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Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi merupakan salah satu publikasi ilmiah yg diterbitkan oleh SBM ITB, dalam kerangka untuk mendorong pengembangan praktik dan teori manajemen di Indonesia melalui penyebarluasan temuan-temuan hasil riset di bidang sains dan kasus manajemen. Jurnal ini dikenal secara luas dikalangan praktisi dan akademisi di Indonesia sebagai 'The Indonesian Journal for the Science of Management' yang mencakup bidang-bidang antara lain: Knowledge and People Management, Operations and Performance Management, Business Risk, Finance and Accounting, Entrepreneurship, Strategic Business and Marketing and Decision Making and Strategic Negotiation. Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi ( ManTek ) sudah terakreditasi "B" berdasarkan Keputusan Direktur Jendral Pendidikan Tinggi, Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Nomor: 81/DIKTI/Kep/2011. Masa Berlaku 5 (lima) tahun sejak tanggal ditetapkan. Dan terindeks oleh Indonesian Publication Index (IPI), Google Schoolar. Print ISSN: 1412-1700; Online ISSN: 2089-7928
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Product characteristic uncertainty in supply chains-cases from the food industry Simangunsong, Eliot
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 11, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : SBM ITB

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The food industry is a complex supply chain, where the path of a specific food product may vary and the supply chains within the food industry may have different structures from each other.  Another important characteristic of the food industry is the high frequency of new product introductions; this increases choice for consumers and initiates uncertainty related to product issues such as high product failure rates, short product life cycles and high inventory holding costs. Consequently, it is important to understand product characteristic as a source of supply chain uncertainty, how they can be managed and the resulting impact on performance. This paper presents a review of the available literature on supply chain uncertainty and related fields, highlights that although product characteristic has been identified as a source of uncertainty, insufficient empirical evidence has been presented. Multi-case study research, using semi-structured interviews, has been conducted across a group of inter-related companies in the food industry in Indonesia to investigate the role of product characteristic in creating uncertainty.  The result of analysis helps to refine the concept and provides a basis for detecting and managing product characteristic uncertainty, critical in the current competitive context. Keywords: Supply chain uncertainty; Food Industry; Uncertainty management
Destination Branding and Its Influence on Tourist’s Satisfaction and Loyalty Roostika, Ratna
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 11, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : SBM ITB

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Brand is known as a valuable asset as it enables to differentiate from competitors offerings as well as to generate positive perceptions in the consumers’ mind. In the tourism sector, as part of winning competition, it is suggested that destination should also be branded. Destination brand is believed to enable a location to attract investment, business, and tourist which is then improving the local economy. The objective of this study is to empirically examine the structural model to understand the relationship between destination branding and tourist behavior in the tourism sector. Destination branding is built based on three elements namely destination image, perceived quality, and destination awareness while tourist behavior is represented by tourist satisfaction and loyalty. By applying purposive sampling, 150 valid questionnaires were analysed using Partial Least Squares. Results indicate that there were positive influences between perceived quality and brand awareness to satisfaction whereas brand image had no significant influence on satisfaction. Further, satisfaction significantly influenced loyalty.  Key words: Destination branding, destination image, perceived quality, destination awareness, and tourists’ behavior.  Brand dikenal sebagai asset perusahaan yang memungkinkan untuk memberikan pembedaan terhadap pesaing sekaligus sebagai pembangun citra positif terhadap pelanggan. Dalam sektor pariwisata, untuk menghadapi persaingan, suatu tempat sebaiknya juga memiliki merek (brand). Merek ini diharapkan mampu memberi daya tarik investasi, bisnis, dan wisatawan yang akan memperbaiki kondisi ekonomi daerah tujuan wisata. Tujuan dari studi ini untuk secara empiris menganalisis model structural dari brand tujuan wisata dan perilaku wisatawan. Brand tujuan wisata dibangun dari tiga komponen: citra tujuan wisata, persepsi kualitas, dan kesadaran merek. Perilaku wisatawan diwakili oleh komponen kepuasan dan loyalitas. Dengan menerapkan sampel purposive, diperoleh sampel yang valid sebanyak 150 responden. Hasil analisis menggunakan Partial Least Squares menunjukkan bahwa hanya persepsi kualitas dan kesadaran merek menunjukkan pengaruh signifikan terhadap kepuasan, sedang citra tujuan wisata tidak berpengaruh. Selain itu, kepuasan terhadap daerah tujuan wisata juga secara signifikan mempengaruhi loyalitas. Kata kunci: Merek tujuan wisata, citra tujuan wisata, persepsi kualitas, kesadaran merek dan perilaku wisatawan. 
Beberapa indikator pengkontribusi kreativitas dan inovasi yang menentukan kompetensi kewirausahaan di usaha kecil Sya'roni, Deden A. Wahab; Sudirham, Janivita Joto
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 11, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : SBM ITB

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Pengusaha yang bergerak di usaha kecil cukup banyak menghasikan produk-produk hasil kreatif. Namun demikian, keberadaan usaha kecil tumbuh tidak menentu. Banyak usaha kecil yang tidak mampu bertahan lama dan mudah mengalami kebangkrutan. Kemampuan usaha kecil untuk mampu bertahan dan cukup berhasil dipengaruhi beberapa faktor dalam kewirausahaan, diantaranya kreativitas dan inovasi. Studi ini berusaha melihat beberapa indikator dari kreativitas dan inovasi yang membentuk kompetensi kewirausahaan dan dapat membantu keberlanjutan usaha kecil. Studi ini difokuskan pada usaha kecil yang potensial di wilayah Jawa Barat. Metode yang dipakai adalah metode survei. Analisis dilakukan dengan Stuctural Equational Modeling (SEM). Hasil analisis menunjukkan beberapa indikator yang mengkontribusi kreativitas diantaranya adalah nilai intelektual dan artistic, minat, peduli pada pencapaian pekerjaan dalam mencapai keunggulan, ketekunan, pemikiran mandiri, dan toleransi terhadap keraguan.Adapun indikator-indikator yang mengkontribusi inovasi diantaranya mengkreasikan produk baru, mengkreasikan proses, pengembangan produk, perbaikan proses serta penambahan sentuhan kreatif dengan duplikasi dan pemaduan faktor produksi serta metode baru.
Model Berbasis Agen bagi Penyebaran Penyakit ISPA pada Musim Hujan di Bandung Selatan Utomo, Dhanan Sarwo; Nuraeni, Shima; Putro, Utomo Sarjono
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 11, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : SBM ITB

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Since there was land conversion for urban development, South Bandung regency –especially Baleendah and Dayeuhkolot subdistricts– experiencing flood frequently. Noted as the worst flood for the last two decades, in the end of January 2010 water from the tributary of Citarum River inundate 4474 houses and force more than one thousand people to evacuate and stay in the temporary shelter for almost there months. With difficulties on accessing clean water, highly exposed to contaminated water and crowding in the temporary shelter, increasing the risk of infectious diseases. Diarrhea, Acute-Respiratory-Infections (ARI), and skin dieaseas are three most common diseases suffered by the refugees. But only ARI is the most sensitive because the infectivity includes human interaction. So, thispaper try to model the spread of ARI using agent-based modeling. Several scenarios –using diffent length of time and medicine stocks– are tested to monitor the number of refugees who get ARI or Pneumonia
Pengaruh Word of mouth, Iklan dan Atribut Produk Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian dan Loyalitas Konsumen haryanto, jony oktavian; Yunita, A
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 11, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : SBM ITB

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At the end of November 2010, Magnum ice cream suddenly became a hot topic in many mass media and among youths. This product was difficult to be found in the market and became a real craze for ice cream lovers in Indonesia. The selling of Magnum ice cream increased 20 times in 4 months. Based on these phenomena, this research aims at identifying factors that influence consumers’ decision in purchasing the product and their responses after their purchase. The data was analyzed using structural equation modeling with the software Lisrel 8.8. The result shows that advertisement and product attributes had a significant impact on purchase decision, whereas word of mouth did not have any significant impact. Furthermore, purchase decision that had been made by the consumer had a significant impact on their behaviors after purchasing. Those behaviors are the consumers’ loyalty and the word of mouth.
Pemodelan Sistem Dinamik Ketercapaian Kontribusi Biodiesel dalam Bauran Energi Indonesia 2025 Handoko, Hamdan; Sa'id, Endang Gumbira; Syaukat, Yusman; Purwanto, Widodo W
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 11, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : SBM ITB

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AbstractBiodiesel industry in Indonesia commercially emerged in 2005 driven by concerns on energy security triggered by high oil price, increasing environmental demand to reduce CO2 emission, while leveraging on Crude Palm Oil feed stock availability. The Government of Indonesia mandated biodiesel to contribute 10.22 million kilo litre in 2025 energy mix target, beside current weak industry performance of 27% low utilization ratio of biodiesel plant installed capacity of 4.2 million ton per annum. A system dynamic model, called Indonesia Biodiesel Industry Dynamic Model, has been developed as a platform to study the structure and behaviour of the biodiesel industry enriched with inputs from biodiesel related experts panel discussion and interview and to simulate the impact of energy policy interventions, such as biodiesel subsidy, diesel subsidy reduction and removal, blending mandate, and diesel environmental tax to the performance of biodiesel production, industry profitability EBITDA and Carbon Emission Reduction (CER) during simulation period of 2005-2030. Based on the scenario 1 of MDIBI, targeted 10.22 million tones per annum contribution of biodiesel in 2025 Indonesia's energy mix would not be achieved with current structure and condition, mainly due to three factors, which are  (i) low mixture of biodiesel-diesel mandate, (ii) a relatively limited supply of CPO raw materials which must be allocated for competing demand from cooking oil, oleofoods, oleochemicals and biodiesel industries, and (iii) currently available limited public service obligation (PSO) market.Keywords: biodiesel industry, system dynamic modelling, energy policy, energy mix, Indonesian                biodiesel.
Match the New Product Development Project with its Context: Case Study of Composite Manifold in Wavin NV, Netherlands Prasetio, Eko Agus
Jurnal Manajemen Teknologi Vol 11, No 1 (2012)
Publisher : SBM ITB

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This paper provides the frameworks and tools for matching the innovation and new product development project with its context in Wavin N.V., a European plastics converting company which develops, manufactures and markets total pipe systems. Where Wavin moves into new segment, Wavin applies its conventional internally-oriented approach to its innovation and new product development and as a consequence, it faces problems in terms of delay of time to market and increasing costs. The development of composite manifold is taken as an illustrative case of the problem that Wavin is facing. As indicated by the case, Wavin is trapped in a “one-size-fits-all” approach in its innovation and new product development process. The paper is developed through the use of primary research in the form of in-depth interview and case-study discussions with innovation managers, program managers and marketing managers in Wavin’s headquarters (Netherlands) and other European countries, and secondary research in the form of company data analysis and extensive literature review. Frameworks of newness and risk map as well as the corresponding scoring systems is elaborated and developed to increase the efficiency and effectiveness in Wavin’s NPD.

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