Jurnal Informatika: Jurnal Pengembangan IT
The scope encompasses the Informatics Engineering, Computer Engineering and information Systems., but not limited to, the following scope: 1. Information Systems Information management e-Government E-business and e-Commerce Spatial Information Systems Geographical Information Systems IT Governance and Audits IT Service Management IT Project Management Information System Development Research Methods of Information Systems Software Quality Assurance 2. Computer Engineering Intelligent Systems Network Protocol and Management Robotic Computer Security Information Security and Privacy Information Forensics Network Security Protection Systems 3. Informatics Engineering Software Engineering Soft Computing Data Mining Information Retrieval Multimedia Technology Mobile Computing Artificial Intelligence Games Programming Computer Vision Image Processing, Embedded System Augmented/ Virtual Reality Image Processing Speech Recognition
297 Documents
Prototipe Automatic Air Filtration Memanfaatkan Mikrokontroler ATmega328 Sebagai Air Quality Control
Ahmad Roihan;
Muhamad Asep Damyati
Jurnal Informatika: Jurnal Pengembangan IT Vol 3, No 1 (2018): JPIT, Januari 2018
Publisher : Politeknik Harapan Bersama
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DOI: 10.30591/jpit.v3i1.658
The growing awareness of the global community in creating and maintaining healthy air quality, encouraging various institutions and companies to implement environmental management system. Through proper supervision and control, environment with clean air condition will improve the productivity of employees in the workplace and reduce the number of absentee employees with ill reasons that can hinder the production process in the company. Environmental management system implemented at PT. Inter World Steel Mills Indonesia, encouraging the company to better air control quality in the work environment. To support the ongoing environmental management system, an Arduino-based air monitoring and control device is established which can detect air pollution and control it with air filtration and inform air quality level through short message service to related parties. The aim of this research is to determine the air quality levels and then improve the air quality that will have a positive impact on the environment and health of employees.
Deteksi Malware menggunakan Metode Stacking berbasis Ensemble
Fauzi Adi Rafrastara;
Catur Supriyanto;
Cinantya Paramita;
Yani Parti Astuti
Jurnal Informatika: Jurnal Pengembangan IT Vol 8, No 1 (2023)
Publisher : Politeknik Harapan Bersama
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DOI: 10.30591/jpit.v8i1.4606
Serangan malware kian hari kian memprihatinkan. Evolusi malware yang cepat dan semakin destruktif menimbulkan kekhawatiran bagi banyak pihak. Oleh karena itu, deteksi malware yang efektif sangat dibutuhkan. Data mining memainkan peran yang krusial dalam bidang ini, mengingat algoritma-algoritma yang ada pada data mining bisa dilatih hingga menghasilkan akurasi yang paling tinggi. Untuk mengklasifikasi suatu file, apakah tergolong malware atau tidak, dalam penelitian ini metode stacking digunakan karena dapat meningkatkan akurasi jika dibandingkan dengan algoritma-algoritma klasifikasi konvensional. Empat Algoritma dilibatkan dalam eksperimen yang dilakukan, yaitu: Neural Network, Random Forest, kNN, dan Logistic Regression. Tiga algoritma pertama digunakan sebagai classifier pada level 0, sementara itu Logistic Regression digunakan classifier pada level 1 (meta classifier). Dengan kombinasi 4 algoritma tersebut, akurasi yang diperoleh adalah sebesar 98.7%, dan akurasi tersebut merupakan yang paling tinggi jika dibandingkan dengan masing-masing algoritma jika dieksekusi secara individual.
Visualisasi Data Analisa Sentimen RUU Omnibus Law Kesehatan Menggunakan KNN dengan Software RapidMiner
Tupari Tupari;
Syaukani Abdullah;
Chairani Chairani
Jurnal Informatika: Jurnal Pengembangan IT Vol 8, No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Politeknik Harapan Bersama
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DOI: 10.30591/jpit.v8i3.5641
The government's decision to discuss the RUU Omnibus law on health has become a controversial topic in society, especially among users of the Twitter social media platform. Users express their opinions regarding their stance on the RUU Omnibus law through tweets on Twitter. With diverse comments from users, it is essential to classify and visualize them into useful information about the positive and negative sentiments towards the RUU on health. This is crucial to understand the public's response to this policy. A total of 2406 sentiment data from Twitter users were collected using the RapidMiner software. Before analyzing the data using the K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm, data preprocessing was carried out. After preprocessing, 2.406 data points were obtained, which were then divided into 1.684 tweets for testing and 722 tweets for training. The data was then processed using the KNN algorithm model executed in the RapidMiner software. The results of the data processing were presented in the form of tables, graphs, and word clouds, aligning with the research objective of providing clear and easily understandable visualizations about the RUU on health. This facilitates understanding for stakeholders without technical backgrounds to grasp the meaning and sentiments expressed. The research results indicate that the testing of K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) yielded a high accuracy value, making it well-visualized at 84.58%. This indicates that the KNN model is highly successful in analyzing Twitter users' opinions on the Health Omnibus Law based on the data used and its ability to visualize effectively
Conditional Neural Fields untuk Pengenalan Fase Gerak
Intan Nurma Yulita
Jurnal Informatika: Jurnal Pengembangan IT Vol 2, No 1 (2017): JPIT, Januari 2017
Publisher : Politeknik Harapan Bersama
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DOI: 10.30591/jpit.v2i1.432
Pengenalan pola merupakan area informatika yang banyak dikaji hingga saat ini. Hal ini dikarenakan pemanfaatannya yang luas diterapkan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Di dalam makalah ini disajikan pengenalan pola untuk gerakan khususnya fase gerak. Secara khusus pengenalan fase gerak di dalam makalah ini menitik beratkan pada pengenalan pola pada data berbentuk sekuensial. Pengenalan ini dapat saja mengabaikan faktor sekuensialnya, namun tentu akan menurunkan akurasi yang akan diperoleh. Oleh karena itu untuk mengatasi tantangan tersebut, maka ditawarkan penggunaan Conditional Neural Fields (CNF). Metode ini merupakan gabungan antara Conditional Random Fields (CRF) dan Artifisial Neural Networks (ANN). Representasi ANN disajikan dalam bentuk gate pada lapisan tengah dari CRF. Lapisan ini bertujuan untuk memetakan hubungan non-linear antara input dan output yang terdapat di dalam data. Sebagai hasilnya diperoleh bahwa CNF terbukti lebih efektif dan efisien dibandingkan CRF berdasarkan akurasi dan banyaknya iterasi yang dibutuhkan. Namun penggunaan terlalu banyak gate ternyata tidak efektif dikarenakan konvergensi dari model pengenalan semakin sulit tercapai. Di sisi lain, jika hanya satu gate yang digunakan maka konvergensi tercapai namun akuarsi yang diperoleh rendah. Sehingga diperlukan upaya untuk menemukan banyaknya gate optimal yang diperlukan.
Deteksi Pengendara Mengantuk dengan Kombinasi Haar Cascade Classifier dan Support Vector Machine
Hepatika Zidny Ilmadina;
Dyah Apriliani;
Dega Surono Wibowo
Jurnal Informatika: Jurnal Pengembangan IT Vol 7, No 1 (2022): JPIT, Januari 2022
Publisher : Politeknik Harapan Bersama
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DOI: 10.30591/jpit.v7i1.3346
Microsleep sering terjadi pada aktivitas kita tanpa disadari, terutama pada saat berkendara. Hal tersebut menjadi salah satu faktor penyebab kecelakaan yang diakibatkan kesalahan manusia seperti mengantuk, tidak fokus, dan kelelahan menyumbangkan porsi 61%, selain itu 9% dikarenakan faktor kendaraan, serta 30% disebabkan oleh faktor prasarana dan lingkungan. Beberapa teknik deteksi microsleep melalui kedipan mata telah dikembangkan antara lain menggunakan eye aspect ratio, yaitu thresholding manual dengan menetapkan detik minimal mata menutup/berkedip. Pada penelitian ini dilakukan deteksi pengendara mengantuk dengan kombinasi Haar Cascade yang mengklasifikasi wajah pengendara, serta metode Support Vector Machine yang mampu menentukan mata menutup dan membuka. Implementasi pada sistem deteksi pengendara mata mengantuk secara real time akurasi mencapai 99%. Penelitian ini diharapkan dapat membantu dalam mengurangi bahkan mencegah terjadinya kecelakaan yang disebabkan oleh microsleep yang dapat dideteksi secara dini melalui kedipan mata pengendara.
Optimalisasi Infrastruktur Jaringan Menggunakan Link Aggregation Control Protocol Dengan Device Cloud Router Switch
Subandri Subandri;
Zaenal Mutaqin Subekti
Jurnal Informatika: Jurnal Pengembangan IT Vol 4, No 2-2 (2019): Special Issue on Seminar Nasional - Inovasi Dalam Teknologi Informasi & Teknol
Publisher : Politeknik Harapan Bersama
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DOI: 10.30591/jpit.v4i2-2.1866
The development of data in a company is getting bigger and requires fast access time. the existence of a system that uses computer networks and internet access to support the activities of the company becomes an important part in the use of infrastructure in the company. Computer networks are accessed by all staff and employees in the building and there are servers and databases that are accessed all the time. In the building part consists of several work processes that simultaneously access to the same network and server. Then each staff and employee will access the same network infrastructure, where the data transfer burden is delegated to only one (1) switch port to connect. This can result in a large burden and network access can be slowed. By providing a configuration to optimize the switch network that adopts the link agro-protocol protocol (LACP) method on the use of network infrastructure so that it can be a solution for overcoming large network loads and slow access. By applying PPDIOO to the infrastructure development method so that the expectations can be achieved in accordance with the desired results
Monitoring Kualitas Air Tambak Udang Dengan Metode Data Logging dan Algoritma KNN Berbasis Internet Of Things
Harry Pratama Ramadhan;
Condro Kartiko;
Agi Prasetiadi
Jurnal Informatika: Jurnal Pengembangan IT Vol 6, No 1 (2021): JPIT, Januari 2021
Publisher : Politeknik Harapan Bersama
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DOI: 10.30591/jpit.v6i1.2136
Berdasarkan pengalaman peneliti, banyak pengusaha budi daya tambak udang di Indonesia mengalami bangkrut, hal tersebut disebabkan karena biaya yang besar untuk satu kali cek laboratorium sehingga budi daya tambak udang mengalami gagal panen dikarenakan banyak udang yang terserang penyakit dan mati. Pada penelitian ini dibuat sebuah alat pemantauan kualitas air dari tambak udang vannamei menggunakan metode data logging berdasarkan nilai suhu air dan algoritma k-nearest neighbors untuk memprediksi kesehatan udang dan kondisi air tambak udang dari pergerakan air. Perangkat data logger menggunakan mikrokontroler NodeMCU ESP8266, sensor LDR, dan sensor suhu air Dallas DS18B20, kemudian data logger terhubung ke layanan basis data milik Google yaitu Firebase realtime database untuk menyimpan data pemantauan kualitas air. Terdapat layanan web services yang di hosting pada layanan website milik Heroku untuk menjalankan algoritma k-nearest neighbors menggunakan perintah httprequest dari aplikasi Android yang dibangun menggunakan framework Flutter. Aplikasi Flutter Android berisi widget monitoring, detail monitoring dan prediksi dengan tingkat akurasi yang diberikan sebesar 99.9 % untuk kesehatan udang serta 97.5 % untuk kondisi air.
Analisis Implementasi Model Bisnis On Demand Service Mobile Platform Terhadap Tingkat Kepuasan Pelanggan Gojek Di Indonesia
Alfian Nara Weking;
Stefanus Ndala
Jurnal Informatika: Jurnal Pengembangan IT Vol 3, No 3 (2018): JPIT, September 2018
Publisher : Politeknik Harapan Bersama
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DOI: 10.30591/jpit.v3i3.1021
The influence of the role of technology today, bringing competition in the business world will be more stringent over time. Technology in the modern world is a very important role in supporting the company's business processes that will have a positive impact on the company. For example, business people in the field of transportation. PT. Gojek Indonesia is one of the online services transportation business that utilizes mobile technology platform to support the business process model on demand service used by Gojek companies so that the services provided to customers run well and in line with expectations of business opportunities in Indonesia. Gojek companies are examples of startup companies in Indonesia that use mobile platform technology. In this study using descriptive method that starts with a survey to find the necessary data such as the data downloader of the Gojek application in the play store and the reviews or comments given by the customer to the application. These data will then be analyzed to see the level of satisfaction of customers or users of mobile platform-based services.
Optimalisasi Stemming Kata Berimbuhan Tidak Baku Pada Bahasa Indonesia Dengan Levenshtein Distance
Rahardyan Bisma Setya Putra;
Ema Utami;
Suwanto Raharjo
Jurnal Informatika: Jurnal Pengembangan IT Vol 3, No 2 (2018): JPIT, Mei 2018
Publisher : Politeknik Harapan Bersama
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DOI: 10.30591/jpit.v3i2.877
Stemming algorithm Nazief and Andriani has been development in terms of the speed and the accuracy. One of its development is Non-formal Affix Algorithm. Non-formal Affix Algorithm improves the accuracy for non-formal affixed word. In its growth, Indonesian language is used in two ways: formal and non-formal. Non-formal language is commonly used in casual situations such as conversations and social media post (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.). To get the root of the word of a casual conversation or a social media post, stemming algorithm which can process the non-formal words with affixes already proposed. But, the previous algorithm unable to stem a non-formal word that slightly change the root word. Therefore, this study modifies Non-formal Affix Algorithm to increase stemming accuracy on non-formal word. Modifications are made by adding Levenshtein Distance. The result of the research shows that the algorithm made in this research has 96.6% accuracy while the Non-formal Affix algorithm has 73.3% accuracy in processing 60 non-formal affixed words. Based on the result, Levenshtein Distance approach can increase the accuracy on stemming non-formal affixed word.
Implementasi Algoritma Floyd Warshall Pada Aplikasi Dewan Masjid Indonesia (Dmi) Kota Semarang Untuk Menentukan Masjid Terdekat
Muhammad Syaifur Rohman;
Galuh Wilujeng Saraswati;
Nurul Anisa Sri Winarsih
Jurnal Informatika: Jurnal Pengembangan IT Vol 8, No 3 (2023)
Publisher : Politeknik Harapan Bersama
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DOI: 10.30591/jpit.v8i3.4895
Location Based Service (LBS) is a service on smartphones that functions as a navigation device based on the user's position to determine the location where the user is. LBS utilizes GPS capabilities in finding geolocation information and sometimes using Google maps to display a complete map of the location. But the results of previous research studies Google Map does not give shortest and accessible routes. Furthermore, to improve work of LBS, Floyd Warshall algorithm is used because the algorithm has the principle of optimality in calculating the total of all routes optimally. According to data recorded by the Ministry of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia there have been 1,304 Mosques in the City of Semarang, but with this much data it should be easier to find places of worship for Muslims. Most mosques that are visited are mosques on the highway because it is more visible even though there are many other mosques that can be accessed. By using the White Box and Black Box tests, finding shortest path to find places of worship in the city of Semarang can be given accurately. The result was the Floyd Warshall algorithm could provide shortest path route and it was more accessible better than Google Map navigation.