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a scientific journal of international management, international business administration, international relations, and hotel & tourism management that contains the results of research or the latest research surveys that will publish regularly
Articles 34 Documents
India Government Policies in Handling Gender-Based Violence against Women during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Feminist Perspective yoana septiani setiya ferisca; ningsih susilawati; ida bagus putu aditya; indra krishnamurti
Publisher : IULI Publisher

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Abstract. India's entrenched patriarchal culture and practices result in gender inequalities that aredetrimental to women. The view that women are inferior to men results in women not having thesame opportunities as men, and the normalization of violence against women in the Indian society.The Covid-19 pandemic at the beginning of 2020 required India to implement quarantine and lockdown to prevent the spread of the Coronavirus. These quarantines and lockdowns lock women in thehome with perpetrators of violence and make it difficult to access assistance, leading to an increasein the number of domestic violence in India. The government's role is vital, especially at critical timeslike this, to overcome gender-based violence, especially domestic violence against women. This studyaims to analyze, through the lens of feminism theory in international relations, how the Indiangovernment deals with gender-based violence against women during the Covid-19 pandemic. Toanswer this question, the author will use a qualitative method by analyzing data and informationobtained from the mass media, journal articles, and various official documents. The findings of thisstudy are, the Indian government did not consider the issue of gender-based violence as essential atthat time. Even though the Indian government continues to run and open women-specific schemesduring the pandemic, but there are no new initiatives on a national scale; initiatives are only carriedout by a few states, which of course, only have an impact in specific areas. Funding for women'ssupport schemes is also reduced so that the amount of assistance and the quality that can be providedis limited and not maximized. This is due to the lack of participation of women in governance andpolicy making, so that the resulting policies do not target the needs of women. Keywords: India, Women, Gender-based Violence, Domestic Violence, Government Policies
The Influence of Brand Image and Customer Satisfaction Towards Customer Loyalty in Fore Coffee Summarecon Mall Serpong yehezkiel triputra; ida bagus putu aditya; siti nurfitrana; indra krishnamurti
Publisher : IULI Publisher

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Companies must be able to retain customers in a variety of ways, including by emphasizing brand image, which can attract new customers, and customer happiness, which can lead to customer loyalty. Customer loyalty is one of the most significant variables in sustaining a company's growthand expanding its sales. A large number of public figures have opened companies, including restaurants, cafes, and snacks. Numerous entrepreneurs that enter the business field have prominent names to establish a positive brand image with consumers. Vico Lomar, who started a fore coffee business, is one of the businesspeople participating in this industry. This study combines descriptive and quantitative methods. This study was undertaken to determine the association between threevariables: Brand Image, Customer Satisfaction, and Customer Loyalty. This study uses both primary and secondary sources to acquire its data. Survey methods will be used to collect primary data, while secondary data sources, such as books, journals, and articles from prior studies, will be used to obtain secondary data. Customers who bought Fore Coffee via an online application and dined at Fore Coffee in Summarecon Mall Serpong comprised the study population (Gofood, Grabfood and application). If the consumer is pleased with the product, he or she will purchase it again (Repurchase Behavior). This study aims to examine the relationship between Brand Image and Customer Satisfaction and customer loyalty. This study demonstrates that Customer Satisfaction has a greaterimpact on customer loyalty than Brand Image.Keywords: Fore Coffee, Brand Image, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty
The Partnership between Indonesia and United Kingdom to Achieve the NetZero Emission Goal on Behalf of Sustainable Development Action muhammad dipta arkantyo; ningsih susilawati; ida bagus putu aditya; indra krishnamurti
Publisher : IULI Publisher

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This study has investigated Indonesia and UK bilateral cooperation, particularly in the sustainable development sector initiated by domestic agenda and international pressure through the United Nations, which created a sub-organization, United Nations Framework Convention Climate Change (UNFCCC) which focuses on climate change and sustainable development. With that, UNFCCC set a standard for countries by creating a Paris Agreement and set long-term goals for countries to achieve Net-Zero Emission Goal as a commitment to sustainable development. Therefore, it opened the first collaboration of Indonesia-UK, namely the United Kingdom Climate Change Unit Indonesia (UKCCU Indonesia) and continuing with the United Kingdom Partneringfor Accelerated Climate Transitions (UK-PACT) as well as the MENTARI program (Towards Indonesia’s Low Carbon Energy Transition which this program progressively helps two countries in achieving Net-Zero Emission Goal by implementing low carbon development, green economy, green growth, and green jobs, as well as this research, identify opportunities and challenges of thiscollaboration such as green investment, high reciprocity, COVID-19 pandemic situation, lack of funding, competing for interest, and greenwash issue that analyze by using theories such as international cooperation theory and green economy theory as well as qualitative method through public references and interview data collection which can enrich the research discussion. Keywords: Indonesia; United Kingdom; Climate change; International cooperation; Green economy
The Implications of Indonesia’s Shift in Palm Oil Exports from the European Union to China: a World-Systems Theory Analysis alif dani herlambang; tubagus ari wibawa mukti; ida bagus putu aditya; indra krishnamurti
Publisher : IULI Publisher

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Abstract. For years Indonesia’s domestic economy has been relying on a strongly performing palm oil industry. Indonesia’s booming palm oil exports have, however, has been hampered by recent developments in the European Union, where policy-making, consumer preferences and other factors have led to the risk of a ban of Indonesian palm oil. Indonesia is projected to shift its exports to a new market – China. In this research, an analysis placed in the critical environment of the British School of International Political Economy (IPE) and the World-Systems Theory (WST), wishes to untangle politico-economic implications concerned with such shift. The research concludes that a critical analysis of an Indonesian shift of palm oil exports from the EU to China, will lead to the shifted Indonesian exposure to dependency, now, however, with potentially more threatening effects. Furthermore, the trade war between the United States and China acts as a catalyst to previously stated threatening effects – trapping Indonesia. The research recommends Indonesia to safeguard its own rights to avoid falling into a trap of devastating dependency Keywords: World System Theory, IPE, Trade War, Palm Oil
Performance Assessment of Public Service Agency in Implementing the Public Housing for Low Income Society Program in Indonesia’s Provinces ra afera ratna wijayanti
Publisher : IULI Publisher

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Abstract. Indonesia's population continues to grow and spread throughout the islands in Indonesia. Along with the increase in population, what is important is the availability of decent housing for residents who have low incomes. This prompted the government to create a special housing availability program for productive people with low incomes per month. In order to achieve the success of implementing this program, it is necessary to carry out research as well as surveys on the construction sites of housing units spread across all provinces in Indonesia, where this research was taken from 11 provinces, involving housing development companies, banks and the community itself. The study used the index number measurement method for compliance assessment, using primary data taken directly and conducting direct interviews with people who already own these houses in 11 provinces in Indonesia. The elements or variables under review include three elements, namely the assessment of the compliance of housing developers as companies that carry out housing construction, the compliance of banking institutions as distributors of funds to the public to be able to take homeownership loans, and compliance with the community as the party that will own the house. The point of this research focuses on the performance of Public Service Agency in terms of the Bank's compliance variable with LIC (Low Income Community) and vice versa, the LIC (Low Income Community) variable with respect to the Developer and vice versa and the Developer variable with the Bank and vice versa.The compliance assessment will provide information about how successfully this program has been implemented and also how the Public Service Agency (PSA) is performing in implementing it. Keywords: Developer Complience, Bank Complience, Low Income Community Compliance, Performance
Understanding and Managing Conflicts didi kurniadinata; joni ga selayan; Muhammad Affandi
Publisher : IULI Publisher

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Among interpersonal communication skills, managing a conflict is one of the most challenging skillsbecause the conflict often involves emotional elements in the application. Conflicts are everywherethat drain thoughts, emotions and energy. If a conflict is not handled properly, new problems willusually arise and the effects could be worse than expected. If one is a leader, the ability to manageconflict is very important. According to a research conducted by The American ManagementAssociation, 20 percent of a leader's time is used to manage conflict. Meanwhile, research resultsfrom the Queensland Government show that more time, namely 30% of manager's time, is used toresolve conflicts in the office. A conflict is due to the differences that arise both in the views andinterests of people in formal or social interactions. The differences which have become conflicts resultin incompatibility and disagreement. Since the incompatibility and disagreement use up abundantenergy, traditional views mention that (1) conflict should be avoided because it will use not onlyenergy but create cost as well. However, the people with the human relations view consider that (2)conflict is something natural and it normally occurs in any organisation. Moreover, the interactionistgroup views that (3) conflict is a necessary and positive force that is imminent for an organisation toperform more effectively. Keywords: Conflict; Interpersonal Communication; Human Relations; Values; Leadership
The Relationship between E-Commerce Consumer Privacy and Trust on Online Transactions achmad zulfiqo irwan; ra afera ratna wijayanti
Publisher : IULI Publisher

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ABSTRACT. The background of this research was that privacy and trust in online transactions are essential for the success of transactions. Recent studies suggest that many people either decline to provide their personal information over the internet or simply provide false information because most of them do not trust the protection of privacy. Privacy and Trust in the online transaction have to be fulfilled by the E-commerce website and relate to the consumer’s behavioral intention to the E-commerce website. The objective(s) of this research was to understand the relationship between privacy with trust and trust with behavioral intention and also to see the differences in Ecommerce consumer trust through sex, age, and website experience level. The hypothesis test uses correlation analysis on the relationship between privacy with trust and trust with behavioral intention. ANOVA test was also used in this thesis to find out trust differences through sex, age, and website experience level. The result of this research concludes that there is a positive relationship between privacy with trust and trust with the behavioral intention of E-commerce consumers. Also that there is a trust difference through sex but there are no trust differences between age andwebsite experience level.Keywords : Privacy, Trust, E-Commerce, Website
Bisnis Maskapai Niaga Era Sebelum UU Penerbangan Nmr 1 Th 2009 arista atmadjati; normalisa
Publisher : IULI Publisher

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Under the previous aviation regulations before year 2009, scheduled commercial airlines had to own five aircraft and control five aircraft. Whereas in the new rules, airlines only have to own one unit of aircraft and control two units of aircraft. With the new rules, the initial investment for the establishment of a scheduled commercial airline was drastically reduced. Meanwhile, with the new rules, the initial investment for aircraft for the first year is reduced to only around IDR 3 trillion for new jets. It can be cheaper if you use old planes or turboprops. Working Capital other than aircraft such as human resources, systems, other facilities and infrastructure as well as initial administration costs can also be cheaper because the business capacity is smaller. This provision is indeed in accordance with the Government's desire to stimulate investment in scheduled commercial airlines for passengers with AOC 121 (aircraft with 30 seats or more). Considering that in the last 10-15 years, almost no new airlines have appeared. In fact, many airlines have gone bankrupt, such as Adam Air, Batavia Air, Mandala Tiger, Kalstar, Sky Aviation, Riau Airlines, Linus Airways, Merpati and several others. Currently, aviation business in Indonesia are controlled by four airline groups, namely Garuda Group (Garuda and Citilink), Lion Group (Lion, Batik, Wings), Sriwijaya Group (Sriwijaya and NAM) and Indonesia AirAsia. Only 12 airlines of this type remain, out of around 30 airlines registered since 1997. Lion Group and Garuda Group are the two largest with a total market share of more than 80 percent. Before years of 2000 we have baout 15 scheduled airlines . Plus Kartika airline , Mandala air,Batavia air,Linus air, Merpati air at that era of 2000. This aviation deregulation recalls the 1999-2000 era when the government also deregulated and relaxed investment rules. This resulted in the emergence of many new airlines such as Lion, Adam, Sriwijaya, Batavia and others. The public really seems to be spoiled by the price of airplane tickets which can be very cheap, cheaper than train or bus tickets on the same route. Unfortunately the appearance of these airlines did not last long. In just 10-15 years, they have fallen again for various reasons, both safety and business reasons. As a result, it has an impact on losses for travel agents, airline employees and passengers who have ordered tickets and other related businesses. Apart from that, what is more worrying is that the level of national aviation safety has also dropped sharply After of someterrible accident of aircrash and all Airlines indonesia banned to fly enter Europe , finally at year 2009 Indonesia goverment launched Aviation Law nbr.1 year 2009 to reduce strong complaint and t0 increase safety level . Keyword : aviation law, Safety , service quality , banned cheap Price of air ticket
Before and After Merger of Bank Performance Analysis ra afera ratna wijayanti; fadhil athallah saputra; raden mohammad naufal alihassan
Publisher : IULI Publisher

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The rapid development of the banking world has resulted in the need for mergers between banks, to make the banking world healthier and stronger in facing competition in the global economy as well as an increasingly competitive free market. The purpose of this study is to determine the performance of a bank that is doing a merger in Indonesia, seen from the measurement of thebprofitability ratios, the liquidity ratios, and the solvency ratios. The object used in this study is a banking company that joined and was registered on the Indonesia Stock Exchange within 2019. The sample in this study was 3 large Syariah bank companies using a purposive sampling method. This study uses comparative research and the data used is secondary data. The analytical method used is paired sample t-test. The results showed that in the liquidity ratio variable, there was a difference in company performance before and after the merger while in the profitability ratio and solvency ratio variable company performance, there was no difference before and after the merge. Key Words: Merger, profitability ratio, liquidity ratio, solvency ratio, performance.
The Effect of the 4p’s Of Electronic Cigarettes Towards Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty in Indonesia widhi jati kusumah; ra afera ratna wijayanti
LIAISON JOURNAL OF BEST Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Volume II
Publisher : IULI Publisher

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As the world becomes more environmentally concerned, people are rapidly shifting from conventional (things) to cleaner energy, especially electric-based power. This is reflected in the increasing interest and shares of electric cars and motorcycles alike. The cigarette market has also seen a decline ever since the rise of electronic cigarettes. While electronic cigarettes can be seen as a better and cheaper alternative for the long run, its function remains the same as its conventional tobacco counterparts. The phenomena and the general statement of the problem that has always surrounded the tobacco and nicotine industry is that when consumers spend money, it is expected that it is spent on something beneficial for both the short and the long term. However, tobacco and nicotine companies have marketed their products in such a way that it has become a want or even a need for individuals on a daily basis, and as such, acts as the catalyst of this study. This study was conducted through the distribution of questionnaires, and collected a total of 100 respondents. All data collected were then analyzed using the statistics tool of SPSS version 26, which is further processed by using a path analysis by Structural Equation Modelling in AMOS version 23. The results of this study found out that Marketing Mix significantly affects Customer Satisfaction, Marketing Mix does not significantly affect Customer Loyalty, and Customer Satisfaction does not significantly affect Customer Loyalty. With these results, vape companies should continue to utilize the Marketing Mix and maximizing them to their full potential, though some careful considerations have to be made, such as the target market’s budget, the desired profit margin, pricing strategies, and the pricing and the operations of competitors, which could affect both Customer Satisfaction and Customer Loyalty. Keywords: E-cigs, Electronic Cigarettes, Price, Promotion, Place, Product, Customer Satisfaction, Customer Loyalty

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