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Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Science Education)
ISSN : 23384379     EISSN : 2615840X     DOI :
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Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Indonesia (Indonesian Journal of Science Education) offers an interdisciplinary forum for the publication of original peer-reviewed, contributed and invited research articles of the highest quality that address different topics of science education with implications for improving and enhancing science education practices and theories. The topics involves biology, chemistry, physics, as well as some applications pedagogy and teacher development. The journal provides an invigorating and informative variety of research papers that expand and deepen our theoretical understanding. It also provides practice and policy based implications in the relevant contexts of science education.
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Articles 15 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 11, No 4 (2023): OCTOBER 2023" : 15 Documents clear
Development of E-module Based on Guided Inquiry in Chemical Bonding Topic for Class X Student Learning Materials Nur Arneta Pawestri; Erlina Erlina*; Andi Ifriany Harun; Rachmat Sahputra; Ira Lestari
Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Indonesia Vol 11, No 4 (2023): OCTOBER 2023
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jpsi.v11i4.30677


The lack of teaching materials that are able to explain the formation of chemical bonds causes students difficulties in learning. Therefore, this study focused on developing guided inquiry-based e-module of chemical bonding. This study aims to determine the feasibility and students response to guided inquiry-based e-module of chemical bonding. This study employs research and development (RD) using ADDIE model which is limited to development stage. The due diligence was carried out by material, media and language experts. The respondents involved were 31 students of class XI MAN 2 Pontianak. The research instruments were the feasibility sheets, media, language, and response questionnaires. The results of the feasibility of e-module test is k=1 (very high validity) and student response tests k=0.85 (very interesting). Those findings indicate that the E-module is very feasible to use
Research Trends and Future Works on Student Creativity in the Context of Sustainability: A Bibliometric Analysis Dindin Nasrudin; Agus Setiawan*; Dadi Rusdiana; Liliasari Liliasari
Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Indonesia Vol 11, No 4 (2023): OCTOBER 2023
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jpsi.v11i4.33393


Education at the university level must provide learning experiences that facilitate achieving 21st-century skills, one of which is creativity. This study aims to reveal research trends and future work related to creativity at the university level. The method used is a preferred reporting item for systematic review and meta-analysis protocols (PRISMA-P) and bibliometric analysis of the scopus database using vosviewer software. The author selected 778 documents that were considered relevant from English-language journal articles through a selection process. The results show that research topics related to creativity in higher education are still emerging and increasing. The results of the bibliometric analysis using the co-occurrence type of analysis show that there are several dominant keywords outside the search query, including human (36), engineering education (35), critical thinking (31), innovation (28), education for sustainable development (26), and project-based learning (21). Through network visualization analysis, information on the relationship between keywords and the strength of their relationship is obtained. The visualization of overlays shows several topics that are still growing and deserve to be researched, such as entrepreneurs, virtual reality, self-efficacy, etc. Through the help of the openrefine software, the author can find several future works related to specific issues. Several new keywords for future research can be determined. This study concludes that bibliometric analysis through vosviewer has successfully demonstrated trends and future work for creativity in higher education
The Role of Digital Literacy and Generic Skills on Student Physics Learning Outcomes Darmaji Darmaji*; Astalini Astalini; Dwi Agus Kurniawan; Eko Nursulistiyo; Rahmat Perdana; Nirmala Prameswari
Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Indonesia Vol 11, No 4 (2023): OCTOBER 2023
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jpsi.v11i4.30560


Digital literacy is a form of literacy that is very important for students to master along with technological developments. This digital literacy can be applied in learning, one of which is in learning physics. The urgency in this study is that it is hoped that the application of digital literacy in physics learning can improve student learning outcomes and generic skills. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of applying digital literacy in learning physics on the learning outcomes and generic skills of class A and class B students. This study used a mixed methods research type. Then the data in this study were processed using SPSS 26 software to find values from the regression analysis. The results of the regression test function to determine the effect of implementing digital literacy on student physics learning outcomes. Based on the regression test, it is known that sig. 0.05, namely 0.001, which means that there is an effect of applying digital literacy in learning physics on student learning outcomes and 0.05, namely 0.000, which means that there is an effect of digital literacy on generic skills. The conclusion obtained is that there is an effect of applying digital literacy in physics learning to student learning outcomes and generic skills, where in class B the effect is greater in terms of grades or student learning outcomes
Development of Sound Wave E-learning Material by Integrating Contextual Teaching with Smartphone to Improve Students’ Critical and Creative Thinking Skills Lailatul Fauziah; Asrizal Asrizal*
Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Indonesia Vol 11, No 4 (2023): OCTOBER 2023
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jpsi.v11i4.32174


Twenty first century skills are necessary for students to solve problems and be successful in learning. One of the core subjects of 21st century skills is learning and innovation skills. Learning and innovation skills include critical thinking and creative thinking skills. Problems found in the field show that students' critical and creative thinking skills are still low. The solution is to develop sound wave E-learning material by integrating contextual teaching with smartphones to improve students' critical and creative thinking skills. The purpose of this study was to determine the results of the needs analysis, the validity test, and the practicality test of the use of e-learning material. The research method used is the Hannafin and Peck development model which consists of needs analysis, design, and development and implementation. The research data were in the form of questionnaires, performance questions, validation and practicality instruments. Data analysis used a Likert scale, using Aiken's V formula to analyze the validity level and statistical analysis formulas to analyze the practicality of e-learning material. The results of the analysis showed that students' critical and creative thinking skills were still low. Then the developed e-learning material are valid with a value of 0.89 and the level of practicality is very good with a value of 86.52. Based on the research conducted, it can be concluded that the sound wave e-learning material by integrating contextual teaching with smartphone are valid and practical so that they can be used in the learning process
E-Module Development Based on Flip PDF Professional by Using Problem Solving Model in Wetland Context to Improve Stoichiometry Learning Outcomes Iriani Bakti; Rilia Iriani*; Anisa Ihdayanti; Abdul Hamid
Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Indonesia Vol 11, No 4 (2023): OCTOBER 2023
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jpsi.v11i4.31399


E-module development based on flip pdf professional is a systematically arranged instructional material. This research aimed to determine the impact of student learning outcomes when using the developed e-module. The research method used is R D with a 4-D development model: define, design, develop and disseminate. The developed e-module trial was conducted offline for students at SMAN 10 Banjarmasin. The data analysis technique was descriptive statistics. The data collection techniques were validation sheets, response questionnaires and test assessments. The results showed that the developed e-module was stated to be very valid regarding the content feasibility, presentation, language and media. The developed e-module also fulfills practical aspects, seen from student response questionnaires and teacher activity sheets which get very good categories. The e-module also fulfilled the effectiveness aspect based on the N-gain of student learning outcomes included average category. The success of e-module in improving learning outcomes can also be seen from the increased average value pre-test and post-test, from 43.75 to 83.75. The results of the research show that the developed e-module is feasible to use and also improves learning outcomes
Analysis of Critical Thinking Levels of Prospective Science Teachers in Ethnoscience Learning Based on Reflective and Impulsive Cognitive Styles Mochammad Yasir*; Lusiana Dwiyanti
Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Indonesia Vol 11, No 4 (2023): OCTOBER 2023
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jpsi.v11i4.31799


Previous research has not found the right formula to win bull races studied in ethnoscience learning so that it requires problem solving. Solving this problem requires critical thinking skills which can be viewed from reflective and impulsive cognitive styles during bull races. This study aims to determine the level of critical thinking in science teacher candidates based on reflective and impulsive cognitive styles in ethnoscience learning. This type of research is a mix method with exploratory sequential design. The research was carried out in the Science Education Study Program FIP UTM, Bangkalan Regency by taking a sample of 6 science teacher candidate subjects. Data collection was collected using tests, documentation, and interviews. The results of the cognitive style test showed that science teacher candidates were 25% reflective, 29% impulsive, 25% fast-accurate, and 21% slow-inaccurate. The results of this study indicate that reflective science teacher candidates are able to recognize images well, be careful, think deeply so that answers tend to be correct and answer questions according to questions in ethnoscience learning. Impulsive science teacher candidates are able to recognize pictures poorly, are not careful, do not think deeply so that answers are not precise and answer questions at random in ethnoscience learning. The conclusion obtained is that the critical thinking level of reflective science teacher candidates is better than impulsive in ethnoscience learning, although there are not many significant differences.
The Effect of Problem Based Learning Models with Question Cards on Environmental Pollution Materials on Problem Solving Ability, Scientific Attitudes, and Student Learning Outcomes Elvi Fuspita Dila*; Slamet Suyanto
Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Indonesia Vol 11, No 4 (2023): OCTOBER 2023
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jpsi.v11i4.32480


Problem solving ability (PSA) is one of the skills that is the focus of the 21st century, besides that scientific attitudes and learning outcomes are also important components that must be possessed by students. This research aims to determine the effect of problem based learing (PBL) with question cards on environmental pollution on PSA, scientific attitudes, and student learning outcomes. The type of research used a quasi-experimental study using a nonequivalent pretest-posttest control group design. Sampling used a cluster random sampling technique. Data collection used PSA description questions, scientific attitude questionnaires, and multiple-choice test to measure the learning outcomes. Data analysis techniques used descriptive analysis, multivariate analysis of variance (Manova) test, and N-gain test. The average results of students in the experimental class were higher than those in the control class. The multivariate analysis of variance test results obtained a Sig. 0.000, and the N-gain test result in the experimental class obtained moderate criteria. Based on the results it is concluded that the PBL model with question cards have a significant effect
The Effect of a Scientific Approach Based on Problem Based Learning Models on Students Science Problem Solving Skills at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Jelita Jelita*; Nuraida Nuraida
Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Indonesia Vol 11, No 4 (2023): OCTOBER 2023
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jpsi.v11i4.31734


The ability to solve problems shows a person’s ability to think critically by using the reasoning and knowledge they have. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of a scientific approach based on problem based learning on students’ science problem solving skills at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 2 Aceh Tamiang. This research is quantitative research with an experimental method. The population is all students of class V MIN 2 Aceh Tamiang, totaling 60 people and the sample used is VA class as the control class and VB class as the experimental class. Each class consists of 30 people. The research instrument was a test in the form of an essay totaling 3 questions of indicators of problem solving skills namely identifying problems, describing various strategies, solving problems, and solving problems systematically. From the results of the data analysis, the class average value was obtained. The experiment was higher than the control class with a difference of 54.67 and an increase of 63.87%. The findings from the hypothesis testing indicate a significance level of 5%. The calculated t-value 18.41 exceeds the critical t-value 2.41 for the shown degrees of freedom 18.41 or the two-tailed significance value 0.00 is less than 0.05. Consequently, the alternative hypothesis (Ha) is accepted. The conclusion is an effect of a scientific approach based on problem learning on students’ science problem solving skills at Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Negeri 2 Aceh Tamiang and this approach is good for learning science
Learning Media Development of Web-Blog E-learning on Respiratory System Material in Class VIII SMP Ruqiah Ganda Putri Panjaitan; Titin Titin; Astody Gusta Mandayu*
Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Indonesia Vol 11, No 4 (2023): OCTOBER 2023
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jpsi.v11i4.30135


This research is motivated by the use of powerpoint media which continues to be repeated in the learning process resulting in students feeling bored and unenthusiastic in learning. In addition, schools also have not maximized the use of school internet facilities (wifi) in learning, therefore innovation in technology-based learning media is needed.This study aims to evaluate the validity of an e-learning media-based web blog on respiratory system material. The method used in this study is the research and development (RD) method and the ADDIE model consists of 5 stages namely analyze, design, develop, implement, and evaluate. The sample of the research is class VIII C students of SMP which consisted of 39 students. The instrument used in this study is the form of media validation. The eligibility of an e-learning media-based web blog is measured through a validity test by 6 validators consisting of material and media experts. The materials expert consisted of 2 lecturers of biology education and 1 science teacher. Media experts consist of 2 lecturers of media specialists and 1 teacher of information communication technology. The research results showed that an e-learning media-based web blog on the respiratory system material is appropriate to be used as a learning medium and become a new alternative media for science teachers with an average score of material expert validation at 3.45 and a media expert validation at 3.84
Research Trend of 21st Century Skills in Science Education Through Bibliometrics Asep Mulyani*; Dyah Rini Indriyanti; Sutikno Madnasri
Jurnal Pendidikan Sains Indonesia Vol 11, No 4 (2023): OCTOBER 2023
Publisher : Universitas Syiah Kuala

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.24815/jpsi.v11i4.32527


Science learning plays an important role in facilitating the development of 21st century skills. Scholars have paid much attention to the topic in their research activities to gain a comprehensive picture of its role in science education. This study aims to provide an overview of research trends on 21st century skills, especially in science education, through a search for articles that have been published since 2000-2022. The articles consisted of 740 articles derived from the scopus and google scholar databases through searches using the publish or perish search engine. Bibliometric network mapping using visualization of similarities. This bibliometric research is based on stages based on the preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses and network meta-analyses method or abbreviated as preferred reporting items for systematic reviews and meta-analyses. The results showed that 21st century skills research in recent years has increased and occurs at various levels of education and scientific discipline areas and uses a variety of research methods. The findings are expected to provide an overview for other researchers regarding 21st century skills including the number of publications, country of origin, type of publications, research methods, research subjects, types of instruments used, disciplinary fields (science, chemistry, physics, and biology), and learning interventions

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