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Dian Anggraini
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Journal of Software Engineering, Information and Communication Technology
ISSN : 27741656     EISSN : 27741699     DOI :
The Journal of Software Engineering, Information and Communication Technology promotes research in the broad field of science and technology (including such disciplines as Agriculture, Environmental Science, etc.) with particular respect to Indonesia, but not limited to authorship or topical coverage within the region. Contributions are expected from senior researchers, project managers, research administrators and PhD students at advanced stages of their research, representing both public organizations and private industry. Equally, the journal if intended for scholars and students, reseachers working at research organizations and government agencies, and also for enterprises undertaking applied R&D to lead innovations. The editorial contents and elements that comprise the journal include: Theoretical articles Empirical studies Practice-oriented papers Case studies Review of papers, books, and resources. As far as the criteria for evaluating and accepting submissions is concerned, a rigorous review process will be used. Submitted papers will, prior to the formal review, be screened so as to ensure their suitability and adequacy to the journal. In addition, an initial quality control will be performed, so as to ensure matters such as language, style of references and others, comply with the journals style. Focus And Scope Software engineering Information technology Data Science AI/ML Cloud Computing, Big Data and Social Computing Image Processing Applied Informatics Database Technologies and Applications Digital Information Computation and Retrieval Information Security Human Computer Interaction Multimedia and Game Data Mining Ubiquitous Computing Business Intelligence and Knowledge Management Iot Software Engineering Education
Articles 38 Documents
Implementation of JIProlog on an Android-based Song Expert System to Provide Song Recommendations Based on 16 Human Personality Types Robby Akbar; Taufik Ridwan
Journal of Software Engineering, Information and Communication Technology (SEICT) Vol 2, No 2: December 2021
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (363.119 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/seict.v2i2.40217


Songs can be enjoyed by someone both in sad and happy heart conditions. The genres of songs are very diverse according to the personality that a person has. Songs also always get attention in society. However, the problem often experienced by some people who rarely enjoy songs is that they don't know what songs suit their personality when they want to listen to music. The purpose of this research is to develop an Android-based Song Expert System application with the implementation of the Java Internet Prolog (JIProlog) library. The method used in designing this expert system is forward chaining; this method aims to browse data on a knowledge base logically. The results of this application will provide song recommendations based on 4 dimensions of personality, namely, dimension 1 (introvert/extrovert), dimension 2 (sensory/intuitive), dimension 3 (thinking/feeling), and dimension 4 (judging/perceiving). Of the 16 human personalities, each personality type will be given 3 song genres. So that users can choose a variety of songs that suit their personality. The test results show that the system successfully displays recommendations with the knowledge base, but the resulting song recommendations still have limitations. Hopefully, this song expert system can help someone get songs that match their personality and the condition of the heart that is being experienced.
Traxchange : Aplikasi Penukar Sampah Menjadi Uang Rony Wahyu Utama; Reihan Manzis Syahputra; Alif Ilman Nafian; Arif Rahman Pamungkas; Muhammad Nabil Furqon
Journal of Software Engineering, Information and Communication Technology (SEICT) Vol 2, No 1: June 2021
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1560.082 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/seict.v2i1.34632


Tulisan ini membahas mengenai perancangan sistem aplikasi penukar sampah menjadi uang yang bernama Traxchange. Sistem ini dirancang berdasarkan prototype model yang menghubungkan antara desain dengan realisasi. Sistem tersebut selanjutnya akan diimplementasikan pada mobile phone, sehingga pengguna dapat menggunakan aplikasi dimanapun dan kapanpun. Pada penelitian ini juga sistem aplikasi yang dibangun dapat memesan jasa penjemputan sampah secara online, mengetahui jadwal angkut sampah, mencari TPA terdekat, serta dapat menjual produk daur ulang sampah. Saat ini, sistem yang akan dibangun telah memasuki tahap realisasi mock-up aplikasi
Rancang Bangun Prototipe Klasifikasi Sampah Otomatis Dengan Sensor Proximity Dan Linear Rail Slider Box Berbasis Mikrokontroler Arduino Di Lingkungan UPI Kampus Cibiru Mochamad Iqbal Ardimansyah; Hendriyana Hendriyana; Raditya Muhammad
Journal of Software Engineering, Information and Communication Technology (SEICT) Vol 1, No 1: December 2020
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (321.773 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/seict.v1i1.29798


Sampah merupakan material yang sering ditemukan dalam lingkungan sehari-hari, tidak terkecuali di lingkungan kampus. Pada saat ini di lingkungan Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) Kampus Cibiru telah menerapkan klasifikasi sampah pada tempat sampahnya mulai dari jenis sampah organik, anorganik dan sampah bahan berbahaya dan beracun (B3). Penerapan klasifikasi pada tempat sampah yang tersedia diharapkan agar orang dapat membuang sampah pada tempatnya sesuai dengan jenis sampahnya. Akan tetapi, upaya tersebut belum sepenuhnya dapat diimplementasikan, seringkali ditemukan sebagian orang masih membuang sampah tanpa memperhatikan jenis sampah dan tempat sampahnya. Berdasarkan permasalahan yang terjadi maka kami mengusulkan pengembangan dari model klasifikasi tempat sampah yang sudah tersedia dengan merancang bangun prototipe klasifikasi sampah otomatis dengan sensor proximity dan linear rail slider box berbasis mikrokontroler arduino. Prototipe ini membantu bagi setiap yang membuang sampah, agar sampahnya dapat dibuang secara otomatis berdasarkan jenis sampahnya. Pengujian pada prototipe ini melibatkan perbandingan fungsi antara prototipe klasifikasi sampah otomatis dengan tempat sampah biasa yang digunakan di lingkungan kampus. Hasil kami menunjukan bahwa prototipe klasifikasi tempat sampah otomatis yang dibuat memiliki fungsi yang lebih baik dalam mengklasifikasikan sampah yang dibuang daripada tempat sampah biasa.
Mixed Reality Game YU-GI-OH Violla Gunova
Journal of Software Engineering, Information and Communication Technology (SEICT) Vol 3, No 2: December 2022
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1005.514 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/seict.v2i2.34675


Mixed Reality is a technology that combines the real world with the virtual world. Merging these two worlds will form a new environment where each object from each world can interact with each other. This technology will offer a different user experience depending on how it is used, including digital games. This paper will discuss how to construct the card along with its mechanism of movement that used in YU-GI-OH game and its implementation on mixed reality technology using the HoloLens platform. The game be integrated to HoloLens until view stage.
Smart Home Electric Energy Management Using Non-Intrusive Appliance Load Monitoring (NILM) Nurman Hariyanto; Dian Anggraini; Ary Setijadi Prihatmanto
Journal of Software Engineering, Information and Communication Technology (SEICT) Vol 2, No 2: December 2021
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (998.621 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/seict.v2i1.34572


Reducing the use of electrical energy in everyday life can be done with the awareness of the user. Awareness of using electrical energy can be done by providing information about the use of electricity itself. In developing a smart home with energy management systems or other commercial electronic devices, a tool that can measure or sort electricity usage in buildings and households is needed based on current and voltage units. Measuring and sorting what is meant is separating the total power consumption used as a load of a specific device that can be used by applying the Non-Intrusive Load Monitoring (NILM) technique known as Energy Disaggregation. The results are shown by NILM using the IoT concept data will be sent to the server via the internet using Message Queuing Telemetry Transport (MQTT). The data is processed and given to the user in the form of measurement results for each electronic device connected to the measuring device. From these results, the system can separate the energy from the refrigerator and air conditioner from the total energy consumed at one time. This step is one way to make energy efficient, that an energy management system with iot concept is built.
Designing System Information DAMRI (SIRI) in an Effort to Improve Damri Transportation Services User in Bandung Guntur Ramadhan; Fauzan Sukmapratama; Hafizh Firdaus Yuspriana; Dian Anggraini
Journal of Software Engineering, Information and Communication Technology (SEICT) Vol 3, No 1: June 2022
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (640.53 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/seict.v1i1.29370


The DAMRI bus or Djawatan Angkoetan Motor Republic Indonesia is one of the mainstays of public transportation for residents in the Bandung area with relatively low costs for the facilities with varied travel routes. The existence of this DAMRI bus is able to help increase the productivity of the community to fulfil needs. However, any of these advantages can be difficult for users of the bus service to obtain due to waiting for a bus for a long time. This is because the number of routes is not as many as other public transportation and there is a lack of information about the bus schedule for each route, so that service users can only guess the arrival time of the bus. This design is carried out by the observation method of collecting data on the experience of DAMRI bus service users through questionnaires, website-based software development methods, and literature reviews. The purpose of this design is to provide convenience to customers in accessing information on DAMRI Bus transportation through their smartphones or computers. The result of this design is a media route schedule information, routes, and costs of each route for users with a minimalist design and easy to understand is also used.
Segmentation of Credit Card Customers Based on Their Credit Card Usage Behavior using The K-Means Algorithm Ichwanul Muslim Karo Karo
Journal of Software Engineering, Information and Communication Technology (SEICT) Vol 2, No 2: December 2021
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (334.15 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/seict.v2i2.40220


The intensity of credit card customers in making transactions has increased in the last 10 years in Indonesia. This is both a challenge and an opportunity for the Bank. Customer segmentation information is beneficial to reduce bad debts or increasing customer credit card limit capacity. This study aims to segment credit card customers based on their usage behavior with a clustering approach using the K-means algorithm. While the process of evaluating segmentation results using the silhouette index. Based on the experimental results, six groups are the best number of clusters. The six groups are shopping hobbies, payment process at maturity, payment by installments, withdrawing cash, buying expensive goods, and types that rarely use credit cards.
Software Development of Food Combining Guidelines Using Smartphone-Based On Android In Bandung Mochammad Haldi Widianto
Journal of Software Engineering, Information and Communication Technology (SEICT) Vol 3, No 2 (Desember 2022)
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (210.513 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/seict.v2i1.34253


The number of applications circulating, some researchers do not want to be left behind, one of which is a food-based application that can be used as an Android mobile-based food combination guide. Examples of food applications that are used to overcome the problem of vitamins, minerals and energy needed by the body. Basically, food applications are needed to help citizens by determining the food consolidation menu. Providing information in the form of how much health content and plans will be carried out, this aims to provide information. To get recipe suggestions, clients are initially required to select a photo image from the camera. After the application will send image suggestions to clarify and get the label name of the ingredients, by getting a signal to the system to send the ingredients to the nutritionist to collect the ingredients. Once developed, the framework shows the side effects of labeling and collecting ingredients in the application. Once an ingredient is selected, the system sends the component name to Food2Fork to get the recipe. The recipe will be displayed before being displayed to the system. The test results can be ascertained that the Android application can work well.
Sistem Informasi Berbasis Bot Telegram Sebagai Media Sosialisasi Keselamatan Berkendara Muhammad Reynaldi; Syihan Al Khairi; Naufal Geraldi Hendarman; Fityandhiya Islam Nugroho
Journal of Software Engineering, Information and Communication Technology (SEICT) Vol 1, No 1: December 2020
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (483.46 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/seict.v1i1.29378


Keselamatan berkendara merupakan perilaku berkendara secara ideal yang harus dipahami oleh pengguna kendaraan. Perilaku ini sering dikampanyekan pemerintah indonesia kepada seluruh lapisan masyarakat.  Sampai saat ini banyak orang mengendarai kendaraan tapi tidak semua orang memahami cara mengendarai kendaraan dengan baik dan benar serta memperhatikan sisi keamanan dan keselamatan. Baik itu keamanan untuk diri sendiri maupun sisi keamanan bagi pengguna jalan lainnya. Hal ini dikarenakan banyak masyarakat Indonesia yang belum sadar akan pentingnya pengetahuan mengenai keselamatan berkendara. Oleh karena itu, perlu suatu cara yang efektif untuk mengedukasi masyarakat tentang pentingnya pengetahuan keselamatan berkendara sehingga dapat mengimplementasikanya dalam  berkendara dengan baik dan aman. Di sisi lain, masyarakat Indonesia banyak yang menjadi pengguna aplikasi Telegram sebagai media komunikasi. Dengan memanfaatkan potensi tersebut, maka kami mengusulkan sebuah sistem informasi keamanan berkendara yang diberi nama “Safety Riding Advice System (SRAS)”. Sistem informasi ini dibangun dengan memanfaatkan fitur Bot pada aplikasi Telegram. SRAS dapat memberikan informasi kepada pengguna mengenai hal-hal terkait keamanan dan keselamatan berkendara. Metode perancangan sistem informasi SRAS menggunakan yang model prototype’ yang terdiri dari beberapa tahapan diantarannya yaitu (1) analisis kebutuhan sistem, (2) perancangan sistem, dan (3) evaluasi.
TADAKU: Application of Research Questionnaire Collection as an Effort to Increase the Quantity and Quality of Research in Indonesia Fuji Rahmannisa; Inggo Iwan Kurniawan; Muhammad Fadhli Taqdirul Jabbar; Indira Syawanodya
Journal of Software Engineering, Information and Communication Technology (SEICT) Vol 2, No 2: December 2021
Publisher : Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (236.665 KB) | DOI: 10.17509/seict.v2i2.40290


Data is crucial in today's modern society. One of the most effective ways to obtain data is through online surveys using online questionnaires. However, there is a lack of online questionnaire creation applications that can motivate respondents to participate in surveys. As a result, survey creators often face difficulties in obtaining responses from respondents. The Tadaku application is designed to address this issue by providing a platform for survey creators to create questionnaires and helping them to reach targeted respondents quickly and accurately by implementing a reward system for participants who are willing to complete the questionnaires. Thus, the Tadaku application provides motivation and benefits for respondents. The questionnaire app system is developed using the waterfall method, which consists of four stages: needs analysis, system design, coding, system testing, and maintenance. The features available in the Tadaku questionnaire application include registration, creating new questionnaires, questionnaire completion, and point redemption for cash rewards.

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