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Teuku Multazam
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The JOGE is open to submission from scholars and experts in the wide areas of electrical, electronics, instrumentation, control, telecommunication, computer engineering, mechanical energy, enviromental engineering, and energy from the global world. The journal publishes original research papers, review papers, and short communications in the field of electrical & power engineering, circuits & electronics, power electronics & drives, automation, instrumentation & control engineering, digital Signal, image & video processing, telecommunication system & technology, information system and technology, internet of things, artificial intelligence & soft computing.
Articles 12 Documents
Analisa Pengaruh Letak Lightning Arrester untuk Memproteksi Trafo Daya Terhadap Tegangan Lebih Andika Putra; Andik Bintoro; Teuku Multazam
Journal Geuthee of Engineering and Energy (JOGE) Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Journal Geuthee of Engineering and Energy
Publisher : Geuthèë Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (221.666 KB) | DOI: 10.52626/joge.v1i1.2


Seiring dengan meningkatnya konsumen energi listrik di Indonesia, penyaluran energi listrik kepada konsumen di harapkan dapat berjalan dengan lancar. Sistem transmisi dan Gardu Induk merupakan sarana untuk menyalurkan tenaga listrik dari pembangkit hingga ke konsumen, tapi pada kenyataannya jaringan transmisi rentang terhadap gangguan, baik dari internal dan eksternal. Salah satu bentuk gangguang yang sering di alami yaitu gangguang eksternal dan salah satu contohnya ialah gangguang dari petir yang sering kali menyambar jaringan transmisi dan mengakibatkan kerusakan yang fatal bagi peralatan jika tidak di lindungi. Oleh karena itu diperlukan sistem proteksi untuk menangkal gangguan yang sering terjadi. Salah satu bentuk proteksi dari gangguang petir ialah menggunakan lightning arrester, lightning arrester berfungsi untu mengalirkan arus surja petir yang datang kemudian akan di bumikan, sehingga peralatan aman dari gangguang petir. Tujuan dari studi ini adalah untuk mengetahui jarak pemasangan lightning arrester yang efektif pada gardu induk dan melihat besarnya arus petir yang dipotong oleh arrester yang terpasang dengan menggunakan software EMTP. Hasil perhitungan yang didapat bahwa jarak yang efektif untuk pemasangan arrester pada Gardu Induk adalah sejauh 10 m dari trafo daya.
Battery Management Optimization Considers The State Of Charge Using The Coulomb Counting Method Santi Triwijaya; Andri Pradipta
Journal Geuthee of Engineering and Energy (JOGE) Vol 2, No 1 (2023): Journal Geuthee of Engineering and Energy
Publisher : Geuthèë Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (228.794 KB) | DOI: 10.52626/joge.v2i1.14


The Battery Management System (BMS) is important because more and more electronic devices and vehicles use batteries as a power source. Without BMS, battery charging can become unstable, resulting in overcharging and reducing battery life. Therefore, BMS is becoming increasingly important as part of the development of safer and more efficient technologies, resulting in more reliable and safer electronic devices and vehicles. The Coulomb Counting method is used to determine the state of charge of the battery at the beginning and end of charging. The coulomb counting method is very accurate for determining the state of charge because it calculates the incoming and outgoing electric charge from the read current value. The voltage from source to load uses a buck converter to step down the voltage from 27.3V source to 25.5V load voltage. The Coulomb Counting (CC) method is used to estimate the SOC of the battery being monitored. The CC method is accurate for estimating the SOC value during charging and discharging but cannot determine the initial SOC value. The results of the current test have an accuracy of 96.03% and the voltage test has an accuracy of 99.22%.
Desain Reverse Vending Mechine untuk Perhitungan Berat Plastik Cutti Muria; H Hermalinda
Journal Geuthee of Engineering and Energy (JOGE) Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Journal Geuthee of Engineering and Energy
Publisher : Geuthèë Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (161.458 KB) | DOI: 10.52626/joge.v1i1.3


Sampah merupakan masalah yang cukup berkepanjangan untuk diselesaikan, Penumpukan sampah  harus diatasi dengan pengelolaan yang baik, karena jika tidak akan berdampak buruk bagi seluruh komponen kehidupan, Seperti hewan dan tumbuhan, Termasuk manusia. Dari adanya keinginan untuk menyelesaikan permasalahan penanggulangan sampah yang ada di Indonesia, Maka reverse vending machine akan menjadi solusi yang dapat digunakan untuk mengolah sampah, Khususnya sampah anorganik (botol plastik). Proses perhitungan berat pada sampah botol plastik yang dimasukkan ke mesin RVM. Pengujian dilakukan dengan cara meletakkan  botol diatas load cell maka muncul hasil berat. Pengujian dilakukan sebanyak 10 kali pada botol besar dan 10 kali pada botol sedang. Untuk mendapatkan nilai berat pada botol besar rata-rata gram pengukuran dan gram faktualnya adalah 303,93g  dan 303,7g. Selisih angka error adalah 0,05. Nilai selisih dan error pada botol besar di lakukan dengan perhitungan MSE.           Nilai rata-rata gram pengukuran dan gram faktual untuk botol sedang adalah 162,25g dan 161.5g,  Selisih angka eror adalah 0.027 dari hasil perhitungan MSE. Setelah melakukan rangkaian Reverse Vending Mechine Perhitungan Berat Plastik menggunakan load cell berbasis Node mcu, Dan kemudian dilakukan pengujian terhadap alat, Baik pengujian berupa setiap rangkaian maupun secara keseluruhan pembancaan sensor.
Design of an Over Current Relay (OCR) System on a Distribution Network Using a Raspberry Pi Yuli Prasetyo; Budi Triyono; Dimas Nur Prakoso; R. Jasa Kusumo Haryo
Journal Geuthee of Engineering and Energy (JOGE) Vol 2, No 1 (2023): Journal Geuthee of Engineering and Energy
Publisher : Geuthèë Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (806.52 KB) | DOI: 10.52626/joge.v2i1.13


Disturbances in the electrical installation system will be detrimental to electricity users because it can cause power outages. Therefore we need a protection system that can overcome disturbances such as the use of Over Current Relay (OCR). With OCR can overcome interference quickly and can prevent equipment damage. OCR interference occurs if the current read on sensor 1 is more than 10.5 A, then relay 1 will work after a disturbance of 5 seconds. The indicator light on the PLN side will be red. Meanwhile, if the current at sensor 2 is more than 10 A, then relay 2 will work after a disturbance for 5 seconds. The indicator light on the customer side will be red. Short circuit disturbance occurs if the current read on sensor 1 is more than 20.5 A, then relay 1 will work after an interruption of 2 seconds. The indicator light on the PLN side will be red. Meanwhile, if the current on sensor 2 is more than 20 A, then relay 2 will work after a disturbance for 2 seconds. The indicator light on the customer side will be red.
Analisis Aliran Daya Dengan Beban Tidak Seimbang Pada Penyulang Teubeng Gardu Hubung Kota Sigli Menggunakan Software ETAP 16.0. Mahdi Syukri; Nur Nuzulul Fitrah; Syukriyadin Syukriyadin; Alfisyahrin Alfisyahrin
Journal Geuthee of Engineering and Energy (JOGE) Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Journal Geuthee of Engineering and Energy
Publisher : Geuthèë Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (407.437 KB) | DOI: 10.52626/joge.v1i1.6


Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melakukan komputasi perhitungan aliran daya dengan beban tidak seimbang pada jaringan distribusi dengan sistem radial. Kondisi beban yang tidak seimbang muncul di sisi sekunder dari transformator distribusi dikarenakan permintaan daya pada masing masing phasa tidak sama besar, hal ini disebabkan karena pemakaian beban oleh tiap pelanggan berbeda. Studi aliran Beban yang tidak seimbang pada sistem tenaga listrik akan berpengaruh pada konsumen yaitu akan terjadi penurunan tegangan yang diterima oleh konsumen. Suatu studi aliran beban dengan kondisi beban tak seimbang akan memberikan gambaran tentang kondisi tegangan, sudut fasa, arus, daya dan rugirugi daya tiap-tiap bus pada masing-masing fasa A, B dan C. Perhitungan aliran beban tak seimbang dengan menggunakan software ETAP versi 16.0.0 dengan objek penelitian jaringan distribusi sistem radial penyulang Teubeng gardu hubung Sigli Kota. Dari hasil simulasi pada penyulang Teubeng diperoleh beban pada phasa A sebesar 0.473 MW dan 0.313 MVAr, beban pada phasa B sebesar 0.503 MW dan 0.320 MVAr, sedangkan beban pada phasa C sebesar 0.483 MW 0.343 MVAr. Penyulang Teubeng mengalami penurunan tegangan terbesar pada bus DLM005- 00S yaitu sebesar 6.1%, 5.8% dan 6.9% untuk masing masing phasa A, B dan C.
Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Pencatatan Bulan Imunisasi Anak Sekolah dengan Metode Waterfall Tegar Palyus Fiqar
Journal Geuthee of Engineering and Energy (JOGE) Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Journal Geuthee of Engineering and Energy
Publisher : Geuthèë Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (660.767 KB) | DOI: 10.52626/joge.v1i1.16


The Health Service has main task to assist the Governor in carrying out mandatory authority of the Government in the field of health submitted to the Regional Government in accordance with Government Regulation No. 38/2007. In Government Regulation No. 7/2007, City Health Office must carry out deconcentration and co-administration tasks in health section that have been delegated by the Governor in accordance with tasks related to the health sector. In carrying out these tasks, the Health Servicehas several functions, one of which is to provide guidance, service, supervision, control, monitoring, evaluation and reporting of health management. From this function, the Health Service has authority in supply and management of drug stocks, medical tools and vaccines. In process of supply and management, there are several obstacles experienced by the City Health Office, including immunization data, stock of drugs, vaccines and medical devices that have no system-based bookkeeping. So the process of recording and reporting experiencing difficulties including data that must be searched manually and high risk of data loss or damage. Therefore, in this study the development of a recording and reporting  system in the Balikpapan City Health Office aims to assist the process of recording and reporting so that the process of providing and managing is easy and minimizing the occurrence of errors. The Information System for Recording and Reporting of School Children Immunization Months was developed using the Code Igniter framework with the concept of Model, View and Controller (MVC) architecture. Development of Information System for Recording and Reporting the Month of Immunization for School Children using a MySQL database.  The method used is the waterfall method. The steps taken are requirements, design, implementation, verification, and maintenance. The results obtained from this study are information systems for recording and reporting months of immunization of school children.
Perancangan Sistem Pencatatan Kas Masjid Berbasis WEB Cut Keumala Zuhra; K Khairuman; Herry Setiawan
Journal Geuthee of Engineering and Energy (JOGE) Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Journal Geuthee of Engineering and Energy
Publisher : Geuthèë Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (314.139 KB) | DOI: 10.52626/joge.v1i1.4


Informasi merupakan kumpulan data atau fakta yang dikelola menjadi suatu yang bermanfaat bagi penerimanya. Informasi tersebut biasanya disampaikan secara manual oleh pengurus masjid dengan menggunakan alat bantu mikrofon untuk memudahkan masyarakat dalam mendengar. Sehingga muncul masalah bagaimana cara merancang dan membuat sistem pencatatan kas masjid berbasis web. Peneliti telah membuat sistem informasi kas masjid yang bertujuan untuk merancang aplikasi sistem pencatatan kas masjid berbasis web dan untuk membuat aplikasi sistem pencatatan kas masjid  berbasis web. Penelitian  ini dilakukan dengan cara mengambil data kas yang ditulis secara manual dibeberapa masjid. Sehingga terbuatlah suatu sistem pencatatan kas yang berbasis web untuk memudahkan dalam pencatatan kas dan juga untuk menghindari terjadinya kesalahan dalam perhitungan kas. Sistem pencatatan kas masjid berbasis web memiliki fitur pencatatan pemasukan dan pengeluaran kas masjid dan sistem pencatatan kas masjid berbasis web telah dapat menampilkan informasi pencatatan kas masjid terkini untuk masyarakat serta sistem pencatatan kas masjid ini bisa digunakan oleh banyak user.
Design and Build Inventory Management Information System with Personal Extreme Programming Method Tegar Palyus Fiqar; Andi Sultan Asharil Raphi; Nur Fajri Azhar
Journal Geuthee of Engineering and Energy (JOGE) Vol 2, No 1 (2023): Journal Geuthee of Engineering and Energy
Publisher : Geuthèë Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (559.909 KB) | DOI: 10.52626/joge.v2i1.15


Every company and agency has facilities and infrastructure that play an important role in supporting operational activities. Similar to other institutions, the Kalimantan Institute of Technology also has facilities and infrastructure that need to be managed. The Kalimantan Institute of Technology has not fully implemented the Inventory management process properly, where data on facilities and infrastructure have not been stored into the database and in the loan process they still use Microsoft Excel as storage media which makes it difficult to manage facilities and infrastructure from the Kalimantan Institute of Technology. The method used in this research is the Personal Extreme Programming (PXP) method which consists of several stages, namely requirements, planning, iteration initialization, design, implementation (unit testing, code, refactor), system testing, retrospective. Development of an Inventory Management Information System using framework and developed several features such as facilities and infrastructure management, loan management, and other supporting features. The development of an Inventory Management Information System is expected to provide convenience to the Kalimantan Institute of Technology in managing facilities and infrastructure.
Analisa Implementasi Double Boost Converter Pada Inverter 1 Fasa Full Bridge Berbasis Mikrokontroller Yuli Prasetyo; Budi Triyono; Santi Triwijaya
Journal Geuthee of Engineering and Energy (JOGE) Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Journal Geuthee of Engineering and Energy
Publisher : Geuthèë Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (349.77 KB) | DOI: 10.52626/joge.v1i1.7


Inverter adalah salah satu alat elektronika yang digunakan untuk mengubah tegangan DC (Dirrect Current) menjadi tegangan AC (Alternating Current). Inverter ini diaplikasikan pada pembangkit listrik tenaga floating hydro portable. Gelombang output dari suatu inverter dapat berupa gelombang sinus (sine wave), gelombang kotak (square wave), dan gelombang sinus modifikasi (modified sine wave). Inverter 1 fasa full bridge ini dirancang menggunakan teknik PWM berbasis mikrokontroler Arduino uno, optocoupler sebagai driver 4 MOSFET, transistor 9014 sebagai penguat tegangan inverter, serta rangkaian double boost converter sebagai penaik tegangan pengganti transformator. Inverter ini menggunakan metode mengubah tegangan dari double boost converter 311 Volt DC menjadi 220 Volt AC dengan sumber utama accumulator 12 VDC-35Ah. Tegangan output yang dihasilkan oleh double boost converter sebesar 316 Volt DC. Inverter ini mampu mengubah tegangan 316 Volt DC ke 288,1 Volt AC frekuensi 49,50 Hz dengan gelombang output berbentuk gelombang kotak
Data-Driven Anomaly Control Detection for Railroad Lines Using Sobel Filter and VGG-16 Model, Res-Net50, InceptionV3 Adiratna Ciptaningrum; R. Akbar Nur Apriyanto; Dimas Nur Prakoso; R. Gaguk Pratama Yudha; Mohammad Erik Echsony
Journal Geuthee of Engineering and Energy (JOGE) Vol 2, No 1 (2023): Journal Geuthee of Engineering and Energy
Publisher : Geuthèë Institute

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.52626/joge.v2i1.17


Rail inspection is essential to ensure the safety and performance of the rail system. In rail inspection, object detection is an important task to locate and identify damage or obstructions on the rail. This research discusses the use of Sobel features on three convolutional neural network (CNN) architectures, namely VGG-16, ResNet50, and InceptionV3 for object detection in rail inspection. The purpose of this research is to improve the accuracy of object detection in rail inspection by utilizing the edge information obtained from the Sobel filter. This research involves several stages, namely collecting rail image data, image processing with the Sobel filter, feature extraction using three CNN architectures, namely VGG-16, ResNet50, and InceptionV3, and evaluating object detection performance using accuracy metrics. The results show that the use of Sobel features in the three CNN architectures can improve the accuracy of object detection in rail inspection. The evaluation results show that the ResNet50 model provides the best performance with detection accuracy reaching 96%, followed by the InceptionV3 model with 90% accuracy, and the VGG-16 model with 90% accuracy. Based on the results of this study, it can be concluded that the use of Sobel features in CNN architecture can improve object detection accuracy in rail inspection. In addition, the ResNet50 model has the best performance compared to the VGG-16 and InceptionV3 models in object detection in rail inspection. This can be a reference in the development of future rail inspection object detection systems.

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