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TA'DIBUNA: Jurnal Pendidikan Agama Islam Vol 2, No 1 (2019): Educational Issues
Publisher : Universitas Islam Sultan Agung

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.30659/jpai.2.1.89-105


This paper presents two terms which have differences, namely Islamic religious education and Islamic education. To see these two terms, the author reviews them from two interrelated aspects, namely the epistemological aspect as the theory of knowledge and aspects of content or material which is one of the important points in understanding the curriculum. Meanwhile, in terms of epistemology, Religious Education is more inclined to apply in educating in the context of Islam. While Islamic education speaks at the source level, in theory, the principle recorded is the forerunner of the Islamic Religious Education material itself. As for content or material, basically between Islamic Education with Islamic education as in an epistemological view, there is no difference which means that the terms contained in Islamic Education include aqidah, worship, and morals which are explained in terms of an introduction to Allah SWT, potential, human functions, and morals. Keywords: Education, Islamic Education, Epistemology This paper presents two terms which have differences, namely Islamic religious education and Islamic education. To see these two terms, the author reviews them from two interrelated aspects, namely the epistemological aspect as the theory of knowledge and aspects of content or material which is one of the important points in understanding the curriculum. Meanwhile in terms of epistemology, Religious Education is more inclined to apply in educating in the context of Islam. While Islamic education speaks at the source level, in theory, the principle recorded is the forerunner of the Islamic Religious Education material itself. As for content or material, basically between Islamic Education with Islamic education as in an epistemological view, there is no difference which means that the terms contained in Islamic Education include aqidah, worship, and morals which are explained in terms of introduction to Allah SWT, potential, human functions, and morals. Keywords: Education, Islamic Education, Epistemology
LOGIK@ Vol 8, No 2 (2018): Vol.8 No.2 Tahun 2018
Publisher : Universitas Islam Negeri Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta

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Penelitian ini membahas mengenai interpolasi kandungan fluorida air tanah di DKI Jakarta menggunakan Median Polish Kriging. Metode ini digunakan karena terdapat nilai pencilan kandungan fluorida di DKI Jakarta. Untuk menginterpolasi fluoride di daerah yang tek-tersampel, DKI Jakarta dibagi menjadi 5 grid dengan ukuran sebagai berikut: 10 × 6, 10 × 3, 5 × 3, 4 × 3, dan 3 × 2. Namun, hasil menunjukkan bahwa hanya grid berukuran 5 × 3 yang berhasil menginterpolasi kadar fluorida pada daerah yang tidak tersampel. Selain itu, hasil interpolasi pun menunjukkan bahwa terdapat 81% daerah di DKI Jakarta yang memiliki kadar kandungan fluorida rendah, 8% memiliki kadar kandungan fluoride sedang, dan sebanyak 11% memiliki kadar yang tinggi. Dua daerah yang mengandung kadar fluorida yang tidak aman dikonsumsi (di atas 1,5 mg/l) yaitu Kelurahan Joglo dan Kelurahan Duri Kosambi yang terletak di Jakarta Barat.
Kemitraan Pemerintah Daerah dan Efektivitas Pelayanan Publik Mahmudi Mahmudi
Sinergi: Kajian Bisnis dan Manajemen Vol. 9 No. 1 (2007)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/js.v9i1.230


Local government partnership is one of the strategic issues that recently adopted vastly by developed countries as well as developing countries. The trend of outsourcing or contracting out several public services to private sector or third sector increases in recent decade.  As a part of the New Public Management doctrine, local government partnership is another form of market oriented in providing public service in order to make better service, efficiency and effectiveness (value for money). There are many schemes for local government partnership that each of them contain potential benefits and risks or losses, so special assessment, well designed and planning is needed by government official before making decision.     Keywords: kemitraan, pelayanan publik, efisiensi, dan efektivitas
New Public Management (NPM): Pendekatan Baru Manajemen Sektor Publik Mahmudi Mahmudi
Sinergi: Kajian Bisnis dan Manajemen Vol. 6 No. 1 (2003)
Publisher : Universitas Islam Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20885/js.v6i1.919


This article discussed about the concept of New Public Management and its im¬pact to the developing countries, i.e. Indonesia. As a global movement, New Public Manage¬ment became the paramount issues in modernizing management of public sector organization around the world. Besides New Public Management, there are several concepts of manageri¬alism in public sector, i.e Reinventing Government, Market-Based Public Administration, and Post-Bureaucratic Paradigm. All that concepts support managerial approach, as oppose to administration approach, in promoting public sector organization. In this article we explore the essence of New Public Management approach, the benefits and risks of NPM, and the problem faced by developing countries in implementing NPM.Keywords: New Public Management, Public Administration, Localized Contingency, Market Centered.
Kumpulan Jurnal Mahasiswa Fakultas Hukum MAGISTER ILMU HUKUM DAN KENOTARIATAN, 2015
Publisher : Kumpulan Jurnal Mahasiswa Fakultas Hukum

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Abstract This journal discusses the verdict in the criminal case of murder carok background. Decision made judges is a complex and difficult process, requiring training experience, and wisdom. In the process of the imposition of the verdict, a judge must be convinced whether a defendant committed the crime or not, by referring to the evidence. Judges have the freedom to move to get a proper criminal particular between the maximum and minimum limits public. Focus purpose of this study was to analyze the factors that become the basis of considerations judge and assess verdict against criminal acts Carok background in Sampang District Court Carok background in Sampang District Court. This research includes the study of normative law by using the approach of legislation (statue approach) and the approach of the case (Case Aprroach). While the types of materials used law is the primary legal materials, secondary and tertiary. The legal materials collection techniques in this study conducted by classifying systematic way. In addition, the materials analysis techniques this study law by way of description, interprentasi, construction, evaluation, and systematic argumentation. From these results, it shows that the factors on which to base consideration of the judge, there are three kinds of considerations. First, juridical considerations. Second, non juridical considerations. Third, consideration of aggravating and mitigating. TheJudge's decisionon criminal acts murderbackgroundscarok Judgesjustto see whatandhow toprove (witness statement) by the Public ProsecutorinCourt andthe motiveof thecriminalconductwhere Judgeobtainingconsiderationandthe assurance. Key words: consideration of the judge, crimina Abstrak Jurnal ini membahas tentang putusan Hakim dalam kasus tindak pidana pembunuhan di Pengadilan Negeri Sampang yang berlatar belakang carok. Putusan yang dilakukan Hakim merupakan suatu proses yang kompleks dan sulit, sehingga memerlukan pelatihan pengalaman, dan kebijaksanaan. Dalam proses penjatuhan putusan tersebut, seorang Hakim harus meyakini apakah seorang terdakwa melakukan tindak pidana ataukah tidak,dengan tetap berpedoman pada pembuktian. Hakim memiliki kebebasan bergerak untuk mendapatkan pidana yang tepat antara batas maksimum khusus dan minimum umum. Fokus tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menganalisis faktor-faktor apa saja yang menjadi dasar pertimbanagn Hakim dan, mengkaji putusan Hakim terhadap tindak pidana pembunuhan yang berlatarbelakang Carok yang ada di Pengadilan Negeri Sampang. Penelitian ini termasuk jenis penelitian hukum normatif dengan mengunakan pendekatan perundang-undangan (statue approach) dan pendekatan kasus (Case Aprroach). Sedangkan jenis bahan hukum yang digunakan adalah bahan hukum primer, skunder dan tersier. Adapun tehnik pengumpulan bahan hukum dalam penelitian ini dilakukan dengan cara mengklasifikasi yang sistimatis. Disamping itu, dalam tehnik analisis bahan hukum penelitian ini dengan cara deskripsi, interprentasi, konstruksi, evaluasi, argumentasi dan sistematis. Dari hasil penelitian ini, menunjukkan bahwa faktor-faktor yang menjadi dasar pertimbangan Hakim tersebut, terdapat tiga macam pertimbangan. Pertama, Pertimbangan yuridis. Kedua, pertimbangan yang bersifat non yuridis. Ketiga, pertimbangan yang memberatkan dan yang meringankan. Adapun putusan Hakim terhadap tindak pidana pembunuhan yang berlatar belakang carok Hakim hanya melihat seperti apa dan bagaimana cara membuktikan (keterangan saksi) oleh Jaksa Penuntut Umum di Pengadilan dan motif melakukan pidananya dari situlah Hakim memperoleh pertimbangan dan kenyakinan. Kata kunci: pertimbangan hakim, pidana
Studi Kasus sebagai Strategi Riset untuk Mengembangkan Akuntansi Sektor Publik Mahmudi Mahmudi
Jurnal Akuntansi dan Auditing Indonesia Vol. 7 No. 1 (2003)
Publisher : Accounting Department, Faculty of Business and Economics, Universitas Islam Indonesia

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It is undoubtedly recognized that research has an important role in developing theories and practices towards a certain discipline. The existence of a science will stagnate or may disappear without any continuous research, basic or applied research. Public sector accounting theory is less developed compared to the business accounting theory. Because the nature and characteristic of public sector accounting are different from commercial accounting, the research method should be fitted according to its nature. Case study as a preferred research strategy seems very fit for the development of public sector accounting theories and practices. This article, firstly explores various philosophical approaches of research methodology and their effects on accounting research. The article also discusses about the development stage of accounting research, and the role and benefit of case study research in the development of public sector accounting.Keywords: Case Study, Research Methods, Grounded Research, and Theory Development.
Karakteristik Morfometrik Sapi Aceh, Sapi PO dan Sapi Bali Berdasarkan Analisis Komponen Utama (AKU) Mahmudi Mahmudi; R. Priyanto; Jakaria Jakaria
Jurnal Ilmu Produksi dan Teknologi Hasil Peternakan Vol. 7 No. 1 (2019): Jurnal Ilmu Produksi dan Teknologi Hasil Peternakan
Publisher : Department of Animal Production and Technology, Faculty of Animal Science, IPB University in associated with Animal Scientist's Society of Indonesia (HILPI)

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Aceh cattle  is one of four local cattle breeds (Aceh, Bali, Madura, and pesisir), and Ongole crossbreed is also regarded as the local cattle breed in Indonesia.  They are most likely to be well adapted to the environment, including disease, climate, feed and water availability. This study aims to determine the body size characteristics of Aceh, Bali, and Ongole crossbreed cattles. As many as 20 heads of Aceh, Bali, and Ongole crossbreed cattle respectively were used for measurement of 18 body parameters. Data obtained was then subkecyed to analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Principle Component Analysis (PCA). The results showed that morphometric measurements of Aceh, Ongole crossbreed, and Bali cattle were significantly different (P<0.05). PCA results showed that body measurement was detemined by chest circumference at Bali cattle, neck height at Ongole crossbreed, body length, and chest circumference at Aceh cattle. Meanwhile the shape components were chest widht at Ongole crossbreed and Bali cattle and thoracic part at Aceh cattle. This result should conribute to  phenotype profilinge of Bali cattle, Ongole crossbreed, and Aceh cattle, whic is important for cattle breeding and conservation in Indonesia.
Publisher : Puslitbang Upaya Kesehatan Masyarakat

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22435/jek.v19i3.3459


ABSTRACT Heavy metal contamination has become one of the priorities of global public health problems since it was first published in 1848 as a cause of disease. This study aims to obtain the latest conditions of lead (Pb) contamination along the Brantas River in Kediri City. Sampels were river water and local bio-indicators B. gonionotus (bader fish) and Ipomoea aquatica (water spinach). Data collected usingI 6989.8: 2009 for river water, SNI 2354.5: 2011 B. gonionotus and SNI 01-2896-1998 for water spinach. The results of the Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) examination at the BARISTAND Laboratory in Surabaya City were compared with the Pb threshold value according to PP No 82 of 2001 for river water, SNI 2729: 2013 for B. gonionotus, and SNI 7387: 2009 for Ipomoea aquatica. Pb contamination in Brantas River is caused by vehicle fuel discharges that cross the bridge before the sampling point, domestic waste, and agriculture. Therefore, river conservation policies and supervision of the industrial and domestic sectors around the Brantas River basin across sectors and across regions are needed. In addition, water treatment techniques for Brantas River water is needed so that in the future it can be consumed. Keywords: Lead contamination, Brantas River, bioindicators, B. gonionotus, Ipomoea aquatica ABSTRAK Cemaran logam berat menjadi salah satu prioritas masalah kesehatan masyarakat secara global sejak dipublikasikan pertama kali di tahun 1848 sebagai penyebab penyakit. Penelitian deskriptif ini bertujuan mendapatkan kondisi terbaru cemaran timbal (Pb) di sepanjang Sungai Brantas Kota Kediri. Sampel adalah air sungai dan bioindikator lokal B. gonionotus (ikan bader) dan Ipomoea aquatica (kangkung air) yang dikumpulkan menggunakan SNI 6989.8:2009 untuk air sungai, SNI 2354.5:2011 untuk ikan bader, dan SNI 01-2896-1998 untuk kangkung air. Hasil pemeriksaan Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy (AAS) di Laboratorium BARISTAND Kota Surabaya, Kadar Pb melebihi ambang batas serta lokasi titik pengambilannya untuk sampel air sungai adalah 0.05 mg/L (sebelum), 0,25 mg/L (setelah), dan 0,33 mg/L (di Sungai Jong Biru); sampel ikan bader adalah 0,453 mg/kg (setelah Sungai Jong Biru), dan sampel kangkung air adalah 3,29 mg/kg (di bawah Jembatan Mrican). Kontaminasi Pb di Sungai Brantas disebabkan oleh buangan bahan bakar kendaraan yang melintas di jembatan sebelum titik pengambilan sampel, limbah domestik, dan pertanian. Diperlukan kebijakan konservasi perairan sungai dan pengawasan industri dan domestik disekitar DAS Brantas, serta perlu disiapkan teknik pengolahan air Sungai Brantas sehingga di masa depan dapat dikonsumsi. Kata kunci: Kontaminasi timbal, Sungai Brantas, bioindikator, B. gonionotus, Ipomoea aquatica
Al-Khidmah: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 1 (2020): September
Publisher : LP2M Institut Agama Islam Nazhatut Thullab Sampang, Indonesia

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Harapannya kegiatan dampingan ini pada masyarakat dusun Kramat desa pulau mandangin kecamatan Sampang kabupaten Sampang tetap menekuni dalam pembuatan kopiah arab ini dengan berbagai motif agar para konsumen atau pembeli semakin tertarik untuk membelinya. Selain itu, agar bisa menunjang perekonomian masyarakat. Dengan demikian kehidupan mereka menjadi lebih terangkat dan, sejahtera, dan terpenuhinya kebutuhan sehari-hari. Dalam dampingan ini fokus pada: Pertama, bagaimana pembuatan kopiah arab dalam menumbuhkan keatifitas masyarakat di Dusun kramat Desa Pulau Mandangin Kecamatan Sampang. Kedua, bagaimana strategi pemasaran masyarakat Pulau Mandangin dalam memasarkan kopiah arab.
PELATIHAN PENERAPAN PEMBIAYAAN SYARIAH DENGAN AKAD MUSYARAKAH MUTANAQISHAH (MMQ) Kerjasama dengan Koperasi Syariah Anazta Nusantara Sejahtera Desa Banyukapah, Kecamatan Kedungdung, Kabupaten Sampang Mahmudi Mahmudi; Iftihor Iftihor; Evi Tamala; Rizal Rizal; Anis Nafila
Al-Khidmah: Jurnal Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat Vol. 1 No. 2 (2021): Februari
Publisher : LP2M Institut Agama Islam Nazhatut Thullab Sampang, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | Full PDF (306.646 KB) | DOI: 10.35127/al-khidmah.v1i2.4416


Tujuan dari kegiatan pengabdian ini adalah memberikan edukasi kepada masyarakat, khusunya tentang Lembaga Keuangan Syariah (LKS) dengan Akad Musyarakah Mutanaqishah yang sedang marak dijalankan oleh masyarakat desa Banyukapah, sebagaimana merupakan salah satu bentuk dalam pembiayaan Syariah yang dapat dimanfaatkan untuk Bisnis baik perorangan maupun sebuah lembaga, agar setiap transaksi untuk pembelian aset usaha (investasi) atau pengembangan usaha yang mereka jalankan sesuai dengan ketentuan-ketentuan akad syariah. Pelaksanakan kegiatan pelatihan penerapan akad Musyarakah Mutanaqishah dilaksanakan dengan menggunakan metode pelatihan dan pendampingan, dimana pelaksanaan kedua metode tesebut dilakukan dengan cara: Ceramah/Pemberian Informasi, Diskusi, Simulasi dan Pendampingan. Hasil kegiatan pelatihan antara lain: a). Masyarakat desa Banyukapah sudah mulai memahami dan mengetahui praktek akad Musyarakah Mutanaqishah yang sesuai ketentuan syariah, b). masyarakat desa Banyukapah sudah mulai memperbaiki praktek akad Musyarakah Mutanaqishah yang telah mereka jalankan.