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International Journal of Health, Economics, and Social Sciences (IJHESS)
ISSN : -     EISSN : 26856689     DOI : 10.31934/ijhess
nternational Journal of Health, Economics, and Social Sciences (IJHESS) is a peer-reviewed electronic international journal. This statement clarifies ethical behaviour of all parties involved in the act of publishing an article in this journal, including the author, the chief editor, the Editorial Board, the Peer-reviewer­­­­­ and the Publisher Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu. Aims and Scope International Journal of Health, Economics, and Social Sciences (IJHESS): Public health, economics, Anthropology, sociology, geography, history, environmental studies, business, administration, political science, cultural studies, ethnography.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 261 Documents
Implementation of the Assistance Policy for Building Livable Homes to Improve the Welfare of Low-Income Communities Eris Diansyah; Siti Hajar; Obed Bida
International Journal of Health, Economics, and Social Sciences (IJHESS) Vol. 5 No. 4: October 2023
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56338/ijhess.v5i4.4070


This research assistance aims to identify and analyze the implementation of livable housing development policies in improving the welfare of low-income people in Gayo Lues District, Aceh Province, and explore the factors that hinder the performance of these policies. This research was conducted on stakeholders at the Housing and Settlement Area Office of Gayo Lues Regency and the community with a total of 5 (five) research subjects using purposive sampling with the consideration that informants had complete and relevant information by the research objectives. The method used in this research is descriptive with qualitative analysis. Data collection was obtained from interviews, observation, and documentation studies analyzed data using Interactive Model Analysis, namely data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions. The results of the research conducted were tested using Charles O Jones's theory, namely (1) Organizing, (2) Interpretation, and (3) Application. The results of the research analysis show that the Implementation of Livable Housing Development Assistance Policies in Improving the Welfare of Low-Income Communities in Gayo Lues Regency, Aceh Province, has been implemented but has not run optimally because it still faces several obstacles, including from (1). In aspects of community organizing where they do not know the implementing structure, human resources are still minimal in quantity, financial resources in the form of a budget are also still minimal, the community does not know the completeness of the requirements file, and community support is still low in the program, namely only moral support, (2) Aspects interpretation related to socialization that has not been carried out thoroughly to the community, limited assistance and political influence and power in setting priority scales for beneficiaries, and technical instructions that the provisions have not fully implemented, (3) Implementation Aspect regarding the unavailability of standard SOPs, not there is information or explanation from the executor relating to the implementation of the program to the community and there is no definite schedule for the implementation of activities.
Density Identification of Rats and Fleas (Xenopsylla Cheopis) as the Biological Vector of Plague at the Central Market of Gorontalo City Tri Septian Maksum; Sarinah Basri K.; Putri Ayuningtias Mahdang
International Journal of Health, Economics, and Social Sciences (IJHESS) Vol. 5 No. 4: October 2023
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56338/ijhess.v5i4.4142


Rat are a reservoir for bubonic plague, as well as a host for ectoparasites of the flea type (Xenopsylla cheopis) as the main biological vector that contributes to the transmission of bubonic plague. Traditional markets are one of the places where rats can be found in quite high numbers. This study aims to determine the density of rats and the presence of fleas (Xenopsylla cheopis) in rats at the Gorontalo City Central Market. The type of research used in this research is descriptive quantitative. The samples were rats caught using mouse traps which were spread at 10 points for 3 days and fleas (Xenopsylla cheopis) that lived on rats. The data is presented using tables and then analyzed descriptively The results showed that the density of rats at the Gorontalo City Central Market was 60%, meaning that it was classified as high density (exceeding the Environmental Health Quality Standards according to Permenkes No. 50 of 2017, namely > 5%). The density of fleas (Xenopsylla cheopis) at the Gorontalo City Central Market is 0.116, meaning that it does not have the potential to transmit bubonic plague (under the Environmental Health Quality Standard according to Permenkes No.50 of 2017, namely <1). It is suggested to market managers be able to control the rat vector using physical control in the form of setting traps and chemical control in the form of administering rat poison, as well as improving the environment around the market to reduce the rat population.
Marketing Strategy Analysis of Savings Products at BRI TBK Pesero Kasimbar Unit, Parigi Moutong Regency Sirajudin; Salmiati; Niluh Siti Aprilianti
International Journal of Health, Economics, and Social Sciences (IJHESS) Vol. 5 No. 4: October 2023
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56338/ijhess.v5i4.4185


This research aims to determine and analyze the marketing strategy for savings products at Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk. Pesero Unit Kasimbar Parigi Moutong Regency. In development, it is an adequate asset, and the financing is much more perfect, as well as third-party funds that have been growing over time. BRI tbk pesero unit kasimbar parigi moutong district to find out that the marketing strategy for customer savings can be seen in the data on savers every year from 2018 - 2019 - 2020 proves that the data on savers has increased for three consecutive years, meaning that people's interest in saving is relatively high at Bank Rakyat Indonesia Tbk pesero Kasimbar Unit, Parigi Moutong Regency. Services for Simpedes savings products and Britama savings, which can be used in a person's process, can be done anywhere at Bank Rakyat Indonesia Kasimbar Unit. Such as ATMs, which can be used in places already prepared by the Indonesian People's Bank. Of course, they can be seen in strategic locations as the hope of customers in taking or transferring to other banks and are electronic services ready to provide in the form of services or the state of payment transactions between different banks to control digitalized information and adhere to banking regulations. There are significant differences among the three savings types, meaning that the percentage can be seen in the number of customers from 2018 - 2020. It can be seen that Simpede's savings is 39%. Meanwhile, Britama savings are 33% while deposit savings are 28%, proving that the percentage of the three types of Simpedes savings is much higher.
Innovation and Company Performance Nursiah; Jamaludin Kamrudin
International Journal of Health, Economics, and Social Sciences (IJHESS) Vol. 5 No. 4: October 2023
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56338/ijhess.v5i4.4186


This paper aims to study and explain the influence of innovation on the performance of medium-sized companies in central Sulawesi by using sampling techniques and non-probability sampling, namely purposive sampling. Data processing uses path analysis. The research results show the influence of innovation directly and indirectly on company performance. This shows the importance of the medium-scale manufacturing industry to be innovative and produce high-quality products to improve company performance.
Analysis of Information Technology-Based Knowledge at the Palu City Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Service Haris abd. Kadir; Sarifuddin. T; Rasmi Nur Anggraeni; Ni Luh Liani Puspa Dewi
International Journal of Health, Economics, and Social Sciences (IJHESS) Vol. 5 No. 4: October 2023
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56338/ijhess.v5i4.4212


This research aims to describe information technology-based knowledge at the Palu City Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Service. This research is a quantitative descriptive study with a research population of 58 people and a sample of 37 people using the Slovin formula with an error rate of 10%. The data analysis technique uses quantitative descriptive analysis with the frequency table method. As for the results obtained from Variable utilize information technology well, the indicator score value is 4.33 with interpretation (Very Good), while the results from variable Y are accepted with an average score value for the state civil servant variable of 4.36, so it can be seen that the existing resources The Palu City Women's and Children's Empowerment Service is excellent and can be used for agency development because the responsibilities and performance produced by employees are practical and efficient, with the indicator score obtained being 4.36 with an interpretation of (Very Good), with research results showing that information technology-based knowledge has been implemented at the Palu City Women's Empowerment and Child Protection Service.
An Analysis of the English Speaking Anxiety at the Eleventh-Grade Students of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Palu Suratul Marsela; Andi Naniwarsih
International Journal of Health, Economics, and Social Sciences (IJHESS) Vol. 5 No. 4: October 2023
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56338/ijhess.v5i4.4213


An Analysis of the English-Speaking Anxiety of the Eleventh-Grade Students of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Palu. This research aims to discover the factors that cause the eleventh-grade students of SMK Muhammadiyah 1 Palu to feel anxious about speaking English. This research employs a descriptive-qualitative design. In collecting data, the researchers used interviews and questionnaires. The data analysis is data reduction, data display, and data verification. From the data analysis, the research found the factors that cause students to feel anxious when speaking English: fear of being laughed at by others, mispronunciation, lack of vocabulary, fear of making mistakes, fear of speaking in public, lack of self-confidence, and low language skills.
Bell’s Palsy Ruslan Ramlan Ramli; Stanley Sesar Tjahjadi
International Journal of Health, Economics, and Social Sciences (IJHESS) Vol. 5 No. 4: October 2023
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56338/ijhess.v5i4.4214


Bell's Palsy is defined as acute facial nerve paralysis affecting one side, with unknown causes. The cause of Bell's Palsy itself is upper respiratory tract viral infection, inflammation, autoimmune and ischemic. However, if no specific cause can be identified, this condition is known as bell's palsy which is caused by inflammation or nerve damage. Often the eye on the affected side cannot be closed, the nasolabial folds and forehead lines disappear. Corticosteroids have been found to improve Bell's palsy when used early, while anti-viral drugs have not shown many signs of improvement 10 days after onset, even without treatment. This article aims to review Bell's Palsy, especially its pathophysiology. The level of severity determines the healing process for Bell's Palsy.
Analysis of Ability and Motivation in Improving the Performance of Cooperative Managers of Republic of Indonesia Employees in Palu City Nur Hilal; Hariyanto R. Djatola
International Journal of Health, Economics, and Social Sciences (IJHESS) Vol. 5 No. 4: October 2023
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56338/ijhess.v5i4.4219


The Law on Cooperatives emphasizes the strategic role of cooperatives in creating a just, prosperous, and prosperous society. Cooperatives are considered to be able to function as the backbone of the national economy as well as to grow and develop the people's economic potential and realize a democratic, economic life that is characterized by democracy, autonomy, participation, openness, and a social character (togetherness and kinship). Performance is related to absenteeism, work morale, complaints, or vital agency problems. Managers are one of the most important production factors in a cooperative. How difficult would it be for the Republic of Indonesia Employee Cooperative (KPRI) to achieve its goals? They are the ones who determine the progress and decline of the Republic of Indonesia Employee Cooperative (KPRI) by having skilled workers with high motivation. The Republic of Indonesia Employee Cooperative (KPRI) has costly assets because humans are the subject and object of development, which is a significant factor, especially since improving the quality of human resources is the main priority. This research aims to determine and analyze the abilities, motivation, and performance of the Republic of Indonesia Employee Cooperative Managers in Palu City. This research is descriptive. Questionnaires were distributed to 45 people managing the Republic of Indonesia Employee Cooperative in Palu City. The analytical tool used in this research is descriptive analysis. Based on the study and discussion, the ability, motivation, and performance of the Republic of Indonesia Employee Cooperative Managers in Palu City are excellent.
The Effects of Product Quality, Price, and Product Design on Purchasing Decisions (Study on Electric Motorcycle Owners in Purwokerto) Alfalisyado; Totok Haryanto
International Journal of Health, Economics, and Social Sciences (IJHESS) Vol. 5 No. 4: October 2023
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56338/ijhess.v5i4.4220


This study analyzes the effect of product quality, price, and design on purchasing decisions. The approach used in this research is quantitative. To obtain data from respondents, researchers used purposive random sampling technique. The roscoe approach was used in this study. The questionnaire was distributed to 100 respondents. The analysis used by researchers is multiple linear regression analysis using SPSS version 25. The results of this study are product quality, price, and product design partially have a positive and significant effect on purchasing decisions. t-statistic of product quality is 2.449 and a significance value of 0.016. in addition, t-statistic of price is 3.963 with significance value 0.000. lastly t-statistic of product design is 2.276 with a significance value 0.025.
The Effect of Digital Marketing on Increasing Sales Volume of Msmes In Makassar City Syamsul Riyadi; Mujahid Mujahid; Nasyirah Nurdin; Fitrah Aritama
International Journal of Health, Economics, and Social Sciences (IJHESS) Vol. 5 No. 4: October 2023
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Palu

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56338/ijhess.v5i4.4221


Marketing is any system or association that facilitates the market. Transactions that seek to satisfy human wants and desires are at the heart of marketing. Population used in This research is about micro, small and medium enterprises who use digital marketing in their marketing. The sample in this study was 73 respondents taken from several sub-districts in the city of Makassar. The data collection technique is by distributing questionnaires and documentation and validity and reliability testing has been carried out. And the data analysis techniques used are the heteroscedasticity test, simple linear regression analysis, and the T test with the help of SPSS Version 26 software. The results of the t test data analysis show a significant value for the influence of digital marketing (X) on sales volume (Y), where t calculated as 5.855 > t table value, namely 2.378. This matter shows that digital marketing variables has a positive influence on increasing the sales volume of MSMEs in Makassar City.