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Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature
ISSN : 2581060X     EISSN : 27466922     DOI : 10.30631/aluslub
Core Subject : Education,
Focus and Scope This journal is published by the Department of Language and Arabic Literature Faculty of Adab and Humanities UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, both print and online editions. This journal aims to mamunculkan work of quality research based on actual and original data that contribute to lecturers, teachers, researchers and observers of Linguistics, Literature, and Arabic civilization. From the aspect of Linguistics is expected to be able to display an analysis of the concept / theory and structure of Arabic linguistics and its branches. As well as from the aspect of Arab literature and civilization is expected to be raised Arab literary analysis and civilization in a comprehensive and quality. This journal encompasses original research articles, review articles, and short communications, including: Arabic Linguistic Arabic Literature Arabic History History of Arabic Education Strategy of Arabic Teaching Arabic Islamic Culture Media of Arabic Teaching Technology of Arabic Teaching Modern Standard Arabic Arabic Second Language Acquisition Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language
Articles 7 Documents
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Al Karamu fī Syi’ri ‘Urwa Ibn Al-Ward (Dirāsatun Waṣfiyyatun Taḥlīliyyatun) Haruna, Haruna Abubakar
Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature Vol 4 No 02 (2020): Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature
Publisher : Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30631/al-uslub.v4i02.54


This paper: the generosity in the urwa ibn war'd poetry descriptive-analytical study. contains the nobility of humanity in the urwa's of saalik poetry, the paper also concentrates on urwa's generosity and liberality, it contains four major points, the first point is about the theoretical framework-the concept of generosity which is openhandedness, giving and feeding nicely. the second point is generosity between jahiliyyah and Islam, thus, we realized it's the role and wonderful impact in the Arab societies, even though generosity become the link for collaboration between ethic groups of Arab poor and wealthy people through social activities. it also discusses about the personality of urwa in the third and fourth point of the paper describing his popularity, nobility, and knighthood, the urwa ibn war'd listed among the most remarkable people, loved and influential hero in the jahiliyyah period. thus, he's the best of his kind and open-handedness to poor, leniency and sympathy to weakly handicaps, and daily favor to patients. impact the urwa assemble all sense of honor and specifications of generosity, donations, courage, chastity and nobility, right protection, impact he become honorable and he promoted (saalaka) and convert it to nobility.
Ta’ṡīri al ‘Ughniati al ‘Arabiyyati li Tasyjī’i Ta’allumi al Lughati al ‘Arabiyyati ‘inda al Talāmīżi fī Rauḍati al Aṭfāli “Almīrā” fī Aur Duri Madīnati Jāmbi Ferty, Feila Deo; Sudiarti, Sri
Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature Vol 4 No 02 (2020): Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature
Publisher : Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30631/al-uslub.v4i02.55


The purpose of this study is to: 1) look at the influence of Arabic songs on the spirit of learning Arabic as well as improve the ability of Arabic children with song method 2) to know the change in attitude that occurs towards Arabic language songs with Arabic language songs 3) students can react well to the meaning of Arabic language songs given. This research is very useful in analyzing solid types of literature for psychological problems. Songs and music have a strong relationship with psychological circumstances. The type of research used is qualitative research. Can be inferred from the results of this study :1) Arabic songs can increase the spirit of learning Arabic in children 2) students are motivated and more spirit Arabic language with song methods as well as songs give knowledge about behavior.
Istikhdāmu Qāmūsi al Arabiyyati al ‘Āmati fī Tarjamati al Kutubi al ‘Arabiyyati ‘inda Ṭullabi al Jāmi’ati al Ḥukūmiyyati Jāmbi Patela, Rekson; Fahri, Ismail
Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature Vol 4 No 02 (2020): Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature
Publisher : Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30631/al-uslub.v4i02.56


In the Arabic language department in Jambi, there is an Arabic book translation activity that is done using Arabic dictionaries to know the meaning and Improve The Ability and Advice in using the dictionary. The activity of learning the procedure of opening a dictionary, searching for specific vocabulary and sentences by using dictionaries in the translation process. The targets/respondents of this study were students majoring in Arabic Language and Satra who were in Jambi college in The Class/Semester III and V. Data collection techniques by disseminating questionnaires, Observations, And Interviews. Data Analysis is done qualitatively. The results of this study found the difficulty and ease of Students in using Arabic dictionaries and Providing Improvement, knowledge, and advice to students on how to use dictionaries as translation tools for Arabic books. Through this research, the activity is intended as an Evaluation of The Proficiency of Arabic Language Students in Using dictionaries as translation tools. Thus, the result of the study is to know the establishment of students in using dictionaries as a translation tool for Arabic books
Taḥlīlu al Kalimati al ‘Arabiyyati li Muhādaṡati al Lughawiyyati ‘inda al Talāmīżi fī Ma’hadi ‘Arafati li al Tarbiyyati al Islāmiyyati al Hadīṡati Sungai Penuh Iqbal, Muhammad; Buska, Wahyudi
Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature Vol 4 No 02 (2020): Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature
Publisher : Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30631/al-uslub.v4i02.57


The objectives of this study are to: 1) see the mistakes of the students in using Arabic when speaking in everyday life, 2) take the wrong words in using Arabic by these students, 3) analyze the wrong Arabic words and look for the Arabic words that are wrong. right. The type of research used is field research with analytic descriptive qualitative methods, the data collected is the pictures of the words and not numbers. It can be concluded from the results of this study: 1) Arabic words that are wrong in speaking due to the environment, 2) The environment can influence loan words in Arabic which results in incorrect pronunciation such as قبيح "Qobiihun" to "qobeh", 3) Because of the boarding school Modern arafah is in kerinci and kerinci has many languages ​​and accents such as "water" becomes "ayae" and 4) students who speak Arabic have a kerinci accent such as مفي "mafii" to "mappi".
Al Auzānu fī ‘Urūḍi Syi’ri al Nabawiyyati li al Imām al Bar’i (Dirāsatun Taḥlīliyyatun fī ‘ilmi al ‘Arūḍi) Cakra Borti, Dwi Bima; M. Daud, Izzat
Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature Vol 4 No 02 (2020): Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature
Publisher : Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30631/al-uslub.v4i02.59


Imam Al-Bur'i's An-Nabawiyyah poem consists of 43 verses, which contain anxiety, hope and strangeness in his heart as well as praise for the Prophet Muhammad. In this thesis discussion, the author discusses the wazan and bahar and the benefits found in the An-nabawiyyah poem by Imam Al-Bur'i The purpose of this discussion is to know the wazan 'arudh and bahar 'arudh and the benefits found in this Shia An-Nabawiyyah by Imam Al-Bur'i. This research uses a qualitative approach or library method that is a method of data collection with documentation methods through books, journals, and other literature related to this research with the aim of establishing a theory foundation. The data analysis used is a descriptive analysis that is an analysis technique used to analyze the data by describing the data that has been collected without any intention of making generalisasai from the results of the study.The results of this study show that the wazan and bahar arudh found in this An-Nabawiyyah poem are bahar Towil with wazan fa'ulun-mafa'iylun-fa'ulun-mafa'iylun 2x. and there are also some changes in wazan namely zihaf and illal in imam Bur'i's an-nabawiyyah poem.
Al Saj’u fī Sūrati al Jinni (Dirāsatun fī ‘ilmi al Badī’i) Wahyuni, Rahmi Fitri; Yusuf, Muhammad
Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature Vol 4 No 02 (2020): Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature
Publisher : Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30631/al-uslub.v4i02.60


The purpose of this research is: 1) To know the kinds of sajak contained in surah Al-Jinn 2) To know the specificity of the sajak contained in surah Al-Jinn. The type of research used is Pustaka Study. It can be inferred from the results of this study:1) The sajak contained in Surah Al-Jinn there are two kinds namely Sajak Mutarraf and sajak mutawazzi، of which mutarraf has as many as 8 fashilah and Sajak Mutawazzi as many as 7 fashilah. 2) The Specificity of The Sajak in Surah Al-Jinn; 1) Provide its own secrets in its beauty and tone. 2) Provide similarities between 1 faqroh and faqroh faqroh which differ in terms of length. 3) Distinguished by absence in word repetition، abstaining from boredom for the reader 4) Fostering an idea that can be set in a thought for repetition used in each of them
Qudratu al Ṭullābi alā Nuṭqi Mufradāti al Lughati al ‘Arabiyyati bi al Madrasati al ‘Āliyati al Ḥukūmiyyati Jāmbi Prihartini, Yogia; Wahyudi, Hakmi
Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature Vol 4 No 02 (2020): Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature
Publisher : Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30631/al-uslub.v4i02.61


The purpose of this study was to determine the ability of students to express vocabulary to understand language, both through hearing and writing, and to be able to express their thoughts and feelings, both orally and in writing, as well as to determine student achievement in learning Arabic in Islamic Senior High Schools MAN of Jambi. This research methodology is characterized by qualitative descriptive and data collection methods are observation methods, interview methods, and documents. Data analysis includes field analysis, classification analysis, and combined analysis. The results of this study include: First, student motivation to learn Arabic at Islamic Senior High Schools MAN of Jambi is still very low. Second, the researcher found that most of the students had little interest in the lessons the Arabic teacher gave in front of the class. This is proof that students are not serious about taking lessons, some leave class and some are left behind when the teacher explains the material in front of the class, when the teacher asks the material presented, they do not understand the Arabic vocabulary material. If instructing students to read, most of them cannot read because of the students' weak pronunciation and understanding of Arabic vocabulary. Third, the factors that influence interest in learning Arabic include two factors, namely internal and external factors. As for the teacher's efforts to increase student motivation and ability in understanding Arabic vocabulary in Islamic Senior High Schools MAN Jambi by creating direct learning using mobile phones, learning materials are attached to the sophistication of communication tools and social media.

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