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Dr. dr. Nyilo Purnami, Sp. T.H.T.K.L (K), FICS, FISCM
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Coordination Beureau of Community Medicine, Department of Public Health-Preventive Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Universitas Airlangga, Jl. Mayjen. Prof. Dr. Moestopo 47 Surabaya
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Public Health Research (JCMPHR) publishes articles in the field of community medicine and public health focusing on family health care, epidemiology, biostatistics, public health administration, management of health, national health problems, social medicine, nutrition and enviromental and occupational health, as well as a variety of other fields related to those disciplines.
Articles 52 Documents
OBSERVATION OF THE BENEFITS OF EAR MASSAGE THERAPY SKILLS IN EAST JAVA Nyilo Purnami; Suhariningsih Suhariningsih; Myrna Adianti; Maya Septriana; Edith Frederika; Dwi Indah Puspita
Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Research Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Research
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (263.044 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jcmphr.v1i2.21694


The high number of patients who come for ear therapy with massage skills, the P3T Center intends to carry out an observational screening of ear therapy. This screening aims to find out how the diagnostic method and application of ear therapy with massage skills and the benefits of ear therapy to overcome the problem of hearing loss (hearing impairment). This screening design uses an observational method in which the researcher makes observations and interviews with respondents. Data collection techniques were carried out by looking at the results of the examination of respondents' hearing tests and the results of interviews with respondents. Patient therapy results in 18 people (60%) no progress or the same as the original condition. this shows that therapy can be said to be ineffective in curing ear disorders. The results of the audiometry examination of the right and left ear stated that none of the patients was normal. Even though there are patients who claim to be able to hear loud sounds in the questionnaire, it is not supported by audiometry results. So it can be concluded that ear therapy with massage skills has no impact on patients suffering from hearing loss.
THE ROLE OF FAMILY INTERVENTION IN EARLY DETECTION OF CONGENITAL DEAFNESS: A CASE STUDY Alif Sholehen; Fajrinka Pralampito; Antonius Galih; Akbar Ghaus; Andi Airina; Nyilo Purnami
Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Research Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Research
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (278.378 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jcmphr.v1i2.21702


Congenital deafness is a hearing loss disorder that occurs at birth and is one of the disorders that can cause complications when it is not treated.1 Children with hearing loss will face difficulties such as poor development outcomes, including poor speech and language skills and face difficulties with cognition and social-emotional interactions. Early intervention has been proven to be one of the most important factors leading to good outcomes for children with congenital hearing loss.2 This case study is intended to highlight the importance of early case detections, early interventions and how family support plays a crucial role in the development of children with hearing loss. With the support of her family, Ms. DRP has gone through several speech and hearing therapies since her surgery and has proven to have an above-average linguistic abilities, showing that early problem detection does not hinder the development and achievement of children with congenital hearing loss.
DIFFERENTIATE FACTORS OF PREGNANT WOMEN WITH CHRONIC ENERGY DEFICIENCY OCCURRENCE IN BAJULMATI VILLAGE, WONGSOREJO DISTRICT, BANYUWANGI REGENCY 2019 Bisyamsi Nawaijaya Moediarso; Perthdyatama Syifaq Budiono; Mohammad Fata Fatihuddin; Theophilus Tan Zhu En; Berli Arfani Rantam; Ayu Liana Gunawan; Masyithoh Wahyu Diani; Anjelina Kristina Mogi; Koyuki Atifa Rahmi; Auliai Khoirunnisa; Birgitta Vania Rarasati; Cincin Hari Purwati; Linda Dewanti; Djohar Nuswantoro
Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Research Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Research
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (336.317 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jcmphr.v1i1.20297


Riskesdas result in 2013 showed that the prevalence of WUS population who were pregnant and at risk of CED was 24,2%. CED in pregnant women can cause abortion and premature birth, low birth weight babies and infant disability, children become malnourished and brain development is hampered, and children are at risk of developing metabolic diseases. In Bajulmati Village there were 15 pregnant women. 40% of 15 pregnant women suffer from CED. The purpose of this study was to determine differences between groups based on maternal age, maternal occupation, family income, previous pregnancy history, history of chronic illness, and maternal knowledge about nutrition in the incidence of pregnant women with CED in Bajulmati Wongsorejo Banyuwangi and differences in knowledge levels and attitudes towards behavior about nutrition after intervention. An observational analytic, cross sectional research design using questionnaires and observations. The sample selection technique uses total sampling technique. There were significant differences between groups based on family income in the incidence of CED in pregnant women and previous pregnancy history in the incidence of CED in pregnant women. Level of knowledge gained after the intervention was in the form of counseling to Prevent CED significantly.
DESCRIPTION OF RISK LEVELS OF GADGET ADDICTION, BULLYING BEHAVIOR, AND DRUG ABUSE IN ADOLESCENTS Rama Bagus Anandayudha; Calseries Rizki Noveriana; Ewin Wulandari; Felicia Alvita Tjahjono; I Wayan Weda Wisnawa; Zahra Fadhilazka Tiara; Laprianika Retha Haphita Sari; Nurin Kusuma Dewi; M. Ramadhan Alkausar; Binnari Augustya; Anisa Rahma Dewayani; Azimatul Karimah
Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Research Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Research
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (292.966 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jcmphr.v1i2.21695


Gadgets can be interpreted as a tool that can easily be connected to the internet. If the use of gadgets can be done wisely, humans will get many benefits from using gadgets. But if the use of gadgets cannot be controlled, it will have a negative impact. One of the negative effects obtained is dependence or addiction to the gadget itself. Apart from the use of gadgets, bullying is also common today. Approximately three million teenagers become drug abusers in Indonesia. The data was collected using primary data in the form of a questionnaire to collect data on gadget addiction, bullying behavior, and drug abuse among junior high school adolescents at MTs Nahdlatul Wathon Licin. This was a descriptive observational study. The population was students in 8th-9th grades at MTs Nahdlatul Wathon Licin. Sampling was done by total sampling. The number of samples obtained was 93 people. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistical methods which are presented in the form of frequency distribution tables. It was found that 8.6% of respondents had a high risk of gadget addiction, 48.4 % of respondents have a high level of bullying behavior, and 2.2% of respondents are addicted to drugs.
CASE REPORT: UNCONTROLLED HYPERTENSION CONTRIBUTES TO WORSENING OF PRESBYCUS SYMPTOMS IN THE ELDERLY Faradila Budi Saputri; Azizah Amimathul Firdha; Safira Rahma; Rieza Rizqy Alda; Syahwina Inayasari; Nyilo Purnami
Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Research Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Research
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (273.688 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jcmphr.v1i1.20298


Presbycusis is a disease that can befall the elderly, caused by a multifactorial process that should be allowed to disrupt communication and social life and cause mental disorders. According to WHO the proportion of the elderly population rises rapidly which is estimated in 2025, there are about 1,2 billion elderly people with a risk of presbycusis. Mr.S was 84 years old, married and had 2 children, complained of hearing loss since 10 years ago on the patient's left ear. The decline in hearing occurred gradually, giving the last 4 years after his wife's death. Patients was taken to Otorhinolaryngologist and expressed age-related hearing impairment and was advised to use hearing aids. Patients are not routinely using hearing aids. In addition, patients have hypertension and heart disease. Patients consumed Captopril 2x1 tablets, Fundifar 2x1, Furosemide 1x40 mg and Fargoxin 1x0.25 mg. Patients do not routinely consumed cardiac medicine and used hearing aids. From the results of heteroanamnesis, physical examination, and audiogram examination conducted in Mr.S patients, it can be concluded that Mr.S suffers from presbycusis with hypertensive and congestive heart failure. Mr.S was advised to routinely have their hearing check to Otorhinolaryngologist the as an evaluation and routine control to Cardiologist. 
DESCRIPTION OF GADGET ADDICTION, SLEEP QUALITY, AND STUDENTS LEARNING ACHIEVEMENT AT SD NEGERI 1 SIDODADI LAWANG IN 2019 Dimas Cahyo Wibowo; Della Wahyu Fitriani; Ananda Febina Kimresti; Alfan Ahkami; Isna Sandria Nastiti; Syarifah Dwi Auliani; Siti Ermawati; Sabrina Rizki Andriani; Sulistiawati Sulistiawati; Priyo Raharjo
Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Research Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Research
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (286.132 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jcmphr.v1i2.21698


In this globalization era, technology is increasing rapidly. One of the technologies is a gadget/device. Gadget users come from various backgrounds, ranging from adults, the elderly, and even children. The Daily Mail reports that 70% of elementary school-aged children can easily use a gadget. The use of gadgets can have both positive and negative effects on children. The negative effect of using a gadget is affecting the quality of sleep and learning achievement on children. The study aimed to describe gadget addiction, sleep quality, and learning achievement of children focused on grades 5th and 6th at SD Negeri 1 Sidodadi Lawang. A descriptive study method. The total population of grade 5th and 6th students at SD Negeri 1 Sidodadi Lawang are 96 students. Data were taken by using Smart Addiction Scale, Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index questionnaires, and students’ report cards. The distribution of gadget addiction levels in this study was 21 people (21,9%) with a low level, 72 people (75%) with a moderate level, and 3 people (3,1%) with a high level. There were 73 people (76%) with poor sleep quality and 49 people (51%) with poor learning achievement. The level of gadget addiction in 5th and 6th-grade students at SD Negeri 1 Sidodadi Lawang was dominant in the medium level, sleep quality was dominant in the poor level.
ELDERLY SCREENING IN SONGGON BANYUWANGI 2019 Lukman Hakim; Wildan Anugrah Erlangga; Pandu Satriya Adi; Fitri Nurina Septiana; Emilia Eka Arianti; Prafidina Qualisa; Ariikah Dyah Lamara; Estya Nadya Meitavany; Niswah Silmi Fatimah; Ulinnuha Qurrota A; Sulistiawati Sulistiawati
Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Research Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Research
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (373.449 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jcmphr.v1i1.20300


Health care efforts for the elderly to keep the elderly healthy, independent, active and productive socially and economically , to realize this, the government is obliged to guarantee the availability of health service facilities and facilitate the development of the elderly group. The aims to identify factors that affect the achievement of health care coverage of the elderly.  This  was a qualitative descriptive study. This research was conducted in Songgon District . The target sample was the elderly residents and elderly Posyandu cadres. Data collection instruments using questionnaires. This study used primary data. Univariate analysis to determine the distribution using SPSS and Excel tools.  84% of elderly people knew about screening. The coverage of elderly screening was still low. From the results of research on community therapy that could be done was cadre training, reporting of the elderly, and Extension of Posyandu Elderly by Cadres for the Community
CORRELATION OF GADGETS ADDICTION WITH SLEEP QUALITY IN 4th – 6th GRADE STUDENTS AT SDN 01 SRIGADING LAWANG IN 2019 Agustin J Nanda De Niro; Annisa Pawitra; Novia Nurul Faizah; Rendra Dwi Putra; Veikha Fakhriya Arfiputri; Renata Violia Sihombing; Shabrina Noor Rachmi; Djohar Nuswantoro; Ledy Martha
Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Research Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Research
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (365.774 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jcmphr.v1i2.21699


The use of digital technology has increased rapidly. In Indonesia, gadget use by children has become very high and requires special attention. Many effects may occur due to gadget use, one of which is sleep quality disturbance. This study aims to analyze the correlation between gadget addiction and sleep quality in children grades 4-6 SDN 01 Srigading Lawang. This research is an analytic observational study with a cross-sectional design in a population of 4-6th graders of SDN 01 Srigading Lawang. A total of 126 students over 130 students were included. Data were collected using two questionnaires, which are Smartphone Addiction Scale and The Pittsburgh Sleep Quality Index, and tested using RxC Contingency. Gadget addiction has a significant correlation with sleep quality with a weak correlation. Children with mild levels of addiction to gadgets had a potential of 2,013 times to have good sleep quality, compared to children with moderate levels of addiction. In contrast, children with severe levels of addiction to gadgets were at risk 12.04-fold to have poor sleep quality compared to the mild level of addiction. There is a significant correlation with a weak correlation between gadget addiction and sleep quality in children grades 4-6 SDN 01 Srigading Lawang.
Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Research Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Research
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1370.001 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jcmphr.v1i1.20287


Hearing loss in newborns is a serious matter, if it is not quickly diagnosed and starts early intervention, a child will experience social, speech, language, cognitive, and academic impairments. There is a method of hearing screening in newborns, which is divided into two types, universal newborn hearing screening, and targeted newborn screening. Both of these methods use OAEs and ABR as objective examination tools. The hearing screening method varies in each country, this difference is based on the test equipment used, age, frequency, professionals involved in screening, referral procedures, funding, and coverage areas. Indonesia uses two stages of screening, while Italy, America, Nigeria, France, India, and Poland use two to five stages of screening. Hearing screening of newborns using OAEs and ABR has a sensitivity of 100% and specificity of 99,3%.
Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Research Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health Research
Publisher : Universitas Airlangga

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (316.827 KB) | DOI: 10.20473/jcmphr.v1i2.21693


Pathogenic bacteria cause Urinary Infection imore or lessi about 85 - 95% are bacteria Escherichia coli. The treatment of Urinary Tract Infection (UTI) requires adequate supportive therapy and antibiotics, but antibiotic resistance is an obstacle in UTI treatment. This study aims to determine the types of antibiotics that are resistant to Escherichia coli in patients with UTI. This is an observational study with a descriptive method to determine the type of antibiotic-resistant to Escherichia coli in patients with UTI in the Laboratory of Clinical Microbiology RSUD Dr. Soetomo. Antibiotics that were resistant to Escherichia coli in UTI patients were cefazolin (80.49%), Amoxicillin Clavulanic Acid (73.17%), Ampicillin (73.17%), Tetracycline (68.29%), while antibiotics that were resistant to Escherichia coli ESBL was Amoxicillin Clavulanic Acid (100%), Ampicillin (100%), Cefazolin (99.7%), Aztreonam (99.7%), Ceftazidime (99.7%). The prevalence of Escherichia coli in UTI patients was 27.5%, while Escherichia coli ESBL was 72.5%. Based on the results of the research that has been obtained, it is better to do research on antibiotic resistance patterns periodically.