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Suluh: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya
ISSN : 26153289     EISSN : 26154315     DOI : -
Core Subject : Art,
Jurnal ini berisikan tentang keilmuan yang berada pada rumpun seni budaya. Harapan kami tim redaksi jurnal suluh, semoga penerbitan jurnal ini dapat dipergunakan sebagai salah satu acuan, petunjuk maupun pedoman untuk berbagai penulisan di bidang seni budaya.
Articles 85 Documents
SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya Vol 4, No 2 (2021)
Publisher : SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya

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Artikel tentang rupa topeng Panji gaya Yogyakarta ini merupakan kajian hasil penelitian yang berusaha untuk mengetengahkan permasalahan berkaitan dengan bagaimana latar belakang keberadaan kesenian topeng di Yogyakarta, bagaimana makna simbolis yang terkandung di dalam topeng Panji, dan bagaimana rupa topeng Panji gaya Yogyakarta di Museum Sonobudoyo. Tujuan dari penelitian adalah untuk melihat sejauhmana keberadaan kesenian topeng Panji di Yogyakarta lewat penelusuran jejak artefak, selain itu hasil dari penelitian ini dapat menambah khasanah keilmuan khususnya seni rupa tradisi lewat visual topeng Panji gaya Yogyakarta yang menjadi bagian dari koleksi museum Sonobudoyo. Metode yang dipakai dalam penelitian ini adalah menggunakan pendekatan studi kasus tunggal, yaitu rupa topeng Panji gaya Yogyakarta koleksi museum Sonobudoyo. Sumber data yang pakai dalam penelitian ini didapatkan dari narasumber dan sumber tertulis. Secara teknis pengumpulan data dilakukan melalui cara observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Keberadaan topeng sebagai artefak budaya tida bisa diabaikan begitu saja. Terbukti setelah dilakukan sebuah kajian menunjukkan bahwa topeng Panji gaya Yogyakarta memiliki akar sejarah yang kuat, serta di dalamnya terdapat makna simbolis yang kuat pula. Topeng sebagai sebuah artefak budaya keberadaannya dapat terindra secara fisik. Topeng cerita Panji gaya Yogyakarta di museum Sonobudoyo memiliki bentuk visual yang menarik. Berdasarkan hasil kajian didapatkan sebuah kesimpulan bahwa topeng Panji gaya Yogyakarta memiliki karakteristik yang menjadi penciri/pembeda dengan topeng Panji lainnya
Kesenian Topeng Barongan dalam Ritual Murwakala di Kabupaten Blora Fivin Bagus Septiya Pambudi
SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya Vol 1, No 2 (2018)
Publisher : SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya

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Murwakala ritual is a Ruwatan ritual, namely ngruwat Wong Sukerta, because the Blora people believe in the existence of Wong Sukerta. The trust of Blora residents who consider Barongan has magical powers that are believed to be able to drive away the evil spirits and reject these reinforcements to make barongan a means of ceremonies in the Murwakala ritual.Barongan mask art in Murwakala includes Traditional Murwakala rituals and Murwakala rituals on stage performances. Barongan is a form of communal art of the community, whose presence is closely related to community traditions, such as the use of Barongan as a means of Murwakala ritual. The murwakala ritual tradition was originally carried out traditionally and later developed into Murwakala stage performances. The murwakala ritual is based on the belief of the Blora community about the existence of wong sukerta (the person whose birth in colonialism brings bad luck) which must be complicated by holding a Murwakala ritual using the Barongan mask. The function of the Barongan blora mask in the murwakala ritual, namely Barongan murni, as a means of Murwakala and Barongan rituals as a means of ritual Murwakala stage performances.
SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya Vol 2, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya

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The consul table as a complementary facility needs a comfortable and aesthetic design, in this case the Jepara ornament is the basic idea of creating a consul table that emphasizes function and aesthetic value.The purpose of making the work is to create a consul table with Jepara ornaments as a form idea for the main, while the goal is to create a consul table in a creative and innovative way. the consul table itself is a complementary space facility The Jepara ornament is a stylization of the shape of the wuni fruit which has a characteristic with the fruit located between the leaves. The Jepara ornament as an ornamental element in the creation of a consul table is a creative and innovative design. The main function of the consul table is, as a decorative table to complement the flexible form space, adding to the decorative value of the space, using a natural color finish that displays the real texture of wood.
SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya Vol 3, No 2 (2020): SULUH: JURNAL SENI DESAIN BUDAYA
Publisher : SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya

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To make a furniture product, you must follow the correct steps,from designing to the finishing stage. A mature design certainlyrequires a research process stage, the author takes the conceptof Gandrung Dance from Banyuwangi as the idea of creating aterrace chair. The Banyuwangi Gandrung Dance is a traditionaldance of the Osing Banyuwangi tribe. The variety of movementsand clothing styles are very interesting if you look at the forms ofdecoration and the meaning of the basic colors of clothing. Fromthe variety of movements and decorations, it can be exploredand then developed into the concept of designing a terracechair. In the design process, it begins with making severalsketches, then a sketch is selected for the design determinationwhich is then made a working drawing, followed by thepreparation of materials for production to planning theproduction process. 
SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya Vol 4, No 1 (2021): SULUH: JURNAL SENI DESAIN BUDAYA
Publisher : SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya

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In the science of human psychology is a creature that has a soul and in a life that has a soul that is reflected in human behavior and activities in their daily lives. Beauty or aesthetics is something that is related to something beautiful and a special taste in enjoying it. In art life when an artist feels a lot of what is inside him, the results will be divested into a work of art. From the two disciplines of science between psychology and art, the writer uses psychological methods, namely perception, fantasy, feeling and emotion to dissect in the life of art with a subject, namely artists. Perception in the world of art by artists is the act of compiling, recognizing, and interpreting sensory information in order to provide a picture and understanding of the environment in the world of art. Artist's fantasy is something that is related to imagination or something that only exists in the mind or mind to be poured into a work of art. Artist's emotion is a feeling (intense / frequent) aimed at something more physical, that is, a work of art, the artist's emotions are expressed as a reaction to the results of an artist's perceptions and fantasies.
SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya Vol 5, No 2 (2022)
Publisher : SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya

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Perkembangan tekhnologi revolusi industri 4.0 memungkinkan masyarakat secara global menggunakan media sosial dalam berbagai aspek kehidupan. Inovasi dalam penyampaian dakwah kepada masyarakat diperlukan agar metode dakwah dapat berkembang dan mengikuti perkembangan zaman dan tekhnologi yang ada. Perancangan dakwah visual islami melalui konten kreatif ilustrasi akan menggunakan objek Ponpes Az Zahra Mlonggo dengan melihat subjek santri sebagai perbandingan dalam perancangan dakwah islami melalui konten kreatif ilustrasi. Analisis data kualitatif akan menggunakan metode alir dan metode perancangan akan menggunakan metode eksplosing dan glassbox. Hasil dari perancangan dakwah islami melalui konten kreatif ilustrasi merupakan sebuah pembaharuan dalam metode penyampaian dakwah pada masa milenial sekarang dengan menggunakan media kreatif yang diharapakan dapat menjadi public reminder sehingga dapat menambah ilmu, saling mengingatkan, dan merubah individu atau kelompok kepada arah kebaikan.
Ragam Hias Gebyok Kudus dalam Kajian Semiotika Zainul Arifin
SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya Vol 1, No 1 (2018)
Publisher : SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya

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Gebyok sebagai elemen arsitektur rumah tradisional Kudus, merupakan warisan budaya tradisional, pada saat sekarang jumlahnya sudah sangat berkurang dibandingkan dengan jaman masa kejayaannya dulu. Bangunan rumah adat Kudus beserta bagian-bagiannya yang sarat dengan ukiran, terus diincar oleh para kolektor sehingga satu demi satu bangunan yang bahannya 95 persen kayu jati (tektona grandis)  berkualitas  tinggi  berpindah  dari  Kudus.  Ragam hias yang diterapkan pada gebyok Kudus merupakan hasil akulturasi budaya Hindu, Islam, China dan Eropa, dengan pendekatan teori semiotika dari Charles Sanders Pierce (Zoest, 1993), mengarahkan budaya ideologi yang akhirnya menentukan visi atau pandangan suatu kelompok budaya terhadap realitas, sehingga   ragam hiasnya mempunyai simbol yang   sangat erat dengan tradisi. Di samping, sifat masyarakat pesisir yang terbuka juga lebih cenderung untuk menerima budaya yang datang dari luar seperti budaya dari Cina dan Eropa. hal ini berimbas pada perwujudan ragam hiasnya. Berdasarkan bentuk ragam hias yang diterapkan, terdapat tiga jenis, yaitu: ragam hias geometris, flora dan fauna. Selain untuk memenuhi fungsi estetik, ragam hiasnya juga merupakan simbol yang berfungsi sebagai media rupa untuk  menyampaikan pesan yang berkaitan dengan nilai- nilai budaya.
Perancangan Kursi Santai dengan Kayu Bekas Dwi Agus Susilo; Gunawan Ohammad; Dewi Tri Rahmawati
SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya Vol 2, No 1 (2019)
Publisher : SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya

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The wood craft industry is very familiar with the community. Both the industrial community andthe general public.The industry that has survived and developed today is the wood craft industry, one of which is innovation in the field of product design by utilizing batik technology and its coloring. Efforts to utilize batik technology and coloring can improve the quality of produc.
SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya Vol 3, No 1 (2020)
Publisher : SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya

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Today's modern lifestyle is very influential on human activities, as well as the facilities and infrastructure used to assist their activities. In general, people want something that is simple, practical and comfortable. This can be seen when humans do activities at home.The terrace is one of the rooms that is currently experiencing additional functions, which is usually only for receiving guests, currently there are many things that can be done on the terrace, such as sitting back, chatting, gathering with family, friends or relatives, playing. The terrace is currently located not only in front of the house, it can be on the side, behind, above (balcony).The combination of wood and stainless materials is an option in making patio chairs and tables, with a simple design, which is one of the products that humans need for their patio space. Chair and table designs can be placed in any type of terrace, creative and new designs make these chairs and tables a point of interest on the terrace.
SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya Vol 5, No 1 (2022)
Publisher : SULUH: Jurnal Seni Desain Budaya

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e development of the business world in the furniture sector is very rapid in the competition for product design. Every day, every hour, minute and second, creative ideas always appear in creating fresh and attractive designs, on the one hand the development of designs continues to increase and market demand continues to demand something new, it will have an impact on the accumulation of wood waste in every production, especially wood furniture. there are many in Jepara, this raises a lot of thoughts that need to be studied in a special study in creating something interesting from the wastes of the furniture industry, a good basic idea is needed in formulating a good design by looking at the market and combining materials to provide the best value in the final result. Through this research with an innovative design of furniture based on sensor suaras in lighting, an idea will be created according to market demand and innovative steps to deal with the times and very comprehensive market competition.