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Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia & Lingkungan
ISSN : 23561661     EISSN : 14125064     DOI :
The Journal of Chemical Engineering and Environment is an open access journal that publishes papers on chemical engineering and environmental engineering. The following topics are included in these sciences: a. Food and biochemical engineering b. Catalytic reaction engineering c. Clean energy technology d. Environmental and safety technology e. Fundamentals of chemical engineering and applied industrial engineering f. Industrial chemical engineering g. Material science engineering h. Process and control engineering i. Polymer and petrochemical technology j. Membrane technology k. Agro-industrial technology l. Separation and purification technology m. Environmental modelling n. Environmental and information sciences o. Water and waste water treatment and management p. Material flow analysis q. Mechanisms of clean development
Articles 14 Documents
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Adsorpsi Methyl Violet oleh Karbon Aktif dari Limbah Tempurung Kelapa dengan Aktivator ZnCl2 Menggunakan Pemanasan Gelombang Mikro Widi Astuti; Anggelita Dwi Handayani; Diah Ayu Wulandari
Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia & Lingkungan Vol 13, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia & Lingkungan (December, 2018)
Publisher : Chemical Engineering Department, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (516.617 KB) | DOI: 10.23955/rkl.v13i2.11945


Synthesis of activated carbon from coconut shell waste with ZnCl2 activation using microwave heating have been carried out. Coconut shell consists of 36.51% lignin, 33.61% cellulose and 19.27% hemicellulose which causes it can be used as a precursor in the synthesis of activated carbon. The activated carbon was further characterized using Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM), Fourier Transform Infrared Spectrophotometer (FTIR) and NOVA Gas Sorption Analyzer-Quantachrome and used for the adsorption of methyl violet in aqueous solution with variation of pH, contact time and concentration of solution. The result showed that the pore of activated carbon was larger than that of the char. The optimum adsorption occurred at pH 3 and the equilibrium time was reached after 180 minutes. The Langmuir equilibrium model was more appropriate than the Freundlich equilibrium model. While the kinetics model analyzed using pseudo first order, pseudo second order, internal diffusion and external diffusion indicated that the pseudo second order was most suitable for the adsorption of methyl violet by coconut shell activated carbon.
Pengaruh pH dan Dosis NaOCl terhadap Penurunan Kadar COD dan Klor Bebas pada Limbah Cair Produksi Monomer Vinyl Klorida Ratnawati Ratnawati; Linda Aliffia Yoshi; Surya Aji Wibawa
Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia & Lingkungan Vol 13, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia & Lingkungan (December, 2018)
Publisher : Chemical Engineering Department, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (245.356 KB) | DOI: 10.23955/rkl.v13i2.10947


Limbah cair dari produksi monomer vinyl klorida merupakan limbah yang mempunyai kandungan Chemical Oxygen Demand (COD) yang tinggi yaitu sekitar 1000 ppm dan Biohemical Oxygen Demand (BOD) sekitar 500 ppm, sedangkan nilai maksimal standar baku mutu air buangan ke badan air adalah 250 ppm untuk COD dan 100 ppm untuk BOD. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari pengaruh pH dan dosis NaOCl terhadap penurunan COD dan kadar klor bebas serta untuk mendapatkan nilai pH dan dosis NaOCl yang optimal. Limbah cair produksi monomer vinyl klorida yang digunakan adalah limbah dari Pabrik X yang berada di Cilegon. Kadar COD yang tinggi disebabkan oleh kandungan senyawa Na(COOH) dalam limbah cair tersebut. Penurunkan nilai COD telah dilakukan dengan penambahan NaOCl yang merupakan salah satu produk dari Pabrik X tersebut sebesar 10 gam/jam pada pH 2, namun hasilnya belum memenuhi persyaratan. Pada penelitian ini digunakan variasi pH pada 2, 5 dan 8 serta dosis NaOCl yang ditambahkan sebesar 10, 20, 30, 40 dan 50 gram/jam dengan laju alir limbah cair yang diolah di unit pengolahan limbah cair tersebut sebesar 20 m3/jam. Parameter yang diukur dalam penelitian ini adalah kadar COD dan kadar klor bebas sebelum dan sesudah proses. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pada pH 5 dengan dosis NaOCl 40 dan 50 gram/jam, proses ini memberikan hasil terbaik karena dapat menurunkan kadar COD dari 1034 sampai 190 dan 130 ppm (efisiensi penurunan 82,5 dan 87 %) dengan kadar klor bebas 0,8 dan 1 ppm yang telah memenuhi nilai baku mutu sesuai peraturan pemerintah.
Simulation of Drag Reducer Polymer (DRP) for Single and Annular Two Phase Flow in Horizontal Pipe Cindy Dianita; Asep Handaya Saputra; Puteri Amelia Khairunissa
Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia & Lingkungan Vol 13, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia & Lingkungan (December, 2018)
Publisher : Chemical Engineering Department, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (454.94 KB) | DOI: 10.23955/rkl.v13i2.11784


Drag reducing polymers (DRP) is one of drag reducer types that is widely used in industry as an additive to improve fluid flow efficiency in pipes. This study is conducted to analyze the parameters that influence the efficiency of DRP through developing equation model, and to see the phenomenon of drag reduction that occurs in fluid flow through computational fluid dynamic (CFD) simulation. The data used are obtained from experiments by Vancko (1997) for a single phase flow of water. As for two-phase annular flow, four experiments data are used namely by Vancko (1997), Al-Sarkhi and Hanratty (2001a,b) and Fernandes et al. (2004). Parameters such as fluid velocity and pipe diameter are analyzed based on the model equations proposed in this study. The final single phase flow equation model as the output of this study gives a value for onset drag reduction i.e 4.00 with an error up to 18%. While the proposed annular flow equation with and without drag reduction effect is only suitable when the condition of fluid film distribution is uniform and symmetrical with the error around 20%, i.e. for smaller diameter pipes. The CFD simulation results shows a change in the fluid velocity profile; becoming more parabolic, indicating an increase in the mean fluid velocity up to 0.43%, as the effect of DRP.
Influence of Oil Content on Solution Load Ethanol-Soda Delignification of Oil Palm Mesocarp Fiber Taharuddin Taharuddin; Dewi Agustina Iryani; Megananda Eka Wahyu
Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia & Lingkungan Vol 13, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia & Lingkungan (December, 2018)
Publisher : Chemical Engineering Department, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (662.372 KB) | DOI: 10.23955/rkl.v13i2.11145


Mesocarp fiber palm oil industrial waste can be processed into pulp, but this fiber still contains oil with varying levels. The difference oil content in fiber affects the amount of cooking solution required to make mesocarp waste into pulp. This study consists of two stages, namely the pretreatment stage of oil extraction to obtain variations in oil content in the mesocarp fiber waste and the delignification stage using the NaOH-ethanol solution with the ratio of solids:solvent is varied to 1: 8, 1:10 and 1:12. Oil content of the fiber was analyzed, it is consist of 9,5% oil. To vary the oil content, the fibers are soaked in ethanol at room temperature and the levels drop to 7%. And soaking at 40°C can lower the oil content drop to 2%. The obtained pulp had the largest cellulose content 50.77% from delignified product from fiber with 7.6% oil content and solids:solvent ratio: 1:10. While the lowest lignin that was 7.39% obtained at 2.5% oil content. In the delignification process with ratio 1:12, pulp produced is decreased in cellulose content and from FTIR results it is known that it occurs because of the degraded cellulose during the delignification process.
Karakteristik Sedimen dan Kandungan Mineral Pasir Besi di Labuhan Haji Timur, Kabupaten Aceh Selatan Syahrul Purnawan; Azizah Azizah; Zulkarnain Jalil; Muhammad Zaki
Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia & Lingkungan Vol 13, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia & Lingkungan (December, 2018)
Publisher : Chemical Engineering Department, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (402.463 KB) | DOI: 10.23955/rkl.v13i2.10532


Kandungan mineral besi pada alam menjadi topik yang menarik untuk dikaji terkait peran pentingnya secara ekonomi. Keberadaan magnetite pada sedimen di suatu wilayah perairan dapat juga digunakan sebagai fingerprint dari proses transport sedimen. Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengamati sejumlah parameter butiran sedimen untuk mendapatkan gambaran pola distribusi sedimen yang terjadi pada daerah Labuhan Haji Timur, Aceh Selatan. Pengambilan sampel sedimen dilangsungkan pada November 2015 menggunakan metode coring. Sebanyak empat stasiun dipilih untuk mewakili kawasan perairan Labuhan Haji timur, yang terdiri dari daerah aliran sungai, muara, dan pantai. Sejumlah analisis yang dilakukan adalah ukuran butiran rata-rata, bentuk partikel, dan kandungan kimia penyusun sedimen. Analisis kandungan kimia dari sampel sedimen dilakukan pada  Laboratorium Sentral Mineral dan Material Maju, FMIPA Universitas Malang menggunakan  X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF), dimana sebelumnya sampel dari setiap stasiun dipilah berdasarkan ukuran halus (lebih kecil dari 0,5 mm) dan kasar (lebih besar dari 0,5 mm). sampel sedimen yang berasal dari pantai dan muara memiliki modus distribusi ukuran sedimen pada fraksi pasir sangat halus, sedangkan modus pada daerah aliran sungai berada pada fraksi pasir sangat kasar. Magnetite ditemukan pada setiap lokasi sampling, persentase tertinggi berada pada kawasan muara. Analisis bentuk butiran magnetite menunjukkan bentuk yang lebih angular pada daeah aliran sungai dan menjadi lebih rounded pada kawasan pantai. Disimpulkan bahwa kandungan magnetite yang terdapat pada kawasan pantai di Labuhan haji Timur ditransportasikan melalui aliran Sungai Peulumat.
Use of TiO2 Powder and Activated Carbon as Catalytic Ceramic Filling Material to Reduce Hazardous Pollutants on Gasoline Engine Dwi Rahmad Setiyono; Dwi Widjanarko
Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia & Lingkungan Vol 13, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia & Lingkungan (December, 2018)
Publisher : Chemical Engineering Department, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (250.246 KB) | DOI: 10.23955/rkl.v13i2.11901


The purpose of this study was, 1) to examine the effect of the mixture composition between ceramics, TiO2, and activated carbon on catalytic converters on vehicle exhaust emissions, 2) test the composition of the mixture between ceramic, TiO2, and activated carbon in catalytic converters that produce the most exhaust emissions low. This study uses an experimental method with descriptive statistics. The independent variable is catalytic converter with a variety of ceramic material composition with a mixture of TiO2 and activated carbon. Control variables are the composition of the mixture, catalytic converter porosity control, standard exhaust without catalytic converter, engine speed used at stationary speed, and duration of testing time. Dependent variables are vehicle exhaust emissions CO and HC. The results of this study are, 1) The use of ceramic materials mixed with TiO2 and activated carbon in catalytic converters can reduce CO and HC content in gasoline-powered vehicles. 2) The best reduction is in the composition of 50% ceramic material, 25% TiO2, and 25% activated carbon, which is able to reduce CO content from 4.19% to 1.44% and HC gas. Suggestions from this study are, gasoline-powered vehicles can use catalytic converters made from Ceramic with a mixture of TiO2, and activated carbon with a composition of 50% ceramic material, 25% TiO2, and 25% activated carbon.
Effect of Coagulants in Curd forming in Cheese Making Dyah Hesti Wardhani; Bakti Jos; Abdullah Abdullah; Suherman Suherman; Heri Cahyono
Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia & Lingkungan Vol 13, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia & Lingkungan (December, 2018)
Publisher : Chemical Engineering Department, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (236.162 KB) | DOI: 10.23955/rkl.v13i2.12157


Cheese is one of the popular dairy products with high nutrient content. Coagulation as an important process in making cheese, wherein, the curd will be separated from the milk whey. This coagulation can use the enzyme rennet, acid, or a combination of both. This study aims to study the effect of coagulant agents on yield, protease enzyme activity, and curd texture on cheese making. Coagulant agents used are acetic acid, citric acid, lime and lemon combined with the enzyme rennet. The process begins with pasteurized milk and analyzed, the milk is pasteurized and analyzed first to obtain moisture content, density and pH. The coagulant added is 25-45% with a base of 50 ml of milk and 5 mL of the enzyme rennet. The curd formed is then separated from the whey using a filter cloth and analyzed for its water content and pH. The coagulant of acetic acid and citric acid produced a higher yield curd of 94.66% (4% acetic acid) and 93.9% (5% citric acid) compared to the highest yield of curd that can be produced by lime and lemon coagulant which is 68 72% (lemon orange 45%) and 61.84% (lime 45%). The texture of the curd formed by lime and lemon juice is more fragile than the curd texture with coagulant of acetic acid and citric acid. Each coagulant provides a diverse response to protease enzyme activity.
Karakterisasi dan Analisa Kinerja Membran Selulosa Asetat untuk penyisihan logam berat Kromium dan Kadmium dalam air dengan Proses Ultrafiltrasi Safiah Safiah; Sri Mulyati
Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia & Lingkungan Vol 13, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia & Lingkungan (December, 2018)
Publisher : Chemical Engineering Department, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (243.344 KB) | DOI: 10.23955/rkl.v13i2.10943


Membran seluosa asetat telah dibuat dengan metode inversi fasa dengan penambahan aditif Polyethylene Glycol (PEG)  ke dalam larutan casting. Pengaruh penambahan aditif PEG dengan variasi berat molekul (2kDa, 6 kDa dan 20 kDa) dipelajari terhadap karakteristik dan kinerja membran. Penambahan aditif PEG meningkatkan fluks air murni, hidrofilisitas, dan kekasaran membran. Kecenderungan yang sama juga diperoleh terhadap peningkatan berat molekul PEG yang ditambahkan ke dalam larutan casting.  Nilai fluks air murni dari meningkat dari 45 L/m2.jam (membran CA murni) ke 59,8 L/m2.jam (CA PEG20kDa). Hidrofilisitas membran meningkat dengan menurunnnya nilai water contact angle dari 63,75o untuk membran CA murni ke 55,58o untuk membran CAPEG 20kDa. Kekasaran membran meningkat dari 6.27± 0,34 nm ke 9.8 0.40 nm. Penambahan aditif PEG ke dalam larutan casting menyebabkan rejeksi terhadap logam kromium dan kadmium menurun. Hal ini disebabkan aditif PEG merupakan agen pembentuk pori yang menyebabkan zat terlarut (logam kromium atau kadmium)lebih mudah melewati membran.
Studi Adsorpsi Ion Ni(II) Menggunakan Crosslink Kitosan Tripolifosfat Mardiyah Kurniasih; Kapti Riyani; Tien Setyaningtyas; Ira Sufyana
Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia & Lingkungan Vol 13, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia & Lingkungan (December, 2018)
Publisher : Chemical Engineering Department, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (302.301 KB) | DOI: 10.23955/rkl.v13i2.11725


Kitosan adalah polisakarida alami. Kitosan memiliki gugus amino dan hidroksi sehingga memungkinkan untuk memodifikasi kitosan secara kimia untuk memperluas aplikasi. Modifikasi kitosan dengan agen crosslinker dapat meningkatkan kapasitas adsorpsinya. Tripolifosfat merupakan agen crosslinker yang non toksik. Kitosan bersifat polikationik dan tripolifosfat bersifat polianionik sehingga dapat berinteraksi membentuk crosslink kitosan tripolifosfat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini yaitu mensintesis crosslink kitosan tripolifosfat dan studi adsorpsi ion Ni(II). Kitosan diperoleh dari deasetilasi kitin. Crosslink kitosan tripolifosfat disintesis dengan mereaksikan larutan kitosan dan larutan sodium tripolifosfat pH 3. Studi adsorpsi ion Ni(II) menggunakan crosslink kitosan tripolifosfat dilakukan pada variasi pH, waktu kontak dan perbandingan adsorben dan adsorbat. Variasi perbandingan adsorben dan adsorbat pada larutan Ni(II) digunakan untuk kajian adsorpsi isotermal. Hasil analisis menggunakan FTIR menunjukkan serapan pada daerah bilangan gelombang 1535,34 cm-1 yang menandakan adanya interaksi ion ammonium dan ion fosfat. Crosslink kitosan tripolifosfat dapat menurunkan ion Ni(II) sebanyak 50,536 % dengan kapasitas adsorpsi 8,205 mg/g dan mengikuti pola adsorpsi isotermal Freundlich.  
Biopolymer of Chitosan from Fish Scales as Natural Coagulant for Iron–Contaminated Groundwater Treatment Chairul Irawan; Iryanti Fatyasari Nata; Meilana Dharma Putra; Rosmasari Marisa; Mira Asnia; Yulian Firmana Arifin
Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia & Lingkungan Vol 13, No 2 (2018): Jurnal Rekayasa Kimia & Lingkungan (December, 2018)
Publisher : Chemical Engineering Department, Syiah Kuala University, Banda Aceh, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (325.208 KB) | DOI: 10.23955/rkl.v13i2.10601


Chitosan, the de-acetylated chitin derivative, was evaluated for its ability to be used as a natural coagulant for Martapura groundwater treatment. This study is used chitosan derived from original fish scales of Kalimantan called Papuyu (Anabas testudineus) for the treatment of iron ion-containing Martapura groundwater through coagulation-flocculation method. The reduction efficiency of iron ion removed by coagulation-flocculation processes using chitosan from Papuyu fish scales is the primary evaluating parameter. The obtained chitosan have been characterized and analyzed by Fourier transforms infrared spectroscopy (FTIR), X-ray Fluroscence (XRF) and Scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Using of the chitosan from Papuyu fish scales as coagulant at neutral pH and room temperature led to decreasing the groundwater iron concentration become 3.43 mg/L (around 71% removal). The result was then compare to the coagulation-flocculation treatment using the commercial chitosan from shrimps shell (93% deacetylated). Moreover, its found the coagulation-flocculation treatment using the chitosan from fish scales as coagulant more favor than the commercial one.

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