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Entalpi Pendidikan Kimia
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Entalpi Pendidikan Kimia is a journal that aims to share findings, result and review of research done by scholars in the filed of chemistry education. Entalpi Pendidikan Kimia Journal publishes either research articles or reviews that relate to the field of chemistry education. The coverage of articles or reviews accepted by this journal includes the study of curriculum, models, strategies, approaches, methods, and techiques of learning; tests, assessment, evaluation; instructional materials and media both printed and electronic bases ones; classroom, online, and blended learnings; conceptions, understandings and mental models. This journal is published four times a year.
Articles 102 Documents
Development of IBT Based Two-Tier Higher Order Thingking Skills (HOTS) Test Instruments on Acid-Base Titration Materials for SMA/MA Students Shiva Atika Suri; Andromeda Andromeda
Entalpi Pendidikan Kimia Vol 3 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1045.183 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/epk.v3i1.249


This research is a development research that aims to produce a two-tier Higher Order Thinking Skills (HOTS) test instrument based on IBT on a valid and reliable acid-base titration material. This research is a research and development (R&D) research using the Treagust model which has 3 stages, namely determining content, obtaining information about students regarding the developed instrument, and developing a diagnostic test. Content validity analysis using the CVR method and construct validity using Aiken V. The CVR value of content validity which consists of stimulus questions, questions, answers to questions and reasons for questions is 1, the results of content validity in the form of statements of knowledge of prepositions and concept maps are 1, then construct validity is 95% from the material aspect, 95% from the presentation aspect, 97% of the language aspect, and 98% of the additional rule. The reliability value of this test instrument is 0.89 first tier and 0.90 second tier. The results show that the developed test instrument is valid and has high item reliability.
The Effect of The Flipped-Guided Inquiry Learning (FGIL) Learning System Toward Student Outcomes on Chemical Reaction Rate Firma Yulianis; Mawardi Mawardi
Entalpi Pendidikan Kimia Vol 3 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (868.911 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/epk.v3i2.251


This study aims to determine the effect of flipped-classroom based on guided inquiry learning system on students' learning outcomes of class XI students in SMA Negeri 8 Padang. The subject in this study were students of class XI MIPA 2 as the experiment class and students of class XI MIPA 1 as the control class using purposive technique sampling. The type of research is experimental quasi-equivalent control study design groups. The technique of data analysis used is two means similarity test (t-test). The object of this study is students’ learning outcomes on reaction rate material. The instruments of this study is used in the formative test consists of the initial test (pretest) and the final test (posttest) with 17 numbers of multiple choice questions based on the learning objectives. The difference between the pretest and posttest scores for experiment class is 48,77 while for the control class is 41,18. Data analysis shows that the subject are normally distributed and homogeneous so the t-test can be done, and the value of thitung obtained is 1,71. This proves that the learning outcomes between experiment class and control classes have significant differences. Based on data analysis, it shows that flipped-classroom based on guided inquiry learning system has proven the improve students' learning outcomes significantly.
Description of Critical Thinking Ability at XI IPA 1 Grade of SMAN 7 Padang in Solving Chemistry Problems on Reaction Rate Material Wella Aulia Putri; Latisma DJ
Entalpi Pendidikan Kimia Vol 3 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (902.338 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/epk.v3i2.252


During learning process students tend to be passive and memorize with teacher’s explanations. This causes students’ critical thinking skills in finding solutions problems that do not develop optimally. Qualitative descriptive research aims to describe students’ critical thinking at XI IPA 1 grade of SMAN 7 Padang skills in solving chemistry problems on reaction rate material. The research sampling technique used purposive sampling in the XI IPA 1 grade with 38 students. The research data will be analyzed using the qualitative analysis technique of the Miles and Huberman (1984) model consists of data reduction, data display and verification. The research instruments are problem test with 5 questions referring to critical thinking indicators by Ennis (1985) including elementary clarification, basic support, inference, advanced clarification, strategies tactics and interviewing selected students. The results showed that RF subjects of students with high critical thinking skills 4 critical thinking indicators, such as elementary clarification, inference, advanced clarification, strategy and tactics. AM subjects with medium critical thinking skills fulfill 3 critical thinking indicators, elementary clarification, basic support, and inference. While the subject of AZ students with low critical thinking skills only fulfills 2 critical thinking indicators, constist of advanced clarification ,strategy and tactics. Keywords: Critical Thinking Ability, Critical Thinking Problems, Reaction Rate
Literature Review: The Use of Tetrahedral Chemistry Representation in Chemistry Learning Rosy Novita; Faizah Qurrata Aini
Entalpi Pendidikan Kimia Vol 3 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (950.37 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/epk.v3i2.253


Chemistry is a science that studies phenomenology and abstraction. Then chemistry is related to all things that exist in nature. Therefore, this study aims to discuss the use of tetrahedral chemistry representation in chemistry learning. The research method used is literature study or library research. Meanwhile, the data sources used are secondary data obtained from various sources such as journals, books, and other sources relevant to the research. The results showed that learning with tetrahedral chemistry representation is very suitable for 21st century learning and the 2013 curriculum. The use of tetrahedral chemistry representation can help in understanding abstract concepts. Then students can use chemistry appropriately to solve complex problems in real life. The tetrahedral chemistry representation can also define and design the future of chemistry and chemistry education
Studi Literatur: Pendekatan Human Element pada Buku Teks Chemistry Human Activity, Chemical Reactivity Karya Mahaffy dkk Materi Kesetimbangan Asam Basa dalam Larutan Widia Hizriati; Faizah Qurrata Aini
Entalpi Pendidikan Kimia Vol 3 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (855.079 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/epk.v3i2.256


A variety of skills have shaped the teaching and learning of chemistry in the early 21st century. This includes fundamental changes in chemistry such as changes in understanding of how students learn, the application of computer and information technology in studying complex scientific phenomena, and others. Responding to this problem, chemistry education which originally used a "triangle shape" must be emphasized into a "tetrahedral" form, where the fourth peak represents the human context in studying chemistry or is called the human element. Highlighting the human element provides compelling reasons to emphasize case studies, active learning, and investigative projects to link school chemistry to everyday life. This study aims to describe the phenomena that exist regarding the human element in chemistry learning, especially in textbooks. This research is a qualitative research with descriptive analysis technique with library research. The data used are secondary data derived from textbooks and scientific articles. The existence of human activities involved in learning chemistry provided in textbooks, helps students learn from rich contexts. Learning from a rich context makes learning chemistry more motivating, interesting and relevant to their lives, thus helping students understand chemical concepts well. Therefore, the importance of the human element involved in learning chemistry, especially in textbooks.
Development of E-Module based on Guided Inquiry Integrated to Virtual Laboratory Acid-Base Titration Materials for Class XI Rahlia Ayu Putri; Andromeda Andromeda
Entalpi Pendidikan Kimia Vol 3 No 1 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1049.961 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/epk.v3i1.258


This study aims to determine the categories of validity and practicality of the e-modules that have been produced. The type of research is classified as a 4-D model, which has four stages, namely the define, design, develop, and disseminate stages. The instruments used are a validation sheet and a practical sheet in the form of a questionnaire sheet. The resulting product was tested for validity by 5 validators, consisting of 3 lecturers majoring in chemistry at FMIPA UNP and 2 teachers from SMAN 1 Rao, Pasaman Regency. Practicality tests were carried out by 2 chemistry teachers along with 15 students in class XI MIPA SMAN 1 Rao, Pasaman District. Based on the validation results, the value of kappa moment (k) is 0.86. The practicality of teachers and students is then obtained by the average value of kappa moment (k) of 0.90 and 0.88. The value obtained indicates that the resulting e-module is categorized as very valid and practical.
Studi Literatur: Pengaruh Model Pembelajaran dengan Pendekatan Saintifik Menggunakan Representasi Tetrahedral Kimia terhadap Hasil Belajar Siswa Eriska Dwi Ananda; Faizah Qurrata Aini
Entalpi Pendidikan Kimia Vol 3 No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (994.715 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/epk.v3i3.259


This study aims to describe the effect of using scientific approach based learning model on students’ learning outcomes. The method is literature review. The data used in this study is secondary data. This secondary data was obtained from books and scientific articles. The research procedure was carried out through several stages, namely designing the topic and research objective, conducting review, analyzing data, and writing review. The result of this literature study show that the use of Problem Solving and Problem Posing learning models using tetrahedral chemistry representation has an effect on student learning outcome. Other learning models such as Problem Based Learning, Project Based Learning, Constructive controversy, and Guided Inquiry that use tetrahedral chemistry representation do not have a significant effect on student learning outcome. In other words, these four models give the same good result to student learning outcome.
Practicality of E-module based on Discovery Learning on the Reaction Rate material equipped with a Virtual Laboratory for Class XI SMA Bundani Sakinah Alora; Hardeli Hardeli
Entalpi Pendidikan Kimia Vol 3 No 3 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (848.045 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/epk.v3i3.261


The 2013 curriculum is a rules that makes students more active both in learning and in technological development. Teaching materials are called practical if the practitioner has stated that they can be applied in the field. This study aims to reveal the practicality of discovery learning-based e-modules on the reaction rate material equipped with a virtual laboratory for class XI SMA. This type of research is Research and Development (R&D). The research method used is the Plomp development model. The research was conducted at SMAN 14 Padang. Data were analyzed by Aikens’V formula. The results obtained at the one to one evaluation stage show that the e-module uses clear letters, covers and attractive designs., the language used is easy to understand, coherent presentation of material, videos and animations can help students understand the material. The results of the analysis of the practicality value obtained 87%. This data is evidenced by the ability of students to answer e-module questions by 78,9%. Based on the data analysis, it was concluded that the discovery learing based e-module on the reaction rate material equipped with a virtual laboratory was declared practical.
Praktikalitas E-Modul Kesetimbangan Kimia Berbasis Discovery Learning dilengkapi Virtual Laboratory Sri Mulyani; Hardeli Hardeli
Entalpi Pendidikan Kimia Vol 3 No 4 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (963.03 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/epk.v3i4.263


The use of teaching materials that have been developed must have a practical category so that teaching materials can be used in the field. This study aims to determine the practicality of the Discovery Learning-Based Chemical Equilibrium E-Module equipped with a Virtual Laboratory. This research is a continuation of previous research, namely research and development research using the plomp development model. This research stage is in the prototyping stage, precisely in prototype III to the assessment stage. The place of this research is located at SMAN 14 Padang. Analysis of the data obtained using the Aiken'V formula. The one to one evaluation test showed that the e-module was interesting both in terms of cover and content, it was clear in the presentation of the material, the language used was easy to understand, the video display made the material easier to understand. Based on the data analyzed by the aiken V formula, in the small group stage a V value of 87,6% was obtained with high practicality, and in the field test stage a V value of 85,1% was obtained in the high category. This data can be proven by the ability of students to solve problems in module E of 78.86% with a very high category.
Development of a Two- Tier Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) Test Instrument Based on IBT on Chemical Equilibrium Material for SMA/MA Students Zikra Effendi; Andromeda Andromeda
Entalpi Pendidikan Kimia Vol 3 No 2 (2022)
Publisher : Universitas Negeri Padang

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1001.603 KB) | DOI: 10.24036/epk.v3i2.264


HOTS is an ability that can transfer, connect one material with other material, process information and solve problems obtained from the information creatively and critically. Higher Order Thinking Skill (HOTS) are abilities that must be prossessed by students in facing global competition in the 21st century industrial revolution 4.0 in accprdence with the 2013 curriculum. This study aims to produce a test instrument for higher order thinking skill (HOTS) in chemical equilibrium and determine the level of validity and its reliability. This tyepe of research is research and development (R&D) and use the research model that has been developed by treagust (1988). The results showed that the value of the validity of the content instrument test was 1 and the validity of the construct instrument was 95% in the material aspect, 94% on the presentation aspect, 96% on the language aspect, and 08% on the additional rules. The instrument reliability tes coefficient is 0,85 for the question (fisrt tier) and 0,89 for the reason (second tier).

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