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Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi
ISSN : 2398086     EISSN : 26218712     DOI :
Spektrum Communication Journal is an academic journal published quarterly every year every March, June, September, and December by Stikosa-AWS in collaboration with ISKI-Jatim, APJIKI, and ASPIKOM. This journal publishes original researches in multi concepts, theories, perspectives, paradigms and methodologies in the communications studies perspective. The focus of this journal is in the communication studies perspective and the scope of the journal are: Journalistics; Public Relations; Broadcasting (TV and Film); Marketing & Tourism Communication; Media and Studies; Gender Studies; Advertising; Every received article should follow the Author guidelines. Any submitted paper will be reviewed by reviewers. The review process employs Double-blind Review that the reviewer does not know the identity of the author, and the author does not know the identity of the reviewers.
Articles 131 Documents
Integrated Marketing Communication Kedai Pantry Magetan Pada Era Digitalisasi 4.0 Hilda Yunita Wono; Nafiah Ariani; Azalea Abril Hermanto; Bunga Feby Nabilla
Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi Vol 10 No 1 (2022): Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi
Publisher : LPPM Stikosa - AWS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37826/spektrum.v10i1.235


Integrated marketing communications or IMC that is implemented in a business well can make a significant increase to a company's revenue. This is what makes Kedai Pantry Magetan to carry out IMC activities. The Pantry Shop, which started a business during the Covid-19 pandemic, used IMC as a way of promotion so that the shop could still operate even during the pandemic. This research was conducted using a qualitative descriptive method to dissect the IMC Kedai Pantry strategy. This study shows what activities are carried out as well as interviews with shop owners in order to find out the reasons for using this strategy. Of the seven IMC activities used by the pantry shop, online marketing, direct marketing, sales promotion, public relations and advertising. From the IMC activities carried out to help the shops that were established during this pandemic to survive until now.
Social Media as a Promotional Media for Garut’s Celebrities During the Covid-19 Pandemic Zikri Fachrul Nurhadi; Haryadi Mujianto; Livia Ayu Safitri
Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi Vol 11 No 1 (2023): Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi : March 2023
Publisher : LPPM Stikosa - AWS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37826/spektrum.v11i1.237


The development of communication and information technology has brought society into a new media era where every individual can communicate via the internet. The internet also gave rise to many online-based media, one of which is Instagram which is currently popular. Instagram social media raises many new phenomena, one of which is the celebrity phenomenon. This phenomenon has become a popular trend even. The purpose of this study was to find out the motive and the meaning of the actors of celebgram activities and their benefits as a promotional media on Instagram social media during this pandemic. The research approach used in this research is descriptive qualitative by using phenomenological research methods, so that in this study the priority is based on the experience of the informants. The data entered is data from interviews, observations on the research subject's Instagram account. The results of the study show that the meaning of celebgram activities as promotional media on Instagram social media during a pandemic is interpreted by sources as one of their efforts to be known by people as unique and creative figures through photo activities they upload on Instagram. This is motivated by their desire to share their hobbies and skills. The use of a platform that is easily accessible to all groups is seen by them as useful for getting endorsements, new friends, relations, money and work of course, especially activities during a pandemic, of course, will be different from activities before the pandemic. Keywords: Instagram; Social media; Pandemic; Promotion; Celebgram.
Konstruksi Citra Diri dalam Media Baru melalui Aplikasi Instagram (Analisis Semiotik Postingan Instagram @maudyayunda) Maslichatus Sholichah; Poppy Febriana
Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi Vol 10 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi
Publisher : LPPM Stikosa - AWS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37826/spektrum.v10i2.239


New media present as communication that individuals choose for social interaction in cyberspace. One of them is Instagram, which is one of the uses of new media in the form of a social media network application that functions as a place to share photos and videos with other users. Instagram makes it easy to form a person's self-image, both positive and negative images in any angle. Like Maudy Ayunda, a public figure who has a good self-image on her Instagram account. This study aims to find out how self-image can be built through Instagram account posts. This type of research is descriptive research with a qualitative approach method that uses a constructivist paradigm with Ferdinand de Saussure's semiotic theory. The results of this study are self-image on the @maudyayunda Instagram account formed from components of verbal and non-verbal messages which can be seen from the description of photo uploads with dress styles and photo styles at certain moments. So from this study it can be concluded that Maudy Ayunda has a personality in building her image that is passionate about learning, intelligent, inspiring, and has a healthy lifestyle.
Analisis Persepsi Pada Followers Akun @coffeeineseeker Sebagai Sumber Informasi Tentang Coffee Shop Intan Insanni; Poppy Febriana
Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi Vol 10 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi
Publisher : LPPM Stikosa - AWS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37826/spektrum.v10i2.240


Various types or models of social media platforms will continue to emerge and compete with each other to dominate the market, each social media platform has its advantages and disadvantages. The use of social media has become a natural thing in the life of every individual, the urge to stay abreast of what is trending is one of the reasons why someone uses social media. This study specifically discusses Instagram social media. Instagram is one of the platforms that have more users than young people. Instagram contains a variety of interesting and trendy content in different themes and contexts, easy access to Instagram makes it easy for users to find uploads that suit each individual's interests and preferences. To build an image or personality that you want to show on your Instagram account, one of them is by uploading the interests and preferences of each individual. Interests and likes here are for Coffee Shop enthusiasts who follow the @coffeeineseeker account as a source of the latest information about Coffee Shops. This study was conducted to determine the extent of the influence of the @coffeeseker account in providing information about the Coffee Shop by analyzing the perceptions of the followers of the account. The researcher uses a qualitative descriptive approach with the netnographic method, netnography makes it possible to get the answers needed by listening to the conversations that occur on web pages, analyzing the behavior and opinions of users (Bakry, 2017). The @coffeeineseeker account can be considered as a source of information about Coffee Shops triggered by uploaded photos, captions, and Instagram Stories that disseminate certain Coffee Shop promotions and the latest information about Coffee Shops that will be present or have just started operating.
Crosscultural Communication Nias Ethnic and Minangkabau Ethnic in Nagari Sungai Buluah Barat Putra Yendri Zal; Nunik Hariyanti
Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi Vol 10 No 3 (2022): Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi
Publisher : LPPM Stikosa - AWS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37826/spektrum.v10i3.242


Cross-cultural communication occurs between individuals and groups who have different cultural backgrounds. One case of communication in the perspective of cross-cultural communication is between the Nias community and the Minangkabau community in Nagari Sungai Buluah Barat, Padang Pariaman, West Sumatra. This study aims to describe how cross-cultural communication occurs in the Nias and Minangkabau tribal communities in Nagari Sungai Buluah Barat using the six cultural dimensions proposed by Hofstede. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative. The number of resource persons in this study amounted to six people. The data collection techniques used in this study were observation, interviews, documentation, and the Face Negotiation Theory theory to analyze the research results. This study indicates that the Nias and Minangkabau tribes in Nagari Sungai Buluah Barat have reached a form of compromise and mutually accept all conditions of differences and then maintain boundaries in acting to create harmony. They have the awareness that they are only the next generation who continue the concept of life passed down by their ancestors long ago. A Malakok tradition is a form of assimilation of Minangkabau culture to Nias because Nias is an immigrant to Minangkabau land.
Konser Virtual sebagai Gaya Hidup Baru di Era Covid-19 Fitrinanda An Nur; Indah Wenerda; Nur Fatonah; Yuana Palupi
Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi Vol 10 No 3 (2022): Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi
Publisher : LPPM Stikosa - AWS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37826/spektrum.v10i3.243


This study focuses on the virtual concert phenomenon as a new form of adaptation during the COVID-19 period. observe how media transitions affect communication processes and create new lifestyles. This pandemic era changed the order of human life in various social, cultural, and economic aspects. Humans must innovate in this era which then leads to the shift of humans in the use of communication and information technology. This research takes Prambanan Jazz as one of the biggest music concerts and has a cultural background. This international event is one of the biggest music concerts in Indonesia because it has cultural values as identity. Prambanan Jazz is now performing virtual concerts due to the pandemic. The year 2020 is the first year that Prambanan Jazz will perform its virtual concert. Therefore, it is necessary to examine the changes that occur in the communication process during this new model. This research is descriptive qualitative by using Convergence theory. Convergence sees that there is a shift and also the incorporation of old media into new media that can be accessed anywhere and anytime. Convergence offers easy access, and also brings new habits for people who can create new lifestyles. The results show that virtual concerts create a new lifestyle for people because of the transition from direct to indirect forms of communication.
Press Freedom Papua Journalist : an Interpretive Phenomenological Studies Lifita Yiska Tabita Lumenta; Veronika Veronika
Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi Vol 10 No 3 (2022): Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi
Publisher : LPPM Stikosa - AWS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37826/spektrum.v10i3.249


The mass media and Papuan human rights issues are interrelated. In the reporting process, there is one party involved and the most dominant is the journalist profession. Journalists need to prepare themselves and special abilities when they want to cover. Unfortunately, not many people know about the experiences of journalists covering Papuan human rights issues. Therefore, researchers feel that this is important to do to fill the void and increase knowledge. The purpose of this study is to find out how the meaning of the experience journalists in covering and producing news on human rights issues in Papua. This study uses the Phenomenology research method with the flow of Interpretative Phenomenology Analysis (IPA) which is owned by Edmund Husserl. The IPA stream is considered capable of explaining the meaning of experience in detail. Key informants, the researchers chose three journalists who had more than seven to twenty years of experience in covering Papuan human rights issues, with the aim that the information obtained from the informants was broader and deeper. Results The research resulted in three discussion themes. 1) Definition of the journalist profession, namely having to work from the heart, understanding and complying with the Journalistic Code of Ethics, having high ideals, and being able to understand the original character of Papuans; 2) Define self-censorship, namely by having a strong mentality, being brave, informative, and producing news that can be accounted for; 3) Freedom of the press, which is considered very lacking, especially in Papua.
Strategi Komunikasi PT Airmas Perkasa dalam Meningkatkan Hubungan dengan External Stakeholder di Masa Pandemi Aisyahna Aulia; Stevani
Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi Vol 10 No 3 (2022): Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi
Publisher : LPPM Stikosa - AWS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37826/spektrum.v10i3.255


The COVID-19 pandemic, which has spread throughout the world, poses a challenge for business people in implementing a communication strategy to reach out to their stakeholders. In addition to maintaining and enhancing the company's good name in public, a communication strategy is also useful for improving relationships with company stakeholders, both internal and external stakeholders. This research was conducted using descriptive qualitative research methods, based on the interactional communication strategy by Wilbur Schramm. The results of the research findings show that the implementation of the communication strategy carried out by PT Air Mas Perkasa uses the communication media Instagram, Youtube, Zoom, and interpersonal communication in improving relationships with stakeholders, especially external stakeholders during the COVID-19 pandemic. The feedback obtained after using social media as a company communication medium is public awareness about PT Air Mas Perkasa.
Pengaruh Daya Tarik Pesan Promosi Penjualan, Endorsement Beauty Influencer Terhadap Minat Beli Followers Instagram Rose All Day Jessica A Larasati; Daniel Susilo
Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi Vol 10 No 2 (2022): Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi
Publisher : LPPM Stikosa - AWS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37826/spektrum.v10i2.269


The extensive use of social media by Indonesian marketers has encouraged local cosmetic company, Rose All Day Cosmetics, to use Instagram as a sales promotion and endorsement platform. Petty & Cacioppo's Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM) theory is used in this study, such as the attractiveness theory of promotional messages, endorsement theory, and buying interest theory. These conditions underlie this research which aims to see whether the attractiveness of sales promotion messages, endorsements from beauty influencers have an impact on buying interest. This research is a quantitative explanatory study that relies on surveys as a data collection tool. Questionnaires were distributed to the study population via Instagram's direct message feature to the 102,000 followers of the account, who used the Yamane formula for Rose All Day Cosmetics. This study uses a non-probability sampling technique called purposive sampling, which involves selecting 398 people who meet predetermined criteria. Multiple linear regression is the data analysis method used in this study. The researcher found that the attractiveness of sales promotion messages on the Rose All Day Cosmetics Instagram account and endorsements by beauty influencers had a significant effect on followers' purchase intentions up to 53.2 percent, with the remaining 48.7 percent influenced by factors outside the study. However, these two variables have a significant effect on followers' purchase intentions. In conclusion, the attractiveness of sales promotion messages and endorsements has a significant effect on followers' buying interest partially or simultaneously on each of the variables studied
The Effect of Information and Threat Emotion on Buying Decision of Masks by the Indonesian Community in Preventing Covid-19 Virus Wilda Nasution; Ratih Hasanah Sudrajat
Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi Vol 10 No 3 (2022): Jurnal Spektrum Komunikasi
Publisher : LPPM Stikosa - AWS

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.37826/spektrum.v10i3.270


In making buying decisions, consumers are always driven by needs or motivation. Many previous studies have proven the role of various forms of motivation in influencing the judgment that leads to buying decisions. One form of motivation is the threat emotion. Not much research has been done on how emotions influence consumer decision making. Fear turns out to be an internal pressure for consumers and urges them to reduce tension by making decisions. Using data obtained from 400 respondents, this study aims to measure the influence of information and threat emotion on the decision to buy masks by the Indonesian people to prevent the Covid-19 virus. The results show the significant influence of information and threat emotion on their purchase decisions because they believe that masks are the answer to prevent and reduce their fear of the Covid-19 virus.

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