers, principals, teachers, and other students are responsible for maintaining and maintaining the facilities and infrastructure available. 5) Supervision of facilities and infrastructure is directly responsible for the deputy head of facilities and infrastructure. Facilities and infrastructure management is a very important component in efforts to improve the quality of learning in schools. In order to improve the quality of learning in schools, of course, it is necessary to pay attention to how to manage good facilities and infrastructure, so that learning objectives can be achieved effectively and efficiently. Keywords: Facilities and Infrastructure Management, Learning Quality
Analisis Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah Matematis pada Materi Sistem Persamaan Linier Dua Variabel (SPLDV) Ditinjau dari Self Directed Learning Fadzillah Agustina Lubis; Nur Azizah; Vebiola Ardiani; Cut Latifah Zahari
Jurnal Dirosah Islamiyah Vol 5 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Dirosah Islamiyah
Publisher : Sekolah Pascasarjana Institut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/jdi.v5i2.2974


This study aims to analyze the mathematical problem solving abilities of class X TKJ-3 SMKN 1 Perbaungan in the material system of two-variable linear equations (spldv) in terms of high, medium and low levels of Self Directed Learning. This research is a qualitative descriptive study. The subjects of this study were students of class X TKJ-3 SMKN 1 Perbaungan. The object of research on the analysis of mathematical problem solving abilities in the matter of a system of two-variable linear equations (spldv) in terms of self-directed learning at SMKN 1 Perbaungan. This study used a test on SPLDV material consisting of 3 essay questions. Analysis of the data that has been carried out the results of this study indicate that: (1) students who have the ability to solve mathematical problems with independent learning levels have been able to overcome the four problem solving indicators according to Polya, namely understanding the problem, planning problem strategies, carrying out calculations, and re-examining. problem solving results. (2) students who have the ability to solve mathematical problems with moderate independent learning levels show that they have been able to fulfill indicators 1 and 3 of problem solving according to Polya, namely understanding problems and carrying out calculations. (3) students who have the ability to solve mathematical problems with low-level independent learning are not able to meet indicators 1, 2, 3, and 4 according to Polya. Keywords: Problem solving ability, two-variable linear equation system, self-directed learning
Pengajaran yang Efektif terhadap Perkembangan Psikologi Peserta Didik Nurul Hidayah Al Haj; Fauziah Nasution; M Aulia Fadlan Aminullah; Nadiaul Haq
Jurnal Dirosah Islamiyah Vol 5 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Dirosah Islamiyah
Publisher : Sekolah Pascasarjana Institut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/jdi.v5i2.2976


Effective teaching is teaching that has been planned and has a positive impact on learning, so that it is easily conveyed to students. Effective teaching is needed by students, in order to easily understand the material presented. In essence, effective teaching must have been prepared by the teacher, because the teacher will face students with various kinds of characters, so that a teacher has adjusted the strategy used in teaching. None other than, besides the role of the teacher, effective teaching also plays a very important role in the character development of students. So that effective learning is able to develop the psychology of students. From the results of a teacher's research on student psychology, it is able to help teachers adapt methods, media to learning strategies for the psychological state of students, which has a positive impact on the psychological development of students. Keywords: Effective Teaching, Influence, Student Psychology
Analisis Standar Sarana dan Prasarana di Yayasan Perguruan RA Al-Kamal Fauziah Nasution; Intan Puspita Sari; Risa Ummah Pratiwi; Zahra Yunita; Irma Qurata Aini; Supia Supia
Jurnal Dirosah Islamiyah Vol 5 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Dirosah Islamiyah
Publisher : Sekolah Pascasarjana Institut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/jdi.v5i2.3020


Facilities and infrastructure are an important part of the educational process. In order for students' educational efforts to produce the desired learning outcomes, certain conditions need to be met. Student achievement can always be improved by paying attention to the many things that motivate students to learn effectively. This can be enhanced if one has access to high-quality learning resources and is able to use them effectively. To meet these expectations, it is necessary to use teaching methods that involve students more actively in the learning process. As a teacher candidate for the Faculty of Tarbiyah and Teacher Training (FITK) as a unit of the State Islamic University of North Sumatra. Therefore, FITK UIN Sumut implements an apprenticeship program in stages for fifth semester students. By holding this activity, it is hoped that the apprentice program participants will have the attitude, understanding, appreciation of motivation and skills as socially competent prospective teachers, and in time have the attitude of becoming professional and competent teacher. The Ra Al-kamal Education Foundation School is the school of choice for which the standard of educational facilities and infrastructure will be observed. This study uses a qualitative descriptive approach to collect data on the use and maintenance of educational resources in schools. Researchers can obtain a clearer picture of the phenomena and facts related to their research subjects by using qualitative research strategies. Keywords: RA AL-Kamal, Facilities, Educational Infrastructure.
Konsep Pendidikan Tauhid yang Terkandung Dalam Surat Al-Fatihah Ahmad Darlis; Hadi Sufyan; Sri Rahmayani Manalu; Muhammad Amin; Asnil Aidah Ritonga
Jurnal Dirosah Islamiyah Vol 5 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Dirosah Islamiyah
Publisher : Sekolah Pascasarjana Institut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/jdi.v5i2.3021


Islam is a religion that is rahmatan lilaa'lamin. Therefore, as a Muslim, it is obligatory to apply it and spread peace. The scholars have agreed that there is the knowledge that is obligatory 'ain, namely knowledge that is obligatory for everyone specifically for himself, and knowledge that is obligatory for kifayah if it is carried out by some people, then the obligation of others falls. The science that everyone must know is the science of monotheism which is related to the syahadatain, and beliefs about Allah swt. the almighty one who has no partners has no likeness to Him, has neither begotten nor begotten, and the belief that Allah swt. This research is a form of research (library research), namely research conducted using library sources, both from books and journals related to and supporting this research. The conclusions that can be drawn from the discussion above are first, monotheism education is a basic concept so that humans know human nature. Humans will obey Allah's commands and stay away from His prohibitions when humans have truly united Allah. This will be based on the actions of humans who always surrender to Allah for all aspects that humans want. Second, the purpose of monotheistic education in the discussion above emphasizes monotheism uluhiyyah, rububiyyah, and asma wa adjectives, and the realization of the content of monotheism. Third, the implication of monotheism education for educational institutions is that it is able to make humans conform to a number of things (holding fast to the values of monotheism, strong faith, and attachment to great obedience to Allah SWT and learning fundamentally). Keywords: Education, Interpretation, Theology
Tasmi’ Al-Qur’an di Kalangan Mahasiswa: Annisa Nurfauziah; Dadan Rusmana
Jurnal Dirosah Islamiyah Vol 5 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Dirosah Islamiyah
Publisher : Sekolah Pascasarjana Institut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/jdi.v5i2.3032


This study aims to discuss sima'an especially Sima'an at the Tahfidz Alif Islamic Boarding School. The method used in this research is qualitative in nature with library research, namely finding sources from written materials with a historical approach. The results of the discussion of this study include the understanding and history of Islamic boarding schools in Indonesia, the meaning of sima'an, and the function of implementing sima'an in Islamic boarding schools. This study concludes that sima'an al-Qur'an at the Tahfidz Alif Islamic boarding school has been going on since the establishment of the pesantren in 2009. The background of the students comes from different universities and different faculties. Sima'an for students of the Tahfidz Alif Islamic Boarding School has a religious function which can be seen from the position of the Qur'an for Muslims themselves as a guide or guideline for Muslims to carry out their religious activities. However, as much as 10.3% of students did not feel that sima'an motivated them to become hafidzah. Keywords: tasmi Al-Qur'an, students
Analisis Faktor Demotivasi Belajar Siswa Pasca Pandemi COVID-19 Nur Rizky Tarigan; Ryzka Aulia; Mhd Syafi’i Saragih; Fauziah Nasution
Jurnal Dirosah Islamiyah Vol 5 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Dirosah Islamiyah
Publisher : Sekolah Pascasarjana Institut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/jdi.v5i2.3069


One of the factors that influence the success of student learning is motivation. Motivation is one of the impulses contained in humans to want to do an act in order to achieve certain goals. In practice, distance or indoor (online) learning causes a lot of loss of motivation or demotivation of students as educational objects. According to the findings, prior to the pandemic, the most important characteristics that contributed to a lack of intrinsic motivation in students were low test scores, poor school facilities, learning content and resources, teacher competence and teaching style, and low test scores. On the other side, once the pandemic happened, the most notable variables that were demotivating people were poor test results, insufficient teacher competency and teaching style, inadequate school facilities, learning content and resources, and a lack of intrinsic desire. Keywords: Analition, Demotivation, Pandemi Covid-19
Sejarah Singkat Psikologi Pendidikan Kartika Susila Putri; Dia Ayu Khairani; Abdurrahim Abdurrahim; Fauziah Nasution
Jurnal Dirosah Islamiyah Vol 5 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Dirosah Islamiyah
Publisher : Sekolah Pascasarjana Institut Agama Islam Nasional Laa Roiba Bogor

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.47467/jdi.v5i2.3070


According to some experts, educational psychology is a sub-discipline, not psychology itself. They assume that educational psychology does not have its own theory, concept and method. Simply and practically educational psychology is a knowledge based on psychological research that provides a series of resources to help carry out the duties of a teacher in the teaching and learning process. The method used is literature review. However, from the results of the literature review, information is obtained that educational psychology is a branch of psychology whose breakdown and emphasis is more on the growth and development of children, both physically and mentally, which is very closely related to educational problems, especially affecting the process of learning success. Psychology is a combination of two different sciences, psychology is the knowledge of psychology studying individual behavior, finding out the character of one's development. While education is guidance given to children. So educational psychology is the study of the soul. Keywords: History, Psychology, Education

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