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International Journal Of Science Education and Technology Management (IJSETM)
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Core Subject : Science,
International Journal of Science Education and Technology Management (IJSETM) is a Journal of Science and Technology Education Management published by Azka Hafidz Maulana Foundation for Research Results and reviewed by academic authors. The International Journal of Science Education and Technology Management (IJSETM) is published twice a year, from January to June and July to December in each issue. The editor accepts articles from anyone written in English in a study or language linking the disciplines of Formal Education, Non Formal Education, Informal Education, Education, Engineering/engineering, science and management in placing planning, development and implementation capabilities to build and sophisticated operational objectives and organizational strategies in this increasingly technological era.
Articles 17 Documents
Analysis Of The Effect Of Current Ratio, Total Asset Turnover, Debt To Equity Ratio, Net Profit Margin Toward Retrun on Equity Muhamad Ardi Nupi Hasyim; Yayang Ayu Nuraeni
International Journal of Science Education and Technology Management Vol 1 No 1 (2022): International Journal Of Science Education and Technology Management
Publisher : Yayasan Azka Hafidz Maulana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (174.439 KB)


This study was conducted to examine the effect of variables, Current Ratio (CR), Debt to Equity Ratio (DER), Total Asset Trunover (TAT), and Net Profit Margin (NPM) on Return on Equity (ROE). The research methodology as a sample uses proportional sampling with the criteria as (1) Manufacturing companies listed on the JSX that provide financial statements for the year ending December 31 during the 2005-2009 observation period, available at ICMD and annual reports. (2) The company must be registered at the beginning of the observation period and not delisted until the end of the observation period. (3) Financial statements include the value of financial ratios to be studied including ROE, CR, DER, TAT, and NPM. (4) At the beginning of the observation period until the end. A total of 51 samples were obtained from 205 companies during the five-year observation period in the manufacturing sector. There are 26 outliers who are lost due to extreme data. So the total sample is 229 during the five-year observation period. Data analysis with multiple linear regression from least square and hypothesis testing using partial t test, simultaneous F test at 5% significance level and adjusted R square test. Empirical evidence shows that CR, DER, TAT, and NPM have a positive influence. of ROE of manufacturing companies listed on the JSE during the period 2005-2009 at a significance level of 5% (each 0.000%). While the four independent variables CR, DER, TAT and NPM have an influence on ROE at the 5% significance level of 0.000%. Predictable of the four variables on ROE is 97.9% as shown by adjusted R square which is 97.
Analysis Of Learning Management In Early Childhood Education: Library Study of Early Childhood Education Concepts and Theories of Ahmad Susanto Siti Rosmayati; Novie Yulianti
International Journal of Science Education and Technology Management Vol 1 No 1 (2022): International Journal Of Science Education and Technology Management
Publisher : Yayasan Azka Hafidz Maulana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (157.092 KB) | DOI: 10.28301/ijsetm.v1i1.2


Management and learning management inhibiting factors. The results of the analysis of the discussion on early childhood learning management are seen from learning planning, learning implementation, learning supervision, learning evaluation, and learning outcome reporting, which refer to the parts contained in early childhood education standards, namely the Child Growth Achievement Level Standards, content standards, process standards, and assessment standards. Learning management is also influenced by supporting factors in the form of modules derived from the Child Growth Achievement Level Standards which are the reference for teachers in compiling learning activities, inspirational classes, facilities and infrastructure, and teacher cooperation in developing learning programs. meanwhile, the inhibiting factors are incomplete facilities and the arrival hours of children who are released to come to school. Broadly speaking, the conclusion of this research is that learning management is in accordance with the applicable standards, namely the national standard of early childhood education. However, several things were found related to the arrival hours of children who were released as well as class facilities and infrastructure (such as room dividers) which were factors that influenced learning activities and the arrival hours of children who were released.
Analysis of Factors Influencing Marketing Development Strategy in Improving the Education Services Business at CLA Baitul Hikmah Bandung Siti Rosmayati
International Journal of Science Education and Technology Management Vol 1 No 1 (2022): International Journal Of Science Education and Technology Management
Publisher : Yayasan Azka Hafidz Maulana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (349.992 KB) | DOI: 10.28301/ijsetm.v1i1.3


This study aims to describe how the application of marketing education services at Baitul Hikmah Foundation Bandung based on the theory of the marketing mix (product, price, place, promotion, people, physical evidence, and process). This qualitative research was conducted at CLA Baitul Hikmah. Data was collected by conducting interviews, observations and documentation studies. This study uses a descriptive approach. The results of this study indicate that (1) school products are developed according to the potential benefits of academic, non-academic, and religious achievements, through promotion in various media by involving students, excellent service from all elements of the school. (2) Tuition fees are different for each grade level, are not widely published and are calculated globally for 1 academic year. (3) The location of the school is supported by a comfortable environment for the teaching and learning process, far from the hustle and bustle of the city but easy to reach. (4) Promotion is carried out directly or indirectly by using various media, establishing partnerships with government and private institutions as a form of service marketing breakthrough, to achieve the predicate of a superior school in the ranks of CLA Bandung. (5) Competent and superior human resources have the potential to improve school quality. (6) School physical evidence is very representative, several places are strategic enough to be used as promotional media, as well as other physical facilities as a complement and support for learning. (7) the learning process is carried out with fun and varied methods and the use of social media as a means of information with parents/students.
Dhikr Tariqah Naqsyabandiyah as a Method of Formation of Spiritual Strengthening of Tahfidz Santri at Miftahul Khoir Al-Azhar Islamic Boarding School Arman Maulana
International Journal of Science Education and Technology Management Vol 1 No 1 (2022): International Journal Of Science Education and Technology Management
Publisher : Yayasan Azka Hafidz Maulana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (186.425 KB) | DOI: 10.28301/ijsetm.v1i1.4


In principle, the qualitative data analysis is carried out simultaneously with the data analysis process. Data processing can be done through qualitative research, observation, interviews, and documentation. The analysis technique is carried out by including data reduction, data presentation, and drawing or levers. The conclusion is that the Naqsyabandiyah Dhikr Tariqah is a form of process of increasing spiritual value for its adherents which in this case is called Siswa, with the entry of a student into the tarekat along with the spiritual guidance given by murshid to students, therein lies the process of spiritual guidance for students, so that students are always guided which in the end will appear a positive impact will change the values ​​of spirituality in a student. The Koran itself emphasizes the values ​​of good morality (al-Akhlak al-Karimah), the process of reforming the soul in this case through dhikr, where dhikr is part of the commands in the Koran which in the mention is not small. or repeatedly, even in the Koran itself states that dhikr is a way to get peace of mind, from this peace of soul is the core goal of intimate people.
The Relationship between Customer Value and Trust in Consumer Satisfaction and its Impact on Consumer Loyalty Arman Maulana; Yayang Ayu Nuraeni
International Journal of Science Education and Technology Management Vol 1 No 1 (2022): International Journal Of Science Education and Technology Management
Publisher : Yayasan Azka Hafidz Maulana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (284.099 KB) | DOI: 10.28301/ijsetm.v1i1.5


The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between customer value and trust on consumer satisfaction and its impact on consumer loyalty to consumers of spare parts for heavy equipment excavators at CV. Bandung Jaya Diesel City of Bandung. This research was conducted by taking a sample of 100 consumers. For data analysis using SPSS 20 and AMOST version 21 programs. The results of this study show 1) Customer Value has a significant positive effect on Consumer Satisfaction, 2) Customer Trust has a positive and insignificant effect on Consumer Satisfaction, 3) Service Quality has a significant positive effect on Consumer Loyalty , 4) Customer Trust has a significant positive effect on Consumer Loyalty, 5) Customer Satisfaction has a significant positive effect on Customer Loyalty.
Transformational Leadership in Improving Lecturer Performance in Higher Education Yanti Hasbian Setiawati; Iim Wasliman; Hanafiah; Deti Rostini
International Journal of Science Education and Technology Management Vol 1 No 2 (2022): International Journal Of Science Education and Technology Management
Publisher : Yayasan Azka Hafidz Maulana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (389.709 KB) | DOI: 10.28301/ijsetm.v1i2.6


This research is motivated by the low performance of lecturers, both in the fields of teaching, research and community service in universities. The general objective of this research is to examine transformational leadership in improving the performance of lecturers in higher education. Meanwhile, the specific objective is to identify and analyze transformational leadership in improving the performance of lecturers in higher education through 1) Individualized Consideration. 2) Intellectual Stimulation. 3) Inspirational Motivation. 4) Idealized Influence. 5) Factors inhibiting lecturer performance. 6) Solutions to overcome obstacles. and 7) lecturers' performance in higher education. This research is based on transformational leadership theory from Bernard M Bass and performance theory from Michael Armstrong. This research uses a qualitative approach with descriptive methods and research techniques of observation, interviews and documentation. The results showed that the leaders at the two universities studied had implemented transformational leadership through; 1) individualized consideration by giving tolerance, being fair, empowering subordinates, being democratic, participatory and giving awards. 2) Intellectual Stimulation by innovating, being professional, conducting self-evaluation, leading with a collegial collective system and high creativity. 3) Inspirational Motivation by conducting effective communication, providing motivation and being an inspiration for subordinates. 4) Idealized Influence by being a role model for subordinates, being honest, authoritative, having high spirits, giving reasonable compliments and being able to accept differences of opinion while still using lively facial expressions. 5) Identification of factors inhibiting lecturer performance including a) low competence of lecturers, b) inadequate tridharma facilities and infrastructure and c) tridharma budget that has not been optimal. 6) Solutions in dealing with obstacles that occur through a) holding seminars, workshops and training activities, b) improving tridharma facilities and infrastructure, and c) preparing periodic annual budget plans. 7) Lecturer performance after the implementation of transformational leadership in higher education, education sector is 90%, research field is 82% and community service is 84%.
Participatory Learning Management in Improving Students' English Subject Skills Noerlina Anggraeni; Ulfiah; Deti Rostini; Rita Sulastini
International Journal of Science Education and Technology Management Vol 1 No 2 (2022): International Journal Of Science Education and Technology Management
Publisher : Yayasan Azka Hafidz Maulana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28301/ijsetm.v1i2.7


The problems faced in the school management system which is functionally not running optimally, where the supporting factors for activities, especially financing, are the lack of transparency. Moreover, the administration of job is not given based on proportional and professional principles; it is more inclined to the principle of closeness and seniority. In addition, team work is also less solid and less intelligent in responding to various school problems, especially in learning outcomes. Network has not described the relationship between effective and productive work procedures. In particular, the difficulties encountered include: (a) Media and learning facilities that are not on target, (b) Education funding has not been in accordance with the needs, (c) The competence of educators is not evenly distributed, (d) Teacher welfare needs to be improved, (e) The different psychological development of students, (f) The monitoring system has not been maximized. In addition, the teacher's ability to understand the characteristics of students is weak, the use of learning methods is not appropriate, the vision and mission and goals are not fully understood by the teachers, the mentality and awareness of teachers are weak to improve their competence, the results of the guidance of the principal and supervisors are rarely followed up, low community participation. The school management system is still central and closed. The purpose of this study was to obtain an overview of the management of Participatory Learning Management in Improving the Ability of Students in English Subjects at SMAN 89 and SMAN 102 DKI Jakarta Province. The research method used in this study is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach; this method is used to solve the problem under study where this research is intended to explore data and information related to Participatory Learning Management in Improving Students' English Subject Skills at SMAN DKI Jakarta. At the planning stage of learning English in improving English for high school students in Jakarta, it has been stated in the syllabus. The stage of organizing that has been carried out is good, but improvements are still needed in its implementation. In the implementation stage of participatory learning in improving entrepreneurial behavior in high school in Jakarta, English teachers have carried out the learning process with steps of normative learning activities according to the syllabus and lesson plans including very good qualifications. The evaluation activity stage is carried out in the assessment of participatory learning in improving students' English at high school in Jakarta, in the assessment stage the English Skills Education teacher conducts two types of assessments, namely process assessment and student learning outcomes assessment. Learning English at the planning stage still lacks good learning strategies and supportive learning media. To increase student participation in English, it is necessary to have a comprehensive approach to students, interesting learning media.
Implementation of Tariqah Dhikr in Strengthening the Character of Tahfidz Santri in Al-Qur'an Al-Falah Islamic Boarding Schools and Suryalaya Islamic Boarding Schools Boy Arief Rochman; Ulfiah; Achmad Mudrikah; Supyan Sauri
International Journal of Science Education and Technology Management Vol 1 No 2 (2022): International Journal Of Science Education and Technology Management
Publisher : Yayasan Azka Hafidz Maulana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28301/ijsetm.v1i2.8


Tarekat/thoriqoh has the meaning of the way, (either charity, muroqobah, wirid, dhikr, and so on). The practice that is emphasized in this tarekat is dhikr which is done using jahr dhikr (obvious) and khafi dhikr (silent, hidden). The teachings of this tarekat are followed by tahfidz students. This teaching is practiced in religious and social life, aiming to shape behavioral changes in thoriqoh congregations, in order to increase religious obedience in establishing relationships with Allah SWT and humans, as well as changing one's personality to be better and have noble character. The study in this study was to determine the implementation of Dhikr Tariqah in Strengthening the Character of Tahfidz Santri in Al-Qur'an Al-Falah Islamic Boarding Schools and Suryalaya Islamic Boarding Schools who adhered to the Naqsyabandiyah Order at Islamic Boarding Schools. This research is a type of descriptive qualitative research. In collecting data, researchers used sources from subjects and objects. As for the data collection techniques, namely using Observation, Interview and Documentation. Based on research foundIt has been going well with the moral indicators of the students getting used to carrying out dhikr activities on time. This is inseparable from the implementation of Dhikr Tariqah in strengthening the character of students in Islamic boarding schools, the process of forming in behavioral changes that are carried out on santri congregations so that they can become better individuals in terms of character/behavior and in their lives. However, if it is associated with the various theories used in the Dhikr theory and character strengthening theory, it has been implemented effectively and optimally. Changes in behavior formed by the congregation are also very diverse, such as being on the path of goodness, having a wiser attitude, being patient, sincere and always prioritizing the afterlife.
Supervision Management of Madrasah Heads in Improving Teacher Performance in Tangerang Regency Bakri; Ulfiah; Ujang Nurjaman; Rita Sulastini
International Journal of Science Education and Technology Management Vol 1 No 2 (2022): International Journal Of Science Education and Technology Management
Publisher : Yayasan Azka Hafidz Maulana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28301/ijsetm.v1i2.9


The existence of madrasah principles in educational institutions has a very important role in developing and leading educational institutions, because madrasah principals are one of the keys to the success of quality educational institutions in the process and output, therefore the madrasah principal as a supervisor is expected to provide positive values ​​(motivation) , fostering, and developing teacher competencies) towards improving the performance of madrasa teachers. This study reveals the implementation of academic supervision management in improving teacher performance at MA Daarul Muttaqien and MAN 3 Tangerang. This type of research is qualitative research, data sources are primary data and secondary data, data collection techniques through observation, interviews (interviews), and documentation. research instruments, namely, observation guides, interview guidelines and documentation references, data processing and analysis techniques, namely deductive analysis, comparative analysis, data verification, namely drawing conclusions on the data that has been presented, testing the validity of the data, namely triangulation tests, and conducting checks. The results of the research findings indicate that: 1) the planning of the madrasah principal's academic supervision program is arranged in accordance with the rules. 2) the ability of the principal has optimized the implementation of academic supervision and the implementation of the academic supervision of the madrasah principal. 3) the activities of the evaluation process by the principal of the madrasa to the teacher are carried out by observing the teacher in class learning activities. 4) The implementation of academic supervision has a real impact on improving the performance of madrasa teachers, namely teachers.
Strategic Management of Madrasah Heads in Improving the Performance of Aliyah Teachers in Tangerang Regency Muallim Mukhtar; Sutaryat Trisnamansyah; Yosal Iriantara; Supyan Sauri
International Journal of Science Education and Technology Management Vol 1 No 2 (2022): International Journal Of Science Education and Technology Management
Publisher : Yayasan Azka Hafidz Maulana

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.28301/ijsetm.v1i2.10


Education is basically an effort to help the development of children and youth to achieve certain goals that take place in a certain environment. This research is to know and analyze the Strategic Management of Madrasah Heads in Improving the Performance of Aliyah Teachers in Tangerang Regency. Data collection techniques used are observation techniques (observations), interview techniques, documentation studies, literature studies and participation. Regarding data analysis techniques using non-statistical analysis techniques. The conclusion is that the principal's management strategy in improving the performance of Aliyah teachers at MA, Tangerang Regency, through the stages of planning, implementation and evaluation is not optimal because there are still weaknesses in competence and professionalism as well as support for the fostered madrasah.

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