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Journal of Digital Learning and Distance Education
ISSN : -     EISSN : 29646685     DOI :
The Journal of Digital Learning and Distance Education (JDLDE) aims to provide space for teachers, postgraduate students, Ph.D. candidates, lecturers, and researchers in publishing their work or research results. Journal of Digital Learning and Distance Education (JDLDE) publishes research results with focus and scope: information technology, digital learning, distance education, mobile learning, web-based learning, educational technology, e-learning, blended learning, digital classrooms, virtual learning, and all research aspects in digital learning, and education.
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Articles 5 Documents
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Augmented Reality (Ar) In Learning Social Science (Ips) In Elementary Schools Salmiyanti Salmiyanti; Yeni ERITA; Rati Syafiana PUTRI; NIVETIKEN NIVETIKEN
JOURNAL OF DIGITAL LEARNING AND DISTANCE EDUCATION Vol. 1 No. 10 (2023): Journal of Digital Learning and Distance Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56778/jdlde.v1i10.51


The Augmented Reality is an interactive medium, namely virtual images that are integrated into real life. The study employs literature review, especially by using secondary data obtained by summarizing several research articles related to the use of media which are carried out with the aim of describing and interpreting relevant information related to the use of augmented reality media. The study results are: 1) IPS learning in elementary schools is intended for students to become human beings and good citizens, as expected by themselves, their parents, society and religion; 2) Learning Media can make it easier for someone to convey a material or information to listeners; 3) AR media as a technology that objects in two or three dimensions in a certain way. AR media provides space for students to improve their learning process
Improving Student Learning Outcomes of Cooperative Social Studies Learning Model Type of Think Pair Share (TPS) Class IV SD didisyahrir didisyahrir; Yeni Erita; Feby Kurniawan; Vani Qhairum Nisa Utami
JOURNAL OF DIGITAL LEARNING AND DISTANCE EDUCATION Vol. 1 No. 10 (2023): Journal of Digital Learning and Distance Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56778/jdlde.v1i10.55


Abstract Starting from the problem that: Teachers often teach lessons using the lecture method, question and answer so that students feel bored in learning. In the learning process the teacher is active while the students are passive, because student learning is more individual in nature so that the student scores are much below average. Based on the results of the research that has been carried out, it can be seen that the results of the planning cycle I meeting I was 68, meeting II increased to 82 and in cycle II meeting I became 89. The results of teacher and student activities in cycle I meeting I were 69, meeting II increased to 81 and cycle II meeting I became 93. Social studies learning outcomes for class IV SDN 15 Patamuan District can be increased by using the Think Pair Share (TPS) Type Cooperative Model. The average results of the assessment of the two aspects of assessment, namely cognitive and affective, are as follows: Cycle I, meeting I was an average of 62.81 and meeting II, the average rose to 70.93. In cycle II, social studies learning outcomes were an average of 76.87. So by using the Cooperative Model Type Think Pair Share (TPS) social studies learning outcomes of students can be increased. Keywords: learning outcomes; social studies learning; cooperative model type think pair share; SD
Penggunaan Metode Think Pair Share (TPS) Sebagai Upaya Meningkatkan Motivasi Dan Hasil Belajar Bahasa Inggris Siswa Materi Greetings And Leave Takings Kelas X Adm Perkantoran SMK Negeri 1 Sipirok Tahun Ajaran 2021-2022 Sariayun Harahap
JOURNAL OF DIGITAL LEARNING AND DISTANCE EDUCATION Vol. 1 No. 10 (2023): Journal of Digital Learning and Distance Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar


This study aims to determine the impact of applying the Think Pair Share (TPS) method on learning English with Greetings and Leave Takings materials on increasing learning motivation and knowing the impact of applying the Think Pair Share (TPS) method on learning English with Greetings and Leave Takings materials on increasing student learning outcomes.The research method used is Classroom Action Research (CAR), which generally consists of 2 (two) cycles. Each cycle has 4 (four) stages namely planning, action, observation, and reflection.This research was conducted at X Adm Office SMK Negeri 1 Sipirok, totaling 32 people with a composition of 7 men and 25 women. The data collection techniques used were tests, observation sheets, and student questionnaires.From the results of the research on the cycle the teacher made improvements and students were reminded again about taking advantage of opportunities to discuss with their partners and how to work in good groups, where all members must play an active role in group discussions. After the improvement, there was an increase in learning outcomes in cycle II when compared to the previous cycle, which was originally only 16 students (50.00%) who had completed their studies, increased to 28 students (87.5%) who had completed their studies
Research Grant Decision Support System Based on The PROMETHEE II Method Alwendi Alwendi; Andi Saputra Mandopa
JOURNAL OF DIGITAL LEARNING AND DISTANCE EDUCATION Vol. 1 No. 10 (2023): Journal of Digital Learning and Distance Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56778/jdlde.v1i10.95


Community Service (P2M) is a form of lecturer activity in contributing directly to the community. To support lecturers in the implementation is the Internal Service Grant Program. The Internal Grant Service Program is intended as a service activity in the context of fostering and directing lecturers to improve their ability in community service. The purpose of this study is to apply the Preference Ranking Organization Method for Enrichment Evaluation (PROMETHEE II) in the case of Lecturers Receiving Internal Service Grants. Assessment of P2M Grant proposals is still manual without a system to assist reviewers. To overcome these problems a Decision Support System (SPK) is needed which is expected to resolve the problem in granting an internal P2M Grant. Comparative analysis is only done to maintain the quality of community service at Graha Nusantara University, Padangsidimpuan. The application of the Promethee II method is expected to help reviewers in determining the prospective lecturers receiving the P2M Internal Grant
Improving Students’ Learning Outcome in Mathematics with Brainstorming Model Hotmaida Siregar
JOURNAL OF DIGITAL LEARNING AND DISTANCE EDUCATION Vol. 1 No. 10 (2023): Journal of Digital Learning and Distance Education

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56778/jdlde.v1i10.96


This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the Brainstorming model in improving Mathematics learning outcomes in junior high school level. The participants in this study were 26 students in Kelas IX-1 in SMP Negeri 4 Padangsidimpuan. This class action research (CAR) is qualitative study conducted in two cycles. Data collection did by document analysis and class observation technique. The finding then analyzed and reviewed qualitatively based on the theory of the Brainstorming and other relevant theories explained in this study. The results of this study reveals that Brainstorming method can improve students’ Mathematics learning outcomes in Kelas IX-1 in SMP Negeri 4 Padangsidimpuan. Teacher's maximum scaffolding helps students to get involve and motivated. However, other study still needed in a larger scale to obtain better results.

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