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Bhinneka: Jurnal Bintang Pendidikan dan Bahasa
ISSN : 29636183     EISSN : 29636167     DOI : 10.59024
Jurnal ini memublikasikan artikel-artikel yang berkaitan dengan sub rumpun Ilmu Pendidikan Ilmu Sosial, Bahasa dan Sastra, Olahraga dan Kesehatan, Matematika dan MIPA, Teknologi dan Kejuruaan, Ilmu Pendidikan dan Kesenian. Pengajuan naskah terbuka sepanjang tahun, naskah harus sesuai dengan fokus dan ruang lingkup Bhinneka: Jurnal Bintang Pendidikan dan Bahasa, dan ditulis dengan mengikuti pedoman penulisan jurnal. Naskah dapat ditulis dalam bahasa Inggris atau bahasa Indonesi
Articles 21 Documents
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Analisis Dampak Negatif Penggunaan Handphone Terhadap Anak SD Faisal Yajid
Bhinneka: Jurnal Bintang Pendidikan dan Bahasa Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): April : Bhinneka
Publisher : Universitas Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59024/bhinneka.v1i2.177


Mobile is an electronic device that is used by many people. Many people already have cell phones, even from an early age to the elderly, all of them already have cell phones and they already know how to use them. Besides that, cellphones have lots of benefits that can be used, we can play games, play Facebook, play Instagram, play tiktok and etc. We can also reach the whole world by using a cellphone and can search for all activities in the world with 1 cellphone. However, my current goal is to research more deeply about analyzing the negative impact of using mobile phones on elementary school children. This research uses a qualitative method, why did I take a qualitative method because in this research there are case studies. The results of this study are that many parents buy cellphones for their children who are still in elementary school and on average children use cellphones to play games, watch YouTube, even these children can access 18+ sites. What should have happened, the role of parents at that time was very important to control the development of their children so that they were kept away from negative things about cellphone use. However, from the cases that are currently rampant, the role of parents in educating their children who are still in elementary school does not pay much attention, even parents allow them to be free to play mobile phones whenever and wherever. With this the negative impact on the child will begin to be seen as an example: the child will be lazy to learn about school, the child will be difficult to manage, the child will be cranky when what he wants is not carried out, the child will plunge into the world of the internet where he will access the web in terms of negative and the worst thing is that when the child uses a cellphone excessively he will experience blur in his eyes and the child when he is an adult will use minus glasses
Kajian Stilistika Pada Cerpen “Penari Dari Kutai” Dalam Kumpulan Cerpen Dunia Sukab Karya Seno Gumira Ajidarma Annisa Zulfa Hasanah
Bhinneka: Jurnal Bintang Pendidikan dan Bahasa Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): April : Bhinneka
Publisher : Universitas Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59024/bhinneka.v1i2.178


The meaning of a literary work depends on the use of its stylistic. The use of language style is intended to give a certain effect to a literary work, especially short stories. The object of research used was the short story 'Dancer from Kutai' by Seno Gumira Ajidarma. The purpose of this study is to elaborate the style, meaning and function used in short stories. This study used qualitative descriptive method. In the lexical aspect, the types of words, speech, nouns and verbs are more dominant. In the grammatical aspect, declarative sentences and interrogative sentences often appear. In the rhetorical aspect, there is a perception and imagery
Analisis Puisi “Aku Tidak Akan Berhenti Mencarimu” Karya Heri Isnaini dengan Pendekatan Struktural Siti Nurhalimah; Rianti Maryana
Bhinneka: Jurnal Bintang Pendidikan dan Bahasa Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): April : Bhinneka
Publisher : Universitas Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59024/bhinneka.v1i2.179


Literary work is a form of expression of human feelings as outlined in oral and written forms. Literary work is a language art that can be enjoyed by oneself and for everyone to enjoy. Poetry is one type of kasya satsra which is an expression of the poet's feelings which is poured using figurative words. The poem entitled "Aku Tidak Akan Berhenti MencariMu" by Heri Isnaini was chosen as research material for poetry studies using a structural approach. The Structural Approach is an approach that examines poetry based on the elements that build poetry in an objective systematic manner. This study aims to describe the physical and mental structures contained in the poem "I Will Not Stop Looking for You" by Heri Isnaini. By analyzing using a structural approach, the writer can find the meaning of a literary work. Through a structural approach, the structures studied are the physical structure and the inner structure of poetry. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The qualitative description method used describes the data through words that show the meaning according to the concept. The result of this research is the discovery of all physical and mental structures in a poem by Heri Isnaini entitled "Aku Tidak Akan Berhenti MencariMu ".
Representasi Makna Dan Pesan Dalam Lirik Lagu “Sebuah Tarian Yang Tak Kunjung Selesai” Oleh Nadin Amizah Menggunakan Pendekatan Semiotik Siti Yulia Putri Pratiwi
Bhinneka: Jurnal Bintang Pendidikan dan Bahasa Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): April : Bhinneka
Publisher : Universitas Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59024/bhinneka.v1i2.180


This research is motivated by the rise of Nadin Amizah's songs which are difficult for listeners to understand, especially teenagers. Meanwhile, a song is a line of words combined with music and has a meaning or message to be conveyed to listeners. The problem discussed is the meaning and message in the lyrics of the song "A Dance that Never Ends" by Nadin Amizah using a semiotic approach. The purpose of this study is to find out the meaning and message in the lyrics of the song. The benefit of research is that listeners better understand the goals and intentions contained in the song. The research method used in this study uses descriptive qualitative methods. Meanwhile, to analyze the lyrics of the song using the semiotic approach of Ferdinand De Saussure. The result of the research which becomes the signifier is the lyrics of the song "A Dance that Never Ends" by Nadin Amizah, while the signified is the result of an analysis of the meaning of the lyrics. Based on the results of the analysis, the meaning of the lyrics of the song tells about disappointment, including; 1) don't force someone who really wants to leave our life, 2) someone won't be in our life long, and 3). let someone go without having to prevent. Meanwhile, the messages in this song include; 1) must be sincere if someone leaves, and 2) always be grateful for someone's presence in our lives
Kajian Pragmatik Kesantunan Berbahasa Pada Program Tonight Show Di Net Tv Widyaningrum Kinasih Haryono
Bhinneka: Jurnal Bintang Pendidikan dan Bahasa Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): April : Bhinneka
Publisher : Universitas Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59024/bhinneka.v1i2.181


The background of this study is the interest to study further about compliance with politeness in the maxim of respect and the maxim of modesty in the Tonight Show program on NET TV based on Leech's theory. The method used in this article is descriptive qualitative method. The problem discussed in this article is the form of compliance with politeness in the maxim of appreciation on the Tonight Show program on NET TV based on Leech's theory. The purpose of this study is to describe the form of compliance with politeness in respect maxims based on Leech's theory. The benefit of this study is for pragmatics and theoretical studies regarding language politeness through television media. Based on the results of the discussion, it was found that there were several and included in compliance with the maxim of respect and the maxim of moderation. The entire data collected is based on the amount of data, namely one maxim of respect and one maxim of modesty.
Morphosemantic Study Of Compound Words In The New York Times Articles Karen Maria Ekafrain Aring; I Wayan Arka; I Nyoman Sedeng
Bhinneka: Jurnal Bintang Pendidikan dan Bahasa Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): April : Bhinneka
Publisher : Universitas Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59024/bhinneka.v1i2.193


The New York Times is USA’s most popular digital news platform which can be accessed easier by people around the world. Due to many new words that can be combined to become compound words, it is interesting to see the compound words that are applied on the New York Times website. This study looked at the different the types and meanings of compound words used in the New York Times articles. The study describes the types of compound words with the theory proposed by Katamba (1993). Then, to analyze the meanings of compound words, the theory by Palmer (1991) was used. To achieve the objectives, descriptive qualitative methods were used in the study. The data were taken from the New York Times website. In collecting data, the documentation method with note-taking techniques was applied. From 58 data collected, the results showed that compound nouns become the most common types of compound words used in the articles with 33 compound words, followed by compound verbs with 13 compound words, and compound adjectives with 12 compound words. Referring to the meaning of compound words, there are 34 compound words with opaque meanings and 24 compound words with transparent meanings.
Pengembangan Literasi Budaya Dan Kewarganegaraan Di Sekolah Dasar: Studi Kasus Di Pekanbaru Muhammad Iqroq Kabari; Reka Miftahul Hayati; Sri Wahyu Ningsih; Zidan Dika Dafara; Febrina Dafit
Bhinneka: Jurnal Bintang Pendidikan dan Bahasa Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): April : Bhinneka
Publisher : Universitas Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59024/bhinneka.v1i2.196


The development of cultural literacy and citizenship is an important aspect of primary education. This study aims to analyze different approaches to developing cultural literacy and citizenship in four elementary schools located in Pekanbaru. The four schools included in this research are SDN 182, SDN 195, SDN 21, and SDN 180. This research utilizes a qualitative descriptive approach by analyzing data from field observations, interviews with teachers and students, and documentary studies. The findings of the study indicate that these four schools have different approaches to developing cultural literacy and citizenship. SDN 182 adopts a habituation approach by teaching students to sing the national anthem before starting Civic Education lessons and involving them in community service activities. SDN 195 implements a developmental approach by requiring students to serve as flag ceremony officials, memorize the UUD 1945 (Constitution of the Republic of Indonesia), and understand Pancasila (the foundational philosophy of Indonesia). SDN 21 employs a developmental approach to literacy through extracurricular programs held on Saturdays, introducing Indonesian cultures to students. SDN 180 encompasses various aspects, including flag ceremonies, cultural introductions, and organizing dance extracurricular activities. This research provides a deeper understanding of the diverse approaches that can be employed to develop cultural literacy and citizenship in elementary schools. The findings serve as a foundation for schools and relevant stakeholders in designing effective and student-centered learning programs. Additionally, this study offers inspiration for the development of cultural literacy and citizenship at higher levels of education.
Crisis Grammatical Use: Revealing Causes on EFL Students' Grammatical Erros Siti Danti; Lala Nining Indrawati; Muawanah Muawanah; Khairul Wardani; Selamet Riadi Jaelani
Bhinneka: Jurnal Bintang Pendidikan dan Bahasa Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): April : Bhinneka
Publisher : Universitas Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59024/bhinneka.v1i2.272


This study aimed to find out the causes on EFL Students' grammatical errors in speaking skills for students of English Language Department of Hamzanwadi University. This research employed descriptive qualitative research design. The participants of this study were 27 students from the second semester. The data were collected by three research instruments which were observation, interview, and documentation. The observation results showed that students often used their mother tongue for class interactions, rarely applying English during the learning. Moreover, the results of the interview showed that students faced challenges in applying grammar to speaking skills due to a lack of vocabulary, comprehension, writing-focused approach, and lack of practice. In conclusion, it is important to learn and practice grammar in speaking skill because fluency in grammar and language rules is crucial for students to become qualified teachers and avoid mistakes. Learning and practicing grammar in speaking skill is also essential for long-term capability.
Dampak Pembelajaran KWL (Know, Want To Know, Learned) Berbantuan Buku Cerita Untuk Meningkatkan Minat Membaca Ditinjau Dari Motivasi Belajar Ratu Bulkis Ramli; Sri Hanipah; Paskha Marini Thana; Wahyuniar Wahyuniar
Bhinneka: Jurnal Bintang Pendidikan dan Bahasa Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): April : Bhinneka
Publisher : Universitas Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59024/bhinneka.v1i3.280


The ability to read and foster an interest in reading in children is an effort to improve educational standards while at the same time forming a child's personality with character. The purpose of this study was to determine the significant impact of the storybook-assisted KWL (Know Want to Know Learned) strategy in terms of the learning motivation of class XI students of SMAN 2 Merauke. This type of research uses the Non-Equivalent posttest only control group design. A total of 50 students were sampled in this study, 25 students in the experimental class and 25 students in the control class. Research data collection was carried out by non-test method using observation sheets. Manova as a data analysis method used in this study. The results showed that the KWL (Know Want to Know Learned) strategy, with the help of story books, had an impact on reading interest and learning motivation. The results of the study showed a significant difference. The results of the analysis also show that, when compared with reading interest, learning motivation is the variable that is more influenced. Therefore, the KWL (Know Want to Know Learned) strategy with the help of story books can be suggested as an innovative way of learning to increase reading interest and motivation to learn
Getting Ready To Conduct Scientific Writing: Academic Search Engine As Personal Learning Environment (PLE) Assistance A’thi Fauzani Wisudawati; Dian Palupi; Jannatul Laily Noviabahari
Bhinneka: Jurnal Bintang Pendidikan dan Bahasa Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023): April : Bhinneka
Publisher : Universitas Palangka Raya

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.59024/bhinneka.v1i2.285


At the point when the students are assessed, they are demanded to work to publish scientific writing. This study investigates the process of constructing scientific writing as well as the academic search engine that is frequently used by graduate students in building their papers. Later on, this study also discloses the factor of using repeated platforms. A personal learning environment helps the students to connect both inside and outside the classroom learning by employing digital tools. This paper presents a case study exploring the steps of conducting scientific writing, the academic search engine mostly used by students, and the factors in deciding the platform. Eighteen graduate students majoring in the English education department were the participants of this study. The data was collected through class observation, questionnaires, and semi-structured interviews. The result shows several steps to construct scientific writing including readiness, composing the article, getting ready for publication, distribution, and development. While Google Scholar (100%), Web of Science (94.7%), and online library (63.2%) are the top three online platforms as the academic search engine they used to search for references to build arguments for their scientific writing. Some factors why those platforms become highly beneficial are exposed by the participants such as their pertinence, reference quality, and publication impact. This study is expected to provide certain considerations for students or scholars about utilizing several online platforms and some reasons behind which is beneficial to build scientific writing publications.

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