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Brawijaya Journal of Social Science
Published by Universitas Brawijaya
ISSN : 28097068     EISSN : 28097025     DOI :
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Our journal covers the following areas of study in the current context: Community Development, Education, and Social Transformation Cultural and Postcolonial Studies Democracy, Citizenship, and Civil Society Economy, Organization, and Society Gender and Family Studies Inclusion, Social Justice, and Social Policy Industrial and Labor Relations Peace, Conflict, and Security Studies Rural and Urban Ecology, Disaster Studies, and Environmental Justice Rural and Urban Sociology Science, Technology, and Society Sociology of Crime Sociology of Religion Sociology of Sports
Articles 70 Documents
Kondisi Para Pekerja Industri Alas Kaki di Indonesia Pasca Pemutusan Hubungan Kerja (PHK) di Masa Pandemi Global COVID-19 Genta Mahardhika Rozalinna; Regina Cita Berdida
Brawijaya Journal of Social Science Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Social Problems and COVID-19 Pandemic
Publisher : Sociology Department, Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.bjss.2022.001.02.3


ABSTRACTThe global COVID-19 pandemic has an impact not only on the health sector but also on the industrial sector, especially the footwear industry in various countries such as France, Germany, England, Japan, and also Indonesia. This article discusses specifically the social problems that occur among footwear industry workers in Indonesia after termination of employment (PHK) during the global COVID-19 pandemic. Prior to the pandemic, the footwear industry in Indonesia was running well, and Indonesia was even the fourth country in the world to produce the most footwear in 2018. The production of these footwear was 1.4 billion pairs of footwear which is equivalent to 4.6 percent of the total footwear production worldwide, apart from China, India and Vietnam. The research method used in the writing is descriptive qualitative, which is carried out with data collection methods through in-depth interviews, observations, and journal articles that also discuss problems in the footwear industry. The informants interviewed were a married couple who experienced the termination of employment during the pandemic. The results of this study include: (1) laying off workers, which is one of the options that emerged during the pandemic to close the termination of employment status; (2) when workers were laid off for several months, they did not receive wages, which then led to termination of employment on the grounds that the company is no longer able to carry out production and is declared bankrupt; (3) Workers who have had their employment terminated include both permanent and casual daily workers; (4) casual daily workers who do not receive severance pay; and (5) permanent daily workers who are rehired as casual daily workers.
Analisis RAPFISH Pada Studi Keberlanjutan Pembangunan Kawasan Wisata Heritage Kajoetangan di Kota Malang Isnaeni Hasri Idris; Tania Narawida; Rachma Dian Agustin; Dinda Oktaviani; Muhammad Bilal Hidayat
Brawijaya Journal of Social Science Vol. 2 No. 2 (2023): Environmental and Civil Society
Publisher : Sociology Department, Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.bjss.2023.002.02.1


Kayutangan Heritage Tourism Village is one of Malang City's tourist villages, providing cultural tourism and historical education during the Dutch colonial time. This Kayutangan Heritage Tourism Village offers numerous potentials, including tourism that includes Dutch colonial art, local and international tourists' favorite culinary, and cultural and religious aspects. However, certain people from the local government and Pokdarwis Kayutangan remain skeptical about establishing the Kayutangan Heritage Tourism Village. Furthermore, the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in a decrease in the number of tourists and the local community's income. This study aimed to analyze the sustainability aspects of the development of Kayutangan Heritage Tourism Village, which is reviewed from the economic, social, ecological, legal, and institutional dimensions. The research method used was Rapid Appraisal for Fisheries (RAPFISH) with Multi-Dimensional Scaling (MDS) coordination techniques. The study also used questionnaires distributed to 30 respondents. The results showed that the overall sustainability index value was 54.31, with a "fairly sustainable" category. The value of the sustainability index in the ecological dimension was 59.45, the social was 57.06, the institutional legal was 56.30, and the dimension was categorized as "quite sustainable". While the economic dimension had a value of 44.39, which was categorized as "less sustainable". Based on all the sustainability analysis results, the development of Kayutangan Heritage Tourism Village needs to pay attention to all dimensions considering that there are still obstacles to building tourist villages, such as improving coordination between managers and sustainably building tourism villages.
Menantang Tembok Patriarki: Aktivis Perempuan LRC KJHAM dan Upaya Advokasi Kasus KDRT di Kota Semarang Alya Meuthia Zahwa; Wida Ayu Puspitosari
Brawijaya Journal of Social Science Vol. 1 No. 2 (2022): Social Problems and COVID-19 Pandemic
Publisher : Sociology Department, Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.bjss.2022.001.02.5


Domestic violence is one among common violence in Indonesia. It has been a critical problem that women activists are striving for solutions. However, in finding ways out of this problem, they frequently face challenges, both structurally and culturally, which also affect some who devote their efforts at the Legal Resources Center for Gender Justice and Human Rights (LRC KJHAM). Challenges at the structural and cultural levels eventually became serious obstacles to fight for rights and justice for the victims, as well as promoting gender in Semarang. This article discusses the structural and cultural obstacles of one of the women's activist groups in Semarang, namely the women activists at the Legal Resources Center for Gender Justice and Human Rights (LRC KJHAM).
Brawijaya Journal of Social Science Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Kajian Ruang Sosial-Budaya (JKRSB) is continued as Brawijaya Journal of
Publisher : Sociology Department, Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.sosiologi.jkrsb.2020.004.1.02


Assassin’s Creed Odyssey; the newest entry in Assassin’s Creed series, provides interesting expressions of historical dominant Ancient Greece. The most unique and outstanding aspects of its expressions are those of war profiteering in Ancient Greece and its intersection with modern concepts and processes of war profiteering. Through textual analysis of the game’s sign systems and rules, it is discovered that this game also strongly enforces perpetuated violent methods as means of profiteering through codification of those methods into key ludic rules of the game which create dissonance between its story and its gameplay. Finally, this research is expected provide new insight about expressions of union between violence and profit making in digital games.
Brawijaya Journal of Social Science Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Kajian Ruang Sosial-Budaya (JKRSB) is continued as Brawijaya Journal of
Publisher : Sociology Department, Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.sosiologi.jkrsb.2020.004.1.03


Deradicalization literacy is the ability and knowledge of individuals to be able to search, manage and use information that has been obtained in an effort to evaluate the information about the ideology of radicalism they receive. The ability of deradicalization literacy must be possessed by every individual in the case of radicalism is a serious problem and is a cruel act of violence and a form of betrayal against the government. The purpose of this study is to find out how the concept of deradicalization literacy can be applied in studying the radicalism event "The Stabbing of MENKOPOLHUKAM Mr.Wiranto, Menes Pandeglang Banten". The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative approach to literature study. The results of this study are the deradicalization literacy is the first step in fighting the ideology of radicalism and all elements of society have an active role in doing so to maintain the integrity of the life of the nation and state.Keywords: Radicalism, Deradicalism Literacy, Religion, Nationalism, Citizenship Education
Punden Mbah Onggo Dongso: Tata Kelakuan dalam Legitimasi The Beyond (Studi di Dusun Tlogorejo, Desa Bumiaji, Kecamatan Bumiaji, Kota Batu) muhammad muhammad hayat
Brawijaya Journal of Social Science Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Kajian Ruang Sosial-Budaya (JKRSB) is continued as Brawijaya Journal of
Publisher : Sociology Department, Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.sosiologi.jkrsb.2020.004.1.04


AbstractKey words: Behavior, Legitimacy, The Beyond            Villagers Culture is inseparable with their vertical relation to nature. Nature is understood as a sign of caring, protecting and blessing. That concept places nature as the beyond. In the beyond, nature is placed as “thing” which has legitimacy. This phenomenon also happens in Tlogorejo District, Bumiaji Village, Bumiaji Regency Batu City. One of “thing” which is considered as the beyond is Punden Mbah Onggo Dốngso. Punden becomes a place where villagers go to ask for permission if they will hold or certain event such as wedding, khitan or other villagers events. It happens that the sign of nature has a lofty position as a sacred one or the beyond. This statement reflects the truly high degree of respect.            The beyond refers to the unseen reality as the basic power which can give a sign of protection on welfare for society when that place has been understood as the way society care, keep and perform contemplation ritual. Finally the elaboration of the three concepts has encouraged the society to always remember and want to know about the good power of Punden Mbah Onggo Dongso. Therefore the society continuously consider Punden Mbah Onggo Dongso as a place to consult or ask permission before they hold whatever events they want to have.                This research uses qualitative approach with deep analysis through verstehen method from Max Weber. The analysis is done using cyclical method from Miles and Huberman. The result shows that Punden Mbah Onggo Dongso is a from òf celebrating the presence of subject. It is a process of firming the legitimacy and behavior of the collective society. And the conclusion is Punden Mbah Onggo Dongso has become a way of society in appreciating the pagan in their daily behavior norms.       
Whatsapp : The Dispute between Social Media Using and Hoax Spreading isma adila; Widya Pujarama; Arif Budi Prasetya; Ika Rizki Yustisia
Brawijaya Journal of Social Science Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Kajian Ruang Sosial-Budaya (JKRSB) is continued as Brawijaya Journal of
Publisher : Sociology Department, Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.sosiologi.jkrsb.2020.004.1.05


Realizing good governance in communication activities through the media in Indonesia is not easy. Social media besides providing convenience also bring negative impacts for its users. Disinformation or hoax messages are disseminated via Whatsapp cause panic and anxiety. The older adult or the so-called silver surfer group is claimed to be a vulnerable group that consumes and/or disseminates hoax messages because their consumption patterns of media products are often carried out in the form of reinforcing their personal opinions, not cross-check information received. This study uses qualitative research methods with the aim to provide an overview of phenomenon about the spread of hoax messages by the older adult in their Whatsapp group and the social consequences. The lack of understanding media literacy impacts the difficulty of differentiating factual information and hoaxes. This research provides education to the public about the importance of media literacy, especially in the dissemination of disinformation, as well as giving an overview about the importance of media literacy, especially in the scope of the smallest organization, families. This also can be an academic consideration for the risk mitigation activities of the spread of hoax messages that were practiced by the Ministry of Information and Communication (Kominfo RI).
Dimensi-Dimensi Sosiologis Migrasi Buruh Migran Perempuan Indonesia Ayu Kusumastuti; Lynn Thiesmeyer
Brawijaya Journal of Social Science Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Kajian Ruang Sosial-Budaya (JKRSB) is continued as Brawijaya Journal of
Publisher : Sociology Department, Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.sosiologi.jkrsb.2020.004.1.06


AbstrakArtikel ini berusaha untuk menjelaskan dimensi-dimensi sosiologis buruh migran perempuan yang bekeja di sektor Domestik di Indonesia. Indonesia adalah negera terbesar pengirim buruh migran perempuan domestik di Dunia. Banyaknya tenaga kerja yang dikirim ini, terkait dengan kondisi di perdesaan yang dianggap kurang bisa memenuhi kebutuhan hidup. Dengan analisa sosiologis, artikel ini berusaha menjelaskan dengan kerangka mikro melaui analisa deprivasi relatif individu, dalam kerangka meso melalui penjelasan tentang perubahan interaksional dalam keluraga buruh migran perempuan dan terakhir dengan penjelasan makro yaitu pada bekerjanya sistem nilai, norma, kepercayaan dan jaringan dalam sistem migrasi.Kata kunci: buruh migran perempuan, deprivasi, perubahan sosial, sistem sosialAbstractThis article attempt to describe sociological dimensions of Indonesia female migrant workers working in the domestic sector. Indonesia is the largest sending country of female migrant worker in the world. The large ammount of female workers sent to overseas has related with the condidtion in the rural area considered less able to fulfill the people needs. With the sociological analysis, this article tries to explain with the micro framework through individual relative deprivation analysis. In the messo framework, it will be explained by interactional social change in the female migrant workers family. In the end, this article also completes the analysis with macro analysis that emphasizes on the work of social value, social norm, trust and network in migration system. Keywords: female migrant worker, deprivation, social change, social system
PERSEPSI MASYARAKAT MENGENAI PEMBANGUNAN TPA BENOWO OLEH PEMERINTAH KOTA SURABAYA nimas noormala; tito baskara; bella damayanti; neny sujianti; agus fauzi
Brawijaya Journal of Social Science Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Kajian Ruang Sosial-Budaya (JKRSB) is continued as Brawijaya Journal of
Publisher : Sociology Department, Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.sosiologi.jkrsb.2020.004.1.07


Dalam penelitian ini masyarakat sekitaran Benowo dihadapkan dengan kehadiran pembangunan TPA yang berdekatan dengan lingkungan mereka. Berbagai dampak negatif dirasakan oleh masyarakat pada mulanya. Dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif dengan pengambilan informan random sampling yang berlokasi di barat Surabaya yaitu Benowo. Persepsi masyarakat sekiyar TPA Benowo nantinya akan dikaji menggunakan teori konstruksi masyarakat. Hasil akhir dari penelitian ini yaitu dengan adanya pembangunan TPA yang semakin lama mendatangkan dampak positif bagi masyarakat. Masyarakat merasa diuntungkan dengan kehadiran TPA tersebut karena adanya fasilitas yang mendukung di wilayah sekitaran Benowo tersebut. Dengan adanya pembangunan berkelanjutan oleh Pemerintah Kota Surabaya berdasar pada tiga aspek yaitu lingkungan, sosial, dan ekonomi diharapkan dapat bermanfaat bagi masyarakat sekitar.
Kesenian Disabilitas di Kota Makassar Slamet - Thohari
Brawijaya Journal of Social Science Vol. 4 No. 1 (2020): Jurnal Kajian Ruang Sosial-Budaya (JKRSB) is continued as Brawijaya Journal of
Publisher : Sociology Department, Brawijaya University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21776/ub.sosiologi.jkrsb.2020.004.1.08


The government and the people of Makassar have not paid attention to disability arts. The government does not provide serious and professional arts training to persons with disabilities. Disability art is only considered as an activity to fill leisure time and only displayed to intersperse events held by the government. Disability art is not seen as a serious work by the public. People only see from the side of their disability they assume that a person with a disability who has a work is an extraordinary thing and makes it inspiration inspiration. Disability and arts organizations collaborate and continue to struggle to bring up new works so that art is not only for non-disabled people. This new art was raised so that disability art was taken seriously and became a profession.