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Islamic Studies Journal for Social Transformation, published by Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat UIN K.H Abdurrahman Wahid Pekalongan. The journal accepts articles from various perspective of theology, history, sociology, anthropology, philosophy, mysticism, and much more related to Islamic studies and social transformation. Islamic Studies Journal for Social Transformation, published twice a year, places Islam and Muslim as a central focus and discourse to encourage social transformation. This journal is in collaboration with the Asosiasi Peneliti Kajian Keislaman (APKK) Pekalongan.
Articles 64 Documents
Dynamics of Maturity of Muslim People of Probo As The Minority in Christian Surroundings Ningsih Fadhilah; Uswatun Khasanah
Islamic Studies Journal for Social Transformation ISJOUST Vol 1, No 1, 2017
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (1338.307 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/isjoust.v1i1.1137


Religious maturity is a person's ability to understand, live, and apply the noble values ​​of religion he embraces in everyday life. If religious maturity has existed in a person, then all his deeds and religious behavior are always taken seriously and nurtured on a sense of responsibility rather than on the basis of mimicry and merely follow-up. Therefore in Muslim minority society, religious maturity is very important as a defensive fortress against the efforts of Christianization in the region. The main objective of this research is to increase the maturity of Muslim minorities through the counseling strategy of Islam. So the purpose of this research is to find out the religious maturity of minority Muslim community of Purbo Hamlet before and after being given counseling service of Islamic counseling through religious guidance and to know the effectiveness of the strategy of Islamic counseling guidance through religious activities as media of da'wah towards increasing of religious maturity of Muslim minority of Purbo Hamlet Jolotigo Village. This research is an experiment, using quantitative approach with pre-experimental research type and research model one group pre-test post-test design. Two measurements were conducted on aspects of religious maturity, i.e. pre-test and post-test or before and after the counseling service of Islamic counseling. The subjects of 73 household heads and samples taken were 20 persons. The instrument used is to use a questionnaire covering 5 aspects; differentiation, dynamic character, moral consistency, integral and integral heuristics. Research data are also taken through interviews, observation and documentation. The result of this study concluded that: (1) the maturity of the minority Muslims before treatment had the average score of pre-test 74.6, meaning the religious maturity of the Muslim minority family was "less"; (2) the maturity of minority Muslims after the treatment of the score increased in the post test of 85.4, including the category "fair"; (3) counseling strategy of Islamic counseling through religious coaching has proved effective in increasing the maturity of the minority Moslems, seen in the probability value below 0,05 (0.0005 <0,05).
Salawah Wahidiyah in The Frame of Thareeqat in Indonesian Archipelago: Resistance in The Face of Perverse Fatwas in Tasikmalaya Khamami Zada
Islamic Studies Journal for Social Transformation ISJOUST Vol 1, No 1, 2017
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (973.73 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/isjoust.v1i1.1138


The relationship of power and resistance against it has been widely discussed as an intellectual discursive debates. However, resistance groups against the theological authority is off the debate. This paper analyses the resistance movement of Salawah Wahidiyah (SW) in the face of the erroneous fatwa by the Assembly of Indonesia Ulema (MUI). With the analysis of power relationships, knowledge, and resistance, this paper finds that SW is fighting against the misguided fatwa of Tasikmalaya MUI which is carried out as the majority of theological hegemony to defend the doctrine and amaliyah as well as to reject the deviating claim. This is all done to maintain the freedom to believe and practice the teachings of an inside democracy which guarantees and protects the right of religious freedom. Ironically, the resistance of SW in Tasikmalaya was not able to replicate the success of the Centre SW in conducting resistance against NU figures. SW Tasikmalaya failed to reconcile the differences of religious views with MUI. As a result, the motion of SW became limited because it is still stigmatized as deviant.
The Politics of Veiling: A Study of Hijab and Female Muslim Identity Representation in Indonesia Maurisa Zinira
Islamic Studies Journal for Social Transformation ISJOUST Vol 1, No 1, 2017
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (864.029 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/isjoust.v1i1.1139


The increased number of hijabi women (women who wear hijab) in Indonesia presents changes in religious-socio-political lanscape of Muslim community in Indonesia. For hijabi, hijab is a technology for the self. It represents one’s identity through performance. Beside religious identity, hijab does explain hijabi’s social and economic status in the society. Especially with the growth of hijab industry, hijab becomes part of lifestyle. Tradition has now developed more into fashion. There emerge several hijab communities initiated by young hijabis to promote hijab trough popular culture. Looking through the phenomenon of hijab from this lense, it could be argued that hijab does not necessarily express hijabi’s religiosity and spirituality. Given certain contexts and meanings, each hijab style explains hijabi’s identity becoming instead of identity being. This paper discusses hijab focusing on two main concerns; first discussion relates to hijab and identity formation and the second relates to hijab and regulation of women’s bodies.
Methodology of Deciding Fatwa in Islam: A Case Study of Legal Decision Making in NU Organization Abd Moqsith
Islamic Studies Journal for Social Transformation ISJOUST Vol 1, No 1, 2017
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (935.319 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/isjoust.v1i1.1140


There are problems of islamic jurisprudence existing in society, but Qur'an and hadith as the references of shari'a are keep stagnant. Text of Qur'an and hadith are stagnant-without development, while the problems of jurisprudence are still growing. In fact, it is impossible to leave the problems without a solution. In that context, like other Islamic organizations, Nahdhatul Ulama (NU) actively issues religious fatwas. In order to keep the religious fatwa still based on the islamic law, NU has established a procedure of bahtsul masail, which is a scientific forum to respond the problems of jurisprudence, both individual and public jurisprudence related to public affairs. In delivering fatwa or answering the problems of jurisprudence, NU likely only picks up old Jurisprudence reference which are relevant to the problems. However, NU is allowed to perform ilhaqul masa'il binadhairiha, even istinbath in jama'i if the problems of Jurisprudence which can not be solved with the old Jurisprudence reference.
Mohammad in Archipelago: Spatializing Spirituality in Majelis Shalawat Syubbanul Muslimin in Kalikajar Probolinggo Nurul Huda
Islamic Studies Journal for Social Transformation ISJOUST Vol 1, No 2, 2017
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (959.341 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/isjoust.v1i2.1141


Using Mohammad in Archipelago as a metaphor of the postmodern religious landscape, this article argues that Mohammad, a prophet of Muslim born in Mecca Saudi Arabia, has undoubtedly become a consumer item in shalawat council (Majelis Shalawat) practiced in many areas of Indonesia, including Probolinggo. This new religious phenomenon has been reproduced in line with the emergence of blurred negotiation between the profane and the sacred, and by the fact that religion is always posed in social life and in business life, shalawat practice also depends itself on the meaning and process making, or the certain socio-cultural context. This study sets the Majelis Shalawat Syubbanul Muslimin, located at Probolinggo, in relation with the ways they reproduced its penetration of religion vis-a-vis market economy. It also portrays how Syubbanul Muslimin produced a spatial order of certain followers since they have successfully practiced modes and techniques of production, consumption, and structuration of their own spiritual market. Additionally, it also contributes to the construction of charisma they have shaped by using the economic-political discourse of media.
Internalization of Moderate Islamic Values in Education Rahmat Kamal
Islamic Studies Journal for Social Transformation ISJOUST Vol 1, No 1, 2017
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (984.504 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/isjoust.v1i1.1142


This present study aims to investigate the essence and values of moderate Islam and internalize them in the process of education. The research findings are expected to be able to contribute a wide range of knowledge as one of alternatives to prevent and overcome symptoms of extreme and radical actions in students’ religious activities. It was a qualitative descriptive study by employing library research. This study highlights the imbalance between the concept of Islamic teachings demonstrating moderate values and the actions eroding the moderate Islamic values. Education plays a pivotal role to bring the image of peaceful Islam back by internalizing the moderate Islamic values in the process of education. The results reveal that (1) moderate Islam refers to a form of Islam that emphasizes the values of moderation between the ‘left-wing extremist group’ (liberal group) and the ‘right-wing extremist group’ (fundamental group) in implementing Islamic teachings; (2) moderate Islamic values include the values of tolerance in showing attitudes, the value of tolerance in respecting diversity, the value of inclusiveness in accepting something new with lots of strengths, the value of logic and flexibility in understanding texts, the value of relevance in interpreting texts by deeming their contexts, the value of innovation in solving problems that the answers have not been stated in the texts yet, and the value of social transformation; (3) the process of internalization covers three stages, namely: the stages of value transformation, value transaction, and trans-internalization. The first stage copes with the process that is carried out by teachers in informing the values of moderation conceptualized in Islamic teachings. The next stage promotes that the values of moderation are interactively communicated between teacher and students. The last stage suggests that familiarizing behavior and actions that represent the moderate Islamic values is performed through not only verbal communication, but also mentality and personality.
Reproducing Charisma: A Study of Religious Pilgrimage to Hasan Genggong’s Cemetery in Pajarakan Probolinggo Abdurrahman Abdurrahman
Islamic Studies Journal for Social Transformation ISJOUST Vol 1, No 2, 2017
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (968.475 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/isjoust.v1i2.1144


The annual death celebration (haul) to religious figure is a key instance of the commodifications of prosperity Islamic mode at institutional level, where strong modern business organizational skills are matched with charismatic leadership. This study implies that successful market mechanism makes haul a consumer commodity attractive to spirituality hungry middle class Muslim community in Probolinggo. It ethnographically observes the intertwining of market and Islam where Muslims community looked to the market as a critical source for experiencing and publicizing a sense of sacred identity. Commodification of religion is deeply embedded in the haul or regularly ziarah (pilgrimage) for every 11 Syawal to Muhammad Hasan, a passed away central figure of kiai in Pesantren Zainul Hasan Genggong Probolinggo, and it makes a strong presence in the spiritual marketplace through commodifications of Kiai Hasan’s amulet and memorabilia, including his photos, tasbih, jimat, akik, and others. This study also reflects on the possible effect of charisma in undermining the sense of authenticity and authority of charismatic Kiai Hasan among the Muslim community in Probolinggo, and the ways it effects on the construction of spiritual market surrounding his cemetery.
Participative Maintenance of Upstream Pusur Sub Watershed Area Through Conservation Field School in Mriyan Village Musuk Sub District Boyolali Regency Muslim Afandi; Suwarto *; Eni Lestary
Islamic Studies Journal for Social Transformation ISJOUST Vol 1, No 2, 2017
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (668.19 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/isjoust.v1i2.1145


This research is done to describe the process of participative maintenance by ‘sekolah lapang konservasi’ in the upstream area of Sub Watershed Pusur, so we can understand the condition of Farmers in the Mriyan village, and to understand the impact of the participative maintenance of Sub watershed Pusur in the Mriyan village that will be observed from the actualization of farmer participation in Mriyan Village. This research used qualitative approach with descriptive strategy in Mriyan Villages Sub District Musuk District Boyolali. The location is choosen because of the topography of the area as a water absorption area and water catchment area along the Sub Watershed Pusur. The data collection technique uses in depth interview method, focus group discussion, and participative observation. After all the data is collected, then data will be analyzed to form a finding that Skolah Lapang Konservasi is a kind of community participation in Mriyan village in maintaining Sub watershed Pusur conservatively. The people of Mriyan’s support is actualized in the form of konservasi field school, the effort and the decision making, that are actively in charge in social learning, net working, and maintaining the resource of thee people. From this thing, the maintenance will impact various aspect, such as: the sustainability of Sub Watershed Pusur, the emergence of collective institutional of the people who care about Sub watershed Pusur, and pushing the stakeholders in caring for Sub Watershed Pusur with the principality of conservation.
Hate Speech: Concept and Problem PTIPD IAIN Pekalongan; Rumadi Rumadi
Islamic Studies Journal for Social Transformation ISJOUST Vol 1, No 2, 2017
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (901.224 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/isjoust.v1i2.1156


Hate speech issues have become one of interesting topics disscussed by academics of different disciplines since two decades ago. The studies employ various perspectives such as linguistics, sociology, anthropology, psychology, politics, law and even media and communication, making the theme an interdisciplinary study. One of prominent and comprehensive studies on hate speech in US from 1920s to the end of twenty century using social and political history perspective is one written by Samuel Walker (1994), a professor in University of Nebraska, Omaha, AS. Walker focused the study on social context and groups interrelation, prejudice and discrimination as political issues, and attempts to control hate speech through legal institutions. Started from terminology analysis like “race hate”, “group libel”, or “racist speech”, Walker then proposed a definition of hate speech and its related expressions such as race, ethnic, religious groups, minority, age, marital status, physical capacity, sexual preference and sex
Commodification of Merit: Reimaging God(s) through Public and Private Training Classes in Paiton Probolinggo Mushafi Miftah
Islamic Studies Journal for Social Transformation ISJOUST Vol 1, No 2, 2017
Publisher : Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LP2M) IAIN Pekalongan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (973.585 KB) | DOI: 10.28918/isjoust.v1i2.1157


Material wealth, good health, and efforts to make money are central, but not solely, to the flourishing of religious commodifications. Pola-Pertolongan-Allah is a business-based-religious training which argues that strong beliefs in fate and luck are essential to the efficacy of the rituals, which is believed to generate ‘practical benefits’ for the participants of training. By paying for IDR500,000 – IDR1,500,000 / meeting for private class, and IDR150,000 /three hours for public classes, ‘the devotees’ will get also some kinds of bonus, including additional handbooks of tauhid, practical guide of various shalat patterns. PPA, by doing so, has successfully made the participant to be instrumental in performing meritorious acts to secure future happiness for themselves and their descendants, but still must depend on their fate and moral luck if they are to have the best possible outcomes. PPA, which operates with Multi-Level-Marketing recruitment system, stands in the increased commercialization of Muslim community in Probolinggo. This study finally figures out that commodified religious mode and technique of merit making could be subverted and employed to negotiate and express their religious-economic class identities.