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Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen
Core Subject : Economy, Social,
Selamat Datang di Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen... Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik. Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen kami khususkan bagi penulis dengan latar belakang strata-1 ataupun strata-2. Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen terbit dua kali dalam satu tahun, terbit pada bulan Mei dan bulan November. Kami mewadahi para penulis-penulis ilmiah di Bidang Manajemen, tidak terkecuali (1) Manajemen Strategik, (2) Manajemen Pemasaran, (3) Manajemen Keuangan, (4) Manajemen Operasional, (5) Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, (6) Manajemen Rantai Pasok (Supply Chain Mangement), (7) Bisnis dan/ atau (8) Penelitian di bidang organisasi yang memiliki impact dan kaitannya dengan kegiatan manajerial, untuk ikut bergabung bersama jurnal kami.
Articles 44 Documents
Pengaruh Keselamatan Kerja, Kesehatan Kerja Dan Lingkungan Kerja Terhadap Kinerja Karyawan Pada PT Sinar Sosro Kantor Penjualan (KP) Jember Nur Sabilillah Ayuningtias; Toni Herlambang; Tatit Diansari Reskiputri
Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen Vol 2 No 01 (2021): Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (374.795 KB) | DOI: 10.30587/mahasiswamanajemen.v2i01.2751


Background - The company has provided occupational safety and health facilities to avoid work accidents, but employees still do not use the equipment that has been provided. This can affect the performance of employees in carrying out their work. Objective - This study aims to determine the partial effect of work safety (X1), occupational health (X2) and work environment (X3) towards employee performance (Y) of PT Sinar Sosro KP Jember. Design/Methodology/Approach - This research used a quantitative method approach. The population in this study were the employees of PT Sinar Sosro KP Jember and covered 32 employees as the number of samples. The data collection technique used was a questionnaire with data instrument tests (validity and reliability tests), classical assumption tests (multicollinearity test, normality test, and heteroscedasticity test), multiple linear analysis and hypothesis testing (t test and coefficient of determination) with the help of SPSS 21.0 for Windows software application. Findings - The results of this study indicate that, partially, the work safety variable (X1) has a significant effect on employee performance (Y) with significance value of 0.026. Partially, the occupational health variable (X2) has a significant effect on employee performance (Y) with significance value of 0.028. While the work environment variable (X3) partially has a significant effect on Employee Performance (Y) with significance value of 0.013. The adjusted R-squared value of 0.799. This indicates that 79% of variations in employee performance variable can be well explained by occupational safety, occupational health and work environment variables. The remaining value of 0.21 or 21% is influenced by other variables that are not examined in this study. Research implications - The results of this study are expected to be input and as additional information for the company in providing occupational safety and health facilities to the performance of employees at PT Sinar Sosro KP Jember. Research limitations - The limitations of this study are that it only uses three variables while there are many other factors that can affect employee performance, and the sample used is still small so it cannot be generalized to all companies.
Upaya Peningkatan Konsep Diri Positif Peserta Didik Kelas Xii Sma Nahdlatul Ulama 1 Gresik Melalui Forgiveness Therapy Muhammad Badril Riza
Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen Vol 1 No 02 (2020): Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (428.003 KB) | DOI: 10.30587/mahasiswamanajemen.v1i2.2013


Abstract Background - There are indications of low positive self-concept, especially in class XII students. Often the negative self-concept experienced by students is more influenced by unfinished emotion, namely feelings of being wronged in the past by the surrounding environment that has not been resolved so as to form various consequences of unconscious behavior in the present. Objective - Describe the application of classical forgiveness therapy guidance services in improving the positive self-concept of class XII students of SMA Nahdlatul Ulama 1 Gresik. Design / methodology / approach - action research guidance and counseling (PTBK). Findings - Improvements in classical guidance services from cycle 1 to cycle 2 have succeeded in increasing the positive self-concept of students as evidenced by the decline in students in the low and very low categories on the results of the self-concept questionnaire. Research implications - This study provides contributions in the management of students' self-concepts. Research limitations - This research on guidance and counseling was carried out with due regard to pandemic conditions during the study. So that service settings are also limited by space (keep distance) and time. For further researchers, this can be done more optimally through different service designs under normal conditions.
Makna Rangkap Jabatan dalam Pencapaian Produktivitas yang Optimal Pada PT Barito Sarana Karya Gresik Rini Wulani Aisyah; Budi Pristyadi
Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen Vol 2 No 02 (2021): Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (287.827 KB) | DOI: 10.30587/mahasiswamanajemen.v2i02.1847


Background - The minimum number of workers employed in the company means that there are several employees who work in two positions. However, with these dual positions, work productivity remains optimal. Objective - This study aims to determine the meaning of dual positions in achieving optimal productivity at PT Barito Sarana Karya Gresik. Design/Methodology/Approach - Researchers use a qualitative approach. The informants in this study were 3 informants, where there were 2 key informants and 1 supporting informants. Data collection is carried out by interview and documentation. Test the validity of the data by using source triangulation and membercheck. Findings - The results of research conducted in the field show that workers who hold concurrent positions interpret dual positions in 4 themes, namely workload, constrains, discipline, and compensation received. So that the 4 themes can produce optimal work productivity even though working more than one job is done. Research implications - This research can be used as a source of information related to the management of human resource management, especially dual positions. Research limitations - This study only reveals the meaning of multiple positions in one company so that it is less able to compare the meaning of multiple positions for each company.
Analisis Tindakan Indisipliner Kerja Pada Pegawai PD.BPR Bank Gresik Karima Diva Rifada; Maulidyah Amalina Rizqi
Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen Vol 2 No 01 (2021): Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (295.075 KB) | DOI: 10.30587/mahasiswamanajemen.v2i01.2360


Background - Discipline is certainly an absolute requirement for the progress of the company or the progress of each individual. Without discipline, it would be impossible for all targets to be achieved properly, but at PD. BPR Bank Gresik there are employees who take disciplinary actions. Objective - To analyze the crimes committed by employees as well as the efforts made by PD. BPR Bank Gresik in improving employee discipline. Design/Methodology/Approach - This research is a type of qualitative research. Findings - The cause of disciplinary action information about weather conditions, interests, time scheduling and family conditions. The cause of disciplinary action by leaving early is unexpected conditions and needs for family needs, employees who do not use shoes when working hours are still ongoing due to weather conditions, healthy conditions, while employees who do not use ID cards are because employees think that the use of ID cards is only used when there is a meeting outside the office. Research implications - Research contributes to minimizing individual action. Research limitations - This research is expected to better prepare themselves in the process of retrieval, study data and everything else and further researchers are expected to be able to carry out deeper research with different methods related to Disciplinary Action.
pengaruh kualitas produk, harga dan nkualitas pelayanan terhadap kepuasan konsumen Moh. Farid Atho'illah Fahrur Rozi; Sukaris sukaris
Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen Vol 1 No 01 (2020): Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (354.933 KB) | DOI: 10.30587/mahasiswamanajemen.v1i01.1233


This study aims to analyze the effect of product quality, price and service quality on consumer satisfaction at Katon Ayu Wedding Organizer Gresik. This study uses a quantitative approach. The population in this study all consumers in Gresik Katon Ayu Wedding Organizer amounted to 150 people while the sample was 110 people and there were 10 people who did not meet the researcher's criteria, the method used by purposive sampling researchers with the provisions of respondents who had chosen an exelent building package and luxury home package at Katon Ayu Wedding Organizer. The data analysis technique used is multiple regression analysis. Regression results obtained t count 9.495 while t table 1.985 therefore product quality affects consumer satisfaction at Katon Ayu Wedding Organizer Gresik. The variable price has -4,180 while t table 1,985 influences consumer satisfaction at Katon Ayu Wedding Organizer Gresik. The service quality has a t count of 7.225 while the t table of 1,985 affects consumer satisfaction at Katon Ayu Wedding Organizer Gresik. Product quality, price and service quality variables have a simultaneous and significant influence on customer satisfaction
Pengendalian Kualitas Produk Mainan Melalui Pendekatan Metode Six Sigma pada PT Langgeng Buana Jaya Dwi Pramana Putra; Abdurrahman Faris Indriya Himawan
Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen Vol 3 No 01 (2022): Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (324.44 KB) | DOI: 10.30587/mahasiswamanajemen.v3i01.3061


In general, the company always pays attention to the quality of its products, which with good quality will increase consumer confidence in PT Langgeng Buana Jaya has implemented a production quality control system. However, in reality there are still products that are of poor quality, so it is necessary to analyze the quality control efforts implemented by the company and find out what causes the problem and look for improvement solutions using the Six Sigma method. The purpose of this study is to analyze and implement quality control of toy products at PT Langgeng Buana Jaya using the Six sigma approach. This research is a type of qualitative research and test the validity of this research data using source triangulation. The causes of product defects at PT Langgeng Buana Jaya based on the fishbone diagram are product defects due to stitches, scratches and color effects. This research contributes to minimize product defects by using the six-sigma method. Better prepare themselves in the process of collecting and collecting data and for further researchers it is hoped that they can conduct continuous research until the sigma number is high and the results can be even better. In general, the company always pays attention to the quality of its products, which with good quality will increase consumer confidence in PT Langgeng Buana Jaya has implemented a production quality control system. However, in reality there are still products that are of poor quality, so it is necessary to analyze the quality control efforts implemented by the company and find out what causes the problem and look for improvement solutions using the Six Sigma method. The purpose of this study is to analyze and implement quality control of toy products at PT Langgeng Buana Jaya using the Six sigma approach. This research is a type of qualitative research and test the validity of this research data using source triangulation. The causes of product defects at PT Langgeng Buana Jaya based on the fishbone diagram are product defects due to stitches, scratches and color effects. This research contributes to minimize product defects by using the six-sigma method. Better prepare themselves in the process of collecting and collecting data and for further researchers it is hoped that they can conduct continuous research until the sigma number is high and the results can be even better.
Studi Peristiwa Dampak Revisi Renewable Energy Directive Terhadap Perusahaan Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit di Indonesia Ilham Gresnaidi; Rahmat Agus Santoso; Anita Handayani
Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen Vol 2 No 02 (2021): Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (368.408 KB) | DOI: 10.30587/mahasiswamanajemen.v2i02.2383


Background - Indonesia is one of the most significant crude palm oil exported. But, the amendment of Renewable Energy Directive also brings impact to these industries. The content of the amendment that proposed is to minimize the use of crude palm oil in Europe, while Europe is also the biggest imported of Indonesia crude palm oil. Objective - This study aims to determine wether there is the difference on abnormal return before and after the proposed Delegated Act, European Parliament vote of proposed Delegated Act and European Council, Commission and Parliament meetings for proposed Delegated Act. Design/Methodology/Approach - The data used is historical stock price for listed company of Agriculture Sector and Plantation Sub Sector in Indonesia Stock Exchange in 23th November-7th December 2016, 10th-24th January 2018 and 4th-26th June 2018 from The assay used in this study is statistic descriptive test, then normality test and then paired sample t-test and/or wilcoxon signed rank test. Findings - The result of this study indicates there is no difference on abnormal return in all event. That no difference happens because the event contains no information, also the investor believed more in company performance and some information is expired when stock market is open. Research implications - Research contributes to providing additional information on the impact of the revised Renewable Energy Directive on share prices in energy-producing plantation companies. Research limitations - This study has limitations, namely the trilogy meeting event intersects with the holiday and the Indonesia Stock Exchange holiday, thus creating a conflict of events whether this is the impact of the fitri holiday or because of the trilogy meeting event.
Penerapan Budaya Inovasi Dengan Mengadopsi Konsep Kaizen (Continuous Improvement) di PT. Petrosida Gresik Oldive Meigres Zenit; Sukaris Sukaris
Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen Vol 1 No 02 (2020): Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (306.604 KB) | DOI: 10.30587/mahasiswamanajemen.v1i2.1903


Background - Innovation culture is a very important thing to be applied to a company with the purpose of maintaining the existence and survival of the company. The level of success in doing this innovation significantly depends on the ability, skills and interpreting the rapidly changing environment. In addition, employee involvement also influences the success of innovation. Innovation itself is often associated with KAIZEN or in Japanese terms it means "continuous improvement" which emphasizes human effort, morals, communication, training, cooperation, empowerment and self-discipline. Objective - The purpose of this study was to determine the strategy carried out by PT. Petrosida Gresik in motivating its employees to implement an innovation culture and to identify inhibiting factors in its application and what efforts must be made to minimize these obstacles. Design : This study uses qualitative research methods and the informants in this study are employees who are the originators of the application of an innovation culture in the company, and innovators who always innovate in their work. Validity test of the data by using source triangulation and member checking. Findings - From the results of this study, the researcher can conclude that the application of the innovation culture in this company has a positive impact on the survival of the company. Research implications - This study provides a contribution in human resource management related to corporate culture. Research limitations - Cannot interviews with the Manager of Human Resource Department because timing of the research during the Covid19 pandemic.
Analisis Pengendalian Persediaan Bahan Baku Songkok ZNR dengan Menggunakan Metode Material Requirement Planning (MRP) Muhammad Ahyat Daroini; Abdurrahman Faris Indriya Himawan
Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen Vol 2 No 02 (2021): Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (259.31 KB) | DOI: 10.30587/mahasiswamanajemen.v2i02.3035


Background - This research is a case study research on the supply of raw material for ZNR skullcap which has advantages and disadvantages when product demand increases. Objective - The objectives of this study were to analyze how the implementation of raw material inventory control carried out by the company to determine the number of orders and the right time to place an order for raw materials so as to minimize the total costs incurred by the company by using the Material Requirement Planning (MRP) method. Design/Methodology/Approach - This research uses descriptive quantitative approach and MRP method with Lot Sizing, namely Lot for Lot (LFL), Part Period Balancing (PPB), and Wagner Whitin Algorithm (AWW). Findings - Using Lot Sizing PPB has the smallest inventory cost of Rp 229.820.- compared to LFL and AWW calculations. Research implications - In an effort to control raw material inventories related to costs, companies need to consider in terms of planning raw material requirements. Ensure the quantity to be produced in the next period based on the master production schedule so that the amount of raw material purchases can be ascertained so as not to experience overstock and raw material shortages. Research limitations – The PPB method will be difficult to use if the cost of storage is greater than the cost of ordering so it is difficult to determine the value of the Economic Part Period (EPP).
Pendapatan Bagi Petani Sawah Dalam Perspektif Produktivitas Di Desa Pandanan Kecamatan Duduk Sampeyan Gresik Siti A'isyah; Rahmat Agus Santoso
Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen Vol 2 No 01 (2021): Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (311.918 KB) | DOI: 10.30587/mahasiswamanajemen.v2i01.2514


Background - The problem faced by farmers in Pandanan village is that the size of the input (resources) is higher than the size of the output (results obtained). The results of this production affect the profits that will be obtained by farmers. Objective - This study aims to analyze the income of farmers in Pandanan Village, Sit Sampeyan Gresik District, from a productivity perspective. Design/Methodology/Approach - By using 5 informants who were interviewed to find the actual income in terms of labor and capital. Testing is done using qualitative research with descriptive analysis method. Findings - The cause of disciplinary action information about weather conditions, interests, time scheduling and family conditions. The cause of disciplinary action by leaving early is unexpected conditions and needs for family needs, employees who do not use shoes when working hours are still ongoing due to weather conditions, healthy conditions, while employees who do not use ID cards are because employees think that the use of ID cards is only used when there is a meeting outside the office. Research implications - This research contributes to examining income from a productivity perspective in terms of labor and capital. Research limitations - This study has limited research focus, namely the meaning of income for farmers in productivity where researchers find about aspects of labor and capital in income for farmers.