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Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi
ISSN : 2398086     EISSN : 26218712     DOI :
Spektrum Communication Journal is an academic journal published quarterly every year every March, June, September, and December by Stikosa-AWS in collaboration with ISKI-Jatim, APJIKI, and ASPIKOM. This journal publishes original researches in multi concepts, theories, perspectives, paradigms and methodologies in the communications studies perspective. The focus of this journal is in the communication studies perspective and the scope of the journal are: Journalistics; Public Relations; Broadcasting (TV and Film); Marketing & Tourism Communication; Media and Studies; Gender Studies; Advertising; Every received article should follow the Author guidelines. Any submitted paper will be reviewed by reviewers. The review process employs Double-blind Review that the reviewer does not know the identity of the author, and the author does not know the identity of the reviewers.
Articles 131 Documents
Marketing Social Innovation Products with IMC Dwinanto Kurniawan; Nafiah Ariani
Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi Vol 10 No 4 (2022): Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi
Publisher : LPPM Stikosa - AWS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37826/spektrum.v10i4.336


Cumin tea is an herbal product with myriad of benefits. This tea is produced in Tinumpuk Village, Indramayu Regency. Community-based organization that produces this tea belongs to the Ikatan Mantan Buruh Migran–Desa Tinumpuk (IBU TIN). This study aims to determine the application of integrated marketing communication by CBO IBU TIN, especially in marketing cumin tea. This research uses qualitative approach and case study method. The techniques used to collect data are observation, in-depth interviews, and documentation studies. Data analysis technique used Miles & Huberman interactive analysis, while triangulation of data sources was used to test the validity of the data. The results of the study shows that marketing of cumin tea products by CBO IBU TIN has used several elements in integrated marketing communication, namely advertising, sales promotion, personal selling, public relations, event marketing, and packaging. This finding also shows that CBO IBU TIN does not use digital (interactive) communication in marketing the cumin tea products. Keywords: Integrated Marketing Communication, Migrant Workers, Cumin Tea
Health Communication in Sonar (Song Information and Reports) Events at Sonora 93.3 FM Radio Bandung Agustrijanto Agustrijanto; Altobeli Lobodally
Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi Vol 10 No 4 (2022): Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi
Publisher : LPPM Stikosa - AWS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37826/spektrum.v10i4.339


The role of radio has undergone significant developments and changes. One example is Radio Sonora 93.3 FM Bandung. Radio Sonora is a radio that dares to raise the theme of health on one of its radio programs. With this theme, Radio Sonora shows concern for the dynamics of public health. On Radio Sonora, health messages were inserted in the show SONAR (Song Information and Reports). Through this event, listeners will get entertainment through songs and health information packaged attractively. SONAR listeners will feel free to listen to the various entertainments and be educated through the health information they convey. SONAR collaborates with several well-known hospitals in Bandung to make the information presented more convincing and exciting. This study describes how Sonora radio communicates health messages through sonar shows. This research used health communication theory as a basis and was developed through the concept of promoting health programs using radio media. The approach used is qualitative research with a case study method. The subject in this study was Radio Sonora. This research paradigm uses constructivism and descriptive methods. The results of this study show that the SONAR program is carried out with a persuasive approach that emphasizes the character of broadcasting that can persuade broadcast material by combining entertainment with health topics currently popular in the community. The conclusion and benefit of this study are that viewers get better, directed, and direct health knowledge from experts.
Analysis of the Electronic Word of Mouth (E-Wom) Of the Film “KKN di Desa Penari” Michelle Coritama; Daniel Susilo; Rismi Juliadi
Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi Vol 10 No 4 (2022): Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi
Publisher : LPPM Stikosa - AWS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37826/spektrum.v10i4.361


The film “KKN di Desa Penari” is based on a true story that went viral on Twitter in 2019. After being delayed for 2 years, the film “KKN di Desa Penari” premiered on April 30, 2022 and became the highest-grossing mystical film of all time. This film has the power of electronic word of mouth (e-WOM) through social media Twitter and YouTube in building virtual communities where people gather to respond and talk about the stories in this film. This study aims to determine the level of structure and groups in conversational communication networks. on Twitter and YouTube comments about the film “KKN di Desa Penari”. This research is a positivism paradigm research that uses a quantitative approach. The process of collecting data and visualizing data was using Netlytic and Gephi applications. The results of this study indicate that the density figure in the discussion about the film “KKN di Desa Penari” on Twitter with a low intensity of communication between actors. It is also seen that in the conversation on Twitter there are five actors with the highest indegree (intensity of being mentioned, retweeted or replied to), they are @habisnontonfilm, @simpem8137823, @Merapi_uncover, @onyoum_arkeeu and @luvfiqy. Meanwhile, YouTube user Willa Widiana has the highest indegree score on YouTube. However, no one showed a high outdegree (intensity of mentioning, retweeting or replying) either on Twitter or Youtube.
Discourse of Women's Body Construction in Advertising and Promotion "Lovely Nia" and "Alitaren" Hajidah Fildzahun Nadhilah Kusnadi
Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi Vol 10 No 4 (2022): Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi
Publisher : LPPM Stikosa - AWS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37826/spektrum.v10i4.367


The emergence of women who are often the subject of visualization of mass media advertisements is largely due to the perception of the low status of women in the institutions adopted by our society. Ads that standardize women's ideal bodies prove how men (especially in ad production) can create women to fit their "sexy or beautiful" fantasies. Advertising as a mass communication system, now tends to become a parameter and implementation that creates gender biases and preserving the construction of the female body. So that it’s considered not excessive regarding David Crystal's statement that advertising is the most colossal cultural product, when viewed from the perspective of ideology, morals and aesthetics. Using Norman Fairclough's critical discourse analysis, this study explores how 'Lovely Nia' discusses the construction of the female body in advertisements and social media promotions 'Lovely Nia' and 'Alitaren' how the concept of patriarchal ideology plays a role in this construction. The findings of this study are to make the concept of beauty an important asset that must be owned and cultivated by women and the discourse on the construction of the female body makes women still positioned as objects, especially when women have become wives. 'Lovely Nia' and 'Alitaren' still apply the malegaze concept in their advertisements and promotions both offline and online. Even though women place themselves as subjects who have full power over their body shape. The absence of men from advertising and social media promotions does not promise the release of women from patriarchal culture.
Effectiveness Analysis of Peduli Lindungi in Community Activities Restrictions during The Covid-19 Pandemic Ika Zulkafika Mahmudah; Evi Susanti; Ahmad Faiz Muhammad Noer; Suko Widodo
Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi Vol 10 No 4 (2022): Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi
Publisher : LPPM Stikosa - AWS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37826/spektrum.v10i4.371


The government has intensified the use of the Peduli Lindungi application in limiting community activities. However, until now, academically, there has been no research related to the effectiveness of Peduli Lindungi. This research aims to analyze the effectiveness of utilizing the Peduli Lindungi Application to organize social activities. The research design used descriptive quantitative with google form instrument filled by 130 respondents used Peduli Lindungi which are spread all over Indonesia. Based on component system quality, Information quality, Service quality, user intention, user satisfaction, and the net benefit listed in the questionnaire, user effectiveness is more than 70% which can be called effective. Peduli Lindungi Application is a newly growing application that presents a mapping case Covid-19, but that application provides many features that support health service and travel planning with restricted activities. There is no value effectiveness more than 80% indicate to required to meet society’s needs. Application development with more complete and interactive facilities is needed. Regular evaluation and two-way communication service system of application features will be more interesting for presenting the information.
High Voter Participation during the Pandemic Covid-19 (Public Communication Success or Mass Mobilization of Single Candidates) Roso Prajoko; Sri Hartini; Nurdini Tsabitul Chusna
Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi Vol 11 No 2 (2023): Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi : June 2023
Publisher : LPPM Stikosa - AWS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37826/spektrum.v11i2.390


Politics in Boyolali Regency is controlled by the PDI-P with control of 35 seats for DPRD members in parliament, followed by the Golkar Party with 4 chairs, PKS with 3 chairs, PKB with 2 chairs and the Gerindra Party with 1 seat. With the majority of the number of DPRD members in parliament, PDI P rallied with all parties that won seats in parliament to nominate the incumbent as the sole regent candidate, except for the Prosperous Justice Party (PKS) which was neutral. Although only one pair of candidates participated, and it was carried out during the Covid-19 outbreak, the voter turnout rate in Boyolali was very high. This researcher will see, if the high participation is due to the success of political communication between the candidates and the KPU or whether there is a mass mobilization movement from the candidate for regent. This study uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The results of the election of a single candidate against an empty box are unattractive because there is no competition or power struggle. Even though it wasn't interesting, people still came to the polling station due to massive socialization from the Boyolali KPU.
Implementation of Public Relations Strategy Mix in Media Academy Ari Budiarti; Ahmad Toni
Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi Vol 10 No 4 (2022): Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi
Publisher : LPPM Stikosa - AWS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37826/spektrum.v10i4.392


In the formation of an organization or company, from the beginning to its development, it is always inseparable from the ongoing process of interaction with various parties. Training institutions need a targeted and effective management strategy to compete with similar competitors. Media Academy is a training institution that is a new business unit in the Media Group corporate company utilizes the role of Public Relations to expand cooperation and establish relationships so that the company can be known more widely by the public. Public Relations Mix can be abbreviated as PENCILS, is one of the strategies of Public Relations related to the duties, roles, and functions depending on the path and the components possessed in this concept are related to the work carried out by Public Relations. This study aims to determine and analyze the implementation of the Public Relations Mix strategy at the Media Academy. The method used by researchers in this study is a qualitative descriptive approach. Data collection techniques in qualitative research are by conducting interviews, observations, and documentation studies. It can be concluded that the Public Relations strategy used by Media Academy has been successful because Media Academy has implemented seven PENCILS strategies as a Public Relations Mix strategy. It can be said that Public Relations is an integral part of the overall growth process of Media Academy as a new business unit in the Media Group corporate company.
Indigenous Concepts of Gender, Communication and their Link to Spatial Processes: A Case of Kasepuhan Ciptagelar, Indonesia Vidi Sukmayadi; M. Fasha Rouf; azizul halim yahya
Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi Vol 11 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi : March 2023
Publisher : LPPM Stikosa - AWS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37826/spektrum.v11i1.395


Cultural factors arguably are significant concerning how humans, thoughts, and products progress and organize spatially. In terms of indigenous people, they carry a symbol of irreplaceable diversity where men and women have different gender roles and responsibilities compared to contemporary communities. Hence, this paper attempts to explore the indigenous understandings of gender in one of the most distinctive indigenous communities in Indonesia, known as Kasepuhan Ciptagelar. The authors conducted a qualitative case study to investigate how spatial processes are linked to gender identities and activism in the community. The Findings show that the traditional community has implemented a form of gender equity, unlike the standard practice in modern Indonesian society. The concept of gender equity was established and communicated for generations as a form of social cooperation as a result of a geographical process where natural factors notably shaped their day to day life
Tourism Journalism as A Regional Tourism Promotion Media Ratna Puspita Sari; Jokhanan Kristiyono; Edelweis Putri Prima
Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi Vol 10 No 4 (2022): Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi
Publisher : LPPM Stikosa - AWS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37826/spektrum.v10i4.405


of tourism journalism in Indonesia. They are described as having a role in promoting tourism in the area. In this research, we want to know the role of tourism journalism as a medium for regional tourism promotion using a qualitative descriptive method. Researchers conducted interviews with two travel bloggers as well as observations on their respective blogs and social media. The results of this study indicate that travel news information conveyed through blogs has developed tourism marketing communications among residents. Blog promotion media illustrates the convenience for ordinary people to participate in promoting regional tourism.
The Dilemma of Adopting Innovation in Media : Study Case of Data Journalism Practice in KOMPAS Utami Diah Kusumawati
Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi Vol 11 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi : March 2023
Publisher : LPPM Stikosa - AWS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37826/spektrum.v11i1.411


Using Everett M. Rogers’ diffusion of innovations theory, this paper analyzes how an innovation, such as data journalism, which comes out as a result of digital disruption is being adopted in the newsroom of a national media in Indonesia, KOMPAS. The presence of digital disruption which leads to the mushrooming of contents provided by non-journalists creates challenges for journalists. Data journalism with its core of accuracy and fact-based information comes as a solution for providing quality and solutions based journalism as believed by KOMPAS. The case study of KOMPAS involves interviewing its six media practitioners to find out elements of diffusion innovation theory, such as the characteristics of innovation, decisions-making process, and category of adopter, applied at KOMPAS to examine the factors behind the process of adoption of data journalism in its newsroom. This research shows that the adoption of innovation (data journalism) in a mainstream media like KOMPAS is heavily influenced by the decision to adopt the innovation by a powerful individual such as editor-in-chief, the alignment of the innovation with the company’s value and needs, the familiarity of its employee with the new method of journalism and a measured output.

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