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Javanologi: International Journal of Javanese Studies
Javanologi: International Journal of Javanese Studies focuses on the areas relevant to the scope of the interdisciplinary Javanese studies which include social sciences, antrophology, archaeology and history, architecture, and urbanism, economics, education, geography, law, management studies, media and communication studies, political sciences and public policy, population studies, psychology, sociology, technology management, tourism, humanities - arts and culture, dance, historical and civilization studies, language and linguistics, literature, music, philosophy, religious studies and other scopes about Javanese studies
Articles 52 Documents
Maintaining Social Interaction in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era Mahmudi Mahmudi
Jurnal Javanologi Vol 4, No 2 (2021): Javanologi Volume 4 No. 2: Juni
Publisher : Pusat Unggulan Ipteks Javanologi Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/javanologi.v4i2.67969


Coronavirus Desease 2019 (Covid-19) is a disease outbreak that emerged in Wuhan, China in December 2019. The emergence of Coronavirus Desease 2019 (Covid-19) caused a stir in people's lives in most parts of the world. Covid-19 is a virus that spreads quickly and easily. Crowds are one of the media for the spread of this virus, so crowds must be eliminated in order to stop its spread. Stopping the crowd has the potential to destroy the social fabric in society. Thus, good social interaction is susceptible to deterioration due to the presence of this virus. That is what attracts the author in conducting research with the title "Maintaining Social Interaction in the Covid-19 Pandemic Era". There are two problems in this research. First, to what extent are the interests of maintaining social interaction in social life.Second, how to maintain social interactions in the midst of the Covid19 pandemic era. This research is a library research using a qualitative approach in the form of a sociological study. From the research results, two conclusions can be drawn. First, as a social being, everyone cannot get away from other people. Everyone needs and everyone is needed, depending on their abilities and needs. Therefore, maintaining social interaction is an obligation. Second, the community is required to be wise in responding to the existence of Covid-19 and social interaction which are two contradictory things. People are not justified in ignoring health protocols to avoid Covid-19. On the other hand, the public is also not allowed to interpret the implementation of the health protocol according to their own wishes. The public must consult a lot with experts in their respective fields.
The Tahlilan Tradition as a Fringe Sufism Movement Siti Fatimah; Ulfa Masamah; Isti Choriyah
Jurnal Javanologi Vol 6, No 2 (2023): Javanologi Volume 6 No. 2: Juni
Publisher : Pusat Unggulan Ipteks Javanologi Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/javanologi.v6i2.75118


AbstractJavanese society in which Bangunrejo Kidul Kedunggalar Ngawi Village has social, cultural, and religious traditions. Tradition is one of the inherent cultures and becomes a habit of min to think and act the people of Bangunrejo Kidul Village. One tradition that is still maintained today is the tahlilan tradition. This tradition became a fringe sufism movement that influenced the religious practice of the community both habl min Allah and habl min nass. This research is qualitative, using the case study method with a naturalistic approach because the object raised is the tahlilan tradition that exists among Nahdliyin residents, especially in Bangunrejo Kidul Village and the approach uses religious sociology. The tahlilan tradition is one of the religious cultures that is still maintained and practiced by the people of Bangunrejo Kidul Village, especially Nahdliyin as a medium of da'wah to build a balance of personal piety to increase faith in Allah Almighty and social piety in the form of harmony and social harmony. The tradition of tahlilan as a fringe urban sufism movement that indirectly teaches taqarub ila Allah by strengthening religious messages, increasing religious knowledge, and strengthening other religious values. In its development, the tradition of tahlilan experienced an expansion of functions not only identical to death but also in it there was a process of good habituation in all religious activities and passed down from generation to generation. Keywords: tahlilan tradition, da'wa, nahdliyin, village community, prayer of salvation
Social Expression of the Java Community and the Relevance Education Through the Film "Lemantun" by Wregas Bhanuteja: A Study of Cultural Contextual Education Krismonika Khoirunnisa; Sumarlam Sumarlam; Oktavia Winda Lestari; Mohamad Jazeri
Jurnal Javanologi Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Javanologi Volume 5 No.2: Juni
Publisher : Pusat Unggulan Ipteks Javanologi Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/javanologi.v5i2.67940


This research is a qualitative-descriptive research. This study also uses two methods, namely descriptive and explanative. Both methods are used to describe and explain the phenomenon of social expression and cultural values of Javanese society in the film “Lemantun”. The phenomenon includes its form, purpose, and context.Given these paper, the researcher seeks to examine the social expressions and cultural values of the Javanese people through the film "Lemantun" by Wregas Bhanuteja. This study aims to find the relationship between social expression and cultural values that exist in Javanese society. Therefore, the purpose of writing this paper is (1) to find out what forms of social expression and cultural values can be learned from the film "Lemantun", (2) what interpretations are found in social expressions and cultural values.This study uses the film "Lemantun" as the data source. The data analyzed are utterances or sentences spoken by the players. In this analysis, the researcher attempts to link social expressions and cultural values in the film by associating elements of Javanese culture in Indonesia, considering that the film "Lemantun" is a Javanese-language film entitled "Wardrobe".The results of this study include the discovery of social expressions and cultural values that exist in Javanese society. This research also seeks to find out how the Javanese people think and the real social etiquette.
Baneswa: Innovation of Introductory Media of Javanese Culture for Children Based on Pop-Up Book Septi Yulisetiani
Jurnal Javanologi Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Javanologi Volume 5 No.2: Juni
Publisher : Pusat Unggulan Ipteks Javanologi Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/javanologi.v5i2.67961


Javanese culture is very diverse, and local wisdom is important to be preserved. Children are the next generation of the nation who need to know their culture. Implementation of the introduction of culture can be done through learning arts and culture in elementary schools. The introduction of culture to children can be done with certain media that are interesting for children. One of them is in the form of a Pop Up book which is developed according to children's development. This study discusses the development of the Baneswa Pop Up Book which is used as a medium for learning the introduction of Javanese culture through folklore, wayang art, traditional dances, batik diversity, batik writing skills, macapat songs, and Javanese letters. Media development is carried out in several stages, including Analyze, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation. The Baneswa Pop Up Book was developed as a cultural learning medium for children. The design is developed with images that are equipped with an audio-visual QR Code whose use is collaborated with mobile devices. The development of a Pop Up Book that is integrated with technological developments has become an innovation of cultural recognition media. The children gave a good response. They are enthusiastic about learning and getting to know the culture.
Spice Culture in Java as a Revitalization of Ancient Spice Pathways and Future Progress M Baiquni
Jurnal Javanologi Vol 6, No 1 (2022): Javanologi Volume 6 No. 1: Desember
Publisher : Pusat Unggulan Ipteks Javanologi Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/javanologi.v6i1.71595


Java is a rich island originating from the archipelago, a large country that has various contents in it. Inside Borobudur Temple, there are neatly engraved reliefs, which tell various events or stories about teachings for mankind. One of the reliefs depicts a sailor sailing and the presence of merchandise, one of which is spices. The history of the magnitude of the spice route and with the development of the spice trade, several positions have also emerged regarding the superior spice commodities in each region of the archipelago, including the following; Java, Maluku, Banda Island, and others. To strengthen the spice path in this modern era, various efforts were made, one of which was this research. Using literature study methods and peer discussions, data are produced, including; 1. Maritime History of Java and the Archipelago, Commodities, and Spice Routes; 2. The Influence of Javanese Civilization and the Center of the Nusantara Spice Line; 3. Form of Activities and Strengthening of Spice Pathways in Java; and 4. Javanese spices, dishes, drinks, and other spices. These forms are expected to be able to be a successful step in the revitalization of ancient spice pathways and future progress.Keywords: Java, Spice Line, revitalization, future progress
Wayang and Islamic Values: a Discourse Mibtadin Mibtadin; Umi Masfiah
Jurnal Javanologi Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Javanologi Volume 5 No.2: Juni
Publisher : Pusat Unggulan Ipteks Javanologi Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/javanologi.v5i2.67935


This article tries to see what the acculturation of wayang and Javanese culture is and what is the influence of wayang on Javanese people's behavior. This study uses qualitative research methods described descriptively. It is expected to be able to reveal the meaning that exists from the thoughts and actions of the object of research. For the delivery to be more open and natural, it is presented with a descriptive-analytical model. There are three steps of qualitative data processing, namely data reduction, data presentation, and drawing conclusions and verification. A puppet is a picture of human nature with all its behavior. In a moral sense, wayang is defined as a fairy tale about the story of a good character in the form of a hero fighting a bad character. Wayang is a portrait of life containing sanepa, piwulang, and pituduh. Wayang contains habits of life, and human behavior experienced from birth, life, and death, all of which are natural processes. Puppets became a medium of Islamic development by Sunan Kalijaga as a cultural da'wah that embeds Islam in the culture of society. Wayang by Sunan Kalijaga keeps it as a space for spirituality to encourage the spirit which is expected to encourage the Javanese people to be patient, trustful, and istiqomah (Consistent). Wayang is an effective da'wah (preaching) medium for the Javanese community in which it contains eastern aesthetic elements such as balance, unity, philosophy of life, ethics, and spirituality. Wayang is an emphasis on the balance of the microcosm and macrocosm, which has a balance between God, humans and other living beings, government and people, and symbols as the essence of being. Wayang is a way of life (mabda al-hayah) for the Javanese people to achieve the perfection of life seen where the view is centered on the concept of harmony. This concept is built on two main foundations: the need to avoid conflict and have an attitude of living in harmony. Both attitudes toward life must be carried out based on a respectful attitude that aims to create harmony in life. Puppets, in principle, seek to encourage the process of memayu hayuning pribadi (personal beautification), memayu hayuning keluarga (family beautification), memayu hayuning bangsa (national beautification), dan memayu hayuning bawana (global beautification).
Efforts on Developing Sustainable Production of Surakarta’s Tiga Negeri Batik from Handmade Technique to Cold Wax Technique. Apika Nurani Sulistyati; Theresia Widyastuti
Jurnal Javanologi Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Javanologi Volume 5 No.2: Juni
Publisher : Pusat Unggulan Ipteks Javanologi Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/javanologi.v5i2.67955


A piece of batik cloth contains philosophical values, symbolic meanings, traces of events, ethnic identity, social stratification, spirituality, and records of the journey of civilization. Tiga Negeri batik is evidence of cultural assimilation and acculturation in Java. Tiga Negeri is the nickname for the three places from which batik is made from the process of designing, drawing (mbatik), and onto coloring. This batik, which is closely related to Chinese culture, originated in Lasem, then during its spread to Surakarta, the motifs and color schemes became richer due to the assimilation between coastal batik and inland batik, and thus it eventually became Tiga Negeri batik from Surakarta. However, recently this unique Surakarta’s Tiga Negeri batik is losing its prestige and requires revitalization efforts to sustain its sustainability.
Javanese Batik Motifs and Ornamentation as Objects of Aesthetics and Generative Art with Pseudo-Algorithm Dewi Retno Sari Saputro; Yekti Widyaningsih; Antoni Wibowo
Jurnal Javanologi Vol 6, No 1 (2022): Javanologi Volume 6 No. 1: Desember
Publisher : Pusat Unggulan Ipteks Javanologi Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/javanologi.v6i1.71586


The batik patterns that are known to be fractal are the reality that there are alternative perspectives that exist among Indonesian society and civilization which are unique relative to the general modern perspective. This uniqueness is important considering that fractals are a form of understanding geometry and system complexity. Pseudo-algorithm in batik is an ornamentation process: klowongan-isenharmonization which starts from the smallest fractional elements of batik motifs (fractals), has selfsimilarity and is carried out through iterative computational methods. Batik as a patterned aesthetic object has pseudo-algorithmic depiction rules that can be treated as a generative art form. Batik that can be developed as fractal batik is batik with geometric motifs. Fractals have initiated a change and presented scientific creativity and progressivity in several fields in the form of interdisciplinary. All computational patterns growth to find fractal character in batik can turn into the sources of creativity to create new motifs.Keywords: Javanese batik, ornamentation, Aesthetic, pseudo algorithm
Maintaining National Adab in the Digitalization Era: A Case Study of Points of Value in the Arrays of the Jula-Juli Ludruk Song in East Java Juairiah Juairiah; Sugit Zulianto
Jurnal Javanologi Vol 6, No 2 (2023): Javanologi Volume 6 No. 2: Juni
Publisher : Pusat Unggulan Ipteks Javanologi Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/javanologi.v6i2.75862


AbstractThe morals of life are often spoken and passed down by the ancestors in the form of songs accompanied by Javanese gamelan. It was intended to maintain the quality of the civilization of the coming regeneration. This study aims to describe the values of sublime speech values in the chants of songs sung by comedians of the ludruk arts in East Java. Using a qualitative case study type approach, the source of the data is in the form of widely published documents of the July-July hymns. Verbal data collected were analyzed descriptively-qualitatively. The results of the research show that the lines of the jula-juli hymn contain substance in various fields of life. As an example, the points of civility in the global era are presented, namely (1) nationalism, (2) heroism, (3) education, and (4) security, (5) economy, and (6) religion. From these findings it can be concluded that etiquette for life needs to be taught through oral literary arts, especially songs in jula-juli so that the dynamics of regeneration remain grounded and side with the identity of the ancestor's speech.Keywords: nation's manners, songs, jula-juli ludruk
The Creation of Contemporary Batik Motif Retak Seribu as an Innovation of the Remekan Technique for Traditional Batik Motifs Basuki Sumartono; Adam Wahida
Jurnal Javanologi Vol 5, No 2 (2022): Javanologi Volume 5 No.2: Juni
Publisher : Pusat Unggulan Ipteks Javanologi Universitas Sebelas Maret

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/javanologi.v5i2.67948


Batik is one of the identities of Indonesian cultural products that is well known by the world community. Research on batik never runs out to be studied. The point of view of the study can be done from various disciplines. Although in terms of motifs, it has been researched many times, and it is possible to identify that the number of batik motifs in Indonesia can reach thousands of existing motifs, from traditional motifs to modern motifs. Kenneth F. Bates (in Riyanto, et al 1997: 15) reveals that what forms a physical motif are the spot elements (in the form of strokes, colors, textures) line (lines) and mass (mass / in the form of Figures) in a single unit. Then the motif is duplicated or given variations with repetition to form a pattern or field. In contrast to Adi Kusrianto (2013: 3) states that classical batik motifs have meaning for the Javanese. Classical batik ornaments must also be able to give birth to a harmonious sense of beauty between the composition of the color scheme and the arrangement of the ornaments. Greg Richards and Julie Wilson wrote that innovation is the introduction of new inventions or spreading the meaning of these new inventions into general use in society (Richards and Wilson, 2007: 6). This study aims to develop the technique and manufacture of retak seribu motifs originating from the remekan batik technique, the consideration being to simplify the manufacturing process and enrich the development of contemporary batik motifs in Indonesia. Thus, this research will use researchbased development with the following steps: 1) information collecting, 2) develop a preliminary form of product, 3) preliminary product testing, 4) main product revision, 5) main field testing, and 6) dissemination.