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Jurnal Penegakan Hukum Indonesia (JPHI) (E-ISSN: 2746-7406) is a Double Blind Review Scientific Journal first launched in 2020 by Scholar Center under the administration of PT. Borneo Development Project in collaboration with Law office of SAP. JPHI publishes three times a year on February, June and October, provides with open access publication to support the exchange of global knowledge. The submission shall follow the blind peer-reviewed policy which aims to publish new work of the highest caliber across the full range of legal scholarship, which includes but not limited to works in the Philosophy of Law, Theory of Law, Sociology of Law, Socio-Legal Studies, International Law, Environmental Law, Criminal Law, Private Law, Islamic Law, Agrarian Law, Administrative Law, Criminal Procedure Law, Business Law, Constitutional Law, Human Rights Law, Civil Procedure Law and Customary Law. All papers submitted to this journal can be written either in English or Indonesian.
Arjuna Subject : Ilmu Sosial - Hukum
Articles 66 Documents
Jurnal Penegakan Hukum Indonesia Vol. 2 No. 3 (2021): Edisi Oktober 2021
Publisher : Scholar Center

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Abstract The purpose of this study is to analyze the resolution and obstacles faced in non-litigation settlement of default in breach of contract through mediation by the Libas Legal Aid Institute in Ngawi. The method used in this study is socio-legal research. The data is obtained by interviews and documentation using qualitative analysis through collecting and presenting the result. It is shown from one of the cases resolved in Karanganyar District is that each party and Libas Legal Aid went through several stages, namely mutual understanding, first mediation meeting, separate meeting, second mediation, final decision making, and conclusion. While Libas Legal Aid faced several challenges including the lack of understanding between the parties, the long process, the difficulties of negotiation, and the lack of knowledge from the mediator. These challenges can be resolved if the mediator has good faith to resolve the dispute, has broad insight and knowledge of the issue, and can convince both parties that a dispute will be resolved together and the mediator must disclose all forms of possible conflict of interests and must be able to minimize the occurrence of the further issue.   Keywords: Default, Mediation, Legal Aid.     Abstrak Tujuan penelitian ini ialah untuk mengetahui penyelesaian dan kendala yang dihadapi dalam penyelesaian sengketa wanprestasi secara non litigasi melalui mediasi oleh Lembaga Bantuan Hukum Libas pada perkara perdata di Kabupaten Ngawi. Metodologi penelitian yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan jenis penelitian hukum empiris. Guna memperoleh data digunakan metode wawancara dan dokumentasi yang berkaitan dengan penelitian. Teknik analisis data yang digunakan adalah kualitatif dengan menganalisis data yang telah terkumpul lalu menyajikannya dan terakhir adalah menarik kesimpulan dari hasil tersebut. Hasil penelitian dan pembahasan akan didapat alur penyelesaian sengketa wanprestasi secara non litigasi melalui mediasi di Kecamatan Karanganyar Kabupaten Ngawi yakni masing-masing anak dari “SM”, “SK” dan LBH Libas melalui beberapa tahapan yaitu pemahaman, pertemuan mediasi pertama, pertemuan terpisah, pertemuan mediasi kedua, pembuatan keputusan akhir dan penutupan. Kendala-kendala yang dihadapi oleh LBH Libas antara lain kurangnya pemahaman para pihak pada pokok perkara, prosesnya berlangsung lama, para pihak dirasa sulit untuk bernegosiasi, berkomitmen dan terbuka serta kurangnya pengetahuan mediator dalam penguasaan permasalahan. Kendala-kendala tersebut dapat teratasi dengan mudah bila seorang mediator mempunyai itikad baik untuk menyelesaikan sengketa tersebut, mempunyai wawasan dan pengetahuan yang luas, dapat meyakinkan kedua belah pihak bilamana suatu sengketa akan dapat terselesaikan secara bersama-sama dan mediatorpun harus mengungkapkan segala bentuk kemungkinan terjadinya benturan kepentingan serta harus dapat meminimalisir terjadinya konflik.             Kata Kunci: Wanprestasi, Mediasi, Lembaga Bantuan Hukum.
Jurnal Penegakan Hukum Indonesia Vol. 2 No. 3 (2021): Edisi Oktober 2021
Publisher : Scholar Center

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The purpose of this study was to find the procedures for implementing diversion against child crime by the public prosecutor and to find the factors that hindered the public prosecutor during the implementation of diversion. This study uses the empirical legal method. The results of this study are 9 out of 17 cases were successfully diverted during January-December 2020 by the Public Prosecutor at the Karanganyar District Attorney. In diverting the case, the Public Prosecutor at the Karanganyar District Attorney's Office experienced 3 (three) obstacles, among others, (1) there is no consent or agreement between the victim and the perpetrator for diversion; (2) the short and limited period for seeking diversion; and (3) the crime is grossly high to divert.
Jurnal Penegakan Hukum Indonesia Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Edisi Februari 2022
Publisher : Scholar Center

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Abstrak Penelitian Ini bertujuan Untuk mengetahui kepastian hukum penetapan tersangka terhadap kasus saling lapor dalam tindak pidana penganiayaan yang di pandang dari aspek moral dan keadilan. Metode yang digunakan adalah metode penelitian normatif yang menganalisis peraturan perundang-undangan yang ada sesuai dengan masalah yang diteliti. Hasil penelitian menemukan perkara saling lapor memang tidak diatur dalam KUHAP dan dalam peraturan kapolri yang di atur hanyalah permasalahan penanganannya. Namun hal ini tidak mengurangi adanya kepastian hukum pada perkara saling lapor. Tidak diaturnya penetapan tersangka pada perkara saling lapor dalam KUHAP karena KUHAP sudah mengatur tentang penetapan tersangka. Khusus pada perkara penganiayaan saling lapor penyidik bekerja secara professional dan melihat perkara ini dari beberapa arah penyidik tidak hanya memperhatikan unsur yang terkandung dalam tindak pidana penganiayaan, tetapi juga harus di perhatikan apakah status salah satu pihak dalam posisi melakukan pembelaan diri atau pembelaan terpaksa sehingga aspek keadilan penetapan tersangka dapat terwujud Kata Kunci : Kepastian Hukum, Penetapan Tersangka Saling Lapor, Tindak Pidana Penganiayaan Abstract This study aims to determine the legal certainty of determining the suspect in cases of mutual reporting in criminal acts of persecution in terms of moral and justice aspects. The method used is a normative research method that analyzes the existing laws and regulations in accordance with the problem being studied. The results of the study found that cases of mutual reporting were not regulated in the Criminal Procedure Code and in the regulations of the National Police Chief, only problems were handled. However, this does not reduce the existence of legal certainty in mutual reporting cases. There is no stipulation on the determination of suspects in cases of mutual reporting in the Criminal Procedure Code because the Criminal Procedure Code already regulates the determination of suspects. Especially in cases of persecution, investigators report to each other professionally and look at this case from several directions, investigators not only pay attention to the elements contained in the criminal act of persecution, but also have to pay attention to whether the status of one of the parties is in a position of self-defense or forced defense so that aspects of justice the determination of the suspect can be realized Keywords: Legal Certainty, Determination of Suspects to Report to Each other, Crime of Persecution
Jurnal Penegakan Hukum Indonesia Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Edisi Februari 2022
Publisher : Scholar Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51749/jphi.v3i1.66


Abstract This article is discusses about the implementation of legal certainty at Perumda Tirta Manuntung Balikpapan in the company's management authority within practices and to explain various deviations of legal certainty that occur in Perumda Tirta Manuntung Balikpapan. The legal certainty of Perumda Tirta Manuntung Balikpapan is based on Regional Regulation Number 8 of 2020 which concern about General Companies of Tirta Manuntung Balikpapan Region. This article is used normative juridicial as the methodology with a literature study approach by qualitative analysis. The results of this article showed us in conceptual, it is based on Regional Regulation Number 8 of 2020 which concern about General Companies Perumda Tirta Manuntung Balikpapan, it has been running based on substance which regulate about legal certainty of Perumda Tirta Manuntung to manage a company. But sometimes, the legal certainty doesn’t running based on regulation and it getting some deviations which will inflict a financial loss who accure in the Perumda Tirta Manuntung Balikpapan. Furthermore, the bureaucratic intervention can make Perumda Tirta Manuntung Balikpapan can’t managing it based on good corporate governance and independecy principle by substance that has been promulgated. Keywords : Legal Certainty, Independence, Deviations, Company Management Authority       Abstrak Artikel pada penelitian ini membahas tentang pelaksanaan kepastian hukum di Perumda Tirta Manuntung Balikpapan dalam praktek pengelolaan perusahaan dan berusaha menjelaskan berbagai penyimpangan kepastian hukum yang terjadi di Perumda Tirta Manuntung Balikpapan. Kepastian hukum Perumda Tirta Manuntung Balikpapan didasarkan pada Peraturan Daerah Nomor 8 Tahun 2020 Tentang Perusahaan Umum Daerah Tirta Manuntung Balikpapan. Metodelogi yang diterapkan pada penelitian ini adalah jenis penelitian yuridis normatif dengan pendekatan studi kepustakaan berdasarkan analisis kualitatif. Adapun hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa secara konseptual, berdasarkan Peraturan Daerah Nomor 8 Tahun 2020 Tentang Perusahaan Umum Tirta Manuntung Balikpapan sudah berjalan sesuai dengan substansi yang tertuang. Namun, ada kalanya kepastian hukum mengalami penyimpangan-penyimpangan dari substansi tersebut. Kemudian, hal ini menimbulkan berbagai macam kerugian pada Perumda Tirta Manuntung Balikpapan. Campur tangan birokrasi yang begitu kental akhirnya menimbulkan intervensi besar-besaran dalam mengelola Perumda Tirta Manuntung Balikpapan berdasarkan tata cara kelola perusahaan yang baik menurut prinsip Good Corporate Governance dan akhirnya prinsip kemandirian yang seharusnya dijalankan sesuai substansi tidak berjalan seperti apa yang telah diundangkan. Kata Kunci : Kepastian Hukum, Kemandirian, Penyimpangan, Kewenangan Pengelolaan Perusahaan
Jurnal Penegakan Hukum Indonesia Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Edisi Februari 2022
Publisher : Scholar Center

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ABSTRACT The current development of the highway is like a series of calculations while the growth of society is like a measuring series. Increased mobility on the highway can give birth to various traffic problems. Traffic problems are a very complicated thing. The increasingly congested state of the road with the increasing amount of vehicle traffic is one of the causes. For example, violations of traffic signs, congestion, accidents, air pollution, and so on. This study uses a socio-legal research approach by finding the reality of the law. Socio-legal research mainly examines primary data in addition to also collecting data sourced from secondary data. In terms of policies in suppressing traffic violations, there are 2 policies carried out by the South Kalimantan Regional Police. The first is Preventive Policy including Traffic Engineering, Traffic Guarding, and Socialization / Campaign. Second, repressive policies include the provision of tickets, confiscation of vehicles, and letters of reprimand or verbal reprimand. Factors that affect the peaceful settlement of criminal fines are as follows: a). The economic factor is affecting people's behavior in solving traffic problems, this is because taking the road peacefully does not require a lot of costs when compared to having to wait for the results of a court decision. b). Emotional closeness is a factor that until now is still difficult to avoid by police officers because the community and family kinship system are associated with law enforcement efforts. c). Cultural factors in solving the criminal problem of fines peacefully are influenced by cultural factors of society that are more likely to choose a peaceful solution. d). Institutional immunity factors to the law, this is due to the emergence of exceptions for a certain group in society that occupies a certain position, such as a large family of Police. Keywords : Violations, Traffic, Indonesian Republic Police.       ABSTRAK Saat ini perkembangan jalan raya bagaikan deret hitung sedangkan pertumbuhan masyarakat seperti deret ukur. Dengan bertambahnya mobilitas di jalan raya dapat melahirkan berbagai masalah lalu lintas. Masalah lalu lintas merupakan hal yang sangat rumit. Keadaan jalan yang semakin padat dengan jumlah lalu lintas kendaraan yang semakin meningkat tersebut, merupakan salah satu penyebabnya. Misalnya saja pelanggaran rambu-rambu lalu lintas, kemacetan, kecelakaan, polusi udara, dan lain sebagainya. Metode Pendekatan Pada penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian Yuridis Sosiologis, Yuridis Sosiologis yaitu dengan menemukan kenyataan hukum yang dialami dilapangan atau suatu pendekatan yang berpangkal pada permasalahan mengenai hal yang bersifat yuridis serta kenyataan yang ada. Penelitian hukum yuridis sosiologis terutama meneliti data primer di samping juga mengumpulkan data yang bersumber dari data sekunder. Dalam hal kebijakan dalam menekan pelanggaran lalu lintas ada 2 kebijakan yang dilakukan oleh Polda Kalimantan Selatan. Yang pertama adalah Kebijakan Preventif diantaranya Rekayasa Lalu Lintas, Penjagaan Lalu Lintas, Sosialisasi/Kampanye. Kedua, kebijakan represif diantaranya Pemberian surat Tilang, penyitaan kendaraan dan Surat teguran atau Teguran Lisan. Faktor  yang mempengaruhi penyelesaian pidana denda secara damai sebagai berikut: a). Faktor ekonomi Faktor ekonomi memberikan pengaruh terhadap perilaku masyarakat dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan lalu lintas, hal ini disebabkan oleh karena dengan menempuh jalan damai tidak memerlukan biaya yang banyak jika dibandingkan dengan harus menunggu hasil keputusan pengadilan. b). Faktor kedekatan emosional, Kedekatan emosional ini merupakan suatu faktor yang sampai saat ini masih sulit untuk dihindari oleh pihak petugas kepolisian, karena sistem kekerabatan masyarakat maupun kekeluargaan dikaitkan dengan upaya penegakan hukum. c). Faktor kultur Dalam menyelesaikan permasalahan pidana denda secara damai, dipengaruhi oleh factor budaya masyarakat yang lebih cenderung untuk memilih penyelesaiannya secara damai. d). Faktor kekebalan institusional terhadap hukum, Hal ini disebabkan oleh timbulnya pengecualian bagi suatu golongan tertentu dalam masyarakat yang menduduki posisi tertentu, seperti keluarga besar Polri. Kata Kunci : Pelanggaran, Lalu Lintas, Polisi Republik Indonesia.
Jurnal Penegakan Hukum Indonesia Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Edisi Februari 2022
Publisher : Scholar Center

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AbstractThis research is focusing on several issues such as the position of a collateral object in breach of contract; the position of the collateral object with mortgage rights when the debtor is bankrupt; the regulation for executing a collateral object in the case of bankruptcy. The method used in this study is normative legal research which is a scientific research procedure to find the truth based on the reasoning of legal scholarship from the normative side that focuses on positive legal norms in the form of laws and regulations. The results of this study, if the debtor is declared bankrupt, then the position of the collateral object burdened with mortgage rights, whether existing at the time of bankruptcy was determined or the debtor's assets that will exist, become the property of the bankrupt (Article 21 of Act 37/2004) except for debtor assets which are limitedly not included as bankrupt assets (defined in Article 22 of Act 37/2004). The legal binding of the agreement between the debtor and the creditor with the mortgage is intended to facilitate the execution of the collateral object in the process of returning the creditor's receivables by the debtor. Execution of a mortgage is a means to accelerate the process of repaying debtors' debts. Keywords: Execution of Collateral, Mortgage, Defaulting Debtor, Bankruptcy. AbstrakRumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah: bagaimankah kedudukan benda jaminan dalam hal debitur cidera jani (Wanprestasi), bagaimanakah kedudukan benda jaminan yang telah dibebani dengan hak tanggungan apabila debitur pailit, bagaimanakah pengaturan hukum tentang eksekusi terhadap benda jaminan dalam hal debitur pailit. Metode penelitian yang dipergunakan adalah pendekatan penelitian hukum normatif yang merupakan prosedur penelitian ilmiah untuk menemukan kebenaran berdasarkan logika keilmuan hukum dari sisi normatifnya. penelitian hukum normatif, penelitian yang berfokus pada norma hukum positif berupa peraturan perundang-undangan. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini adalah: Apabila debitur dinyatakan pailit, maka kedudukan benda jaminan yang dibebani hak tanggungan baik yang telah ada pada saat pailit ditetapkan maupun kekayaan debitur yang akan ada, menjadi harta (boedel) pailit (Pasal 21 Undang-Undang Nomor 37 Tahun 2004 tentang KPKPU) kecuali harta debitur yang secara limitative tidak termasuk sebagai harta pailit (ditentukan dalam Pasal 22 Undang-Undang Nomor 37 Tahun 2004 tentang KPKPU). Diikatnya perjanjian antara pihak debitur dan kreditur dengan hak tanggungan tidak lain dimaksudkan untuk dapat mempermudah eksekusi benda jaminan dalam proses pengembalian piutang kreditur oleh debitur. Eksekusi hak tanggungan merupakan sarana untuk percepatan proses pengembalian hutang debitur. Kata Kunci: Eksekusi Benda Jaminan, Hak Tanggungan, Debitur Cidera Janji, Pailit.
Perlindungan Hukum Terhadap Hak-Hak Keperdataan Anak Dari Perkawinan Campuran Yang Tinggal Di Indonesia Berdasarkan Undang-Undang Nomor 12 Tahun 2006 Tentang Kewarganegaraan Nahdhah Nahdhah; Norisnaniah Norisnaniah; Maria Ulfah
Jurnal Penegakan Hukum Indonesia Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Edisi Juni 2022
Publisher : Scholar Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51749/jphi.v3i2.57


There were many cases derived from transnational marriages. For an instance, many Indonesian international students have married their spouses from the country where they are studying. Transnational marriage is prone to future conflicts, especially regarding the status of the children. The civil rights of children from a transnational married couple living in Indonesia are regulated on Act No. 12/2006 on Citizenship (Citizenship Act). This research is pure legal research that is carried out by examining previous literature. From this study, it was found that the status of children born from transnational families according to the Citizenship Act is based on bloodlines following the father. If the father is a foreign citizen, the child will also be a foreign citizen. On contrary,  if the father is an Indonesian citizen, the legal status of the child is also as an Indonesian citizen, from here the role of the mother becomes neglected. Furthermore, Citizenship Act guarantees that the children have the right to determine or choose citizenship after the age of 18 years, the child is required to choose one nationality. Legal protection for children born from transnational marriages is the right to choose their nationality.
Jurnal Penegakan Hukum Indonesia Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022): Edisi Februari 2022
Publisher : Scholar Center

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In the context of criminal elections, we need to look at the practice and there will likely be doubts and questions about the actualization of the application of the Theory of Punishment in judges' decisions. Especially for South Kalimantan, it is interesting to conduct research and analysis of the extent to which judges (especially those handling cases of the 2019 Election Crime), are in the process of imposing the type and duration of the crime. The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze whether every decision of a District Court Judge in South Kalimantan who handles criminal cases in the 2019 elections already reflects the theory of punishment. In addition, this study is also aimed at studying and analyzing what theories of punishment are used or adhered to by district court judges in South Kalimantan who handle criminal cases of the 2019 elections. Using the normative method with a case approach by examining the decisions of the District Court in South Kalimantan in the 2019 Election crime case that has been decided by the judge by taking all election crime cases in South Kalimantan which are simplified to a total of 6 (six) District Court decisions. It was found that the Panel of Judges for election criminal sanctions, especially in the criminal verdict of the 2019 elections in South Kalimantan, combined the sanction of imprisonment (improsenment) and fine sanctions with the application of the Theory of Relative Punishment which is oriented towards the Theory of Deterrence and the Theory of Objectives.
Tindak Pidana Pencemaran Laut Akibat Tumpahan Di Balikpapan Dalam Perspektif Hukum Pidana Lingkungan Yulianor Abdi
Jurnal Penegakan Hukum Indonesia Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Edisi Juni 2022
Publisher : Scholar Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51749/jphi.v3i2.72


The Panamanian-flagged ship MV Ever Judger, whose captain and the crew were all Chinese nationals, crashed into a pipeline belonging to PT Pertamina Refinery Unit 5 Balikpapan, breaking the pipe and dragging the ship, causing contamination of the sea by the oil. Because of this incident, we are interested in discussing: (1) How is the criminal responsibility for the perpetrators of the marine pollution due to oil spills? (2) Who is responsible for the oil spill case in Balikpapan? This research uses normative research methods. The results and discussion concluded: First, criminal liability is not only applied for individuals in that Ship but also to the corporations. Second, the application of the law regarding criminal acts of environmental pollution contains in-laws and regulations relating to environmental protection and management.  The criminal provisions regarding environmental pollution exist in chapter XV regarding the criminal provisions of Act 32/2009. Regarding criminal sanctions for criminal acts of environmental pollution contained in Article 97 to Article 120 of Act 32/2009.
Application For Marriage Dispensation Post Application Of Law Number 16 Year 2019 Concerning Marriage In Jombang Maya Shofia; Muhammad Andri
Jurnal Penegakan Hukum Indonesia Vol. 3 No. 2 (2022): Edisi Juni 2022
Publisher : Scholar Center

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.51749/jphi.v3i2.71


The applicable law has also been updated to adapt to the current situation and time, if it is deemed irrelevant then the applicable law will be abolished and replaced. With the new law, there will be impacts that arise both in society and in law enforcement officials. Consideration of the decision of the Religious Courts in adjudicating cases of marriage dispensation must also be in accordance with the evidence and testimony submitted during the trial so as not to injure the applicable law. The purpose of this study is to find out how effective the application for marriage dispensation is after the enactment of Law Number 16 of 2019. And how is the legal basis for adjudicating marriage dispensation cases at the Jombang Religious Court. This study uses descriptive qualitative research and a sociological approach is applied through data and statements obtained from the interaction between the researcher, the object under study, and the people in the research place. The results of this study indicate that the enactment of Law Number 16 of 2019 has an impact on the Religious Courts by increasing the number of requests for cases of filing early marriage dispensations, many factors have influenced this increase based on the provisions of PERMA Number 5 of 2019 which regulates the procedure for adjudicating Early marriage dispensation cases so that the current trial is more complicated than before.