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LITERAL: Disability Studies Journal
Published by Piramida Akademi
ISSN : -     EISSN : 30249600     DOI : -
LITERAL: Disability Studies Journal publishes peer-reviewed original articles in the field of disability studies that aim to encourage an inclusive society. The scope of this journal includes various efforts in developing potential and improving the quality of services for disabilities which consist of: Special and Inclusive Education, Psychological treatment for the disability, Guidance and Counseling for Children with Special Needs, Empowerment of families with disabilities, Vocational education and the world of work with disabilities, Accessibility, Collaboration of educational institutions - families - communities, Assistive Technology. This journal is published by PIRAMIDA AKADEMI The journal is published in online versions twice a year (April & October). The online version is free to access and download. ISSN 3024-9600.
Articles 8 Documents
Pelaksanaan pembelajaran keterampilan vokasional bagi siswa autis di masa Pandemi Covid-19 Ulfa Alfiyati
LITERAL: Disability Studies Journal Vol. 1 No. 01 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Piramida Akademi

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Abstract: The research describes the implementation of vocational learning to make salted eggs: (1) observing other programs and environmental collaboration, (2) adapting the program to the basic competencies of other subjects, (3) involving students in program planning, (4) linking the program with real-world experiences, (5) adapting pre-vocational materials to the real world, (6) research-based vocational learning methods, (7) integrating programs with the school community, and (8) real-world authentic strengthening during school visit activities at Autisma Dian Amanah Yogyakarta SLB during the COVID pandemic -19. This research uses a qualitative case study approach. The research subjects were one vocational supervisor for making salted eggs and two autistic students who took part in the program. Data collection includes interviews, observation, and documentation. Data analysis techniques by condensing and presenting data, as well as drawing conclusions. The results showed: (1) the determination of the program was carried out only through collaboration between parties inside and outside the school, observation was not yet possible, (2) the program was adjusted to the basic competencies of other subjects, (3) the choices, interests and strengths of students were involved in planning, ( 4) teaching academic skills; functional writing, reading, and arithmetic are not yet consistent, teaching vocational skills; money management has not been carried out because of students' abilities, vocational communication has been carried out, decision-making abilities have not been fully carried out, and performance in routine work functions related to making salted eggs has been carried out, (5) teaching of filling out forms and job interviews has not been carried out, (6) research-based learning methods in the form of teacher's past experience and application of methods from year to year, (7) the program is integrated with teachers, principals, administrative staff, parents, and other students, and (8) real-world authentic reinforcement through social reinforcement, food or drink, and other objects or activities. Abstrak: Penelitian mendeskripsikan pelaksanaan pembelajaran vokasional pembuatan telur asin: (1) observasi program lain dan kolaborasi lingkungan, (2) penyesuaian program dengan kompetensi dasar mata pelajaran lain, (3) pelibatan siswa dalam perencanaan program, (4) penghubungan program dengan pengalaman dunia nyata, (5) penyesuaian materi pravokasional dengan dunia nyata, (6) metode pembelajaran vokasional berbasis penelitian, (7) pengintegrasian program dengan komunitas sekolah, dan (8) penguatan autentik dunia nyata saat aktivitas kunjung sekolah di SLB Autisma Dian Amanah Yogyakarta pada masa pandemi COVID-19. Penelitian menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif studi kasus. Subjek penelitian adalah satu pembimbing vokasional pembuatan telur asin beserta dua siswa autis yang mengikuti program. Pengumpulan data meliputi wawancara, observasi, dan dokumentasi. Teknik analisis data dengan kondensasi dan penyajian data, serta penarikan kesimpulan. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan: (1) penentuan program dilakukan hanya melalui kolaborasi pihak dalam dan luar sekolah, observasi belum memungkinkan, (2) program disesuaikan dengan kompetensi dasar mata pelajaran lain, (3) pilihan, minat, dan kekuatan siswa dilibatkan dalam perencanaan, (4) pengajaran keterampilan akademik; menulis, membaca, dan berhitung fungsional belum konsisten, pengajaran keterampilan vokasional; pengelolaan uang belum dilakukan karena kemampuan siswa, komunikasi vokasional dilakukan, kemampuan memutuskan belum sepenuhnya dilakukan, dan kinerja dalam fungsi pekerjaan rutin terkait pembuatan telur asin dilakukan, (5) pengajaran pengisian formulir dan wawancara pekerjaan belum dilakukan, (6) metode pembelajaran berdasarkan penelitian berupa pengalaman masa lalu guru dan penerapan metode dari tahun ke tahun, (7) program diintegrasikan dengan guru, kepala sekolah, staf tata usaha, orang tua, dan siswa lain, dan (8) penguatan autentik dunia nyata melalui penguatan sosial, makanan atau minuman, dan benda atau aktivitas lain.
Program pembelajaran bagi siswa dengan ADHD di SDN Rejowinangun Yogyakarta Fera Novami; Bima Prakoso
LITERAL: Disability Studies Journal Vol. 1 No. 01 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Piramida Akademi

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This study aims to obtain an overview of the learning program for students with ADHD  at Rejowinangun Elementary School in the 2020/2021 academic year. This descriptive qualitative research had subjects consisted of a class teacher and a student who had been diagnosed with ADHD. Data was collected through interviews and observation. The data validity was conducted by increasing persistence, triangulation, and using reference materials. Data analysis techniques was carried out by collecting data, reducing data, presenting data, and drawing conclusions. The results of this study illustrate that it needs to carry out further studies regarding efforts to overcome various problems of teacher capacity in designing appropriate learning for students in inclusive schools, dealing with behavioral problems, and establishing cooperation with parents/guardians as a support system for children's success. Further research is still needed with more subjects and locations by other researchers in order to get a more in-depth study of learning practices for students with ADHD in inclusive schools.
Penerapan Isyarat Huruf Hijaiyyah dalam meningkatkan kemampuan membaca Al-Qur’an bagi anak tunarungu Nurdyansyah Nurdyansyah; Nunuk Pujiati
LITERAL: Disability Studies Journal Vol. 1 No. 01 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Piramida Akademi

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This study intends to describe the implementation of learning techniques "Hijaiyyah letter signs" to improve the reading ability of the Qur'an for children with hearing loss. Hijaiyyah letter signs are very helpful for deaf children who have hearing impairments in improving their ability to read the Qur'an. A descriptive qualitative research approach was used in this study. In this study, observation, interviews, and documentation were used as data collection methods. To ensure the correctness and validity of the data, the analytical method in this study uses data triangulation, namely checking the consistency between the results of interview data, observation data, and documentation data. Before applying Hijaiyyah letter cues, the ability of deaf children to read the Qur'an showed an average value of 52.45, after applying Hijaiyyah letter cues, the ability to read Al-Qur'an showed an average value of 79.85. This leads to the conclusion that the use of Hijaiyyah sign language has a significant positive impact on the ability of deaf children to read the Qur'an. 
Dampak penerapan adaptasi kurikulum pada perubahan sikap siswa dalam aspek kerja sama dan partisipasi di sekolah inklusif Aulia Sulthon Wiji Pasha; Dinar Westri Andini; Dyan Indah Purnama Sari
LITERAL: Disability Studies Journal Vol. 1 No. 01 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Piramida Akademi

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Setiap anak pada dasarnya memiliki karakteristik dan kebutuhan belajar yang berbeda-beda. Namun, sering kali guru menganggap semua anak itu sama. Penelitian ini secara deskriptif bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dampak dari penerapan adaptasi kurikulum terhadap perubahan sikap siswa dalam aspek kerja sama dan partisipasi. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dengan menggunakan teknik pemilihan subjek purposive sampling. Sumber data penelitian ini adalah guru kelas VI dan tiga siswa kelas VI. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa model adaptasi kurikulum telah diterapkan di SDN Demakijo II, dengan melakukan akomodasi berupa pemilihan metode pembelajaran, setting tempat, dan penggunaan dokter untuk modifikasi berupa penurunan indikator dan pemberian soal yang berbeda-beda ketika ulangan harian. Hal tersebut berdampak positif teerhadap kerja sama dan partisipasi siswa yang mana dengan akomodasi dan modifikasi yang dipilih dapat meningkatkan kerja sama dan partisipasi siswa. Dalam proses pembelajaran siswa berperan aktif dengan berdiskusi, saling bantu, bertanya, dan sebagainya. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat membantu guru mengetahui kemampuan dan potensi masing-masing anak sehingga dapat memperoleh layanan yang sesuai dengan karakteristik dan kebutuhan belajarnya sehingga dapat meningkatkan kerja sama dan partisipasi anak dalam proses pembelajaran.
Eksplorasi media Balok Dienes dalam mengakomodasi keberagaman siswa pada pembelajaran Matematika di sekolah dasar Shintia Hafifah; Trisniawati Trisniawati; Abdul Rahim
LITERAL: Disability Studies Journal Vol. 1 No. 01 (2023): April 2023
Publisher : Piramida Akademi

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This study aims to describe the use of Dienes beam media for third grade students who have problems in learning mathematics, namely students are less active and less enthusiastic in participating in the learning process. The results of this study are (1) Planning for learning mathematics using The Dienes block media (2) The process of using The Dienes block media in learning mathematics with the concept of addition and subtraction for class III students of SD Negeri Glagah. This research was conducted at SD Negeri Glagah Yogyakarta starting on January 20 2023 until February 28 2023. The method used in this research is a qualitative descriptive method. The primary data were in the form of interviews and observations obtained from the results of interviews with teachers and third grade students, while the secondary data in this study were the results of student research documentation. Researchers in analyzing data used an interactive model from Miles and Huberman which was divided into several stages, namely data collection, data reduction, data display, and conclusion drawing/verification. Checking the validity of the researcher's data uses triangulation and increases persistence.
Pengaruh permainan Uno Card berbasis Matematika terhadap kemampuan mengenal lambang bilangan 1-10 pada anak tunagrahita ringan kelas III SLB Bangun Putra Kasihan Zanatika Syafitri
LITERAL: Disability Studies Journal Vol. 1 No. 02 (2023): Oktober 2023
Publisher : Piramida Akademi

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The math-based uno card game can be used in recognizing number symbols, because it is a fun activity and the material being taught is conveyed. Researchers are trying to use this math-based uno card game to improve their ability to recognize number symbols. This study aims to find out the math-based uno card game in the ability to recognize number symbols in class III mild mentally retarded children at Bangun Putra Kasihan SLB. The approach used in this study is quantitative, with experimental methods. The design used in this study is the pre-test-post test experimental design. Data collection techniques used tests and documentation, then the data were analyzed using the Wilcoxon test. The results showed that there was an effect of the math-based uno card game on the ability to recognize number symbols 1-10 in children with mild mental retardation. Based on this research, it can be concluded that the math-based uno card game is effective in increasing the ability to recognize number symbols 1-10.
Implementasi program pendidikan inklusif bagi siswa tunagrahita di Sekolah Dasar Kabupaten Garut Jawa Barat Yanti Sam Amir; Nurlita Cahyani; Iqbal Permana
LITERAL: Disability Studies Journal Vol. 1 No. 02 (2023): Oktober 2023
Publisher : Piramida Akademi

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Education and the administration of education must be managed well therefore increases  the quality of students. One of the determining and supporting factors is the teacher. The role of teachers in elementary schools is really needed because elementary school students still need support from the environment in their learning process, especially students with special needs in inclusive elementary schools. This research aims to determine the implementation of the inclusive education program as well as school and teacher support activities for ABK students in inclusive education services and the obstacles they face. This research was conducted at three state elementary schools in the city of Garut. The subjects of this research were school principals, teachers and children with special needs. This research method uses qualitative methods through descriptive analysis techniques with case study studies using observation, interviews and document studies. The research results show that the mentally retarded students need special educational services which can develop their potential optimally. The curriculum and learning process need to be specifically designed to suit their needs. Inclusive education is a strategy in education where all students with special needs can receive the same educational services in regular schools. The inhibiting factor in this implementation are (1)  the lack of teachers who have the competence to handle children with mentally retarded in elementary schools, (2) the lack of available facilities and infrastructure, and (3) the lack of coordination and communication that supports the implementation of inclusive schools.  
Peningkatan kapasitas guru SD di Kecamatan Bambanglipuro dalam akomodasi siswa berkebutuhan khusus Ernisa Purwandari; Suparno Suparno; Nurdayati Praptiningrum; Hermanto Hermanto; Sari Rudiyati; Ibnu Syamsi; Haryanto Haryanto
LITERAL: Disability Studies Journal Vol. 1 No. 02 (2023): Oktober 2023
Publisher : Piramida Akademi

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This study aims to increase teachers' knowledge about (1) assessment of students with special needs; (2) choosing the right learning strategy for students with special needs; (3) compiling learning programs for students with special needs in schools providing inclusive education. This research is action research. The research subjects were 44 elementary school teachers in Cluster 01 UPT PP, Bambanglipuro District. Collection techniques are used with tests, observations, interviews, and documentation. Data analysis was performed by descriptive analysis. The results showed an increase in three areas, namely: (1) teachers' knowledge in conducting assessments of children with special needs according to the characteristics of their needs, (2) teachers' knowledge in choosing learning strategies for children with special needs; (3) knowledge and compiling learning programs for children with special needs.

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