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Lingua: Jurnal Ilmiah
ISSN : 14129183     EISSN : 27156478     DOI :
Jurnal akademik STBA LIA yang memuat artikel ilmiah seputar bidang ilmu Bahasa, Pengajaran Bahasa Asing, Penerjemahan, Sastra dan Budaya
Articles 5 Documents
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LINGUA : JURNAL ILMIAH Vol 17 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah: Lingua
Publisher : STBA LIA - Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35962/lingua.v17i1.63


ABSTRACT Young learners are learners who have unique that can imitate something like a language easily. Therefore, to know a language, they need an environment surrounded by people who speak the language that is targeted and meaningful because of the context. In this globalization era, many people agree that the English language is such an important subject that used to communicate globally. Many people assumed that Speaking is an important skill to mastering the language, however, it is very hard for beginners to speak a foreign language, especially English. In Indonesia, the English language has been taught at every level of learners, even in kindergarten and primary level. People believe that learning English at an early age has many advantages because young learners still have flexible minds and malleable tongues which help them learn English words easily. Furthermore, young learners are of course different from adult ones. Further, this paper aims to analyze how the teacher designing a test of speaking skills for young learners and how the teacher assesses young language learners in speaking skills. This research used a qualitative descriptive method and to obtain the data, the researchers used to interview and video documentation to gather the data. There were 17 teachers Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in Tajurhalang as participants. This research found that most of the teachers in Tajurhalang are used storytelling (8) and some of them also use picture talks (2), oral presentation (2) description (2), and also question and answer (3) as a technique that used by the teachers in assessing young learner speaking skill further, most of teachers Madrasah Ibtidaiyah in Tajurhalang district are use fluency (6) and some of them use comprehension (5), vocabulary (5), and pronunciation (1) as a criterion in assessing students speaking skill. Above all, as a language teacher, we have to know the characteristics of young learners and designing a test to make sure young learners' language speaking skill and components because it will be an important role for teaching and learning process to young learners better. Keywords: Young Learners, Speaking Skill, Designing Test
LINGUA : JURNAL ILMIAH Vol 17 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah: Lingua
Publisher : STBA LIA - Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35962/lingua.v17i1.64


Being an autonomous learner is one of the most important and universal purposes of foreign language education. Especially, when it comes to the situation when the students must practice independent study at home in this case due to the pandemics of Covid19 in Indonesia. This research investigates the application of a self-access language learning approach to foster learner autonomy in an emergency virtual reading class during the covid 19 pandemics of students in STBA LIA, Jakarta. It focuses on finding out how a self-access language learning approach fosters learner autonomy on virtual reading class during the pandemics; to what extent learners have the learning autonomy in the emergency virtual reading class. Qualitative analysis was done by describing data from two surveys and learners’ two assignments. The results show that a self-access language learning approach is beneficial to manage learning which promotes learner autonomy. Learners become more independent as they have to be responsible with their learning.
LINGUA : JURNAL ILMIAH Vol 17 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah: Lingua
Publisher : STBA LIA - Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35962/lingua.v17i1.65


The study aims at analyzing translation errors done by the 5th semester students at STBA LIA who were taking Indonesian-ENglish Translation Workshop. There are 28 participants in this study and the data are the translation of manual text which has been adapted and analyzed by using the 12 translation editing and revision by Mossop (2014). These parameters are normally used by editors in editing and revising translation work. The findings show that from that of 12 parameters, the mostly found parameters are mechanics with 46% occurrences, accuracy 13 %, sublanguage 11%, whereas the other parameters such as smoothness has 8.4% occurrences, layout 7.4%, idiom 7%, completeness 4%, and logic 3.2%. The conclusions show that the participants do not have problems at understanding the source text, but they do experience problems in the English’s, as the target language, grammar and natural language usage in English. In addition, they also have problems in choosing the right terminology, and also the usage of writing.
LINGUA : JURNAL ILMIAH Vol 17 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah: Lingua
Publisher : STBA LIA - Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35962/lingua.v17i1.68


ABSTRACT This paper contains the social construction to objective reality in the family model that is featured in the TV series Tonari no Kazoku wa Aoku Mieru. The research problem focused on how is the form of social construction to the objective reality of each contemporary family model. The social construction is obtained through externalization, objectivation, and internalization is used to describe the problem patterns of each model of the Contemporary Japanese family in storytelling. The data was collected by observing, taking notes, interpreting, analyzing, and describing the results.This study is conducted through a library research. The analysis is carried out based on Peter L Berger's social construction theory which is grouped based on problem patterns. The results showed that the pattern of problems in single families, married couples, couples without blood relations, and couples of parents and children showed variations in the pattern of problems that were similar, namely 3 simultaneous Berger dialectical moments which created a new objective reality. The conclusion from this research is that the rate and form of objectivation of new social realities is influenced by the background of social construction that has been carried out by each family model. Keyword: contemporary family model, social construction, objective reality, TV series ABSTRAK Tulisan ini berisi tentang konstruksi sosial terhadap realitas objektif pada model keluarga yang ditampilkan dalam drama serial TV Tonari no Kazoku wa Aoku Mieru. Bagaimana bentuk konstruksi sosial terhadap realitas objektif setiap model keluarga kontemporer tersebut merupakan permasalahan dalam tulisan ini. Analisis dilakukan berdasarkan teori konstruksi sosial Peter L Berger yang dikelompokkan berdasarkan pola permasalahan. Tulisan ini disajikan melalui metode kajian pustaka dengan teknik pengumpulan data simak, catat, interpretasi, analisis, dan deskripsi hasil. Konstruksi sosial yang diperoleh melalui eksternalisasi, objektivasi, dan internalisasi dimanfaatkan untuk menguraikan pola permasalahan setiap model keluarga Jepang Kontemporer dalam kisahan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pola permasalahan pada keluarga tunggal, pasangan suami istri, pasangan tanpa hubungan darah, dan pasangan orang tua dan anak menunjukkan variasi pola permasalahan yang memiliki kemiripan, yaitu 3 momen dialektis simultan Berger yang menciptakan realitas objektif baru. Simpulan dari penelitian ini adalah laju dan bentuk objektivasi realitas sosial baru dipengaruhi oleh latar belakang konstruksi sosial yang pernah dilakukan setiap model keluarga. Kata Kunci: model keluarga kontemporer, konstruksi sosial, realitas objektif, drama seri TV
LINGUA : JURNAL ILMIAH Vol 17 No 1 (2021): Jurnal Ilmiah: Lingua
Publisher : STBA LIA - Jakarta

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35962/lingua.v17i1.69


ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui konsep budaya yang ada dalam masyarakat Jepang, terutama untuk memahami mengapa masyarakat lansia Jepang mempunyai minat tinggi untuk terlibat dalam kegiatan kembali setelah pensiun, dan punya keinginan untuk menjadi manusia yang mandiri, bermanfaat bagi lingkungan sekitar. Untuk memperjelas pemahaman mengenai konsep budaya sebagai gambaran abstrak, disertai juga dengan contoh implementasi dalam kegiatan atau profil lansia Jepang yang sesuai dengan penggambaran konsep budaya tersebut. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif. Metode ini diperlukan untuk memperoleh pemahaman dalam mengobservasi gejala-gejala sosial. Cara pengumpulan data melalui kajian kepustakaan. Dilakukan pengumpulan dan pengolahan data-data sekunder dengan menganalisis isi, baik dari buku, artikel, hasil penelitian, jurnal dan beberapa publikasi yang relevan baik secara tercetak maupun elektronik. Sebagai hasil penelitian, kegiatan, kesehatan, dan kepuasan adalah tiga faktor yang saling mendukung tercapainya kualitas kehidupan yang baik bagi lansia. Pemerintah Jepang dengan kebijakan publiknya telah membuat program pemberdayaan lansia di hari tua untuk mendorong lansia menjadi sehat, mandiri, dan bermanfaat bagi lingkungan sekitar. Agar program-program Pemerintah dapat berjalan dengan baik perlu adanya dukungan dari pribadi masing-masing. Jawabannya ada pada konsep budaya peran & komitmen menjalankan peran dan konsep no-meiwaku. Keinginan untuk memiliki Peran (bun/ 分) dan komitmen menjalankan peran tersebut mendorong para lansia terlibat aktif dalam kegiatan yang diciptakan oleh Pemerintah. Konsep budaya No meiwaku (No 迷惑/ meiwaku wo kakenai) yang berarti sikap tidak ingin membebani orang lain, membuat individu lansia mempunyai sikap keras kepala dalam usaha untuk tetap bisa mandiri, baik secara mental maupun finansial. Dan sebagai buktinya, dibandingkan 10 tahun yang lalu, masyarakat lansia Jepang lebih sehat dan punya kualitas kehidupan yang lebih baik. Kata kunci: masyarakat lansia Jepang, peran dan komitmen terhadap peran, No-meiwaku, teori aktivitas. ABSTRACT The objective of this study is to determine the concept of culture that exists in Japanese society, especially to understand why Japanese elderly people have a high interest in being involved in activities after retirement, and have a desire to become independent human beings, contributed to the surrounding environment. To clarify the understanding of the concept of culture as an abstract image, it is also accompanied by examples of implementation in activities or profiles of Japanese elderly in accordance with the depiction of the cultural concept. This study uses a qualitative method. This method is needed to get understanding in observing social symptoms. How to collect data through literature review. Secondary data is collected and processed by analyzing the contents, both from books, articles, research results, journals and several relevant publications, both printed and electronic. As a result of research, activity, health, and satisfaction are three factors that mutually support the achievement of a good quality of life for the elderly. The Japanese government with its public policy has created an empowerment program for the elderly in old age to encourage the elderly to be healthy, independent, and beneficial to the surrounding environment. So that Government programs can run well. In order for Government programs to achive, individual support is needed. The answer lies in the concept of role culture & commitment to carry out the role and the concept of no-meiwaku.The desire to have a role (bun / 分) and a commitment to play that role encourages the elderly to be actively involved in activities created by the Government. The cultural concept of No meiwaku (No 迷惑 / meiwaku wo kakenai) which means the attitude of not wanting to burden others, makes elderly individuals have a stubborn attitude in an effort to remain independent, both mentally and financially. And as proof, compared to 10 years ago, Japanese elderly people are healthier and have a better quality of life. Keywords: Japanese elder society, role and role commitment, no-meiwaku, activity theory

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