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Jurnal Edukasi Ilmiah Kesehatan
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Core Subject : Health, Science,
Jurnal Edukasi Ilmiah Kesehatan (Junedik) aims to disseminate the results of research in the field of health to academics, practitioners, students, and individuals who have competency in the field including: Nursing Nutrition Midwifery Environmental Health Public health
Articles 23 Documents
Determinants Influence the Incidence of Stunting in Toddlers Aged 6-59 Months Herlianty Herlianty; Ari Setyawati; Anita Lontaan; Theresia Limbong; Indrawati Aris Tyarini; Sitti Zakiyyah Putri
Jurnal Edukasi Ilmiah Kesehatan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Edukasi Ilmiah Kesehatan (Junedik)
Publisher : Edukasi Ilmiah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61099/junedik.v1i2.18


Stunting is a serious public health problem, especially in children under five. The causes of stunting are complex and involve a variety of factors, but health education, feeding practices, attention, stimulation, and access to health services have been identified as major contributors. This study aims to determine the factors that influence the incidence of stunting in toddlers. The research design is observational analytics using a case-control research design. The results show a statistical test result value of p-value of 0.016; employment of 0.013; family income of 0.002. It can be concluded that parenting affects the incidence of stunting in toddlers. Stunting is the result of a combination of complex factors and interactions between social, economic, health, and environmental aspects. Therefore, stunting handling must also be holistic and involve various sectors to achieve optimal results. It is important for parents to provide proper attention and support in terms of nutrition, health, and stimulation of children to support optimal growth and development.
The Effect of Home Care Service Quality on Patient Satisfaction Zusana A. Sasarari; Viyan Septiyana Achmad; Ali Syahid Bayau Naka; Nur Andani
Jurnal Edukasi Ilmiah Kesehatan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Edukasi Ilmiah Kesehatan (Junedik)
Publisher : Edukasi Ilmiah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61099/junedik.v1i2.19


The influence of the quality of home care services on patient satisfaction is an important aspect in the world of health services. Home care is a health service provided by medical personnel or other health professionals in the patient's home, usually to patients who need long-term care or patients with health conditions that make it impossible to come to a health facility. The study aims to determine the effect of the quality of home care services on patient satisfaction. Quantitative descriptive research design with analytical survey type using crosssectional survey approach. The results showed the quality-of-service p value 0.001, home care service p value 0.008, patient satisfaction p value 0.000, patient trust variables with significant values 0.000 < 0.005. It can be concluded that patient trust has a very important role in influencing the level of patient satisfaction and is likely to affect the quality of home care services. Psychologically, it will also affect the level of trust in the institution and service products. Home Care is needed by the community as a form of attention and concern for health workers to residents or communities in need
Factors that affect the activeness of the elderly in participating in prolonged gymnastics in patients with hypertension Muh.Ihsan Kamaruddin
Jurnal Edukasi Ilmiah Kesehatan Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): Jurnal Edukasi Ilmiah Kesehatan (Junedik)
Publisher : Edukasi Ilmiah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61099/junedik.v1i2.20


Hypertension is a health problem often encountered in the elderly, and Prolanis gymnastics has proven beneficial in controlling blood pressure and improving their quality of life. This study aims to identify factors that affect the activeness of the elderly in participating in Prolanis gymnastics (Program for the Elderly with Hypertension) as part of efforts to manage hypertension. Quantitative research is based on the philosophy of positivism with analytical research design with a Cross-Sectional study design approach. The results of the Chi-square Statistical test on the influence of knowledge, attitudes, and motivation on the participation of older adults with hypertension in prolantic gymnastics activities obtained p-values = 0.003, 0.000, and 0.000 smaller than a = 0.05. It can be concluded that knowledge, attitudes, and motivation influence the activeness of older adults with hypertension in prolantic gymnastics activities. The results of this study provide valuable insights into how to move older adults with hypertension to participate more actively in the Prolanis gymnastics program. With the right knowledge, attitude, and motivation, it is hoped that the participation of the elderly in health programs can increase, which in turn will contribute to better management of hypertension and improvement of their quality of life.
The Relationship of Family Social Support with Loneliness in the Elderly Syaharuddin Syaharuddin; Siti Utami Dewi; M. Khalid Fredy Saputra; Qalbia Muhammad Nur; Chaedyr Iqbal
Jurnal Edukasi Ilmiah Kesehatan Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Jurnal Edukasi Ilmiah Kesehatan (Junedik)
Publisher : Edukasi Ilmiah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61099/junedik.v1i3.22


Aging brings several significant changes in a person's life, and one of the main challenges older people face is loneliness. Loneliness can have a profound impact on the mental and physical well-being of seniors, increasing the risk of mental illness, lowering quality of life, and even accelerating the aging process. This study aims to determine the relationship between family social support and loneliness in older people. The research approach used is a quantitative research approach with correlative descriptive. The population in this study was 42 more senior people, all of whom were elderly. The sample in this study was 42 older adults who met the inclusion and exclusion criteria. In this study, the technique used was the total sampling technique. The results of statistical tests conducted with Chi-square obtained a p-value of 0.1000, informational support p-value of 0.758; reward support a p-value of 0.115, emotional support p-value of 0.767, instrumental support can be concluded that social support from family plays a vital role in influencing the level of loneliness in older people. Families that provide emotional, physical, and social support can help create a supportive environment, strengthen social bonds, and reduce the risk of loneliness in later stages
Factors associated with nutritional status in children under five Ari Setiawati; Darmi Arda; Nordianiwati Nordianiwati; Indrawati Aris Tyarini; Indryani Indryani
Jurnal Edukasi Ilmiah Kesehatan Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Jurnal Edukasi Ilmiah Kesehatan (Junedik)
Publisher : Edukasi Ilmiah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61099/junedik.v1i3.24


Nutritional status in children under five is an essential indicator of a child's health and development. Good nutrition at this age is crucial because children are experiencing rapid growth and development during this period. This study aims to determine the factors related to nutritional status in children under five—a type of quantitative research with a cross-sectional study design. The number of samples used in this study was 43 toddlers using purposive sampling techniques. The results of statistical tests obtained a value of 0.038 for maternal age, 0.405 for occupation, and 0.600 for knowledge of maternal nutrition. It can be concluded that there is no relationship between nutritional status in children under five and maternal age, occupation, or knowledge. The nutritional status of children under five is an important issue that is influenced by several factors, including the mother's age, the mother's occupation, and the mother's knowledge of child nutrition. The mother's age can affect the success of breastfeeding practices and nutritional knowledge. The mother's work plays a role in family time and resource availability. The mother's knowledge of child nutrition influences food selection and feeding practices. Handling the nutritional problems of children under five requires a holistic approach that involves all relevant parties, including the government, health institutions, and the community
Management of giving warm compresses to the abdominal wall with pain problems Maria Kurni Menga; Suprapto Suprapto; Nursyamsi Norma Lalla; A. Syamsinar Asmi; Lukman Waria; Fatimah Fatimah
Jurnal Edukasi Ilmiah Kesehatan Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Jurnal Edukasi Ilmiah Kesehatan (Junedik)
Publisher : Edukasi Ilmiah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61099/junedik.v1i3.25


Warm compress therapy on the abdominal wall has been known as a practical approach to overcoming pain problems. Through increasing local temperature, this therapy can relieve muscle tension, improve blood circulation, and provide pain relief. Qualitative research with a descriptive case study approach. The subjects of this case study used 2 clients with the same diagnosis, the same problem, and the same application of intervention. The results found that the pain felt in both patients, Mrs. R and Mrs. W experienced a significant decrease daily. On day I, Mrs. R, the pain experienced on a scale of 5 and decreased; on day 3, the pain was no longer felt. While Mrs. W on the day I, the pain experienced with skal 4. After compressing warm water on the dining abdomen, the pain felt every day was reduced and disappeared or did not feel pain on day 3 after the implementation. The conclusion of applying warm compress therapy is that this method gives patients greater control in managing their abdominal pain. With a deep understanding of the effectiveness of warm compress therapy, it can be a valuable element in a holistic pain management strategy.
Factors related to caring behavior of nurses in the internal care room Rusli Rusli; Anggi Pratiwi; Sitti Zakiyyah Putri; Trimaya Cahya Mulat; Nur Andani
Jurnal Edukasi Ilmiah Kesehatan Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Jurnal Edukasi Ilmiah Kesehatan (Junedik)
Publisher : Edukasi Ilmiah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61099/junedik.v1i3.26


Caring is a crucial aspect of healthcare, especially in the context of care in the internal space, where patients often experience complex health conditions that require special attention. This study investigates factors related to nurses' caring behaviour in the internal care room. roomThis type of research uses quantitative types with analytical descriptive research design through a cross-sectional approach with total sampling techniques. The results of the chi-square statistical test obtained motivation p 0.219, reward p 0.020, and length of work p: 0.008It can be concluded that there is a relationship between reward and length of work with the caring behaviour of nurses in the internal care room. Appreciation and length of work influence the caring behaviour of nurses in the internal care room. Length of work provides extensive experience and knowledge, while rewards increase nurses' motivation and job satisfaction. Combining these two factors can create a caring environment and positively impact patients in the internal care room.
The Influence of Disaster Emergency Education on Stunami Disaster Preparedness Viyan Septiyana Achmad; Bangun Wijonarko
Jurnal Edukasi Ilmiah Kesehatan Vol. 1 No. 3 (2023): Jurnal Edukasi Ilmiah Kesehatan (Junedik)
Publisher : Edukasi Ilmiah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61099/junedik.v1i3.27


Pengaruh pendidikan gawat darurat terhadap kesiapsiagaan santri merupakan aspek penting dalam penyelamatan korban bencana alam. Pendidikan gawat darurat bencana adalah pemberian pelayanan dengan cepat dan tepat diberikan dalam sitauasi mengancam jiwa untuk menyelamatkan nyawa korbam.Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui pengaruh pendidikan gawat darurat bencana terhadap kesiapsiagaan santri bencana stunami. Desain penelitian Quasy eksperiment one group before and after design. Hasil penelitian menunjukan sebelum diberikan pendidikan tanggap darurat rata-rata 41.6 artinya belum siap siaga menghadapi bencana stunami, sesudah diberikan pendidikan tanggap darurat rata-rata 82,9 artinya sangat siap siaga menghadapi bencana stunami. Uji wilcoxon didapatkan nilai p value 0.000 < 0.05.Dapat disimpulkan bahwa terdapat pengaruh pendidikan gawat darurat terhadap kesiapsiagaan stunami pada santri Pondok Pesantren Miftahusa’adah kecamatan Cibaliung Pandeglang Banten. Pendidikan gawat darurat merupakan upaya dalam meningkatkan kesiapsigaan dalam menghadapi bencana.
The influence of motivation on the activeness of elderly people with hypertension in prolanis gymnastics activities Anggeraeni Anggeraeni; Nur Asiah; Anita Lontaan; Asridawati Akib; Cipto Susilo
Jurnal Edukasi Ilmiah Kesehatan Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Edukasi Ilmiah Kesehatan (Junedik)
Publisher : Edukasi Ilmiah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61099/junedik.v2i1.28


Introduction: Population ageing is one of the significant challenges in modern society, with the increasing number of elderly populations. Prevention and management of health conditions have become very important, and the Prolanis gymnastics program has been recognized as one of the effective methods. Motivation plays a central role in shaping health behaviours and habits. Methods: This research is quantitative with an analytical design with a sectional study design approach. The population in this study was all Prolanis Participants suffering from Hypertension, with the number of samples in the survey 41 respondents. The sampling technique used in this study was accidental sampling. Results: The Chi-square Statistical test on the influence of motivation on the participation of older adults with Hypertension in prolonged gymnastics activities obtained a p-value = 0.000 or smaller than a = 0.05 (0.000<0.05). Conclusions: The influence of motivation on the activeness of older adults with Hypertension in protagonist gymnastics activities. Motivation influences the activeness of older adults with Hypertension in prolantic gymnastics activities. High motivation can be an essential factor in encouraging active participation in prolanist gymnastics programs, which in turn can support the management of hypertensive conditions and improve the well-being of older people. However, it is essential to remember that these conclusions are general and cannot be taken as absolute truth without supporting data and evidence.
Exclusive breastfeeding in preventing stunting in toddlers Wa Ode Novi Angreni; Darmi Arda; Ari Setyawati; Anggun Sasmita; Indrawati Aris Tyarini; Nordianiwati Nordianiwati
Jurnal Edukasi Ilmiah Kesehatan Vol. 2 No. 1 (2024): Jurnal Edukasi Ilmiah Kesehatan (Junedik)
Publisher : Edukasi Ilmiah Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.61099/junedik.v2i1.29


Introduction: Exclusive breastfeeding during the first six months of a baby's life has been shown to have many health benefits, and one of them is that it can help prevent stunting in toddlers. Stunting is when a child's physical growth and brain development are hampered due to chronic malnutrition, especially protein, energy, and other essential nutrients. Objective: Know the role of exclusive breastfeeding in preventing stunting in toddlers. Methods: Type of quantitative analytical research with a case-control design using a retrospective approach. The population in this study was mothers who had toddlers aged 12–60 months, while the determination of subjects was based on simple random sampling techniques. The inclusion criteria were mothers with stunting toddlers aged 12–60 months and mothers willing to be respondents. The exclusion criteria are toddlers who suffer from chronic diseases and have a history of premature birth. The subjects in this study were 70 toddlers, consisting of 35 stunting toddlers as an intervention group and 35 non-stunting toddlers as controls. Results showed that toddlers who were exclusively breastfed and stunted were 15 (42.9%), while toddlers who were not exclusively breastfed and stunted were 20 (57.1%). Bivariate analysis showed an association between exclusive breastfeeding and the incidence of stunting (p-value 0.030). Conclusion: Exclusive breastfeeding can prevent stunting in toddlers. Exclusive breastfeeding can make a significant contribution to stunting prevention; other factors such as public health, sanitation, and access to nutrition also play an important role. Therefore, a holistic approach must be applied to support children's growth and development

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