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International Journal of Tourism, Haritage and Sport Recreation
ISSN : 26865092     EISSN : 26853663     DOI :
International Journal of Tourism, Haritage and Sport Recreation is an international journal in Indonesia issuedd by the Tourism, Heritage and Recreation Study Center of Padang State University, which is concerned with issues of tourism, heritage, sports, recreation and geoparks in regional and national scope. IJTHSR welcomes authoritative, original, illustrated and well-written texts on important topics of tourism, heritage, sports, recreation and geopark, include: Tourism: management, branding, culinary, acomodacy, attraction, destination, amenity, accessibility, hospitality and MICE Heritage: local wisdom, culture, social, humanity, religion, history, economy Geopark: geology, geography, culture Recreational sports: marine and water tourism, land tourism, aerospace tourism, traditional sports, sport massage, outbound, advanture.
Articles 15 Documents
International Journal of Tourism, Heritage and Recreation Sport Vol 1 No 1 (2019): PKPHOR : International Journal of Tourism, Heritage and Recreation Sport
Publisher : The Tourism, Heritage and Recreation Sport Center, Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (324.471 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/ijthrs.v1i1.7


Ecotourism is a concept of tourism development that pays attention to the physical, economic and sociocultural environment and provides positive benefits to local communities and tourist experience. The concept of ecotourism that can be applied in national park areas is ecological restoration. This study aims to determine the application of ecological restoration in nature-based tourism areas. The method used is descriptive qualitative by conducting observations, interviews and literature studies. The results show that ecological restoration is part of the concept of ecotourism that can be applied in the national park area. Ecological restoration is the most important part of ecotourism development. Examples of the application of ecological restoration in the area of Mount Merapi is by replanting trees after eruption and conservation of water. Ecological restoration is carried out to improve the quality of the damaged nature in accordance with its original state and can also support tourism areas around the National Park of Mount Merapi such as Tlogo Muncar, Goa Japan and Plawangan Turgo Hill.
International Journal of Tourism, Heritage and Recreation Sport Vol 1 No 1 (2019): PKPHOR : International Journal of Tourism, Heritage and Recreation Sport
Publisher : The Tourism, Heritage and Recreation Sport Center, Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (280.35 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/ijthrs.v1i1.12


Special attention is given to participants in outdoor activities to remain safe. Preparation is the main thing to keep our health physically and psychologically. Therefore we need an instrument to assess personal health condition easily and precisely. The results obtained are used to make a decision to continue the activity or consult with the doctor first before doing the activities. The aim of this research is to see the effectiveness the self-screening instrument that developed. This research did in three step as: (1) preliminary study phase, (2) Expert validation phase, (3) testing phase. The number of participant that contributed in this research were 826 participants consist of three expert, 100 participants in small scale test and 723 participants in large scale test. The result of expert’s judgment showed that self-screening instrument has content validity. The result of small-scale test showed that 19 questions were valid and in large-scale test, information was obtained in a short time about the condition of the participants, that 97.1% of the total participants who did not have problems. While 2.9% of the total participants has problems that needed consultation and recommendations from doctors. Based on these results, it can be seen that effectiveness of self screening instrument in screening participants quickly and precisely so that they can prevent the occurrence of problems related to the situation of participants.
Sustainable Tourism Integrated Tourism Area Based on Culture and Local Wisdom at Mandeh Area Siti Fatimah; Dewi Ramadhan
International Journal of Tourism, Heritage and Recreation Sport Vol 1 No 1 (2019): PKPHOR : International Journal of Tourism, Heritage and Recreation Sport
Publisher : The Tourism, Heritage and Recreation Sport Center, Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (187.07 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/ijthrs.v1i1.14


The purpose of this research to (1) identify the forms of culture (tradition) and local wisdom possessed by the Mandeh community, (2) filter out any culture (tradition) that can be developed for sustainable tourism in the integrated Integrated Tourism Area. The method used in this study is a qualitative method with an ethnography analysis model. Research informants are community leaders and people who can provide information about various cultures and local wisdom in the Mandeh region. The data collection tool uses instruments such as interviews, observations, recording devices, and TOR and FGD instruments. Data collection techniques were carried out through interviews, documentation, observation and focus group discussions. The results of this study are (1) the forms of traditional culture found in the Integrated Mandeh Tourism Area are: balimau kasai tradition, gamat, Puti Andam Dewi folklore, mamukek tradition, randai and dance, badie-badie tomong, basanji, tukang canang, and mutual cooperation. (2) Traditional culture that can be developed for sustainable tourism is balimau kasai, gamat, mamukek and randai.
Tour De Singkarak, West Sumatra Event Sustainable Marketing and Tourism Retnaningtyas Susanti; Fitriana Syahar
International Journal of Tourism, Heritage and Recreation Sport Vol 1 No 1 (2019): PKPHOR : International Journal of Tourism, Heritage and Recreation Sport
Publisher : The Tourism, Heritage and Recreation Sport Center, Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (345.848 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/ijthrs.v1i1.15


Tour De Singkarak is the name of an international bicycle race competition held by the government of West Sumatra Province since 2009 ago. The event was held as one of the West Sumatra government efforts to promote tourism and attract tourist visits. The central government through the Ministry of Tourism and Creative Economy supports the implementation of this grand event. Every year the number of participants and countries participating in this event increases. One of them is influenced by the increasing nominal prize that can be accepted by the participants. The implementation of TDS events cost not a little, in 2013 the TDS budget reached 4.5 billion Rupiahs. The TDS event was held in West Sumatra to show the world about the tourism potential of West Sumatra. West Sumatra has diverse natural tourism potentials, some of which are part of TDS, among others: Lake Singkarak, Equatorial Bonjol Monument, Harau Valley, Rajo Baso Palace (Pagaruyung), Maninjau Lake (kelok 44), Jam Gadang, Padang Pariaman Beach, Lake Kandis, Lake Kembar, and Beaches on Pesisir Selatan. Most of the TDS stages pass through tourist attractions with extraordinary beauty. Until the last event in 2013, the TDS event had not been considered to provide a continuous contribution to the 3 main aspects, economic, social and environmental in West Sumatra. It is undeniable that this event increases the attractiveness of tourism in West Sumatra in the eyes of the International, but this acquisition is not sustainable and cannot meet the requirements of sustainability. Attractive packaging must be supported by the best quality, TDS events with the international level are expected to be able to provide long-term impact on economic, social and environmental factors.
Tourism Effect towards Youth Resiliency in Ubud, Gianyar, Bali Retnaningtyas Susanti; Pande Made Kutanegara
International Journal of Tourism, Heritage and Recreation Sport Vol 1 No 1 (2019): PKPHOR : International Journal of Tourism, Heritage and Recreation Sport
Publisher : The Tourism, Heritage and Recreation Sport Center, Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (353.147 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/ijthrs.v1i1.23


Tourism is the economical heart of Ubud, Gianyar, Bali’s society. Almost 90% working age population work as tourism worker and almost 50% of the village’s area is used as business space. This condition pushes resiliency from many aspects of population, especially youth. Tourism affects culture and custom in youth, especially in their obligation of Pura in their environment and the demands of up-to-date culture covering it. This research was done for 4 months, started in August to December 2018. The data collection method used was in-depth interview supported by survey results. In-depth interview was done to the public figures, youth participating in Sekaa Teruna Teruni (STT), village government, and Banjar manager. Questionnaire was given to 12th grade students of higher education (SMA/SMK) in Ubud. Survey data was processed using regression analysis and describes as supporting data for the in-depth interview. The result of the research shows that Ubud youths have resiliency tendency in a positive way towards tourism in their environment. They do not leave customs and cultures as feared by many people regarding tourism erosion in Bali which getting stronger. The youth knows that customs and cultures have to go together with tourism. Tourists come to Ubud because of the cultures there. Most of the youth knows that tourism is their future, and so does their customs obligations and cultures. Thus, the two are better managed and processed without leaving one or the other.
Implementation Of The Pentahelix Approach Model Against Development Sustainable Tourism In Bukittinggi City Towards A National Leading Tourism Destination Siti Fatimah; Jefri Naldi
International Journal of Tourism, Heritage and Recreation Sport Vol 1 No 2 (2019): International Journal of Tourism, Heritage and Recreation Sport
Publisher : The Tourism, Heritage and Recreation Sport Center, Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (193.391 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/ijthrs.v1i2.25


This objective is to describe how the Pentahelix approach model in developing sustainable tourism in the City of Bukittinggi towards a national leading tourism destination. This research is a descriptive research using a qualitative approach. Data were collected through: interviews, observation and literature study. Determination of informants using purposive presentation techniques and key informants of the Head of the Tourism and Culture Office of the City of Bukittinggi. Data analysis by means of: data condensation, data levers and withdrawals. The data validation used source triangulation. The results of the study: (1) The development of tourism in the city of Bukittinggi using the Pentahelix approach model has involved the Bukittinggi City Government, Tourism Academics and Practitioners, Communities and Communities, Business Actors, and the Media. (2) The findings from the field show that the roles and duties of stakeholders are not optimal and (3) The collaboration between stakeholders in the City of Bukittinggi from the results of the research is not synergistic.
Management Of Sports Tourism Management In Mentawai Islands Anton Komaini; Endang Sepdanius; Pudia M. Indika; Hijriyantomi Suyuthie
International Journal of Tourism, Heritage and Recreation Sport Vol 1 No 2 (2019): International Journal of Tourism, Heritage and Recreation Sport
Publisher : The Tourism, Heritage and Recreation Sport Center, Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (102.093 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/ijthrs.v1i2.26


Mentawai Islands Regency is one of the areas in West Sumatra that develops sports tourism, among the tourism sports developed by the Mentawai Islands Regency are surfing (diving), diving (fishing), fishing (fishing), beach tourism, trekking along inland Mentawai forest. The purpose of this study was to determine the management of tourism sports in the Mentawai Islands District. This research is a type of descriptive research that aims to reveal the data encountered in the field. This research was carried out at the Mentawai Islands Regency Tourism Office. The sample in this study were 16 people. Variables that will be examined include organizing, promotion and infrastructure. The technique used to collect data is a Guttman questionnaire and interviews. The results of the study concluded that 1) The management of organizing sports tourism in the Mentawia Islands was in a fairly good category with an achievement rate of 59.38%, 2). The promotion carried out by the Department of Youth Tourism and Sports in the Mentawai Islands District was in a good category with an achievement rate of 62.5% . 3) The level of achievement of facilities and targets in the management of sports tourism in the Mentawai Islands is 40.18%, this is included in the less category.
Why Is The Partial Least Square Important For Tourism Studies Sari Lenggogeni
International Journal of Tourism, Heritage and Recreation Sport Vol 1 No 2 (2019): International Journal of Tourism, Heritage and Recreation Sport
Publisher : The Tourism, Heritage and Recreation Sport Center, Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (213.609 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/ijthrs.v1i2.27


Although the multiple regression method has been applied to exploratory research on most tourism studies, there is lack of understanding on studies that present a well-justified rationale in choosing a robust statistical tool for data analysis. This research note aims to review why tourism researchers are encouraged to use the Partial Least Squares Structural Equation Modelling (PLS-SEM) method to address this research problem. This article provides rationale, comparisons among techniques for multiple regression-based papers and suggestions for tourism researchers to justify why PLS-SEM is important for exploratory studies.
Development Of Processed Rinuak Fish (Psilopsis Sp) To Improve Nutritional Quality Of Toddler Of Stunting Yuliana .; Linda Rosalina; ade iferamuna; afifah nur hasanah
International Journal of Tourism, Heritage and Recreation Sport Vol 1 No 2 (2019): International Journal of Tourism, Heritage and Recreation Sport
Publisher : The Tourism, Heritage and Recreation Sport Center, Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (176.111 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/ijthrs.v1i2.28


Stunting is one of the problems of a lack of protein intake that occurs for a long time to interferewith growth. Increasing the quality of nutrition based on local food that has the potential to be onesolution, including raw fish rinuak which is rich in protein. This study aims to analyze the needs andidentify the potential of rinuak fish as a local food ingredient and to design standardized products toimprove the nutritional quality of children under five with stunting. The survey method was used tocollect data with qualitative and quantitative approaches using the Participatory Action Research(PAR) design. Furthermore, the standardization of recipes for processed rinuak fish was carried out byeight expert validators in the fields of food, food, and nutrition. The results showed that the potentialfor rinuak fish in Lake Maninjau in the last two years is abundant. Standardized processed rinuak fish,namely nuggets, jerky, and shredded rinuak can be used as an alternative food for toddlers.
The Importance of Disaster Response Awareness for Tourism Object Managers in West Sumatra Retnaningtyas Susanti; Pande Made Kutanegara; heriani .
International Journal of Tourism, Heritage and Recreation Sport Vol 1 No 2 (2019): International Journal of Tourism, Heritage and Recreation Sport
Publisher : The Tourism, Heritage and Recreation Sport Center, Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (202.027 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/ijthrs.v1i2.31


Disaster is one of the main threats to tourism around the world. There are various kinds of disasters, ranging from terrorist attacks; social, cultural and political issues; disease outbreaks, and natural phenomena (floods, landslides, tsunamis, earthquakes and storms). One of the disasters being experienced by all tourism managers in West Sumatera is earthquakes. Disasters can occur and threaten the sustainability of a tourist attraction. The threat of disaster has an impact on tourist visits, so an effort is needed to prepare tourism managers to deal with it. The tourism industry is an economic activity that is highly dependent on image, when a tourist attraction fails to face a disaster, tourists are reluctant to visit the place. The methods used are interviews, observations, and literature studies that can help answer research questions. The key informants in this study were members of the tourism management in West Sumatra Province. The results showed that each tourist destination has a different threat of disaster from other areas, so the response required by the manager is also different. In the case of the earthquake, the response to the disaster cannot be overcome by all tourist destination managers, all experiencing the same conditions. Developed and developing tourist destinations need the same amount of time to deal with this disaster. The recommendation of this study is the importance of understanding disaster response by all tourist destination managers, so that the required recovery period is not too long, and tourism can return to its normal operation.

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