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Core Subject : Agriculture,
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Articles 117 Documents
ANALISA KANDUNGAN NITROGEN PADA LAHAN SETELAH PENANAMAN LEGUMINOSAE COVER CROP The Analysis of Nitrogen Element on Soil after Legume Cover Crop Planting Nurlaila
JURNAL AGRIMENT Vol 2 No 2 (2017): Desember 2017
Publisher : Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Samarinda

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The purpose of the research is to analyze element on soil after leguminosae cover crop, increase the nitrogencontent of the soil. The research to implemented at Kebun Percontohan and Soil and Water Laboratory atAgricultural Polytechnic state Samarinda for 4 (four) months. The treatment of this research is the planting withdifference Legume Cover Crop (LCC), 3 (three) level treatment are t0 : before LCC planting; t1 : plantingCalopogonium mucunoides (CM), t2 : planting Centrocema pubescent (CP). The sampel from land that has beenplanted with LCC are analyzed in Soil and Water at Agricultural Polytechnic state Samarinda.The result analysis isN content at t0 is 0,067 %; at t1 is 0,025% and at t2 is 0,017%. That is shows that total N on the soil after plantingtwo LCC is lower than the total N on the land where LCC is no planted, whereas the total N at t1 is almost equalto the total N at t2.
SIFAT FISIK, KIMIA DAN MIKROORGANISME PADA BIOAKTIVATOR MOL KOMBINASI Physical Nature, Chemical and Microorganism on The Combination of MOL Bioaktivator Riama Rita Manullang; Rusmini; Daryono
JURNAL AGRIMENT Vol 2 No 2 (2017): Desember 2017
Publisher : Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Samarinda

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The role of MOL as a basic component of fertilizer, microorganisms not only beneficial to plants are also useful asdecomposers agents of organic materials, agricultural waste, household waste and industry. The rapidly growingdecomposer in organic farming systems is utilizing local microorganisms (MOL). Local microorganisms (MOL) aremicroorganisms that are used as starter in the manufacture of solid organic fertilizer and liquid fertilizer. The mainingredient of MOL consists of several components, namely carbohydrates, glucose, and microorganism sources.This study is based on the amount of untreated fruit waste, banana cultivation waste that is left to accumulatewithout being treated more useful, the golden snail is always considered a pest on crops and cattle rumen arewasted and efforts to overcome dependence on chemical fertilizers and pesticides can be done by increasing therole of microorganisms. The objective of this research is to produce mole solution which can be used as bioactivatorand as organic liquid and microorganism found in mole. . The materials used in the manufacture of MOL are bananasticks, fruit waste, golden snail, cow rumen, cow urine, coconut water, rice laundry water (lery), terasi, brown sugarfor MOL I whereas For MOL II only distinguished by using sugar white. Mole made by fermentation MOL Makingdone in Laboratoriuam Production of State Agricultural Polytechnic of Samarinda. The result of physical observationof the moles performed every day on the 10th day of the mole is already so / ripe based on the followingcharacteristics when kissed mole has no odor or smell of tape, there is a change of color from brown to dark brownand the state of temperature which has stabilized three days in a row. On the surface of the mole there are whitethreads on the surface of the mole. Based on the chemical analysis of nutrients in the mole is still low. As for theidentification of microorganisms in bioactivators in combination MOL I there are 4 types of bacteria, namelyClavibacter, Agrobacterium, Clostridium, Pseudomonas berfluorescens, while for MOL II there are 3 types ofpessimus ie Pseudomonas berkluorescens, Erwinia and Clavibacter
TINGKAT KESUKAAN KONSUMEN TERHADAP TEPUNG DARI BEBERAPA JENIS PISANG DENGAN LAMA PENYIMPANAN BERBEDA Level of Consumer Preference of Flour From Several Types of Bananas With Different Storage Times Rusmini; Ali Sadikin
JURNAL AGRIMENT Vol 2 No 2 (2017): Desember 2017
Publisher : Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Samarinda

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Bananas including fruits are perishable, one way to enhance the value to bananas by processing into flour. Thelayout of the plantations that far with the treatment site causes bananas harvested storage should experiencesome time before it is processed into flour, but still can be processed into flour with good quality. This study aimsto understand the interaction between the types of bananas with storage time, and to determine the type andduration of storage of bananas which have characteristics that best banana flour. This research was conducted atthe Laboratory of Plant Physiology, Laboratory of Agricultural Product Processing and Basic Laboratory UniversityMangkurat Banjarbaru for 4 months. The design environment used in this study is a randomized block design(RAK) while the design of the treatment is the draft Petak Separated (Split-Plot Design) where the main plot is atype of banana (A), which consists of 3 levels, while the subplot is the storage time (B) consisting of 6 level.Bananas (A), which consists of three levels, namely: a1 = Banana Kepok / Descending, a2 = Bananas Cotton anda3 = Banana Awa and retention (B) consisting of six levels ie: b0 = Not saved (0 days), b1 = Saved (1 day), b2 =Saved (2 days), b3 = Saved (3 days), b4 = Saved (4 days) and b5 = Saved (5 days) were tested with non-parametric statistical Kruskal hedonic method -Wallis , The results showed that the organoleptic test by using theKruskal-Wallis analysis of the level of consumer preferences in color, texture and smell indicates that nosignificant effect on the level of consumer preferences. This means, any kind of bananas gives the same effect oneveryone's favorite will be the color, texture and smell of banana flour.
JURNAL AGRIMENT Vol 2 No 1 (2017): Juni 2017
Publisher : Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Samarinda

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The experiment was conducted to know crop type in Sangalaki island in Berau. The experiment was conducted for approximately two month, since on the date of 1 Nopember to 30 Desember 2016. The methods for stocktaking of crop type was directly method that was stocktaking of all crop type residing in Nature Tour Garden area Sangalaki island in Berau with the broadness ± 15,9 Ha.The result of experiment showed that found 41 crop type, they were: Cocos nucifera, Terminalia catappa, Moringa oleifera, Pandanus amaryllifolius, Pandanus tectorius, Calophyllum inophyllum, Canavalia maritima, Derris sp., Pomotia pinnata, Phascolus marinus, Desmodium sp., Pleomclc sp., Dillenia grandifolia, Ficus benjamina, Ficus elastic, Ipomoea pes-caprae, Scaevola sp., Wedelia biflora, Morinda citrifolia, Asplenium nidus L., Barringtonia asiatica, Cassytha filiformis, Spinifex littoreus, Euphorbia atoto, Tournefortia sp., Pandanus amaryllifolius, Polyalthia longifolia, Cyperus rotundus L., Cromolaena sp., Musa sp., Mikania sp., Ocimum basilicum, Crotalaria mucronata, Euphorbia tirucalli L., Euphorbia sp., Scaevola sp., Crynum sp., Cyperus sp., Carica papaya L., Pedilanthus tithymaloidcs an Nephrolepis falcate.
JURNAL AGRIMENT Vol 2 No 1 (2017): Juni 2017
Publisher : Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Samarinda

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This study aims to see the effectiveness of vegetable pesticides from soursop seeds and peppercorns in controlling caterpillar pests that attack palm oil crops. The research was conducted at Soil and Water Laboratory, and in Muara Badak oil palm plantation, the duration of 2 months research from 29 April to 29 June 2017, covering preparation of tools and materials, making and application of vegetable pesticide and data collection.This study used a complete randomized design, consisting of 3 treatment extracts namely control (K0), Soursop seed (K1), and pepper seed (K2), which was repeated 5 times.The results showed that the treatment of vegetable pesticide extract from seeds of soursop and pepper seeds did not give a real effect in controlling caterpillar pests.
JURNAL AGRIMENT Vol 2 No 1 (2017): Juni 2017
Publisher : Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Samarinda

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Coffee is one of the many commodities cultivated in the territory of Indonesia. For centuries, coffee has become a trade ingredient, because coffee can be cooked and processed into a tasty beverage. Coffee breeding is the process of making the seeds grow into ready-to-plant seedlings. Fertilization is useful for improving soil conditions, plays an important role in the growth of robusta coffee seedlings and improves the production of quality and yield. Tanijau organic fertilizer is a fertilizer derived from organic materials, trimming plant leaves, crop residues, manure and other compostable organic waste that is very useful to repair soil damage, maintain ecosystems and soil fertility, and improve plant cell network so that plants can grow well and develop.This research was conducted in Agricultural Polytechnic Agricultural Sector of Agricultural Samarinda. The time used in this study is for 3 months starting from February 5, 2017 to May 5, 2017, the purpose of this study is to measure the height of coffee seedlings fertilized using organic fertilizer Tanijau brand and to determine the appropriate dose for the growth of coffee seedlings, this research is 3 treatment as follows: K0 : without fertilizer (control), K1 : Tanijau fertilizer with a dose of 0.5 kg, K2 : Tanijau fertilizer with dose of 1 kg, Furthermore, each treatment on coffee seedlings was repeated 10 times. So the number of plants is 30 plants.The results showed that plant height on treatment of K2 (1 kg / polybag) gave better effect, the largest and most can be seen at week 3, week 6, week 9: 6,56 cm, 15,98 cm and 13.5 cm. The exact dose used in this study is the treatment of K2 with a dose of 1kg / polybag
JURNAL AGRIMENT Vol 2 No 1 (2017): Juni 2017
Publisher : Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Samarinda

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Research of exploiting of grass as compost for the fertility of soil of ex- stone dig with crop test of cocoa (Theobroma Cacao L.) discussed in this article. Target of this research is to know element content of hara at made compost, do the compost with quality and can repair fertility of soil of ex- stone dig with crop test of kakao. Compost made of chopped grass materials then enhanced with activator of EM4. Materials compost included into coarse bag then bound and its underside is given hole to conduct water. During process of compost, coarse bag put down above dry pallet and given wings of to avoid sunshine and rainwater. Process of compost during 14 day. Compost told to mature or become if black compost colour, aroma like ground aroma, crumb tekstur, normal temperature (equal to room temperature), and value of C/N ratio about 20 - 30. Result of research indicate that yielded compost with quality goodness, seen from result of chemical analysis show content of C/N compost 7,6, pH ( H2O) 6,86, pH ( KCl) 6,78 and element content of hara complete micro and macro. While soil of ex- stone dig given by treatment of compost also show result of good chemical analysis. Proven so that compost can repair fertility of soil of ex- stone dig. Crop parameter show different result of reality at all of high good parameter of crop, amount of leaf, bar diameter ( age 2, 4, 6, 8 week after moving to plant) and wide of leaf by the end of perception show treatment of stone dig soil with addition of compost (Kp) better than pure stone dig soil without treatment (K0).
JURNAL AGRIMENT Vol 2 No 1 (2017): Juni 2017
Publisher : Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Samarinda

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Patchouli nilam is a shrub which is widely cultivated and has a fairly high economic value of the benefits of this plant has a fairly good benefits compared with other shrubs.This study aims to measure the growth of plant height and the number of leaves on patchouli crops (Pogostemon cablin Benth) by giving different concentrations of organic fertilizer. This research was conducted for 2 months, covering preparation, execution and data retrieval. This research was carried out in the Samarinda State Agricultural Polyngogy area.The study consisted of 3 treatments and 15 replicates, the total patchouli cuttings total of 45 cuttings, the treatment consisted of P0 (Control / No treatment), P1 (10 ml Liquid Shrimp / Liquid Water), P2 (20 ml Liquid Fertilizer Shou / l water). The data taken consist of plant height and number of leaves on patchouli crops.The results showed that the treatment of P2 (20 ml of Feng Shou / l water liquid fertilizer) at the age of 2 MST, 4 MST and 6 MST highest growth was 23.55 cm, 27.23 cm and 30.87 cm. The highest number of leaf cuttings in P2 treatment can be seen at age 2 MST, 4 MST and 6 MST were 5.07 strands, 7.87 strands and 11.13 strands
JURNAL AGRIMENT Vol 2 No 1 (2017): Juni 2017
Publisher : Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Samarinda

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Banana peel is a lot of waste material, which is 1/3 of unpeeled bananas. In general, this banana fruit skin has not been exploited only thrown as a mere waste. This causes a loss, it would be nice if the banana peel can be utilized into something of economic value by processing it into organic compost fertilizer. This study only 1 treatment that is 5 kg banana kepok + 0,5 kg chicken manure + 10 cc EM-4 + 1 liter water. From the results of physical observation in this study compost process that has been mature black, this research crumbs time required in the composting process that is for 13 days by observing the color and smell of compost is odorless but smelly soil. At the time of composting shrinkage occurs, at the beginning of the manufacture of raw material compost 5 kg after mature compost shrinkage so that the final weight of compost 3 kg. While the chemical compost fertilizer already meets the Standards of Organic Fertilizer based on Regulation of the Minister of Agriculture no. 70 / Permentan / SR.140 / 10/2011 are N-Total 1.44%, P2O5 0.75%, K2O 9.45% and Fe 5288.44%.
JURNAL AGRIMENT Vol 2 No 1 (2017): Juni 2017
Publisher : Politeknik Pertanian Negeri Samarinda

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This research was aimed to investigate household practices of waste management in Malinau Regency, and local perception toward municipality waste management service. The results show that, in term of practices, the citizens has been aware on the importance of sanitation, although the implementation still needs improvement. Most respondents claimed that they don’t litter, yet it is visibly shown by the state of the rivers, in which floating pile of waste could be easily found. Littering is also common in public facilities such as market. Citizens of Kota Malinau also hasn’t yet established comunal/collective waste management. On positive note, citizens has already practiced solid waste sorting and reusing for animal feeding purpose. Apparently it is common in Malinau to utilize leftover food and kitchen waste for feeding livestock animals. In addition, schools in Malinau has pionereed in establishing organized waste management. In regard of municipality waste management, the citizens’ concern is more emphasized on the insufficient number of proper public waste bins and the ineffectiveness of collecting schedule from municipality. As part of waste management development in Kota Malinau, municipality needs to be actively educate people, since in waste management that complies with 3R (Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle) principle, households are required to perform proper waste sorting.

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