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SOPHIA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen
ISSN : 27228851     EISSN : 2722886X     DOI :
Sophia: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristiani. Artikel yang dimuat dalam Jurnal Sophia merupakan hasil penelitian dari Mahasiswa, Alumni, Dosen & Para Peneliti baik dari dalam maupun luar negeri yang ingin berkontribusi di dalamnya. Tim editor akan menyeleksi artikel sebelum menyerahkannya kepada Peer Reviewer atau Mitra Bestari untuk dinilai kelayakannya, sebelum diterbitkan sesuai dengan ketentuan yang ada. Fokus dan ruang lingkup Jurnal Sophia: Manajemen Pendidikan Kristen Teologi Biblika Injil & Kebudayaan / Teologi Kontekstual Agama & Masyarakat Teologi Praktika Studi Agama
Articles 32 Documents
Roh Jahat yang dari pada Tuhan: Suatu Penelusuran Terhadap 1 Samuel 16:14-23 Madah Pongelo
SOPHIA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): SOPHIA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Toraja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34307/sophia.v1i1.1


Abstract: An evil spirit from God is revealed in the Book of 1 Samuel 16: 14-23. The statement raises contradictions regarding the existence of a holy and true God in Christianity's outlook and outlook. In the context of the Old Testament the existence of a holy God is emphasized. Is it true that the existence of a holy God is the source of evil spirits? Can God be equated that He compromises with evil spirits in carrying out His plans? Related to this problem, the purpose of the research is to look for the meaning of evil spirits from God in 1 Samuel 16: 14-23. This writing uses a qualitative method with a kind of narrative approach to find the meaning of evil spirits from God in 1 Samuel 16: 14-23. The findings in this writing are that God used an evil spirit to punish Saul. God's judgment came to Saul through an evil spirit because of an act of rebellion against God. Furthermore, the presence of an evil spirit in Saul shows that God can use anything to carry out His plans. The evil spirit that was bothering Saul was by God's will. It means that the evil spirit is in God's control. The evil spirit from God in 1 Samuel 16: 14-23 is God not the source of evil spirits, but God wills and uses evil spirits to carry out His plans and His judgments for those who oppose His will.   Keywords: God, True, Holy, His Plan, Evil Spirits.   Abstrak-Roh jahat dari Tuhan dinyatakan dalam Kitab 1 Samuel 16:14-23.  Pernyataan tersebut menimbulkan kontradiksi terkait keberadaan Allah yang kudus dan benar dalam penasiran dan pandangan iman Kristen. Dalam konteks Perjanjian Lama keberadaan Allah yang kudus sangat ditekankan. Benarkah keberadaan Tuhan yang kudus adalah sumber roh jahat? Dapatkah Allah disejajarkan bahwa Ia kompromi dengan roh jahat dalam menjalankan rencana-Nya? Terkait masalah tersebut maka tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mencari makna roh jahat dari pada Tuhan dalam Kitab 1 Samuel 16:14-23.  Penulisan ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan jenis pendekatan narasi untuk menemukan makna roh jahat dari pada Tuhan dalam Kitab 1 Samuel 16:14-23. Temuan-temuan dalam penulisan ini adalah bahwa Tuhan memakai roh jahat untuk menghukum Saul. Penghukuman Allah datang kepada Saul melalui roh jahat karena tindakan pemberontakan kepada Allah. Selanjutnya bahwa hadirnya roh jahat pada diri Saul menunjukkan bahwa Allah dapat memakai apa saja untuk menjalankan rencana-Nya. Roh jahat yang mengganggu Saul adalah atas kehendak Allah. Maksudnya bahwa Roh jahat berada dalam kendali Allah. Roh jahat yang dari pada Tuhan dalam 1 Samuel 16:14-23 adalah Allah bukan sumber roh jahat, tetapi Allah menghendaki dan memakai roh jahat untuk menjalankan rencana-Nya dan penghukuman-Nya bagi yang melawan kehendak-Nya.   Kata Kunci: Allah, Benar, Kudus, Rencana-Nya, Roh jahat.
Beriman Secara Autentik: Memahami Allah di Tengah Bencana Pandemi Covid-19 Paul Cakra
SOPHIA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): SOPHIA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Toraja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34307/sophia.v1i1.5


Abstract: The main focus of this paper is to explain with theologically the phenomenon of life (Covid-19) which has recently become the unrest of mankind because it attacks all walks of life indiscriminately and gives a broad impact in various sectors of life including religious fields so that humans are forced to live in abnormal conditions and "leave" habits that have become a tradition. In a situation like this where humans are forced to suffer, religious people in particular Christianity will raise classic theodise questions, where is God? Why does He allow suffering to occur? Which then leads to the understanding that God is evil. Questions like these need to get an appropriate explanation using qualitative-descriptive methods with the aim of providing a biblical-theological description that God's position in disaster should be understood as a person who is present and suffers with humanity. He was in a disaster to strengthen and help mankind to cope with disaster, not as a God who was evil and who brought the plague of Covid-19. Humans must have authentic faith that is fully dependent on God in relation in Jesus Christ.   Keyword: Covid-19, Theodise, God, God's Position, Authentic Faith   Abstrak- Fokus utama tulisan ini ialah hendak melihat secara teologis fenomena kehidupan (Covid-19) yang akhir-akhir ini menjadi keresahan umat manusia karena menyerang seluruh lapisan masyarakat tanpa pandang bulu serta memberi dampak yang luas dalam berbagai sector kehidupan tak terkecuali bidang keagamaan sehingga kemudian manusia dipaksa untuk hidup dalam kondisi yang abnormal serta “meninggalkan” kebiasaan yang telah menjadi tradisi. Dalam situasi seperti ini di mana manusia dipaksa untuk menderita, umat beragama secara khusus kekristenan akan melontarkan pertanyaan-pertanyaan teodise klasik, di mana Allah? Mengapa Ia membiarkan penderitaan terjadi? Yang kemudian berujung pada pemahaman bahwa Allah itu jahat. Pertanyaan-pertanyaan seperti ini yang kemudian penulis lihat perlu mendapat penjelasan yang tepat dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif-deskriptif dengan tujuan memberikan gambaran secara biblis-teologis bahwa posisi Allah dalam bencana sebaiknya dipahami sebagai pribadi yang hadir dan turut menderita bersama manusia. Ia ada dalam bencana untuk meneguhkan dan menolong manusia menghadapi bencana, bukan sebagai Allah yang jahat dan yang mendatangkan wabah penyakit Covid-19. Manusia harus beriman secara autentik yaitu bergantung sepenuhnya kepada Allah di dalam relasi dengan Yesus Kristus.   Kata kunci : Covid-19, Teodise, Allah, Posisi Allah, Beriman secara Autentik
Menamai Sang Nama: Polemik Nama YHWH-Allah Deflit Dujerslaim Lilo
SOPHIA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): SOPHIA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Toraja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34307/sophia.v1i1.6


Abstract: The focus of this paper is about the polemic that occurred around the use of the names Yahweh and God in Christianity. The name Yahweh is claimed by The Sacred Name Movement as the only name of the LORD to be believed and mentioned by believers. Therefore, the purpose of this research is to examine this view and find out whether the mention of the name of God that used in both the Bible and worship is wrong and Christianity must re-use the name Yahweh. Using qualitative methods sourced from literature studies, authors make the critical but evaluative studies by examining hermeneutically and collecting data from various sources of literature. As a result, researcher concludes that Christianity is not antipathic to the use of the name Yahweh but stating that mentioning and using the name Yahweh will affect on the salvation of someone is an absurd assumption and a logical fallacy.   Keywords: God, the sacred name movement, tetragrammaton, Yudaism   Abstrak-Fokus dari tulisan ini adalah mengenai polemik yang terjadi di seputar penggunaan nama Yahweh dan Allah dalam kekristenan. Nama Yahweh diklaim oleh kelompok Gerekan Nama Suci sebagai satu-satunya nama TUHAN yang harus diimani dan disebut oleh orang percaya. Karena itu, tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengkaji pandangan tersebut dan menemukan apakah sebutan Allah yang digunakan baik di dalam Alkitab maupun ibadah adalah sebutan yang keliru dan dengan demikian kekristenan harus kembali menggunakan nama Yahweh. Menggunakan metode kualitatif yang bersumber dari studi literatur, penulis membuat kajian yang bersifat kritis namun evaluatif dengan meneliti secara hermeneutis maupun mengumpulkan data dari berbagai sumber kepustakaan. Hasilnya, peneliti menyimpulkan bahwa kekristenan tidak bersikap antipati terhadap penggunaan nama Yahweh tetapi dengan menyatakan bahwa menyebut dan menggunakan nama Yahweh akan memengaruhi keselamatan seseorang merupakan asumsi yang absurd dan cacat logika.   Kata Kunci: Allah, gerakan nama suci, tetragramaton, Yudaisme
Toraja, Jangan Terserah!: : Kesadaran Kolektif Masyarakat Toraja di Tengah Pandemi Covid-19 Teny Manopo
SOPHIA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): SOPHIA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Toraja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34307/sophia.v1i1.7


Abstract: The main focus of this paper is to build a collective awareness of the Toraja people in responding to the covid pandemic 19 which causes various polemics in all sectors of life and is dilemised between following all covid 19 protocols with meeting the needs of everyday life which is very principle, questioning on clothing, food and board. In the author's perspective, the public needs to get the right education to address the current conditions, because the characteristics of the corona virus are very fast spreading, so that it requires herd immunity to be able to fight the invisible object's ferocity. However, there seems to be a tendency to be apathetic towards covid 19 protocols. This is what the author later saw needs to get an appropriate explanation using qualitative-descriptive methods that aim to provide a theological understanding of human faith in the midst of the corona virus, a healthy lifestyle that must always be prioritized and build ugahari spirituality as a manifestation of faith that in the midst of non-disaster -in the current situation, God's blessing is always present and sufficient for humanity, through the utilization of local resources. Thus a personal awareness will be created that starts from the reflection of each individual in interpreting life in the midst of the current pandemic 19, and has logical implications for the collective consciousness of the community to jointly fight the corona virus.   Keywords: Covid 19, Healthy lifestyle, Faith, Ugahari Spirituality   Abstrak-Fokus utama tulisan ini ialah untuk membangun kesadaran kolektif masyarakat Toraja dalam menyikapi pandemi covid 19 yang  menimbulkan berbagai polemik di segala sektor kehidupan serta dilematisasi antara mengikuti segala protokoler covid 19 dengan pemenuhan kebutuhan hidup sehari-hari yang sangat prinsip, bersoal pada sandang,pangan dan papan. Dalam perspektif penulis, masyarakat perlu mendapatkan edukasi yang benar untuk menyikapi kondisi yang ada sekarang ini, sebab karakteristik virus corona yang sangat cepat menyebar, sehingga membutuhkan herd imunity untuk bisa melawan keganasan benda tak kasat mata tersebut.  Namun jusru nampak kecenderungan untuk bersikap apatis terhadap protokoler covid 19,. Hal inilah yang kemudian penulis lihat perlu mendapatkan penjelasan yang tepat dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif-deskriptif yang bertujuan untuk memberikan pemahaman secara teologis mengenai keberimanan manusia di tengah virus corona, pola hidup sehat yang harus selalu dikedepankan dan membangun spiritualitas ugahari sebagai penghayatan iman bahwa ditengah bencana non-alam yang terjadi saat ini, berkat Tuhan selalu hadir dan mencukupkan umat manusia, melalui pendayagunaan sumber daya lokal. Dengan demikian akan tercipta sebuah kesadaran personal yang bermula dari refleksi setiap individu dalam memaknai kehidupan di tengah pandemi covid 19 saat ini, dan berimplikasi logis pada kesadaran kolektif masyarakat untuk secara bersama-sama melawan virus corona.   Kata Kunci: Covid 19, Perilaku hidup sehat, Iman, Spiritualitas Ugahari.
Kesetiaan Seorang Perempuan: Analisis Kitab Rut Ascteria Paya Rombe
SOPHIA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): SOPHIA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Toraja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34307/sophia.v1i1.8


  Abstract: The Book of Ruth is one of the Old Testament books that is classified as a book of history.  The story in the book of Ruth took place during the reign of the judges. The time when the apostasy of the nation of Israel was so apparent. The time when the Israelites began to worship idols. A time when there was competition among the tribes of Israel. The book of Ruth begins with famine in the land of Israel, which brought the family of Elimelech from Bethlehem-Judah to migrate to the land of Moab and settled there. The story continues with a sad story. Naomi's husband and even her two children died in the land of Moab. The series of stories left the impression that there was no presence of God in the midst of the Naomi family. Resulting in two widows who finally struggled to survive. Through literature study, two main points from the series of stories are revealed. First, even though God seems invisible, but behind everything God does not stop nurturing. God is present in silence. God works through the lives of faithful people. Second, despite the various crises that hit the country, even though evil and sin continue to be made by humans, even though it is as if God left humanity. But truly God is still the Alpha and Omega, who will not leave the deeds of his hands but always and always work in the midst of humanity who hope, loyal, and surrender to Him.   Keywords: Naomi, Ruth, Nurturing, Loyalty, God   Abstrak-Kitab Rut merupakan salah-satu dari Kitab Perjanjian Lama yang tergolong sebagai kitab sejarah. Kisah dalam kitab Rut terjadi pada zaman pemerintahan hakim-hakim. Masa di mana kemurtadan bangsa Israel begitu nampak. Masa di mana bangsa Israel mulai menyembah berhala. Masa di mana terjadi persaingan di antara suku Israel. Kitab Rut di awali dengan kelaparan di tanah Israel, yang membawa keluarga Elimelekh dari Betlehem-Yehuda merantau ke tanah Moab dan menetap di sana. Kisahnya terus berlanjut dengan kisah yang menyedihkan. Suami Naomi bahkan kedua anaknya meninggal di tanah Moab. Rentetan kisahnya meninggalkan kesan tiada kehadiran Allah di tengah-tengah keluarga Naomi. Mengakibatkan dua orang janda yang akhirnya berjuang untuk dapat bertahan hidup. Melalui studi kepustakaan tersingkap dua hal pokok dari rentetan kisah tersebut. Pertama, sekalipun Allah seolah-olah tidak nampak namun di balik semuanya Allah tidak berhenti memelihara. Allah hadir dalam kesenyapan. Allah berkarya melalui hidup orang yang setia. Kedua,  Meskipun berbagai krisis melanda negeri, meskipun kejahatan dan dosa terus diperbuat manusia, meskipun seakan-akan Allah meninggalkan umat manusia. Namun sungguh Allah tetaplah Alfa dan Omega, yang tidak akan meninggalkan perbuatan tangannya melainkan selalu dan senantiasa berkarya di tengah-tengah umat manusia yang berharap, setia, dan berserah  kepada-Nya. Kata Kunci: Naomi, Rut, Memelihara, Kesetiaan, Allah
Peran Ayah Sebagai Pendidik Berdasarkan Efesus 6:4 Ezra Tari; Maria Darniati Dimu; Nelman A. WEny
SOPHIA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): SOPHIA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Toraja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34307/sophia.v1i2.9


This article attempts to discover the role of the father in the family. Today's job demands make fathers rarely at home and involved in education. There are even children who live without a biological father. This paper describes the importance of the role of fathers in the family. The investigation uses a phenomenological approach. This approach seeks to see phenomena in the field. Research shows that the father is an essential figure in the family. Not only as a breadwinner. Fathers have a responsibility that is to have a positive impact on children's behaviour. Moreover, a father understands his role in educating children.
Kepribadian Ayub Kalis Stevanus
SOPHIA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): SOPHIA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Toraja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34307/sophia.v1i2.12


Individual personality development is influenced by various factors, there are internal factors and external factors. This paper aims to determine whether a unique life experience, namely suffering, can influence the formation of a person's personality. This study uses a biblical study approach to the story of Job in the book of Ayub with a narrative interpretation method and also uses a literature study approach. It is evident that unpleasant life experiences such as the suffering that befell Job do not change Job's good personality. Job was a godly and honest man; fear Allah and shun evil; a person of sincerity or integrity; an optimist; a generous person; and a man who is loyal to his wife
Rekonstruksi Pemahaman Berkat Berdasarkan Tafsiran Kejadian 12:1-3 Di Gereja Toraja Jemaat Kollo Klasis Tondon Mordica Patandianan
SOPHIA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): SOPHIA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Toraja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34307/sophia.v1i2.13


Blessing is the most important part of life of christians, expecially in Gereja Toraja Jemaat Kollo Klasis Tondon.  Many people assume that Lord’s blessing is just a good things, while the distress, suffering, and other disaster is not a blessing of the Lord. This comprehension also developing in church members of Jemaat Kollo Klasis Tondon. This is inspiring the writer to do research, how theology of Lord’s blessing in Genesis 12:1-3 and how the comprehension that should be owned by church members of Jemaat Kollo Klasis Tondon about Lord’s blessing. The purpose of this study is to know the theology of Lord’s blessing according to the Holy Bible in Genesis 12:1-3 and the comprehension that should be owned by church members based on exegesis Genesis 12:1-3. Writer use historical analysis and background analysis as well as text analysis , and expalin how comprehension of the church member about Lord’s blessing and how the comprehension that should be owned by church members based on exegesis Genesis 12:1-3 with using a qualitative research and study fieldwork.
Kematian Seutuhnya Dalam Pengakuan Gereja Toraja Menurut Pandangan Antropologi Metafisik Wandrio Salewa
SOPHIA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): SOPHIA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Toraja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34307/sophia.v1i2.15


Death is a reality that every human being must experience. In death all human power and effort during his life becomes terminated, meaningless and death stops everything. Even so, humans believe in themselves there is something that is not affected by death, namely the soul, so that only the body experiences death. Whether influenced by philosophical thinking or traditional views. The dead body and the immortal soul contain the notion of a soul containing divine elements. The description in this paper focus on understanding death as a whole using a metaphysical anthropology approach. With the research method of literature study and cursory observations, the result show that humans die completely and live completely. Humans experience death in both body and soul. However, on the other hand, in personal relationships with others, it is found that the body and soul remain intact in the memories of others, even though someone’s person has died. The concept og human death as a whole, in the view of metaphysical anthropology, has similarities with complete death, is the recognition of the Toraja church.   Keywords: Death, Body, Spirit, Metaphysical Anthropology, Wholeness and Unity.
Kitab Suci dan Kegiatan Ekonomi: Perspektif Kitab-kitab Kebijaksanaan Suwarto Adi
SOPHIA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen Vol. 1 No. 2 (2020): SOPHIA: Jurnal Teologi dan Pendidikan Kristen
Publisher : Institut Agama Kristen Negeri Toraja

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.34307/sophia.v1i2.16


This paper aims at elucidating the meaning of economic works from the Scripture, the Christian Bible’s Wisdom Books. Making use of the hermeneutics approach, more particular of Gadamer’s theoretical framework, this paper is to dialogue the meaning of economic works in the past with the modern’s perspective of works. Eventually, there had been a similarity between both meanings of works biblical-based and modern one i.e. if human being wants to be wealthy and meaningful person, in the theological perspective, should make it harmony between a hard and diligent works with the tenets of faith to God. It is based on such an idea, the church could and enabled to develop a theology or ethics of works particularly in the field of economic.

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