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International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health
ISSN : 2798561X     EISSN : 27985172     DOI : -
Journal considers submissions on any aspect of the health field across age groups and settings, these include: Capacity in public health systems and workforce Dentistry Environmental health Environmental Science Health Economic and Policy Studies Health law and ethics Health Professions Maternal and child health Medical Science Midwifes Nursing Public health nutrition Public health practice and impact Reproductive health Islamic and health
Articles 91 Documents
Overview of Compliance Implementation of Public and Community Health Protocol Implementation on Effort to Break the Chain of Transmission of the Covid-19 Virus Firmansyah; Audila Sahira; Utia Rizka Hasanah; Arifah Farhah Nasution
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021):
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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COVID-19 has been designated a global pandemic by the WHO because of the fast rate of spread between humans. WHO urges to practice physical distancing and implement health protocols as one of the initial preventive steps in breaking the chain of spread of COVID-19. Public places and facilities have a fairly large potential for COVID-19 transmission. For this reason, it is necessary to mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic to prevent the spread of COVID-19 in facilities or public places. This study aims to describe the implementation of health protocol compliance in the prevention and control of COVID-19 by providers of facilities or public places. This study is a study that uses a cross sectional design with a quantitative descriptive approach. Data collection is done through google form, then performed univariate data analysis. The results showed that as many as 471 (94.2%) public facilities implemented health protocols using masks, and 437 (87.4%) applied hand washing with running water. There are 447 (89.4%) public facilities that put up posters of the dangers of preventing COVID-19, and as many as 378 (75.6%) public facilities carry out cleaning with disinfectants. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that the application of the protocol health in public places during the COVID-19 pandemic is currently still relatively low. As a public place visited by many people, the public facility provider must implement health protocols in an effort to break the chain of transmission of the COVID-19 virus
Model of Sex Education Through the Media of Snakes and Ladders and Engklek Games for Teenagers Rollina Ahmad; Putra Apriadi Siregar; Jufri Naldo
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021):
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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The development of globalization tends to influence the attitude pattern of teenagers to deviate behavior, especially sexual behavior. Based on data from the BPS and the Ministry of Health (2017), it was found that 70,000 female adolescents who died due to pregnancy abortion and births reached 70,000 people. This is followed by the increasing number of HIV/AIDS. This study aims to explain the effect of health promotion through the media of snakes and ladders and engklek games on knowledge and attitudes about sex education in adolescents at the Al Imam Abi Yazid Al Bastomy Islamic boarding school in Dumai City. Methods: This research is a quasi- experimental with a one group pretest and posttest design approach. The sampling technique used in this study was a total sampling of 40 female students at the Al Imam Abi Yazid Al Bastomy Islamic boarding school, Dumai city which was divided into 2 groups, namely the snake and ladder group of 20 people and the engklek group of 20 people (Ministry of Health, 2003). Results: The results of the bivariate analysis showed that there was an increase in knowledge using snake and ladder media with p < 0.001, there was no increase in knowledge through engklek media with p = 0.063. There was an increase in attitudes about sex education using snakes and ladders media and engklek media with p<0.05. There was a difference in the mean of knowledge between the snake ladder and engklek media groups with p < 0.001. There was no difference in the mean attitude between the snake and ladder media group and the engklek with p value = 0.429. Conclusion: Snakes and ladders game media can be used as an effective means of health education in changing knowledge and attitudes
Factors Affecting the Action of Mothers to Massage in Infants at BPM Talitha Rina Hanum; Mey Elisa Safitri
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021):
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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Data from BPM Talitha that the number of mothers who have babies 0-12 months as many as 32 people. The number of babies born with low birth weight (LBW) has increased over the last 2 years. In 2014 the number of babies born with underweight was 7 people, while in the factors that influence mothers to massage their babies. This type of research is an analytic survey with a cross sectional approach. The research was conducted at BPM Talitha, Deli Serdang Regency. The total population is 32 people, and all of them are used as samples. Data were analyzed by univariate and bivariate using Chi- Square test. The results showed that the mother's knowledge was sufficient for 15 (46.9%) respondents, 18 (62.5%) negative attitudes, 20 (59.4%) respondents lacked support from health workers. The factors that influence mothers to massage their babies at BPM Talitha are knowledge (p = 0.005), attitude (p = 0.003), support from health workers (p = 0.004). It is hoped that health workers will provide health education about the benefits and advantages of doing baby massage to mothers at BPM Talitha so that mothers' knowledge and attitudes become more positive
Monitoring and Evaluation Following Health Protocol Mayang Pranita; Suci Yustrianti Marpaung; Rini Deby Astria Lubis; Nisa Ardana
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021):
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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The problem of the prevalence of Covid-19 in the world and in Indonesia is increasing, the health protocol is to prevent the spread of Corona virus infection to the wider community. The purpose of this study is to monitor and evaluate the Covid-19 health protocol in the city of Medan. This study is a quantitative study with a cross-sectional design. This research was conducted in the city of Medan, the time of this research in June 2021-July 2021. The population in this study were all facilities in the city of Medan. The sample in this study were 59 locations in the city of Medan. The sampling technique in this study is by using direct observation techniques. The data analysis in this research is univariate analysis using descriptive analysis. The results of this study are that there are 45 COVID-19 prevention posters, 46 facilities temperature checks, 49 facilities keeping a 1 meter distance, 48 facilities wearing masks, 38 hand washing facilities, and 49 no disinfectants. facility. Visitors do not want to check temperatures as many as 30 people, some respondents who use masks in public facilities as many as 29 people, visitors do not want to wash their hands when entering public facilities as many as 26 people, all respondents want to use hand sanitizer in public facilities as many as 29 people, respondents only some of them want to do social distancing as many as 32 people, all respondents avoid shaking hands as many as 33 people, and none of the respondents want to bring their own equipment (worship equipment) as many as 28 people. It is hoped that health cadres will provide counseling about good and correct 3M protocols so that they are expected to be able to prevent the transmission of Covid-19.
Monitoring Health Protocols Covid-19 In Public Facilities Eli Marlina Lubis; Lidya Hariyanti Ridho; Sherien Sakina Wira Wasistha; Sri Bulan Suci Ritonga
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021):
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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Covid-19 is a problem that has not been resolved for three years. The implementation of the health protocol is one of the efforts to stop the spread of COVID-19, especially in public facilities where this is a place where people gather. The purpose of the study was to find out the description of the application of health protocols in public facilities. Method: This type of quantitative descriptive research. The study was conducted in public facilities in the DKI Jakarta, Riau, North Sumatra and surrounding areas in June-August 2021. The population of all public facilities with a sample of 40 public facilities. Result: Based on the results of the study, it was still found that public facilities had no warnings for the dangers of COVID-19 (55%), no hand sanitiser (60%) and nobody temperature measuring device (53%), no call for the social distancing of (53%). 60%) and cleaning with disinfectant was not carried out (64%). Some visitors did not wear masks (51%). Managers of public facilities were found not to take body temperature measurements (65%), there was no restriction on the number of visitors (70%). Conclusion: Implementing health protocols requires awareness and cooperation from all parties, not only the Government. Therefore, be aware and continue to educate the public regarding the prevention of the spread of COVID-19 to reduce the number of cases and carry out normal activities.
Analysis of Long Work, Work Posture and Low Back Pain Complaints in Rice Farmers Ahmad Zulfikri; Putra Siregar; Watni Marpaung
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 2 No. 2 (2021):
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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Low back pain is caused by non-ergonomic work and is a real health problem. Muscle disorders will be aggravated by certain situations such as improper sitting position, age, posture and chairs that are not ergonomic. This research is a qualitative descriptive study using a case study approach and extracting data or information through in-depth interviews and testing by conducting triangulation efforts to check data from various sources at various times. The informants consisted of 7 rice farmers, one village head, one health centre doctor, and one farmer leader. The research location is in Sei Bingai District, Langkat Regency, in February - July 2021. The results of the research on the causes of low back pain occur due to the workload and dynamic work postures of farmworkers, namely based on an assessment using the REBA method, the results obtained 85.71% received a value of 7 with a moderate risk level and a value of 10 with a high-risk level of 14.29%. It can be concluded that complaints of low back pain in rice farmers in Sei Bingai District, Langkat Regency occur due to posture and length of work.
Analysis of Factors Affecting Nurse's Skills in the Management of Infusation at Rumah Sakit Haji Medan 2021 Upi Lestari; Asriwati; Miskah Afriani
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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Health workers who are an element of health resources also have an obligation to carry out their service duties professionally. The initial survey at Haji Medan Hospital, Tembung District, showed that the number of inpatients who underwent infusion in the last 4 months was 2,185 patients and 8 (0.5%). The research design used an analytical survey research method (analytic research) with a cross sectional approach. The population in this study were 226 patients who were given intravenous infusion. The sample used a cluster random sampling system of 144 patients. Data analysis used univariate, bivariate and multivariate analysis. The results showed that there was an influence between knowledge variables p = 0.000, attitude p = 0.000, leadership p = 0.010, experience p = 0.000, career path p = 0.002 and years of service p = 0.000. The conclusion of this study is that there is an influence of knowledge, attitude, leadership, work design structure, experience, career path and years of service in the administration of infusion installation at Haji Medan Hospital, Tembung District. It is recommended to Medan Haji Hospital that nurses should be trained and supervised so that nurses can know the job descriptions and regulations that apply at Medan Haji Hospital correctly.
Relationship Between The Level Of Knowledge Of Breastfeeding Mothers With The Provision Of Colostrum And Breast Milk In Village Health Pos Sitio II In 2020 Mastiur Julianti Butar Butar; Esther Siringo-ringo; Indah Yani Tambunan
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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This study aimed to determine the relationship of the level of knowledge of breastfeeding mothers with the provision of colostrum and exclusive breastfeeding in Poskesdes Sitio-II Lintongnihuta District in 2020. The data used in this study were primary data by distributing questionnaires to the sample/respondent. By using the Slovin approach from 96 populations got sample as 49 respondents was determined by applying random sampling. The results showed that the relationship between the level of knowledge of breastfeeding mothers with the provision of Colostrum and exclusive breastfeeding in Poskesdes Sitio II, Lintongnihuta District in 2019-2020 can be categorized very strongly, this can be proven by the Correlation Coefficient value of 0.709. Descriptive research results also indicate that the majority of respondents had a very good level of knowledge about the importance of Colostrum. The results of research on the relationship of the level of knowledge of nursing mothers with exclusive breastfeeding in 2019-2020 in Poskesdes Sitio II, Lintongnihuta District had a strong relationship with a correlation coefficient of 0.663. Respondents also answered that giving exclusive breastfeeding to infants can help families in terms of economics, exclusive breastfeeding is also more practical and efficient, given the average breastfeeding mothers who were respondents in this study worked to help her husband as a farmer. The results of this study also indicate the value of Sig = 0,000 <? = 0.05) so that it can be concluded that there was a very significant relationship between the level of knowledge of breastfeeding mothers with the provision of Colostrum and exclusive breastfeeding in Poskesdes Sitio-II Subdistrict of Lintongnihuta in 2019-2020.
Relationship Between Age and Education on The Use of 3 Months KB Injection at BPM Sargiatik in 2021 Susi Amenta Beru Perangin Angin; Mastiur Julianti Butar Butar; Esther Siringo-ringo; Indah Yani Tambunan
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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The research design used is an analytical study with a cross sectional study approach, aiming to determine the relationship between age and education on the use of 3-month injectable family planning at BPM Sargiatik in 2021. The number of samples in this study was 34 people. With accidental sampling technique. Data collection instrument in the form of a questionnaire used to obtain chi square data. The results of this study indicate that there is a relationship between age and using 3-month injections, p value = 0.013. There is a relationship between education using 3-month injection KB with p value = 0.009. It is hoped that health workers will provide more active counseling about 3-month family planning injections to family planning acceptors.
The Relationship of Age and Parity of Pregnant Women in Trimester III With Completeness of Tetanus Toxoid Immunization at Klinik Fera in 2021 Susi Amenta Beru Perangin Angin; Faradita Wahyuni; Pratiwi Lumbantobing; Yuni Vivi Santri Purba
International Archives of Medical Sciences and Public Health Vol. 3 No. 1 (2022)
Publisher : Pena Cendekia Insani

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Tetanus Toxoid (TT) immunization is a weakened and purified tetanus germ toxin that is given to infants, children and mothers in an effort to provide protection against tetanus (Rinaldi, 2016). The research design used was an analytical study with a cross sectional study approach, aiming to determine the relationship between age and parity of third trimester pregnant women with the completeness of tetanus toxoid immunization at the Fera Clinic in 2021. The number of samples in this study was 30 people. With accidental sampling technique. Data collection instrument in the form of a questionnaire used to obtain chi square data. The results of this study indicate that there is no significant relationship between maternal age and TT immunization with p value = 0.171 (P > 0.05). There is a significant relationship between maternal education and the provision of TT immunization, with p value = 0.013 (P <0.05). There was no significant relationship between maternal parity and TT immunization with p value = 0.083 (P > 0.05). It is expected that health workers (midwives and nurses) in conducting counseling activities, age affects a person's knowledge so that an individual approach is needed to explain the importance of TT immunization.

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