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Jurnal Abdimas Jatibara
ISSN : 29874106     EISSN : 29638305     DOI :
Core Subject : Health,
Jurnal Abdimas Jatibara published by Institute for Research and Community Services (Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM)) the STIKES Yayasan RS Dr. Soetomo as the implementation of of Public Health Science in empowering the community (Epidemiology, Enviromental Health, Health Administration and Policy, Nutrition, Occupational Health & Safety, Health Promotion and Behavioral Sciences, Maternal and Child Health, Health Information Systems). Jurnal Abdimas Jatibara as part of the spirit of disseminating the results of community service. Jurnal Abdimas Jatibara site provides journal articles for free download. Jurnal Abdimas Jatibara is a national scientific journal which is a reference source of academics in the field of community service. More several other changes in Jurnal Abdimas Jatibara are informed in the Journal History. For Author(s), please see the Journal Guidelines and Templates for submission.
Articles 34 Documents
Sosialisasi Pengembangan Sistem Pengajuan Cuti Online Pegawai di Rumah Sakit Umum Anwar Medika Sidoarjo Eka Yusmanisari; Tiara Suci Nanda Pratiwi; Nur Andini Febrianti; Sahilatul Fikriah; Rhosita Dewi; Redita Halimatus Sakdiyah; Ulul Azmi
Jurnal Abdimas Jatibara Vol 2, No 1 (2023): Jatibara Vol.2 No.1 Agustus 2023
Publisher : STIKES Yayasan RS.Dr.Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29241/jaj.v2i1.1444


The employee leave system at Anwar Medika Sidoarjo General Hospital is still done manually, using documents that do not have a special database. This certainly affects the effectiveness and efficiency of work because officers must input employee leave applications every day. By implementing the online employee leave application, it is expected that officers in the personnel department will be able to work more effectively there by increasing the performance of officers. The output of this stage is the need for the hospital, namely educating employees about the procedures for using the online leave application so that the application can be implemented at the hospital. The number of employees at Anwar Medika General Hospital is approximately 788 employees with leave still being carried out manually and still have to ask for signatures from related parties as proof of approval for submitting leave which requires time and accuracy in checking data. In the era of digitalization, hospitals should implement online-based leave for employees so they don't have trouble in terms of leave. The results achieved are that employees are able to apply the application smoothly, safely, precisely and comfortably in accordance with the procedures that have been given.
Inisiasi Kurikulum Stimulasi, Deteksi dan Intervensi Dini Tumbuh Kembang (SDIDTK) Bagi Guru PAUD Kecamatan Kesamben Kabupaten Jombang Niken Grah Prihartanti; Erika Agung Mulyaningsih
Jurnal Abdimas Jatibara Vol 2, No 1 (2023): Jatibara Vol.2 No.1 Agustus 2023
Publisher : STIKES Yayasan RS.Dr.Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29241/jaj.v2i1.1575


The period of life that is very important in children is the first five years of life which are very important. At this age children can grow and develop according to age if they get optimal stimulation. Stimulation of Detection and Early Intervention of Growth and Development (SDIDTK) in children is an effort to stimulate the basic abilities of children aged 0-6 years so that they grow and develop optimally. PAUD teacher is a profession that has an important role in detecting growth and development in children. Through training activities on SDIDTK deviations in the growth and development of PAUD children can be detected early. The targets of this training were PAUD teachers in the Kesamben sub-district, totaling 64 people. This activity is in collaboration with partners, namely the Amil Zakat Ummul Quro Institute (LAZ-UQ) in Jombang Regency and the Raudhatul Atfal Teachers' Association (IGRA) in Kesamben District. The Methods this community service is carried out using the lecture method and direct practice by assessing growth and development in early childhood. This activity ran optimally marked by the enthusiasm of PAUD teachers in discussion sessions and demonstrations of growth and development assessment. Results is overall, the participants had never received the stimulation detection curriculum material for child growth and development before, so the participants considered that this activity really needed to be refreshed periodically. Stimulation activities for Early Detection and Intervention on Growth and Development can continue to be carried out to determine the growth and development of children. The conclusions there is a possibility that the child's growth and development is not according to his age, then the next steps can be determined. Children who receive targeted and regular stimulation will develop faster than children who receive less stimulation.
Digitalisasi Arsip Dokumen Pegawai RSUD Prof. Dr. Soekandar Kabupaten Mojokerto Eka Yusmanisari; Indhy Jazilla Tiyodanto; Shilfatul Umriha; Ganang Putro Mulyo; Muhammad Febrian Aditya
Jurnal Abdimas Jatibara Vol 2, No 1 (2023): Jatibara Vol.2 No.1 Agustus 2023
Publisher : STIKES Yayasan RS.Dr.Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29241/jaj.v2i1.1448


Handling the management of Prof. dr. Soekandar Hospital Personnel Documents. with the high volume of employee documents managed. From this, several obstacles were encountered in the process of searching for employee documents, pension projections, projected salary increases and employee recapitulation. For that, we need an information system that can handle these problems. The activities carried out aim to provide an overview of procedures for digitizing archives by considering various aspects of decency, so as to guarantee storage efficiency and ease of access to archives (accessibility).
Edukasi Menemukan Ide Penelitian Melalui Pemanfaatan Aplikasi Berbasis Web Untuk Mahasiswa D3 RMIK Titin Wahyuni; Eka Wilda Faida
Jurnal Abdimas Jatibara Vol 2, No 1 (2023): Jatibara Vol.2 No.1 Agustus 2023
Publisher : STIKES Yayasan RS.Dr.Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29241/jaj.v2i1.1615


Students with Medical Records and Health Information have a short time to complete their final assignment, graduation demands are determined by an exit exam, so students must move quickly and efficiently in completing their final assignment. Therefore, this social service aims to increase student readiness in completing the final project by utilizing web-based applications. The targets of this activity are fourth and sixth semester students of D3 Medical Records and Health Information. The method in this activity is carried out by screening web-based applications that will be socialized and the implementation stage. The implementation of the activity was carried out on May 20, 2023. As a result of this activity students felt very useful by holding this activity and hoped that there would be activities to strengthen the preparation for the final project in future.
Optimalisasi Layanan Handling Complaint di Rumah Sakit Umum Al-Islam H.M Mawardi Krian Sidoarjo Ika Puspita Sari; Eka Yusmanisari; M. Arwani; Nurul Huda; Ety Diana Sulistyawati
Jurnal Abdimas Jatibara Vol 2, No 1 (2023): Jatibara Vol.2 No.1 Agustus 2023
Publisher : STIKES Yayasan RS.Dr.Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29241/jaj.v2i1.1462


Community service activities are activities that include efforts to improve the quality of human resources, including broadening insights, knowledge and improving skills carried out by the academic community. The implementation of these activities is divided into 3 activities, namely lectures, discussions and case studies. The purpose of this community service is to increase knowledge about how effective communication techniques can be applied in handling patient complaints at the hospital, and how this can improve the quality of service at Al-Islam H.M Mawardi General Hospital. The results obtained from this community service activity are: communication ethics in handling patient complaints at Al-Islam H.M Mawardi Hospital, namely: conveying apologies to patients, explaining the main causes of patient complaints, offering solutions to patient complaints, reconfirming the patient's willingness to accept the solutions offered, offer alternative solutions for handling patient complaints, express gratitude for the patient's willingness to accept alternative solutions, and provide complete information about the hospital's excellent service standards
Pelatihan Pembuatan Insektisida Herbal Minyak Sereh Bentuk Spray di RPTRA Jeruk Manis Dewi Rahma Fitri; In Rahmi Fatria Fajar; Ekadipta Ekadipta; Iin Hardiyati
Jurnal Abdimas Jatibara Vol 2, No 1 (2023): Jatibara Vol.2 No.1 Agustus 2023
Publisher : STIKES Yayasan RS.Dr.Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29241/jaj.v2i1.1475


The Real Work Lecture is one of the implementations of the Tridarma activities of higher education which includes community service activities. The theme of the activity is chosen based on the needs of the community. Cases of Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (DHF) in Jakarta are still high, so prevention is carried out, one of which is by using simple and environmentally friendly herbal insecticides. This training activity was carried out to increase the knowledge and skills of the community about herbal insecticides. The activity begins with a pretest, delivery of material, training and ends with a posttest. The activity was attended by 20 representatives elected by the Kelurahan. Based on the results of the service, it was found that there was an increase in participants' knowledge about herbal insecticides as indicated by an increase in pretest to posttest scores, from 40% to 95%. The product after the training is in the form of herbal insecticide spray preparations that can be used by participants, and can be remade for use as home products.
Penguatan Peran Kader tentang Pentingnya Pencegahan Stunting pada 1000 HPK Siti Novianti; Rian Arie Gustaman; Nur Lina; Sri Maywati
Jurnal Abdimas Jatibara Vol 2, No 2 (2024): Jatibara Vol.2 No.2 Februari 2024
Publisher : STIKES Yayasan RS.Dr.Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29241/jaj.v2i2.1805


Stunting masih  menjadi  masalah  kesehatan  global.  Prevalensi  stunting  di Indonesia masih tinggi dan merupakan  masalah kesehatan masyarakat. Pemerintah memiliki target penurunan angka stunting menjadi 14% pada tahun 2024. Upaya pencegahan dan penanggulangan stunting memerlukan keterlibatan semua pihak, termasuk perguruan tinggi. Kota Banjar merupakan salah satu lokus stunting di Jawa Barat, dan pada tahun 2022 terdapat kerjasama antara BKKBN dan Universitas Siliwangi dalam upaya penanggulangan stunting di kota Banjar. Bentuk kerjasama yang dilakukan antara lain pelaksanaan kegiatan KKN tematik di kota Banjar dengan tema khusus stunting. Adapun kontribusi Program Studi Kesehatan Masyarakat Fakultas Ilmu Kesehatan adalah melalui pelaksanaan PBL 1 dan 2 di  kota Banjar, khususnya  di kelurahan Banjar, Mekarsari dan Situbatu. Selama dua tahun terakhir, lokasi tersebut menjadi laboratorium lapangan bagi mahasiswa untuk pelaksanaan pendidikan dan pengajaran maupun penelitian. Kegiatan tridarma dosen lainnya yaitu pengabdian masyarakat akan dilaksanakan melalui kegiatan yang berjudul Penguatan Peran Kader dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Maternal sebagai Upaya Pencegahan Stunting pada 1000 Hari Pertama Kehidupan (HPK) melalui skema Pengabdian Masyarakat Program  Unggulan  Program  Studi  (PbM-PUPS). Kegiatan ini terdapat dua mitra yaitu Kepala Kelurahan Banjar dan Kelurahan Mekarsari. Sasaran dari kegiatan pengabdian adalah kader kesehatan sebanyak 36 orang. Metode yang dilakukan yaitu Training of Trainer (ToT) pada kader tentang materi  pendekatan  siklus  hidup  dalam  pencegahan  stunting  dan pelatihan kader pendamping ibu hamil dalam pencegahan stunting 1000 HPK. Dilakukan analisis untuk menguji perbedaan pengetahuan sebelum dan sesudah pendidikan kesehatan dengan uji Wilcoxon, dan hasil analisis menunjukkan tidak ada beda pengetahuan sebelum dan sesudah pendidikan kesehatan (nilai p>0,005).
Sosialisasi dan Problem Solving Keterlambatan Pengembalian Berkas Rekam Medis dengan Diagram Fishbone Mochammad Malik Ibrahim; Eka Yusmanisari; Ria Irmanda P; Fitri Anafiah
Jurnal Abdimas Jatibara Vol 2, No 2 (2024): Jatibara Vol.2 No.2 Februari 2024
Publisher : STIKES Yayasan RS.Dr.Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29241/jaj.v2i2.1887


The problem of delays in returning inpatient medical record files in the Ashoka Room in December was the highest with a return time of 18 days. This service aims to provide an understanding of the flow of returning medical records and solving the problem of delays in returning medical record files. This service activity is carried out in several stages. The results obtained by participants were able to understand the flow of returning inpatient medical record files which had been socialized and became a poster output product in this service and were also presented in the socialization regarding problem solving for delays in returning inpatient medical record files at Bangil Regional Hospital using a Fishbone diagram. Suggestion: It is necessary to make efforts to monitor and evaluate the implementation of the SOP for returning medical record files, resocialize the SOP to remind health workers about the time to return medical record files, provide motivation or praise in the form of a certificate of appreciation to health workers who are responsible for returning medical record files on time.
Evaluasi Mutu Pelayanan Kefarmasian Berdasarkan Permenkes No.34 Tahun 2021 di Klinik Kota Cimahi Tahun 2023 Laifah Fasilah Maulani; Arif Susanto
Jurnal Abdimas Jatibara Vol 2, No 2 (2024): Jatibara Vol.2 No.2 Februari 2024
Publisher : STIKES Yayasan RS.Dr.Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29241/jaj.v2i2.1813


Layanan farmasi adalah salah satu layanan kesehatan yang dituju oleh masyarakat pada klinik. Peraturan Menteri Kesehatan Nomor 34 Tahun 2021 mengatur standar layan farmasi pada klinik yang ditinjau dari berbagai aspek seperti SDM, sarana prasarana, dan kegiatan layanan farmasi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menganalisis implementasi standar layanan farmasi klinik-klinik yang berada di Kota Cimahi. Implementasi tersebut meliputi aspek input, aspek proses, serta aspek output. Pendekatan penelitian dilakukan kualitatif deskriptif, mempergunakan formulir self-assessment. Hasil penelitian menunjukan aspek input untuk SDM Kefarmasian memiliki persentase sebesar 72% (kategori cukup), sarana prasarana sebesar 82% (kategori baik). Adapun aspek proses untuk pengelolaan sediaan farmasi dan bahan medis habis pakai (BMHP) memiliki persentase sebesar 89% (kategori baik), dan kegiatan pelayanan farmasi klinis sebesar 80% (kategori baik). Serta aspek output melalui kegiatan evaluasi pelayanan kefarmasian memiliki persentase sebesar 85% (kategori baik). Peroleh nilai rata-rata keseluruhan 81%. Nilai tersebut menunjukkan semua aspek memiliki kategori baik, sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa implementasi pelayanan kefarmasian telah memenuhi Permenkes No. 34 tahun 2021. Beberapa hal dapat dilakukan untuk menyempurnakan implementasi pelayanan kefarmasian klinik di Kota Cimahi yaitu dengan melengkapi sarana prasarana yang belum tersedia, meningkatkan mutu pelayanan kefarmasian lebih optimal, dan melakukan evaluasi pelayanan salah satunya melalui survei kepuasan pasien.
Penerapan Strategi Promosi Kesehatan Rumah Sakit Melalui Pemberdayaan Pemberian Makanan Pendamping ASI Pada Baduta Stunting Anif Prasetyorini; Alfi Najah Kamilah; Aulia Putri Ardhana
Jurnal Abdimas Jatibara Vol 2, No 2 (2024): Jatibara Vol.2 No.2 Februari 2024
Publisher : STIKES Yayasan RS.Dr.Soetomo

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.29241/jaj.v2i2.1823


The case of child stunting is one of the 6 goals in the global nutrition target which is to be completed by 2025 with the key indicator in the Sustainable Development Goal of Zero Hunger. Empowerment is the initial milestone in Hospital Health Promotion activities that can be implemented outside the building. Objectives to empower the provision of complementary breastfeeding to stunted mothers as a specific protection effort. The methods of outreach to the community around the hospital by providing pre-tests and post-tests to measure knowledge. The Results of the activity were carried out using two methods: presentation and evaluation. The first stage is the presentation and question and answer. The presentation goes through 4 activities: opening, introduction, implementation, and closing. The opening activity is carried out by explaining the purpose and objectives of the activity. The introduction stage is carried out by explaining the activities that will be carried out. Implementation activities are related to providing material to participants regarding the definition of Complementary Foods for Breast Milk, Types of Main Foods, Types of Snacks, Explanations about age categories, child development, texture of MP ASI, frequency of MP ASI, and quantity of MP ASI per portion, Things to pay attention to when cooking or the use of cooking utensils when making complementary food and then ending with a lid. The second stage is the evaluation stage, which shows an increase in the knowledge of stunting clown mothers, the participant quota is fulfilled and the material is delivered to the participants. Conclusions: There needs to be re-empowerment of stunting clown mothers.

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