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Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature
ISSN : 2581060X     EISSN : 27466922     DOI : 10.30631/aluslub
Core Subject : Education,
Focus and Scope This journal is published by the Department of Language and Arabic Literature Faculty of Adab and Humanities UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi, both print and online editions. This journal aims to mamunculkan work of quality research based on actual and original data that contribute to lecturers, teachers, researchers and observers of Linguistics, Literature, and Arabic civilization. From the aspect of Linguistics is expected to be able to display an analysis of the concept / theory and structure of Arabic linguistics and its branches. As well as from the aspect of Arab literature and civilization is expected to be raised Arab literary analysis and civilization in a comprehensive and quality. This journal encompasses original research articles, review articles, and short communications, including: Arabic Linguistic Arabic Literature Arabic History History of Arabic Education Strategy of Arabic Teaching Arabic Islamic Culture Media of Arabic Teaching Technology of Arabic Teaching Modern Standard Arabic Arabic Second Language Acquisition Teaching Arabic as a Foreign Language
Articles 7 Documents
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Asālibu al Ikhtibārāti fi al Madārisi al Dīniyyati bi Manṭiqati Pitigala fī Syarqi Sri Lanka (Dirāsatun Taḥlīliyyatun Waṣfiyyatun) Rasheed, A. Abdul; Mohideen, H.L.Meera
Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature Vol 5 No 01 (2021): Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature
Publisher : Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30631/al-uslub.v5i01.96


Testing is an important step in the learning and teaching process. It has an important role in evaluating the teacher's duty and facilitating learners to express their opinions during and after the learning and teaching process. Arabic colleges in Sri Lanka are private institutes that do not have a proper curriculum, each following separate curricula. So, the methods of testing differ according to the curricula of these schools. It should be given attention in the field of research in order to achieve educational objectives. This study seeks to identify a best test and its importance in the field of teaching Arabic to non-native speakers and to identify Arabic colleges in Batticaloa District, East Sri Lanka, and also describes the evaluation methods used at Jamiathul Falah Arabic College in Kattankudy as a sample. The two researchers used the descriptive approach and the analytical method to complete this study and to reach the required results. They also carried out extrapolation and the library method to collect academic and cultural information, and used the interview as a tool for collecting information. The study found that schools in Batticaloa district conduct the weekly and the quarterly tests and follow different and varied forms in setting question papers. Jamiathul Falah Arabic College is distinguished by its tests, as it follows appropriate methods and good curricula according to students and their educational levels, the individual differences and concerning best methods in all its tests, such as objective type and others
Taḥlīlu Ma’āniy Kalimati al Jihādi fī Aḥādiṡi Ṣaḥiḥi al Bukhāri Yusuf, Muhammad; Nurlaily, Nurlaily
Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature Vol 5 No 01 (2021): Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature
Publisher : Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30631/al-uslub.v5i01.97


The purpose of this study is to: find out the sentence jihad in the sahih bukhori hadith and parts of the jihad sentence in the sahih bukhori hadith, and to be able to find out what the meaning of the jihad sentence in the sahih bukhori hadith is. This type of research is qualitative in nature and the data sources used in this study are taken from library materials such as books, books, journals, and other types of library sources, which are related to hadiths about jihad. The data collection technique used is the Data Analysis Technique, the author uses a descriptive method, to analyze the research data, namely by: The researcher reads several hadiths on the theme of jihad, the researcher chooses sentences that contain jihad in the hadith about jihad, the researcher collects the hadiths that contain the sentence jihad, Researchers classify the types of jihad from the book of hadith Sahih Bukhari. The findings of this study are in accordance with the data that has been collected that the meaning of the sentence jihad in the sahih bukhori hadith is not only about war against infidels but in the book it also explains about fighting lust, fighting polytheists, and fighting wrongdoers. And so is the wisdom of each of these hadiths that they are different and need to be assisted with syarah from the Sahih bukhori hadith book so that there are no mistakes in the wisdom
Taḥlīlu Uslūbi al Insyā’i wa al Khabari fī Syi’ri al Raṡā’i “Falā Yub’idannaka Allāhu” li al Khansā’i (Dirāsatun Taḥlīliyyatun fī ‘Ilmi al Ma’āni) Danil, Muhammad; Mahendra, Ahdiyat
Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature Vol 5 No 01 (2021): Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature
Publisher : Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30631/al-uslub.v5i01.99


The purpose of this study is to describe and find out the meaning of (1) the meaning of uslub insya’i and uslub khabari (2) The kinds of uslub insya’i thalabi in the ritsa poem by Al Khansa (3) the sentence of poem containing uslub khabari in the ritsa poem by Al Khansa (4) the purpose of revealing the poem of ritsa by Al Khansa. The methodused in this research is descriptive qualitative. In the rhyme of ritsa poem (falayubidannaka Allah) by Al Khansa, there are 14 kinds of uslub insy’i thalabi including: 1. Amar 2. Istifham 3. Tamnni 4. Annida. While the sentences containing uslub khabari in Al Khansa’s rhyme (falayubidannaka Allah) poem are 34 sentences including: 1. Uslub khabari ibtida’i 2. Uslub khabari thalabi and has one of the following goals: 1. For faidatul khabar and 2. Lazimul faidah and has a context meaning purpose including: 1. Izhar dha’fi 2. Izhar tahassur. As for the purpose of the disclosure of poetry ritsa by Al Khansa including 1. Al-madah 2. Al-hamasah.
Taḥlīlu al ‘Anāṣiri al Dākhiliyyati fī filmi al Rasūmi al Mutaḥarrikati Kung Fu Panda 2008 li Atan Reeve wa Cyrus Forese Wijaya, Rivaldi Andi; Buska, Wahyudi
Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature Vol 5 No 01 (2021): Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature
Publisher : Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30631/al-uslub.v5i01.100


The purpose of this study was to determine the intrinsic elements (theme, plot, characters and characterizations, setting, point of view of the story) in the 2008 animated film Kung Fu Panda directed by Melissa Cobb, and to find out the values ​​contained in the animated film. The type of research used is qualitative research. The research data source is the animated film Kung Fu Panda 2008 in English and using Arabic translation by Shimaa Adel. The object of this research is the intrinsic elements in the 2008 animated film Kung Fu Panda published by the website and the values ​​contained in the animated film. The method used to analyze the data is a description of the analysis. The results of the analysis of the intrinsic elements and values ​​contained in the 2008 film Kung Fu Panda. The theme contained in this film is struggle. The plot contained in this film is a mixed plot. The characters in this film are Poo, Tai Lung, Grand Master Oogway, Master Shifu, Tigress, Viper, Monkey, Mantis, Crane, Tuan Ping, Zeng, Commander Vachir. The setting in this film is a valley of peace. The point of view used in this film is in the first person, namely Po. The values ​​contained in this film are sincerity to achieve goals, patience over obstacles, suggestions to help each other.
Ta’līmu al Mahārati al Kitābati fī Qismi al Lughati al Arabiyyati bi Istikhdāmi Tarkībi al Maḥfūẓāti Yul, Widiya; D.S., Muhammad Ridha; Ghozi, Mohamad
Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature Vol 5 No 01 (2021): Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature
Publisher : Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30631/al-uslub.v5i01.101


The writer produces it by generating ideas, formulating and organizing them, and then putting them in the final form on paper, and it is a type of language skill that must be achieved in teaching Arabic. Given the importance and function of language as a communication tool, learning to write the Arabic language becomes very important because it is used in indirect communication that requires special attention by teachers or interested parties.Writing skills that do not fit into practice become one of the factors that lack students' writing skill but are not fully implemented. Arranging idea, opinion and experience in a series of organized, systematic and logical written languages is not an easy task but a job that requires continuous practice, through teaching writing skill using archival structure is one of the methods used to achieve the set goals.
Al Saj’u fī Kitābi al Ḍiyā’i al Lāmi’i (Dirāsatun fī ‘Ilmi al Badī’i) Litasari, Desi; Fahri, Ismail
Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature Vol 5 No 01 (2021): Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature
Publisher : Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30631/al-uslub.v5i01.102


This study aims to find out the kinds of things in the addiyaullami book, to know the purpose of the poems in the addiyaullami book. This research was conducted using a qualitative method with a descriptive approach. The data source of this research is the addiyaullami' book. Data collection techniques used are reading and note-taking techniques. The type of research used is literature review. There are two sources of data used, the first primary data source used is the book addiyaullami 'by Habib Umar bin Muhammad bin Salim bin Hafidz bin Sheikh bin Abi Bakri bin Salim. Meanwhile, the secondary data sources used are books and journals related to the topic of this research. The results of this study indicate that there are rhyme three kinds of 'addiyaullami', namely 'mutorrof, rhyme muttawazi and rhyme murasa' whichever mutorof there are as many as thirty fasilah then alone mutawazi there are eight fasilah and rhyme murassa' there is as much as one fasilah. Rhyme the most' are 'muttorofs and all types rhyme that were studied amounted to rhyme thirty-nine. Then the purpose of the poems in the addiyaullami' book contains thirty-one al-maddah, five al-fahri, thirteen al-hikmah, one al-i'tidzar, one al-hamasah, one al-wasfi. and al-Hamasah as much as one.
Musykilatu al Mudarrisi fī Ta’līmi al Lughati al ‘Arabiyyati bi al Madrasati al ‘Āliyati al Islāmiyyati al Ḥukūmiyyati Jāmbi Prihartini, Yogia; Wahyudi, Hakmi
Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature Vol 5 No 01 (2021): Al-Uslub: Journal of Arabic Linguistic and Literature
Publisher : Jurusan Bahasa dan Sastra Arab Fakultas Adab dan Humaniora UIN Sulthan Thaha Saifuddin Jambi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30631/al-uslub.v5i01.103


The teaching profession is considered one of the important professions in any civilized people, and teaching Arabic in a non-Arab environment, as is the case in Indonesia, requires rehabilitation, training, and development. It starts from the previous stage of teaching in the Arabic language departments, whether in the College of Education or the College of Arts in Indonesian universities. During the teacher's work period, he continues to teach this noble language. The reality of teaching Arabic in Indonesia faces many problems, the most important of which are the linguistic weakness of Arabic language learners, the difficulty of creating an Arabic environment, the lack of books and literature in teaching Arabic, the lack of educational aids to teach Arabic in the existing curricula. The teacher is the reservation on the basis in any educational process. The existence of a good curriculum will be sterile without the availability of a skilled teacher, and teaching Arabic to non-native speakers is an area that requires linguistic, professional, psychological, and social capabilities that are rarely available to one person from the teachers, as language teachers Arabic in Islamic schools, and even in Islamic universities is often either a specialist in teaching a language who is not good at it, or a glorified one for a language who is not specialized in teaching it to non-native speakers, and we rarely see the presence of a linguistically glorified Arabic teacher who is familiar with the methods of teaching Arabic.

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