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MEANS (Media Informasi Analisa dan Sistem)
ISSN : 25486985     EISSN : 25993089     DOI : -
Core Subject : Science,
Jurnal MEANS berdiri sejak Tahun 2016 dengan SK dari LIPI yaitu p-ISSN : 2548-6985 (Print) dan e-ISSN : 2599-3089 (Online) Terbit dua kali setiap Tahunnya yaitu Periode I Bulan Juni dan Periode II Bulan Desember Hasil Plagirisme Maksimal 25%, Lebih dari 25% Artikel Tidak Bisa Publish. Ruang lingkup publikasi ini adalah untuk bidang Ilmu Komputer seperti : 1. Sistem Informasi 2. Manajemen dan Audit Sistem Informasi 3. Aplikasi Dekstop 4. Web dan Mobile 5. Sistem Pendukung Keputusan 6. Sistem Pakar 7. Pembelajaran berbasis Komputer 8. Kriptografy 9. Bidang Ilmu Koputer yang lainnya.
Articles 231 Documents
Visualisasi Hasil Produksi Pangan di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur Richard Sanni Abineno; Natalia Magdalena R. Mamulak; Alfry Aristo Jansen SinlaE
MEANS (Media Informasi Analisa dan Sistem) Volume 5 Nomor 1
Publisher : LPPM UNIKA Santo Thomas Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (734.256 KB) | DOI: 10.54367/means.v5i1.570


The Agriculture Office of the Province of East Nusa Tenggara (NTT) is a regional apparatus with the main task of providing services to the community in the agricultural sector, one of which is food. In the website does not yet contain information about the results of food production in a complete and clear manner. To overcome this problem, it is necessary to build a Food Production Visualization which is expected to display a picture of food production based on production years, commodity types and production output from each district in East Nusa Tenggara Province which is easily accessible and understood by the community. The method used in this study is the method of developing the waterfall system (waterfall cycle). The graphic design displayed on this website uses ChartJS. The programming language used is PHP 7 and MySQL as a database server. The results of this study are a Web-based Visualization of Food Production in the Province of East Nusa Tenggara that contains complete and clear information and is easily accessible to all parties.
Clustering Tindak Kekerasan Pada Anak Menggunakan Algoritma K-Means Dengan Perbandingan Jarak Kedekatan Manhattan City Dan Euclidean Relita Buaton; Yeni Sundari; Yani Maulita
MEANS (Media Informasi Analisa dan Sistem) Volume 1 Nomor 2
Publisher : LPPM UNIKA Santo Thomas Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (833.695 KB) | DOI: 10.54367/means.v1i2.8


ABSTRAK Kekerasan terhadap anak dari tahun ketahun semakin meningkat dan menjadi perhatian di kalangan masyarakat. Hasil pemantauan Komisi Perlindungan Anak Indonesia (KPAI) terhadap kekerasan pada anak dari tahun 2011 sampai 2014, terjadi peningkatan yang signifikan. Tahun 2011 terjadi 2178 kasus kekerasan, tahun 2012 ada 3512 kasus, tahun 2013 ada 4311 kasus dan tahun 2014 ada 5066 kasus kekerasan pada anak. Metode yang digunakan untuk mengclusterkan tindak kekerasan pada anak adalah algoritma k-means menggunakan 2 jarak kedekatan yakni Manhattan City dan Euclidean dengan jumlah data 280 kejadian yang diperoleh dari POLRES BINJAI bekerja sama dengan Badan KBPP Kab.Langkat dengan variable usia korban, jenis kekerasan dan faktor penyebab. Hasil cluster menunjukkan dengan jarak kedekatan Manhattan City bahwa korban kekerasan anak cenderung terjadi pada remaja dengan jenis kekerasan psikis dan pelecehan seksual karena faktor ekonomi dan kesempatan, sedangkan dengan jarak kedekatan Euclidean bahwa korban kekerasan anak cenderung terjadi pada anak-anak dengan usia 5 sampai 12 tahun mengalami kekerasan seksual karena faktor ekonomi.
Sistem Informasi Reservasi Hotel Pada GM. Marsaringar Balige Berbasis Android S. Artaulina Sitorus; Emerson Porman Malau
MEANS (Media Informasi Analisa dan Sistem) Volume 2 Nomor 1
Publisher : LPPM UNIKA Santo Thomas Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (584.431 KB) | DOI: 10.54367/means.v2i1.24


GM Hotels. Marsaringar Balige is a company engaged in hospitality services. During this time the reservation system at GM Hotels. Marsaringar Balige is still manual, such as booking rooms, recording guest data, and data from each part not yet integrated such as restaurant data, ballroom, karaoke, and making reports still using Microsoft Excel office applications. One effort to improve the quality of hospitality services at GMs. Marsaringar Balige is by utilizing information technology, namely by designing an Android-based Hotel Reservation Information System. Is the right solution to overcome the problems of hotel managerial data processing needs that are dynamic and can be accessed through websites or mobile devices. Mobile devices integrated with the web are one of the right choices for processing hotel information systems. A user / guest can get information by making a request from an application that was previously installed on an android smartphone to the database. All data exchange processes are stored on the web server. And the HotelGM Reservation Information System. Android-based Marsaringar Balige is built using the PHP programming language, Eclipse is supporting software for Android mobile, and Phpmyadmin as a tool for managing Mysql database, and Text editor using Macromedia Dreamweaver8.
Perancangan Media Informasi Pengenalan Kebudayaan Dan Pariwisata Nias Selatan Berbasis Web Pontinus Gulo; Andy Paul Harianja
MEANS (Media Informasi Analisa dan Sistem) Volume 2 Nomor 2
Publisher : LPPM UNIKA Santo Thomas Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (499.291 KB) | DOI: 10.54367/means.v2i2.154


This study discusses the design of information media for the introduction of south nias culture which is a web-based application that uses the PHP and MySQL programming languages as its database. This system provides convenience to introduce culture and tourism in southern Nias in full, both in travel routes, lodging, tourist attractions, restaurants, souvenirs and visitors can provide comments and questions directly to the Admin. For tourism services this system is an convenience to run work programs that have been designed to promote culture and tourism in the southern Nias region more broadly.
Audit Manajemen Keamanan Teknologi Informasi Menggunakan Standar ISO 27001 : 2005 Di PerguruanTinggi XYZ Muhammad Sidik; Ade Iriani; Sri Yulianto
MEANS (Media Informasi Analisa dan Sistem) Volume 3 Nomor 2
Publisher : LPPM UNIKA Santo Thomas Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (455.242 KB) | DOI: 10.54367/means.v3i2.272


Management audit is very important for any colleges towards the examination and assesment of their information technology management to gain efficient and effective business running process. Information technology security as an effort of internal controlling for risk and threat security minimization, is mainly considered due to all learning and lecturing administration activities use information technology. To find out how secure technology information is, it is then recquiring an audit to make sure everything run based on procedure. Standard used is framework international standardization organization (ISO) 27001:2005. It ischosen because framework can be adjusted with instrument of the research used in the organization. It is then developed and focused on information security management system (SMKI). As a results, all have outcome JPA = PA1:PA10, NA=JPA/10 produces value average 65%. Last but not at least, it showspositive level, but still under expectation by college requirement that requires continuous evaluation and enhancement of recommended security control
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Dosen Terbaik dengan menggunakan Metode TOPSIS (Studi Kasus: STMIK Pelita Nusantara Medan) R. Mahdalena Simanjorang
MEANS (Media Informasi Analisa dan Sistem) Volume 4 Nomor 1
Publisher : LPPM UNIKA Santo Thomas Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (518.3 KB) | DOI: 10.54367/means.v4i1.312


The decision support system for the best lecturer selection has been made in this study so that it can be recommended to the foundation so that it is efficient compared to the use of the old system. In determining the lecturer at STMIK Pelita Nusantara, the method used is the TOPSIS method using criteria that will be determined by the Foundation. The selection of lecturers at STMIK Pelita Nusantara is determined by several criteria, namely, attendance, teaching, service, research and neatness. The Topsis method is very suitable because the concept is practical. The output in this system is the calculation value of lecturer selection using the TOPSIS method and the ranking of lecturers at STMIK Pelita Nusantara
Aplikasi E-Archiving dan Monitoring Surat Menyurat Roberto Kaban; Marice Hotnauli Simbolon; Abdullah Abdullah
MEANS (Media Informasi Analisa dan Sistem) Volume 4 Nomor 2
Publisher : LPPM UNIKA Santo Thomas Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (668.658 KB) | DOI: 10.54367/means.v4i2.544


A neat and easily monitored-mails administration is an urgent needs of every agency, including UPT. Taman Budaya in Dinas Kebudayaan dan Pariwisata Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Manually archieved-mails generated problems; such as slow disposition, difficulties in tracing the mails, as well as taking a long time to find certain mails required. The proposed application aims to solve those limitations of manual system applied. The Bootstrap CSS Framework is chosen to be applied for its open source and ability to create an easily displayed web in all of gadgets specifications, whereas the methodology used to develop the web system is Web Development Life Cycle (WDLC). This methodology has five stages which are (1)Planning, (2 )Analysis, (3) Design and Development, (4) Testing, and (5) Implementation and Maintainance. The output of this research is an applicable web system that manage mails administration; including disposition, archieving, and monitoring.
E-Learning Pada Sekolah Menengah Kejuruan Swasta Pencawan Medan Program Studi Multimedia Melisa Rahel; Wasit Ginting
MEANS (Media Informasi Analisa dan Sistem) Volume 1 Nomor 2
Publisher : LPPM UNIKA Santo Thomas Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (865.687 KB) | DOI: 10.54367/means.v1i2.3


ABSTRAK Teknologi web memungkinkan perancangan sistem pembelajaran jarak jauh (e-learning) tanpa dibatasi oleh waktu, tempat maupun ruang. Perancangan sistem memanfaatkan alat-alat perancangan seperti diagram alir data, entity relationship diagram dan diaplikasikan menggunakan bahasa HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP dan basisdata MySQL. E-learning yang dibangun pada SMK Pencawan Medan mendukung proses belajar siswa, mempermudah interaksi siswa dengan materi, diskusi antara siswa dengan guru maupun sesama siswa dalam forum diskusi, mengirim file tugas dan mengerjakan quis yang nantinya dapat dijadikan sebagai tolak ukur dalam mengukur sejauh mana tingkat pemahaman siswa terhadap suatu materi. Siswa dapat saling berbagi informasi dan dapat mengakses bahan-bahan belajar setiap saat dan berulang-ulang, dengan kondisi yang demikian siswa dapat lebih memantapkan penguasaannya terhadap materi pembelajaran.
Computer Vision : Identifikasi Umur Ikan Koi Berbasis Android Yasir Hasan
MEANS (Media Informasi Analisa dan Sistem) Volume 5 Nomor 1
Publisher : LPPM UNIKA Santo Thomas Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (448.047 KB) | DOI: 10.54367/means.v5i1.754


Koi fish have a long life of more than 200 years, but in general Koi fish are currently around 50 to 70 years, this is due to inadequate facilities and lack of knowledge in Koi fish care. The age of koi fish can be known in several ways, such as knowing by looking at the annual signs or called Annulus and a daily called Circulus. This method is done by observing certain body parts in Koi fish. However, this method is not appropriate at this time and only people who have special expertise can know the age of koi fish. Utilization of computer technology can be used to determine the age of koi fish. The right technology that can be used is computer vision by utilizing a camera on a handheld computer device. In addition, the method that can be used is to process knowledge data on koi fish in the form of long frequencies or size distances. Better size distance in image processing is the Euclidean Distance method. Utilization of this applied technology to determine the age of koi fish is done by measuring the distance of the points specified on the koi fish object as the length of the koi fish. Of course, to do this the system must be equipped with knowledge about the size of koi fish in real terms.
Perancangan Kios Buku Online Dengan Menerapkan Algoritma MD5 Dalam Pengamanan Record Login Amin Setiawan Lahagu; Harvei Desmon Hutahaean
MEANS (Media Informasi Analisa dan Sistem) Volume 2 Nomor 1
Publisher : LPPM UNIKA Santo Thomas Medan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (444.808 KB) | DOI: 10.54367/means.v2i1.19


Online book stall is one form of e-commerce in cyberspace, all the time the sale and purchase transactions of books can be done at any time, but along with the development of online transactions, data controls should also be improved. To avoid data from damage caused by irresponsible people, it is necessary to secure data by applying cryptography to the data. In modern times there are many methods or algorithms that can be used to protect and control data from various attacks, but each of these algorithms certainly has its own weaknesses and strengths. The need for long-distance transactions and the importance of data security caused developers to continue to develop cryptography. MD5 algorithm is a one-way hash function that is often used in cryptography, especially in web-based transactions. The MD5 algorithm encodes data in a constant form of 32 bits. All processes from sales and purchase transactions in online bookstores will be safe and durable when the bookstore database is designed in such a way. The book stall database records are encoded with the MD5 algorithm, especially for logging records as a gateway for hackers or hackers to infiltrate. All transactions in the online book kiosk system are detected by the database, the resilience of the database from all attacks is the control of the system from all kinds of damage.

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