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Adiyanna Adam
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SEKOLAH TINGGI AGAMA ISLAM (STAl) BABUSSALAM SULA Jin. Yossudarso KM. 10 Kecamatan Sanana Utara, email Tip. {0929) 2221135
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JUANGA: Jurnal Agama dan Ilmu Pengetahuan
ISSN : 24601381     EISSN : 27977226     DOI : -
Core Subject : Religion, Education,
JUANGA: Jurnal Agama dan Ilmu Pengetahuan berisi tentang persoalan agama dan ilmu pengetahuan secara umum diterbitkan oleh Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Babussalam Sula. Jurnal ini terbit 2 kali dalam setahun.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 67 Documents
JUANGA: Jurnal Agama dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Volume 7. No.2 Tahun 2021. Edisi Desember
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Babussalam Sula

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Generasi Z hidup di zaman komunikasi teknologi tinggi, gaya hidup berbasis teknologi dan produktif dalam menggunakan media sosial. Karenanya generasi ini menjadi generasi yang krisis etika, tidak menghargai orang lain, dan tidak menghiraukan keadaan sekitar. Pendidikan agama islam berperan besar dalam membentuk karakter empati pada generasi ini. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengembangkan model PAI dalam membentuk karakter empati pada generasi Z yang lebih sederhana, efektif, efisien, dan mudah untuk diaplikasikan. Metode penelitian ini adalah penelitian pengembangan (research and development). Pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik angket, wawancara ,dan dokumentasi. Objek penelitianini adalah model PAI. Penelitian ini menghasilkan model PAI yang komponennya meliputi; tujuan, materi, sumber belajar, metode, media, langkah pembelajaran, evaluasi, dan livingpractice. Hasil dari uji coba yang meliput iuji coba perorangan,ujicobakelompok, dan uji coba terbatas memperoleh rerata skor 3,90, 3,93, dan 4,00. Dari hasil tersebut, dapat disimpulkan behwa model ini layak untuk digunakan. Sedangkan hasil analisis uji efektifitas dengan menggunakan aplikasi SPSS16 diperoleh t hitung4,817dan p=0.00 <0.05 . hasil tersebut menunjukkan bahwa model PAI ini efektif dalam membentuk karakter empati pada generasi Z.
Implementasi Pembelajaran Kreatif Di Man 1 Kota Bitung Ramlah Abas
JUANGA: Jurnal Agama dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Volume 7. No.2 Tahun 2021. Edisi Desember
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Babussalam Sula

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The purpose of this research to know the results of the creative learning at MAN 1 Bitung City. The research methodology is a qualitative approach using principals of Madrasah informants, teacher of religious education, and teacher of general subject. The research procedure is collecting data, and drawing conclutions. After the data is collected then test the validity of the data. The results are: 1) the creative learning process at MAN 1 Bitung is the teacher designs learning materials so the students are motivated to do creative activities. The learning method is talking stick, using the guessing method, and learning media such as cellpones, LCDs, 2) Habituation activities at MAN 1 Bitung City are: a)After the morning parade (Monday and Thursday) praying dhuha together; b) pray before starting the lesson: c) Tadarrus Alqur’an 10 minutes before starting the lesson; d) Dhuhur prayer together; e) Giving Zakat or alms during the holy month of Ramadhan; f) Breaking the fast together during the holy month of Ramadhan; g) implementation of slaughter of qurban animal (Idul Adha) for students and all staff of MAN 1 City of Bitung. In conclution: creative learning in MAN 1 Bitung City is by learning in the classroom and habituation activities for both teacher and student in MAN 1 Bitung City.
Pengaruh Motivasi Terhadap Peningkatan Profesionalisme Guru Adiyana Adam
JUANGA: Jurnal Agama dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Volume 7. No.2 Tahun 2021. Edisi Desember
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Babussalam Sula

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Education is one of the determinants of the quality of Human Resources (HR). The quality of human resources is positively correlated with the quality of education. The quality of education is indicated by good conditions, qualification and fulfillment of all components that must be contained in education. These components are input, process, output, educators and education personnel, facilities and pre-facilities and costs Teacher commitment is part of the affective or emotional reaction of teachers to their experiences at school. Commitment can be seen from being part of the attitude or behavior learned that is related to professional teacher behavior. It is from affective reactions in schools that teachers make decisions (consciously and unconsciously) about the degree of their willingness to personally invernate certain knowledge or learning groups as the teacher's willingness to invest personal resources in teaching tasks. Teacher commitments such as organizational commitments are conceptualized as multidimensional. So the commitment of the teacher is an aspect that must be implemented as a whole based on the call of duty as a profession
Efektivitas Kepemimpinan Kepala Selolah Terhadap Kinerja Guru Dalam Penerapan Kurikulum 2013 di SMA Negeri 1 Sanana irma sapsuha
JUANGA: Jurnal Agama dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Volume 7. No.2 Tahun 2021. Edisi Desember
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Babussalam Sula

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This study aims to find out about the effectiveness of the Principal's leadership on the performance of teachers in the implementation of the 2013 curriculum at Sanana 1 Public High School. Therefore, this research is expected to contribute positively to both the writer and the school in question.Relevant to some of these things, this research focuses on three problem formulations, namely: how is the effectiveness of Principal Leadership in Sanana 1 Public High School? How is the teacher's performance in the implementation of 2013 Curriculum in Sanana 1 Public High School? And how is the Effectiveness of Principal Leadership in implementing the 2013 curriculum in Sanana 1 Public High School. This study uses a type of qualitative research in the form of descriptive data in the form of explanations or interpretations as a whole regarding certain aspects. Methods of collecting data through observation, interviews, and documentation. While to process and analyze data, a descriptive qualitative analysis approach is used, then given meaning to the data collected then a conclusion is drawn. The results of this study indicate that SMA Negeri 1 Sanana is one of the school thas is already quite good in carring out the educational the process.
Pengelolaan Arsip Dan Kode Klafikasi Jabatan Pada Institut Agama Islam Negeri ( IAIN) Ternate Rusdi Naemudin
JUANGA: Jurnal Agama dan Ilmu Pengetahuan Volume 7. No.2 Tahun 2021. Edisi Desember
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Babussalam Sula

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The purpose of this study was to determine archive management and job classification codes at IAIN Ternate, this study used a qualitative descriptive method. As for the results of the research conducted on archive management at IAIN Ternate, it turned out to be in the form of archives in the form of work letters and other archives, management of outgoing and incoming mail by applying an agenda book, management or archive management that changes in the arrangement of the archives. , receive archives and storage then record the archive in the agenda book after that the archive is stored according to its clarification. Archives at IAIN are also seen as still less than optimal due to the unavailability of a special room for archiving, as well as a shortage of archivist human resources and the feasibility of archiving at IAIN Ternate, far from the possibility of forming an archival institution. While the classification code at the Ternate State Islamic Institute, is very useful for ensuring and effectiveness as a means of communication between organizational units and work units, as well as between work units at the Ternate State Islamic Institute.
Kompetensi Tutor Dalam Meningkatkan Motivasi Warga Belajar Pada Pusat Kegiatan Belajar Masyarakat Aksara Pangkalpinang Heriyadi Heriyadi
JUANGA: Jurnal Agama dan Ilmu Pengetahuan JUANGA, Vol. 8 No. 01 (2022): Juni 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Babussalam Sula

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This study departs from the problem of the lack of competence of tutors at PKBM AKSARA Pangkalpinang in increasing the learning motivation of learning citizens. This research was conducted to determine the competence of tutors at PKBM AKSARA Pangkalpinang in increasing the learning motivation of learning citizens. This research method uses a qualitative approach. The Instruments are interview and observation. Data were analyzed through data reduction, data presentation and data verification and drawing conclusions. The results showed that the motivation of citizens to learn at PKBM AKSARA Pangkalpinang was good because it was influenced by a good environment. The results showed that the competence of the tutor was very good. Tutors are very helpful in learning, learning citizens can meet all their needs in the teaching process. With a good learning process, the learning motivation obtained by citizens is very good. The conclusion of this study is tutors competence is very necessary to increase the learning motivation of learning citizens in order to achieve learning objectives. Motivating learning residents to always study hard by earnestly gaining knowledge. Motivation is also done by giving rewards to the students who always study hard.
Konsep Perkembangan Pendidikan Islam Pasca Proklamasi Indonesia Radinal Tamrin
JUANGA: Jurnal Agama dan Ilmu Pengetahuan JUANGA, Vol. 8 No. 01 (2022): Juni 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Babussalam Sula

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History revealed that Islamic education in Indonesia has its characteristics and plays a vital role in advancing Islamic culture in Indonesia This study used a library research method that relies on sources from books and articles in scientific journals. The results showed that after the proclamation, there are four types of Islamic education in Indonesia, i.e.Madrasah, Islamic boarding schools, Public Schools, and Islamic schools. The development of Islamic in Indonesia as a revival, renewal, and enlightenment. The Islamic education system that existed at that time had developed as an effort of implementing Islamic law, so it guarantees and opportunities to continue to exist and develop.
Pengaruh Gadget Terhadap Ahklak Dan Moral Siswa Di Sekolah Dasar Negeri 47 Kota Ternate Adiyana Adam; Putri Widyasari Abdullah; Famela Diva; Ismawati Hamid
JUANGA: Jurnal Agama dan Ilmu Pengetahuan JUANGA, Vol. 8 No. 01 (2022): Juni 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Babussalam Sula

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The purpose of this study is to describe the use of gadgets and to find out the factors that influence the morals of the students of SDN 47 Ternate City. This study uses a qualitative approach with the research subject being the principal's class teacher and students. Data collection was carried out through observation, interviews and documentation. The data analysis technique used is data reduction, display, and conclusion drawing. Based on the results obtained, the bad influence of using gadgets on children's morals by students of SDN 47 Ternate City, namely students become lazy to study, lazy to do activities because they are focused on playing games on gadgets, sleeping too late at night when playing gadgets, there is no initiative to help parents and you have to be called first before you want to help and even then you are lazy and there are many reasons because you are too busy playing games. And the decline in the morale of SDN 47 Ternate City students is that students are addicted to playing games, the lack of attention from parents in accompanying children when playing gadgets. the use of gadgets on the formation of children's personality or character, among others, children will become more lazy, lack of self-confidence in children, reduced children's communication skills, children will be more introverted, children's dependence on playing gadgets, and the most dangerous negative impact is children can freely access sites on the internet that can damage children's morals. Factors causing changes in children's morale are influenced by the habits of school students in using gadgets to play online games compared to online learning.
Konsep Pendidikan Agama Islam Sebagai Manhaj Pengelolaan Taman Pendidikan Qur’an sahbudin Lumbesi
JUANGA: Jurnal Agama dan Ilmu Pengetahuan JUANGA, Vol. 8 No. 01 (2022): Juni 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Babussalam Sula

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Islam is a guide in the life of the Muslim community in the world and prepares for life in the hereafter. How important the role of Islam is for the lives of Muslims, the internalization of religious values ​​in the life of every Muslim person becomes a necessity. Al-Qur'an Education Park (TPQ) has a strong legal entity foundation, as stated in Government Regulation no. 55 of 2007 article 24 paragraph 2 concerning Religious Education and Religious Education states that Al-Qur'an Education consists of Al-Qur'an Kindergarten (TKA/TKQ), Al-Qur'an Education Park (TPA/TPQ) , Ta'limulQur'an lil Aulad (TQA), and other similar forms. In Law No. 20 of 2003 concerning the National Education System that one of the characteristics of Indonesian people thatTo be able to study the Qur'an requires an effort and of course it has the educational values ​​of the Qur'an itself, through a continuous teaching and learning process so that the teaching and learning process can run effectively and efficiently.
Efektivitas Kinerja Tata Usaha Dalam Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Manajemen Pendidikan Di Mts Negeri 1 Kepulauan Sula Fitrianti Sangaji
JUANGA: Jurnal Agama dan Ilmu Pengetahuan JUANGA, Vol. 8 No. 01 (2022): Juni 2022
Publisher : Sekolah Tinggi Agama Islam Babussalam Sula

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The background of the problem in this study is to find out how much Effectiveness of Administrative Performance is in the Development of Education Management Information Systems at MTs Negeri 1 Sula Islands. This type of research uses a qualitative method with a descriptive approach, data sources are the Head of Madrasah, Head of Administration, and Administrative Staff/Staff. Data collection techniques are observation, interviews and documentation, while data analysis techniques are data reduction, data triangulation and data conclusion drawing. The results show that: (1) Administrative performance is still not effective in completing tasks or work on time as specified. Meanwhile (2) the development of the education management information system has not been maximized, the administrative understanding of the education management information system is still very limited, this is due to the different educational backgrounds of administrative employees. Conclusions (1) Implementation of high quality administrative performance . With high integrity between psychic and physical functions, the individual has good self-concentration. (2) The administrative understanding of the education management information system is still very limited due to the educational background of administrative employees who have educational degrees that are not in accordance with their fields.