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Jurnal Keker Wisata: Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat
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Jurnal Keker Wisata ini wadah publikasi yang fokus pada semua kegiaatan pengabdian kepada masyarakat. Kegiatan pengabdian ini bertujuan untuk membina dosen dan mahasiswa dalam meningkatkan kemampuan, keterampilan, dan kemandirian dalam melaksanakan pengabdian pada masyarakat serta mempublikasikan dengan laporan kegiatan. Setiap laporan kegiatan pengabdian ini akan memaparkan hal-hal yang bersifat solutif bagi masyakata dan dapat di contoh oleh pengabdi lainnya. Skema kegitan dapat dilaksanakan secara kelompok yang terdiri dari dosen dan mahasiswa serta secara mandiri maupun di organisasi oleh Politeknik Pariwisata Batam melalui Puslitabmas. Adapun fokus dan scope publikasi kegiatan pengabdian melalui Jurnal Keker Wisata ini adalah Bansos, Sosialisasi, Pembinaan, Pelatihan, dan Pendampingan. Jurnal ini waktu terbitan dua kali dalam setahun yaitu pada bulan Januari dan Juli. Semua artikel pengabdian yang masuk melalui OJS Jurnal Kekeran ini akan diproses oleh reviewer yang telah ditatapkan Puslitabmas sebagai bagian dari Dewan Redaksi Jurnal Keker Wisata
Articles 24 Documents
JURNAL KEKER WISATA Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): JANUARI 2023
Publisher : PUSLITABMAS-Politeknik Pariwisata Batamc

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59193/jkw.v1i1.99


This community service aims practicing and making the handicraft products that were produced to increase household income and also participate in developing their own regional tourism potential by making something or souvenirs that are characteristic of their region. The Sapta Pesona’s training was attended by the people of Buluh Island, both men and women, consisting of housewives, businesspeople and other people who have an interest in souvenirs. The training is carried out by providing education and outreach about one form of Sapta Pesona, namely Kenangan in the form of souvenirs which are then followed by exploration and practice of making handicrafts or souvenirs. The resulting output is that the trainees have additional expertise and are expected to start practicing and producing through creative industries which are currently increasingly advanced because they can be applied in various sectors one of which is tourism, which in turn can improve the people's economy, especially for the Buluh Island
JURNAL KEKER WISATA Vol. 1 No. 1 (2023): JANUARI 2023
Publisher : PUSLITABMAS-Politeknik Pariwisata Batamc

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59193/jkw.v1i1.104


 Program Pengabdian Masyarakat melalui kegiatan pelatihan pembuatan pizza  ini memberikan alternatif pembelajaran terhadap permasalahan yang dihadapi oleh pendidik yakni guru-guru PAUD  / TK Gugus Cahaya Jingga Kecamatan Bintan Utara, Kabupaten Bintan untuk melaksanakan kegiatan atau proses belajar mengajar kepada anak didik  secara interaktif dan  dapat lebih berkreasi dalam proses belajar dan mengajar secara atraktif .  Kegiatan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat ini  bertujuan  agar dapat  memahami cara pembuatan pizza namun dengan kreasi rasa varian yang asli Indonesia dengan  bahan-bahan yang mudah diperoleh serta tidak mahal sehingga dapat menambah pengetahuan dan meningkatkan nilai jual serta dapat dijadikan bahan ajar kepada kelompok belajar sesama gugus di Kabupaten Bintan.   Metode pengabdian masyarakat meliputi  Sosialisasi Materi dan Referensi Pembelajaran disampaikan  dalam bentuk pemaparan dan tanya jawab kepada peserta dan pemaparan bahan melalui power point presentasi yang memuat referensi terkait  pengertian, asal usul, kreasi dan inovasi pizza   dan  peserta pelatihan kemudian dibekali pengetahuan tentang seluk beluk pizza dan proses pembuatannya secara demonstrasi yang nantinya kemudia dipraktekan di masing-masing kelompok. Berdasarkan evaluasi pelaksanaan dan hasil kegiatan dapat diidentifikasi faktor pendukung dan penghambat dalam melaksanakan program pengabdian pada masyarakat ini.   Pelatihan pembuatan pizza ini sangat membantu bagi pendidik yang ingin memberikan suatu variasi dalam pembelajaran praktek karena cukup mudah dilakukan.  
Pelatihan Pengolahan Kopi Manual Brew, Latte Art dan produk olahan Kopi Dengan Mesin Rezki Alhamdi; Dewi Aurora Mikasari; Natal Olotua Sipayung; Taufik Bachrul Ulum Lubis
JURNAL KEKER WISATA Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): JULI 2023
Publisher : PUSLITABMAS-Politeknik Pariwisata Batamc

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59193/jkw.v1i2.140


The business opportunity of selling coffee drinks is quite good, this is evidenced by the many coffee outlets in several places. The coffee outlets that we can find are usually in the form of cafes, coffee shops, or just stands that offer a limited selection of coffee. this has a positive impact on both coffee drink sellers, distributors and coffee farmers. There is a lot of knowledge that we can get and develop from this coffee drink which in the end can provide economic benefits for coffee drink businesses. We can give this knowledge to several people who have the desire and pursue the profession and business of drinking coffee. One of the suitable places to be given education about the knowledge of both coffee beans and drinks is SMA. SMA is the last education before and female students go on to college or want to find a job. one of the favorite high schools in Batam City is SMAK Yos Sudarso. SMAK Yos Sudarso is a high school that has quite a lot of students. The Batam Tourism Polytechnic has the opportunity to provide education and training to students there. students and female students are given education about coffee drinks and coffee beans, then later students and female students are shown and demonstrated how to make processed coffee drinks using machines and also made manually. and finally the point is how to make latte art.
Bakti Sosial Di SMA Negeri 03 Kota Batam Provinsi Kepulauan Riau Dailami; Tirta Mulyadi; Haufi Sukmamedian
JURNAL KEKER WISATA Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): JULI 2023
Publisher : PUSLITABMAS-Politeknik Pariwisata Batamc

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59193/jkw.v1i2.141


Social service or better known as social service is an activity that manifests concern or a sense of humanity towards fellow human beings. Where with this activity we can attach our sense of kinship to other people. The word social includes both individuals and groups. Devotion can be interpreted as binding (binding) oneself to self or other selves. This bond is in the form of caring, a feeling of responsibility for the lives of others. Social service can mean giving something (to those who need a gift).
Pelatihan Dasar Entrepreneuship Di Era Digital Kepada Siswa-Siswi SMAK Yos Sudarso Kota Batam Mohamman Thamdzir; Siska Amelia Maldin; Taufik Bachrul Ulum Lubis
JURNAL KEKER WISATA Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): JULI 2023
Publisher : PUSLITABMAS-Politeknik Pariwisata Batamc

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59193/jkw.v1i2.142


High unemployment and limited job vacancies in Indonesia force us all to become entrepreneurs, but limited knowledge, skills and motivation are the main obstacles. The millennial generation as the future young generation of the Indonesian nation needs to be trained and have their competencies increased so that the technology they consume can be useful and generate income for themselves or others. The purpose of this digital entrepreneurship training is as entrepreneurship education based on technology that is already attached to them, which is one of the important and strategic aspects to increase competitiveness and reduce unemployment which has an impact on Indonesia's economic stability. Entrepreneurship training seeks to create a mental attitude and spirit that is always active or creative, empowered, creative, creative and modest and trying to increase income in its business activities. Entrepreneurship needs to be instilled and developed since he was young, since he was still in school. The emergence of the current problem is the large number of unemployed and the difficulty of getting a job, so the expected results with entrepreneurial knowledge obtained from digital entrepreneurship training will be the capital later to open their own business from a young age. The results were already visible from their enthusiastic attitude in participating in this training and even some of the participants were able to create a business website, register on the market place and dare to promote their products on social media.
Sosialisasi Dan Stimulasi Pembuatan Konten Digital Produk UMKM Kepada Siswa SMAK Yos Sudarso Kota Batam Syafruddin Rais; Dailami.; Natal Olotua Sipayung
JURNAL KEKER WISATA Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): JULI 2023
Publisher : PUSLITABMAS-Politeknik Pariwisata Batamc

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59193/jkw.v1i2.144


Many MSME (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) actors are covered by their lack of knowledge about digital marketing and electronic commerce (e-commerce). Take advantage of the potential in digital marketing and how to create good digital content to attract customers. Based on various facts obtained from the field, it can be formulated that the problems that arise in the EPI (Excellent Preneur Indonesia) MSME community are: lack of content creation and content sharing for digital marketing content. This problem prompted the community service team to provide outreach regarding digital content creation for the development of the MSME community. The method used is in the form of lectures, then questions and answers, and practice of creating content. The outreach was attended by 25 participants and went smoothly. This service activity produced results, including being able to increase knowledge and motivation as well as participants' ideas for creating digital content for the business they were running and adjusted according to target customers.
Sosialisasi Sapta Pesona Di SMA Negeri 03 Kota Batam Provinsi Kepuluan Riau Wahyudi Ilham; Agung Edi Wibowo; Moh Thandzir
JURNAL KEKER WISATA Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): JULI 2023
Publisher : PUSLITABMAS-Politeknik Pariwisata Batamc

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59193/jkw.v1i2.149


Sapta Pesona began to be used and campaigned as a condition that must be realized in every tourist destination as well as natural, cultural, man-made and speciаl interests. Sаptа Pesonа is expected to creаte а comfortаble visitsto creаte а good impression for every tourist who comes. One of the destinаtion thаt is closely relаted to the community is а tourist villаge. In the tourist villаge, the аpplicаtion of the concept of tourism аwаreness аnd Sаptа Pesonа becomes аn importаnt thing in the bаse of its development to be аble to encourаge public аwаreness аs а good host. In аddition, the аpplicаtion of Sаptа Pesonа will аttrаct tourists to visit the plаce so it will rаise the community’s postion аs the recipient of mаximum beneficiаries from the effort.
Sosialisasi Profesi, Jenjang Karir Bidang Kuliner Dan Cooking Demo Chocolate Praline Di SMK Adimulia Batam Agung Arif Gunawan; Rosie Oktavia Puspita Rini; Miratia Afriani; Tirta Mulyadi
JURNAL KEKER WISATA Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): JULI 2023
Publisher : PUSLITABMAS-Politeknik Pariwisata Batamc

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59193/jkw.v1i2.154


At this time the culinary business in Indonesia is increasingly in demand. At present the need for food and beverage is no longer a mere basic need that must be met, but has become a trend among the people. Many think that a prospect business today is the culinary business. So do not be surprised if the growth of the culinary industry in Indonesia is expected to grow and this is certainly an attractive opportunity for culinary business entrepreneurs. School is a place of education that is commonly used by everyone. At this time schools not only provide services in the form of education, but also compete to provide more services than other schools. This is intended so that the school will be more in demand by the community because of its advantages and to improve the image of the school. For this reason, schools need to convey information about the advantages they have so that they are known and known by the wider community. With the development of the culinary business which is increasingly rapid and advanced, the Batam Tourism Polytechnic strives to contribute to meeting the needs of quality human resources for the development of the culinary world at home and abroad
Pelatihan Pembuatan Minuman Herbal Sebagai Upaya Peningkatan Imun Tubuh Pada Warga Desa Mencirim Kota Binjai Sandy Yudha Sandy; Suci Ansaro; Dira Khairunisa
JURNAL KEKER WISATA Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): JULI 2023
Publisher : PUSLITABMAS-Politeknik Pariwisata Batamc

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59193/jkw.v1i2.166


The lack of public knowledge about medicinal plants and the properties of medicinal plants to increase body resistance or immunity. To overcome this problem, it is necessary to educate the public in the form of types of medicinal plants, their properties and how to use/process them appropriately based on an evidence-based scientific approach. The approach method used in community service activities is training in making herbal drinks for the community to increase the body's immunity with herbal drinks. The location of this extension activity was carried out in Mencirim Village, South Binjai District, Binjai City as a partner. During the one week training on making herbal drinks, the people of Mencirim Village were very enthusiastic and could even spend 40-50 bottles of herbal drinks every day.
Bimbingan Pengembangan Teknis Program Pembelajaran Praktikum SMK Di SMK Adimulia Batam Rosie Oktavia Puspita Rini; tirta Mulyadi; Agung Arif Gunawan; Miratia Afriani; Wahyudi Ilham
JURNAL KEKER WISATA Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): JULI 2023
Publisher : PUSLITABMAS-Politeknik Pariwisata Batamc

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59193/jkw.v1i2.168


This article includes research findings exploring how vocational education institutions should play their best role in preparing graduates for the world of work. The aim of this study is to provide an element for vocational education to meet the growing demand. This research uses the literature review method by deepening the literature and previous research results. The research aims to answer two questions, namely what is the current status of vocational training and what needs to be done to improve the quality of vocational training, especially in the face of advances in science and technology in the era of the industrial revolution 4.0. . The conclusion of this study is that there are still things that can be improved such as increasing the capacity of professional teachers, increasing synergy and pentahelix collaboration, revitalizing professional education with more experts. educational machinery, rebranding through direct research to industry and comparative in more advanced educational institutions both at home and abroad, while adding personality to students. Therefore, it is hoped that vocational education can participate in real efforts to implement government programs aimed at advancing Indonesia by preparing superior human resources.

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