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Serunai adalah jurnal yang terbit per semester yang fokus kepada studi pengembangan masyarakat dari berbagai multi-disiplin ilmu pengetahuan. Jurnal ini secara umum berupaya untuk mengungkap lebih dalam cara-cara meningkatkan taraf kehidupanan manusia, dengan menawarkan solusi potensial seputar masalah kemiskinan, kesetaraan gender, pengangguran, kerusakan lingkungan, akses kesehatan rakyat yang buruk, ketidakadilan akses ekonomi rakyat, dan kurangnya partisipasi rakyat dalam kehidupan politik. Serunai berkontribusi menawarkan ide, gagasan, analisis yang konstruktif, praktik-praktik baik dan memberikan pelajaran yang dapat diambil dari pengalaman berbagai, masyarakat, dan ekonomi. Pengembangan masyarakat merupakan proses perubahan yang melibatkan parapihak antara lain negara, sekstor swasta, masyarakat sipil, aliansi politik, organisasi kemasyarakat, pers dan individu. Pengembangan masyarakat memiliki cara dan proses yang berbeda pada setiap tingkatan. Perubahan dalam keluarga, perusahaan dan pertanian; baik pada skala lokal, provinsi, nasional, dan global. Tujuan Serunai adalah untuk saling belajar dan berbagi pengetahuan antara satau sama lain, tanpa memandang suku bangsa, budaya, ekonomi, disiplin ilmu, maupun profesi. Serunai memberi manfaat dan keuntungan bagi penulis terutama dalam menyebarluaskan gagasan, ide, temuan praktik-praktik baik pengembangan masyarakat kepada khalayak yang sangat luas baik di tingkat nasional maupun global.
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 11 Documents
Citizen Charter Implementation at Soko Community Health Center, Tuban Regency Ahmad Taufiq; Joko Hadi Purnomo
SERUNAI Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal SERUNAI
Publisher : IDFoS Indonesia

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This research aimed to describe how the implementation of the citizen charter at Soko Community Health Center, the role and behavior of the service apparatus at Soko Community Health Center after the signing of the service notice, as well as the completeness of the supporting facilities and infrastructure as promised in the service at Soko Community Health Center. Qualitative research method was used in this research. The results showed that the types of services provided by Soko Community Health Center were generally well implemented according to the citizen charter. The service promises provided included the service types, the suitability between the service type and service personnel, services for TB patients, immunization services, leprosy establishment services, maternity and emergency services, inpatient services, administrative services for referral letters and health letters. However, there were several things noted for improvement, for example related to services at Maternal dan Child Health (MCH) Poly, the timeliness of services, public ignorance about special services for TB patients (83%), immunization (56.3%), services for leprosy patients (91.7%), delivery services emergency department in which 83.3% stated that it was appropriate, only 16.7% of respondents surveyed said they did not know, as well as several other records found in the field. Keywords: Implementation, Citizen Charter, Community Health Center
Assistance in Increasing Community Livelihoods through Optimizing the Business Role of Village Owned Enterprises Laily Mubarokah; Ifa Khoiria Ningrum; Siti Nur Hidayah
SERUNAI Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal SERUNAI
Publisher : IDFoS Indonesia

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Abstract The purpose of empowerment program through Village Owned Enterprises in Bandungrejo Village, Ngasem Sub-District, Bojonegoro Regency were 1) Contributing to improve community welfare through replicating the successful implementation of previous programs in improving the livelihoods of rural communities around the JTB Project to other villages; 2) Realizing the principle of equity and justice in the implementation of community development programs that were not limited to the project area but also to communities outside the project area in accordance with regional policy priorities; and 3) Maintaining good relations with the surrounding community and local government so that the business is able to run well. The method used was Participatory Action Research (PAR). The results of the assistance program were the existence of a joint commitment and support from various parties, including the Village Government, BPD, Village Owned Enterprises managers, Bandungrejo Village Government had planned for BUMDes which would only be budgeted in 2021 for 300 million. Managers needed to have capacity building regarding roles, duties, principals and functions, also had organizational governance. From the above activities, research on book preparation, as well as two book review experts who are competent in their fields strongly support book review activities Keywords: Community Assistance, Business, Village Owned Enterprises
Assistance of Agroforestry Programs in Bojonegoro Regency Rizal Zubad Firdausi; Y.B Pratiknyo
SERUNAI Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal SERUNAI
Publisher : IDFoS Indonesia

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The purpose of the assistance program was to improve community welfare through replicating the successful implementation of previous programs in improving the livelihoods of rural communities around the JTB project operation area to other villages; improving environmental sustainability, especially forest sustainability in an effort to contribute to reducing carbon emissions in Bojonegoro Regency; realizing the principle of equity and justice in the implementation of community development programs that are not limited to the project area but also communities outside the project area in accordance with regional policy priorities, and maintain good relations with the surrounding community and local government so that businesses is able to run smoothly. The Participatory Action Research (PAR) method was used in this assistance program. The results of the assistance were the establishment of good relations from various parties, including KPH Bojonegoro, Bapedda, DLH, PEPC and IDFoS Indonesia through forest conservation activities, there had been an increase in the knowledge and capacity of forest farmers and the existence of agroforestry businesses in forest areas, the planting of 1500 longan trees and 30 durian trees as well as providing business operational assistance such as production and operational facilities, with longan cultivation farming, it was estimated that in the next 2 years at harvest, farmers were able to harvest as much as 3,000 kg with a turnover of Rp. 60,000,000 approximately in one harvest cycle, and the results of the evaluation mandate that there was 3 months of surveillance to minimize crop loss, and had been carried out by LMDH and Perhutani. To deal with the upcoming drought, it was necessary to prepare effective and possible watering because the location was in the middle of the forest with limited transportation access.  
Community-Based Waste Management at Al-Rosyid Islamic Boarding School, Mpokdamira Ngumpakdalem Village and Gayam Village, Bojonegoro Regency Ahmad Muhajirin; Maritha Nilam Kusuma
SERUNAI Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal SERUNAI
Publisher : IDFoS Indonesia

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The purposes of this assistance were to increase the capacity of the waste community in managing domestic waste, including communication, coordination and initial assessment of domestic waste management with stakeholders, preparation of a sustainable waste management plan, implementation of provision waste management facilities in the community, the integration of community waste management with stakeholders, implementation of management (sorting and processing of waste). The method used was Participatory Action Research (PAR). The results of the assistance carried out were a change in the pattern of waste management in Mpokdamira, which initially used organic waste as liquid organic fertilizer, and it became solid organic fertilizer with better quality, the existence of waste management activities at the Al Rosyid Islamic Boarding School by maximizing the role of TPD and TPS, able to operate machines with better fuel quality, the emergence of impacts due to changes in clean and healthy living behavior on the environment of each program, as well as increasing the capacity of the waste community in managing domestic waste.
Assistance of Posyandu Service Capacity Building Program in Cancung and Sumberbendo Villages, Bojonegoro Regency Sunariyo Sunariyo; Niswatin Nurul Hidayati
SERUNAI Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal SERUNAI
Publisher : IDFoS Indonesia

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The purpose of the assistance carried out was to improve posyandu services for infants and children, as an effort to prevent the condition of undernourished children under five. The expected result of the program was an increase in the quality of posyandu services in Cancung and Sumberbendo Villages. The expected immediate results were the implementation of increased knowledge and ability of posyandu cadres to facilitate, rehabilitation of children’s nutrition with a Positive Deviance approach, the availability of posyandu service facilities and support from relevant government agencies. From the assistance that had been carried out, there were several outputs and activities carried out, including the support from the village, sub-district and related offices, where this was supported by several activities carried out, they were program coordination with sub-district and district, meetings with villagers, program dissemination, and contribution-raising FGDs. Then, the increased knowledge and ability of posyandu cadres to carry out health promotion was achieved by several activities, including positive deviance training, infant and child feeding training, and public speaking training for cadres. In addition, there were activities to rehabilitate children’s nutrition with a positive deviant approach which were achieved with FGDs of mothers and grandmothers, positive deviant family assessments, FGDs for analysis of research results, FGDs for determining welfare levels, nutrition post, mome visits, health campaigns, dissemination, routine assistance. Furthermore, the existence of supporting facilities for Posyandu services and health promotion facilities were supported by several activities which included the provision of posyandu promotion media, provision of posyandu service facilities, and monitoring and evaluation.  
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): Mapping, Opportunities, Constrains, and Development Strategies in Bojonegoro Regency Joko Hadi Purnomo; Moh. Saiful Anam
SERUNAI Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Jurnal SERUNAI
Publisher : IDFoS Indonesia

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The purpose of this research was to identify and map Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and its forms in Bojonegoro Regency, identify the problems, opportunities and constraints in realizing CSR in Bojonegoro Regency, and formulate the most ideal CSR model development strategy in Bojonegoro Regency to be applied in the future. The research design used in this research was a combination of qualitative and quantitative approaches. The results of this research were CSR Implementation Patterns, including: Partnership, Community Empowerment, and Charity. The capacity of CSR activities includes amount of funds, number of Beneficiaries, and characteristics of beneficiaries. In 2014 the amount of CSR funds was Rp. 30,257,550,000. The number of individual beneficiaries was 2,730 people, while the CSR beneficiaries in the form of groups were 55 groups, while those in the form of organizations were 170 organizations. There were 112 villages that became CSR beneficiaries. The capability of implementing CSR included: the implementation of the CSR program has been in accordance with the program’s objectives when it was planned in accordance with the statement of 84% of companies. However, in the transparency sector, the CSR program had not been implemented optimally, it was approved by 76% of companies becoming the research respondents. The level of community participation in the CSR implementation was still low, as stated by 70% of companies. The sustainability of the CSR program had not run optimally marked by the level of program suitability that was still inappropriate. The synergy between companies and the government had not run smoothly, as research results only 68% of companies stated that it was appropriate.
Effort To Manage Waste Effectively And Educatively With Alternative Waste Banks As A Solution In The Villange Of Ngujuran Bancar Irma Rosyidah
SERUNAI Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal SERUNAI
Publisher : IDFoS Indonesia

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The waste bank is collective dry waste management system that encourages the community to play an active role in it. This system will accommodate, sort, and distibute economic value waste to the market so that the community can benefit economically from saving waste. Waste bank as the implementation of 3R (Reuse, Reduce. Recycle) strategy in waste management at the source at the community level with a pattern of economic incentives. Garbage that accumulates couses pollution to the environment, causing diseases that will spread to the community. The lack of participation factors, including a lack of responsibility and low knowladge about the environment. So that people do not understand the negative impact given by a dirty and slum environment. The purpose of this studof data is to describe how to manage waste effectively and educatively with an alternative waste bank as solution in Ngujuran vilage. This research that the author did is included in a descriptive study with a quakitative approach. Type of data obtained through interviews with the community and direct observatin. In this assitance, researchers use the PAR (Participatory Action Research) method. PAR consists of words that are related to each other. The rhree words are participation, research and action. In PAR activities, reseachers learn and work together with the communty in making changes. The resulth of the study indicate that the implementation of assistence to the community obtained after taking action on the community is expected to be able to build awareness and participate in protecting the environment. Minimize the circulation of waste bank, the people of Ngujuran vilage realized how important it was to maintain environment health and cleaknliness. This effort is not easy, but the people of Ngujuran Vilangge are very enthusitic in supporting this mentoring process.
A Study On Capacity And Physical Supporting Of New Landfill Site In Western Area Of Bojonegoro Regency Rizal Zubad Firdausi; Agus Budianto
SERUNAI Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal SERUNAI
Publisher : IDFoS Indonesia

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Waste has always been a problem in various regions, starting from the village, sub-district, district/city, even in a country level. The rate of population growth is increasing rapidly which has an impact on increasing the amount of waste. The Landfill for waste in Bojonegoro had been overloaded since 2019, which in 2020 will operate a new Landfill in the western region. Improper planning and inappropriate location of the new Landfill will have a greater negative impact, especially on the surrounding community. The capacity and physical supporting of the landfill are important things that must be considered in planning the development and operation of the landfill, in order to be able to support the activities of using the landfill in a sustainable manner. The purpose of this research was to examine the capacity of the Bojonegoro new Landfill by calculating the capacity of the Bojonegoro New Landfill in serving predictions of waste generation in the future Landfill service area. In addition, this research also analyzed the physical supporting capacity of Bojonegoro new Landfill with a scoring method based on the Landfill feasibility standard. The result of this research was that the Bojonegoro new Landfill was categorized as feasible to operate with the consideration from the results of the analysis that the capacity of the Landfill had a service life of 9 years 7 months which could be categorized as feasible. While the results of the analysis of the physical supporting capacity of the landfill got a total score of 533 with a proper interpretation.
A Study Of The Economic Supporting Capacity Of New Landfill In The Western Region Of Bojonegoro Regency Dwi Wijayanti; Rizal Zubad Firdausi; Agus Budianto
SERUNAI Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal SERUNAI
Publisher : IDFoS Indonesia

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There are always problems caused by waste at various regional levels, starting from the village, sub-district, district/city levels even at the national and state levels. The rate of population growth is increasing rapidly which has an impact on increasing the amount of waste. The Landfill for waste in Bojonegoro Regency had been overloaded since 2019, which in 2020 will operate a new Landfill in the western region. Improper planning will be able to cause financial losses but on the contrary if done with proper planning it will create opportunities to advance the economy for the surrounding community. The supporting capacity of the Landfill is an important thing that had to be considered in planning the development and operation of the Landfill, in order to be able to support the activities of using the landfill in a sustainable manner. The purpose of this research was to find out whether the new Landfill was feasible to operate by considering the estimated costs incurred and the income earned. The calculation of the economic supporting capacity was carried out using the Landfill economic valuation method. The results of the calculation of the economic carrying capacity of the new landfill had a benefit cost ratio (BCR) of 1.16, with an IRR value of 35.48% so that the New landfill activity was feasible to carry out.
Implementation Of Women Empowerment And Children Protection Program (Study On The Women And Children Protection Unit Of Bojonegoro Regency 2020) Nelly Dahlia
SERUNAI Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Jurnal SERUNAI
Publisher : IDFoS Indonesia

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The emergence of gender inequality issue has become a serious problem in the country development, especially the distribution of social welfare. Various national efforts as outlined in the form of legitimacy aim to encourage the role, position and quality of women to be further increased, to realize gender equality, especially in Bojonegoro Regency. One of them is by involving women as one of the active stakeholders in dealing with issues related to gender, through the Women Empowerment program and child protection. The purpose of this research was to describe and analyze two problem formulations, they were: How was the implementation of the Women Empowerment and children protection program in the women and children protection unit of Bojonegoro Regency in 2020, which was described and analyzed using George Edward III’s Public Policy Implementation Model Theory as a starting point. measure the success of the establishment of the PPA Unit in the Women Empowerment and children protection program. The researcher used descriptive qualitative research method using purposive sampling technique. The data collection methods used interview techniques, observation, literature study and documentation. Then, data processing was carried out using the Miles and Huberman interactive model and triangulation. The results of this research indicated that the responsibility of Bojonegoro Regency government in supporting Gender Mainstream was evidenced by the existence of women empowerment and children protection programs through the task force for women and children protection that have been effectively implemented in the community. Basically, the services provided by members of the Satgas PPA in assisting the government in carrying out their duties to deal with problems of women and children had so far worked according to their main duties and functions. However, it had not been able to run optimally due to several variables that were not optimal in their application.

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