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Eko Primananda
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STKIP Al Islam Tunas Bangsa: Jalan Z.A. Pagar Alam No. 41 Gedong Meneng Bandar Lampung Institute of Multidisciplinary Research and Community Service: Jalan Airan Raya, Way Huwi, Lampung Selatan
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Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development
ISSN : -     EISSN : 30256798     DOI :
Focus and Scope: Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following Education Human geography Linguistics Political Science Antropology Economics Communication Sociology Psychology Law Criminology Cultural Studies Community development research and training etc ...
Articles 5 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development" : 5 Documents clear
Effectiveness of Discovery Learning Approaches integrated with Task Group Guidance to Increase Student Confidence in Guidance and Counseling Asradi Asradi; Freddy Sarman
Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development
Publisher : Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development

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Abstract: This study aims to find out and prove the use of the Discovery Learning approach through group guidance services to increase self-confidence. The hypothesis proposed in this study is that there is a change or increase in students' confidence after being given the treatment of group guidance services using discovery learning approaches in task topic group guidance services. This study uses quantitative methods. This type of research is pre-experiment, using the one group pretest posttest design. Selection of subjects using purposive sampling method. The number of research subjects was ten people with low self-confidence categories. This research was carried out in the guidance and counseling study program, the instrument used was the scale of confidence with a Likert scale model. Data were analyzed using nonparametric statistical techniques that used the Wilcoxon Signed Ranks Test. The results showed that the pretest score was 77.5 and posttest 101.8. Then to test the hypothesis obtained Asymp results. Sig. (2-tailed) 0.005 less than 0.005, thus Ho can be interpreted rejected and Ha accepted, it was concluded that there was a change or an increase in students' self-confidence after being given the treatment of group guidance services using the discovery learning approach. Keywords: group guidance, discovery learning, self-confidence. DOI:
Ilocutional Speech Actions to Indonesian Subject Teachers at SMA Negeri 1 Liwa Lampung Barat Elisa Fitri
Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development
Publisher : Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development

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Abstract: In the research that has been studied, this will get a deep understanding of illocutionary speech acts that interact in learning Indonesian at school. This researcher focuses on illocutionary speech acts. His research uses research in the form of qualitative and takes a study in the form of an ethnography of communication in order to examine an illocutionary speech act that exists in an appropriate situation. The results of this study explain that there are three components of illocutionary speech acts that are seen in the interaction of an Indonesian language lesson in class X IPS 2, namely assertive, directive, and commissive components. a research that has been compiled.   Keywords: illocutionary speech acts, communication ethnography DOI:  
Educational Values contained in the Short Story My love is far away in Komodo by Seno Gumira Ajidarma Dwi Febtiani
Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development
Publisher : Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development

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Abstract: In this article, the author analyzes short stories with a hermeneutic study that is associated with certain educational values that already exist. This because the short story My love is far from the dragons has educational value that can be applied in teaching Indonesian. The method used in this study uses a qualitative descriptive method by explaining the background of the short story. The topic of this essay is My Love Is Far in Komodo as a text that really needs understanding and approval for writing. The urgent situation is responded to and resolved by using hermeneutics as the formal topic of the current investigation. This study shows the results that the educational character values contained in short story texts, namely: loyalty, sincerity, optimism, perseverance, sincerity, optimism, hard work, patience, compassion, and curiosity. These values are contextual and actual.Keywords: hermeneutic studies, short stories, values, educationDOI: 
Public Services Quality in Kantor Koperasi & UMKM at West Sumatra, Indonesia Anggun Anggun
Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development
Publisher : Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development

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Abstract: In this study the method used was descriptive qualitative research method, the purpose of this research was to understand how quality of Kantor Kooperasi dan UMKM at the West Sumatra and the inhibiting factors for service quality at these institutions, how the efforts are made by these agencies and whether the quality of service is in accordance with expectations society or not. The source of data used in this study uses primary data or data obtained from direct agencies. Based on my observation that the quality of service at the Kantor Kooperasi dan UMKM of West Sumatra Province can be said to be good, which relates to Tangible aspects, Reliability, Responsiveness, Assurance and Emphaty. (Empathy). Based on the observations that I have made, there are still problems and inadequacies in the quality of service at these agencies, namely the lack of complete facilities or infrastructure, supporting infrastructure, services that are still old, while the quality of service at Kantor Kooperasi dan UMKM of West Sumatra Province has been said to be good because through observation and The interviews I conducted directly revealed that the employees at the agency were responsive in serving the community, friendly, polite and courteous in serving the community and responding and responding quickly to the community's goals for the agency. As well as the caring nature that is also shown by the employees at the agency and also does not discriminate between services to everyone Keywords: public service, good governance, descriptive qualitative research. DOI:
Development of Contextual Physics Module inspired by Banyuwangi Local Wisdom for Senior High School Linda Ali Ramadani; Albertus Djoko Lesmono; Yushardi Yushardi
Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development Vol 1, No 1 (2022): Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development
Publisher : Bulletin of Social Studies and Community Development

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Abstract: Describe and produce modules based on local wisdom as valid and practical for teaching materials Senior High School. Using Nieveen's research design consisting of preliminary research, prototyping stage,  and assessment stage. Preliminary research begins by analyzing the needs of problem analysis and literature studies as a basis for making modules. Prototyping stage is done by expert validation and user validation before the module is taught. In assessment stage, valid modules were tested in class XI MIPA 2 to measure the practicality of the module. Practicality of modules based on learning implementation and student response questionnaire sheets of 95.3% and 91.6%. The contextual physics module based on the local wisdom of Banyuwangi developed is valid and practical so that it is worthy of use.   Keywords: local wisdom, practicality, physics modules, validity DOI:

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