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Maulidyah Amalina Rizqi
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Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen
Core Subject : Economy, Social,
Selamat Datang di Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen... Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Manajemen Fakultas Ekonomi dan Bisnis Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik. Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen kami khususkan bagi penulis dengan latar belakang strata-1 ataupun strata-2. Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen terbit dua kali dalam satu tahun, terbit pada bulan Mei dan bulan November. Kami mewadahi para penulis-penulis ilmiah di Bidang Manajemen, tidak terkecuali (1) Manajemen Strategik, (2) Manajemen Pemasaran, (3) Manajemen Keuangan, (4) Manajemen Operasional, (5) Manajemen Sumber Daya Manusia, (6) Manajemen Rantai Pasok (Supply Chain Mangement), (7) Bisnis dan/ atau (8) Penelitian di bidang organisasi yang memiliki impact dan kaitannya dengan kegiatan manajerial, untuk ikut bergabung bersama jurnal kami.
Articles 44 Documents
Makna Pendapatan Bagi Petani Tambak Terhadap Kerugian Yang Dialami Ketika Lahan Pertambakan Mengalami Kebanjiran Naabilah Surrohmawati; Anita Handayani
Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen Vol 3 No 01 (2022): Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/mahasiswamanajemen.v3i01.1242


Background - Tambak Beras is one of the villages located in Cerme District, Gresik Regency, East Java Province. The source of livelihood for the residents of Tambak Beras Village is aquaculture. The pond farmers in Tambak Beras Village still use a very simple theory. Objective - This study aims to determine pond farmers in interpreting the income against losses due to the phenomenon of flooding. By using 5 informants including 1 (one) informant who is the head of a group of fish farmers in the village of rice ponds as gatekipper and 4 (four) other informants in accordance with the criteria for determining the informant. Design/Methodology/Approach - The test was conducted using qualitative research with descriptive analysis methods. Findings - The results of the study show that: (1) for the owner of the pond land, income is a gain obtained from eachbusiness according to the type of work. (2) the majority of farm farmers who rent ponds and manage individually interpret the income as a net calculation obtained during one harvest period after deducting initial venture capital, operational costs, unexpected cost, so that the income they receive is purely as profit from the period. (3) whereas according to the majority of mustard or pond workers interpret the income as wages obtained even though not necessarily how much the nominal because it depends on the profit sharing system provided by pond farmers who have land. Research implications - Based on the results of the interviews, it can be described to the parties who are pond farmers whose ponds are flooded, resulting in losses and no income received by pond farmers. Research limitations - This research was only conducted on pond farmers in Cerme District, Gresik Regency, East Java Province.
Implementasi Social Marketing pada Dinas Perindustrian dan Perdagangan Kabupaten Lamongan (Studi Kasus Local Brand Nasi Boran) Febriana Diana Ningsih; Sukaris Sukaris
Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen Vol 3 No 01 (2022): Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/mahasiswamanajemen.v3i01.2521


Background – With the large number of Nasi Boran sellers in Lamongan City, the efforts made by researchers are to increase public awareness or love for the Local Brand of Nasi Boran in Lamongan City. Public awareness of the love of local brands is very important and needs to be considered. Therefore, researchers conducted research on how to make the public or consumers aware of the interesting for the Nasi Boran brand. Objective - This study aims to find out how to implement Social Marketing at the Department of Industry and Trade of Lamongan Regency (Case Study of Local Brand Nasi Boran). Design/methodology/approach - This study uses primary data types. This study uses qualitative techniques by taking data through interviews. Findings - The results of this study indicate that the Department of Industry and Trade of Lamongan Regency has carried out Social Marketing activities. And there are impacts in implementation which include revenue, awareness, and brand. And the love of the Lamongan community for the Local Brand of Nasi Boran can be seen through where this Nasi Boran consumer has done Social Marketing to the people around him. Research Implications – The results of this study can be used as a way to introduce Nasi Boran thoroughly to the people of Lamongan city. Research Limitations - Research barriers in getting better results in this study are at the data collection stage. The data obtained by means of interviews can be considered less representative of the variables discussed in this study.
Makna Pengendalian Keuangan Tanpa SAK ETAP Pada Usaha Jasa Photocopy Area Gresik Kota Baru Rizka Octavia Hariyati; Rahmat Agus Santoso
Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen Vol 3 No 01 (2022): Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/mahasiswamanajemen.v3i01.1854


Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) have an important role in the economy of a region, especially in Indonesia. Photocopy service businesses that carry out financial records using simple bookkeeping without using SAK ETAP and financial control systems, but their business continues to increase as seen from the remaining balance. This study aims to analyze the meaning of financial control without using SAK ETAP in photocopying service businesses in Gresik Kota Baru. The research approach is descriptive qualitative. Data collection techniques using the method of documentation and interviews with the selection of informants using purposive sampling technique. The data analysis technique uses an interactive model. The results of this study indicate that the meaning of financial control according to the photocopy service business owner is to spend income or income received and meet consumer needs, and regulate expenditure so that it is not more than the income received. In carrying out financial control, there are how to control activities, constraints, and impacts if you do not carry out financial control. This research can provide information as input for business owners in policy making in order to improve performance in presenting financial statements in accordance with financial accounting standards and using management control systems, especially financial control. This study only examines the meaning of financial control from aspects of financial accounting standards and from financial reports so that the results obtained are less broad.
Pengaruh Kepercayaan Konsumen, Promosi Media Sosial dan Celebrity Endoser Terhadap Minat Beli Konsumen Pada Online Shop Shopee Hilyatun Nisak; Sukaris Sukaris
Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen Vol 3 No 02 (2022): Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/mahasiswamanajemen.v3i02.4728


Background - Development of technology and information on the economic aspect has changed the media for selling businesses in developing their business. Objective - This study aims to examine the effect of consumer trust, social media-based promotions, and celebrity endorsers on consumer buying interest in online shop shopee. Design/Methodology/Approach - This study using quantitative methods. This research was conducted at the Muhammadiyah University of Gresik. The number of respondents used was 85 students. Data collection was carried out by distributing questionnaires. The analysis technique used in this study is multiple linear regression analysis. The results of the questionnaire in the study were tested using the SPSS version 24 program. Findings - The analysis show that the variables of consumer trust, social media-based promotions, and celebrity endorsers have a positive and significant effect on consumer buying interest in online shop shopee. Research implications - Influence The highest score is obtained from the results of multiple linear regression coefficient analysis on the social media promotion variable of 0.419, which means that the higher the social media promotion is carried out, the higher the purchase intention that arises from consumers. Research limitations - this research was limited to users of the shopee platform for active management students in 2018 Muhammadiyah University of Gresik.
Analisis Beban Kerja Pada Divisi SHU & IT PT Aneka Jasa Grhadika Sholekhah Nur Aini; Maulidyah Amalina Rizqi
Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen Vol 3 No 01 (2022): Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/mahasiswamanajemen.v3i01.1873


Background – There are several employees on the SHU&IT Division PT Aneka Jasa Grhadika are experiencing the workload. In this research researchers want to know the cause of the workload and impact of workloads for employee work productivity. Objective - This study aims to determine the causes of the workload experienced by employees and determine the impact of workload on employee productivity. Design/methodology/approach - The study uses a qualitative approach with qualitative descriptive methods. The informant in this research is an employee who has experienced the workload and colleagues who are in the SHU&IT Division PT Aneka Jasa Grhadika with interview techniques by telephone and supported by the data documentation. Findings - The result of this research is that there are some employees who experienced the workload that caused the employee concurrently and the impact of workload on employee productivity is to be less maximal because of the job overload. Research Implications – From the results of this study there are several implications, namely to determine the workload on the object of research. As well as useful for analyzing workloads that are useful for job analysis on the object of research. Research Limitations - The limitation in this study is that it cannot find information from the General Manager of the SHU & IT Division so that information about measuring employee work productivity is only limited because the one holding the data is the General Manager of the SHU & IT Division of PT Aneka Jasa Grhadika.
Peran Rangkap Jabatan Dalam Peningkatan Kinerja Organisasi Pada PT Mustika Karya Anugrah Surabaya Nanang Sutedja; Usfatun Khasanah; Asep Saepuloh
Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen Vol 3 No 02 (2022): Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/mahasiswamanajemen.v3i02.4699


Background - In 2020 the organizational performance of PT Mustika Karya Anugrah decreased because there were two employees who held concurrent positions. However, in 2022 the company's performance increased even though there were several employees who played multiple roles. This is evidenced by the achievement of five performance indicators. Objective - The purpose of this study was to determine the role of concurrent positions in improving organizational performance at PT Mustika Karya Anugrah Surabaya which is engaged in the importer-distributor of fruit. Design/Methodology/Approach - This research is qualitative research using primary data and secondary data. Data collection techniques in this study were through interviews and observations. The selection of informants in this study was carried out using purposive sampling method. Findings - The results of this study indicate that organizational performance at PT Mustika Karya Anugrah Surabaya will increase in 2022 even though some of its employees have to work concurrently. This is because good leadership and internal control systems have been implemented by the company. All employees who hold concurrent positions or do not hold concurrent positions can complete their duties properly. Increased organizational performance is evidenced by increased company productivity, good service quality results in customer satisfaction, the achievement of responsiveness, responsibility, and accountability. Research implications - This research contributes to the trap of position in order to maintain a sense of belonging to the company by not expecting large compensation or rewards from the company, the trap of position accepting assignments with the aim of advancing the company. Research limitations - This research is only conducted on employees who carry out dual roles at PT Mustika Karya Anugrah Surabaya.
Pengaruh Lingkungan Masyarakat, Tingkat Pendidikan, dan Pendapatan Terhadap Minat Masyarakat Menjadi Tenaga Kerja Indonesia (TKI) Pada Desa Gunung Teguh Kecamatan Sangkapura Nanang Sutedja; Tiara Khoerunnisa; Lailatul Hijriyah
Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen Vol 3 No 02 (2022): Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/mahasiswamanajemen.v3i02.3541


Background - Gunung Teguh Village is one on Bawean Island which has been successful in maintaining population growth. The main source of livelihood for the people in Gunung Teguh Village is agriculture. The reduced level of employment opportunities in the country has generated interest and willingness of the people of a country to work in other countries. Therefore, some residents of Gunung Teguh Village migrate and work abroad to get a decent income. Objective - This study aims to test the effect of the community environment, education level, and income on people's interest in becoming Indonesian workers (TKI) in the study at Gunung Teguh Village, Sangkapura District. Design/Methodology/Approach - His research is a quantitative method, using the technique of Probability Sampling using Simple Random sampling. The analysis technique uses instrument testing, classical assumption testing, and hypothesis testing with test aids using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS). Finding - The results of this study indicate that the level of education has a significant effect on people's interest in becoming migrant workers and income has a significant effect on people's interest in becoming migrant workers. Simultaneously, it shows that the variable level of education and income have a simultaneous influence on people's interest in becoming migrant workers. With education possessed by prospective workers in the hope of getting a better job and bigger wages. Likewise, with income, prospective workers who are interested in working abroad are prospective workers who have low-income jobs. Research implications - This research contributes to the positive and significant influence of the community environment on people's interest in becoming Indonesian migrant workers (TKI). For Research limitations - This research was only conducted in the people of Gunung Teguh Village, Sangkapura District.
Pengaruh Fasilitas Kampus, Kualitas Pengelolaan Parkir dan Dukungan Sosial Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Mahasiswa Universitas Pamulang Sanjun Faujan; Teguh Riyanto; Alamsyah Alamsyah
Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen Vol 3 No 02 (2022): Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/mahasiswamanajemen.v3i02.4943


Background – Campus facilities can increase students desire to be involved in the process of learning and are proven to influence study motivation. Campus facilities not only play a role in the learning process but also supporting facilities such as parking lots. Parking lots with good quality are at least able to protect student vehicles so that they can reduce distractions in the learning process. In addition to these two things, social support can also increase student learning motivation. High social support allows students to open opportunities for interaction in diverse environments and can actively access information that increases interest in learning. Objective – This study aims to determine the effect of campus facilities, the quality of parking management and social support on study motivation of student from Faculty of Economics and Business, Pamulang University. Design / Methodology / Approach – This study used a quantitative approach with an explanatory design. The population in this study were active students of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Pamulang University. The sample used in this study is 98 active students. The data used is primary data and comes directly from the answers to questionnaires Active students of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Pamulang University. Findings – The three independent variables including campus facilities, quality of parking management and social support, have a positive influence on study motivation of students from Faculty of Economics and Business, Pamulang University. Research Implication – This research can be used as information for education institutions, especially Pamulang University, to always maintain and improve the quality of campus facilities and parking management in order to increase student learning motivation. Limitations – This research was limited to Active Students of the Faculty of Economics and Business, Pamulang University
Pengaruh Budaya Kaizen Terhadap Kinerja Pegawai Kecamatan Bungah Kabupaten Gresik Dengan Kompensasi Sebagai Variabel Moderasi Nanang Sutedja; Moch Rizal Adi Gunawan; Rahmat Agus Santoso
Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen Vol 3 No 02 (2022): Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/mahasiswamanajemen.v3i02.2905


Background - Government performance measurement systems, both central and regional, began to be regulated since the issuance of Presidential Instruction (Inpres) Number 7 of 1999. The Presidential Instruction signifies the implementation of the Government Agency Accountability System (SAKIP) to increase government accountability and performance in Indonesia. One of the cultures implemented by the organization is the kaizen culture. Objective - This study aims to examine the effect of Kaizen Culture on Employee Performance in Bungah District, Gresik Regency with Compensation as a Moderating Variable. Design/Methodology/Approach - This research is a quantitative research with data collection techniques using research instruments, data analysis is statistical to test hypotheses. Findings - The results of this study indicate that Kaizen culture has a significant positive effect on employee performance. Compensation is not a moderating variable that moderates the relationship between Kaizen Culture and Employee Performance. Research implications - This research contributes to ASN employees to improve work skills and strengthen shared commitment in public service in order to achieve the target of community satisfaction. Research limitations - This research was only conducted on ASN employees in the Bungah District Office, Gresik Regency.
Analisis Strategi Co-Working Dalam Peningkatan Penjualan Zakiyatul Rochma; Abdurrahman Faris Indriya Himawan
Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen Vol 3 No 02 (2022): Jurnal Mahasiswa Manajemen
Publisher : Universitas Muhammadiyah Gresik

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30587/mahasiswamanajemen.v3i02.1859


Background - With a lot of intense business competition nowadays, it hampers SMEs from increasing their sales. One of the obstacles faced by SMEs is their sales strategy to achieve success in their business. So that SMEs must know what strategies can increase their sales and in which areas can help develop their business. This is also experienced by UKM Felda Collection, therefore UKM Felda Collection decided to carry out a co-working strategy which is expected to have a major impact on increasing sales turnover of UKM Felda Collection. Objective - The purpose of this study was to analyze co-working strategies in increasing sales (case study on UKM Felda Collection). Design/Methodology/Approach - The type of research in this study is qualitative research. The selection of informants in this study was to conduct interviews with 3 (three) informants, namely the owners of UKM Felda Collection and employees of UKM Felda Collection, these informants were selected by purposive sampling with the criteria (1) mastering or understanding the Business Development of UKM Felda Collection (2) classified as still currently involved in or involved in the development process of UKM Felda Collection (3) knows and understands what is a co-working strategy (4) has free time to be asked for information. Data collection techniques used were observation, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis used data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. Data validation techniques using membercheck and source triangulation. Findings - The results of this study indicate that UKM Felda Collection uses a co-working strategy in increasing sales turnover by joining the IWP community (association of women entrepreneurs) by participating in several activities in it, because this strategy has an important role in introducing and promoting products wide, so that it has a good impact on increasing the sales of SMEs Felda Collection and SMEs can also develop their business better in the face of very tight competition in this industry. Research implications - From the results of interviews with the three informants of the SME Felda Collection Gresik, the co-working strategy that has been used by the Felda Collection UKM has an effect and has a good impact in increasing sales of Felda Collection UKM products. Research limitations - This research was only conducted on SMEs that have used the co-working strategy and understand what the co-working strategy.