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JIM ( Journal International Multidiciplinary)
ISSN : 2985833     EISSN : 2985833     DOI :
JIM - Journal International Multidisciplinary is published 2 (two) times a year in January and July by the Rahmatan Fiddunya Wal Akhirah Foundation in assisting academics, researchers and practitioners to disseminate their research results. The purpose of the JIM Journal is as a means to publish papers / articles in multidisciplinary science
Arjuna Subject : Umum - Umum
Articles 8 Documents
Search results for , issue "Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)" : 8 Documents clear
Development of the Family Chronicle for Family Nursing Assessment Naohiro Hohashi; Hanna Horiguchi; Mikio Watanabe; Yoshino Kawabata; Natsumi Kijima
JIM - Journal International Multidisciplinary Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Rumah Jurnal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58794/jim.v1i2.413


Objective: The objective of this study was to develop the Chronological Table of the Plot of Family Story (PFS) as a new tool for assessment of the family chronicle, based the Concentric Sphere Family Environment Theory proposed by Hohashi. Method: Five researchers considered the PFS so as to enable use of the family chronicle, based on the records of family ethnography (family interviews/meetings, participant observation and others) conducted in Japan, China (Hong Kong), the Philippines and Indonesia and family case studies. Results: The four-page PFS consists of “a chronological table indicating the relationship and process of the plot of family story, family drama, family story, degree of family events, and condition of changes in the family (family signs/symptoms, family beliefs, family cognition/decisions/acts, etc.).” Conclusion: The PFS is an effective family nursing tool that can visibly indicate to what degree and in what manner the plot acts on family signs/symptoms.
Fundamentals of Counseling Guidance in The Qur'an Sovatunisa Soleha; Emmi Kholila Harahap; Hasep Saputra
JIM - Journal International Multidisciplinary Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Rumah Jurnal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58794/jim.v1i2.478


Islam said that labeling in counseling courses must refer to Islamic teachings which are rahmatan lil 'alamin and are closely related to the Al-Qur'an and Hadith as primary sources of law seeking. Therefore, the integration of the values ​​of the Koran and hadith is a necessity for both ontology, epistemology and axiology. Thus the Islamic counseling referred to in this description is different from conventional counseling originating from the West. Western Counseling talks about Self-Concept and Beliefs. More than just self-concept and self-confidence, Islamic counseling talks about the concept of the Qur'an and Hadith which emphasizes monotheism as a servant in the right position and position of proportion. By using a literature study method that refers directly to the Al-Qur'an, the following series of paragraphs will focus more on elaborating on the basics of the Qur'an in counseling.
Analysis Of Compressive Strength Of Foam Mortar With The Use Of Teratak Buluh Sand And Ringgit Sand Rahmat Tisnawan; Doni Rinaldi Basri; Puspa Ningrum; Adyus Zulfikar
JIM - Journal International Multidisciplinary Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Rumah Jurnal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58794/jim.v1i2.479


The core material in the manufacture of lightweight concrete (foam mortar) is influenced by the composition of the mixture of fine aggregate. The purpose of the study was to compare foam mortar with foaming agent using two types of fine aggregates from different sources, namely Teratak Buluh Sand, Kampar and Ringgit Sand, Indragiri Hulu. This study focuses on testing the properties of fine aggregate, flow value, bulk density and Unconfined Compression Strength (UCS) of foam mortar. The fine aggregate of Teratak Buluh has a mud content value of 0.50% while the ringgit sand silt content value is higher with a 1.92% mud content percentage value where the maximum silt content value is 3%. In this study, both types of aggregates had variations in the mixture of sand to cement, namely 18/82%; 16/84%; 15/85%; 14/86% and 12/88%. The flow value in a mixture of 14/86% Teratak Buluh Sand and a mixture of 12/88% ringgit sand has a flow value of 19.00 cm which is the highest value of the five variations. Teratak Buluh sand mixture of 14/86% has a higher value than the five variations, which is 781.67 Kg/m3 while ringgit sand has the highest density value of 758.12 Kg/m3 in a mixture of 12/88%. The value of Unconfined Compression Strength (UCS) using Teratak Buluh sand is superior when compared to the use of ringgit sand. The average value of the Unconfined Compression Strength (UCS) of lightweight foam mortar material from the use of mixed teratak buluh sand of 14/86% (1136.80 kPa) and 12/88% (1175.78 kPa) has the highest value which is close to the reference Unconfined Compression Strength (UCS) of the mixture. 15/85% (1253.73 kPa) while the mixture was 18/82%; 16/84% Teratak Buluh and 18/82%; 16/84%; 15/85%; 14/86%; 12/88% ringgit sand has the lowest f Unconfined Compression Strength (UCS) which does not meet the design Unconfined Compression Strength (UCS) of 1000 kPa and 800 kPa based on the SE-PUPR-46-SE-M-2015 specifications.
Digigen and Communication Competency Analysis Suci shinta lestari
JIM - Journal International Multidisciplinary Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Rumah Jurnal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58794/jim.v1i2.495


The talk active Digital Generation (DIGIGEN) phenomenon refers to the younger generation, especially Generation Z, who speak enthusiastically, are actively involved in conversations, and strive to interact effectively with the other person and grow and develop in the digital era which is full of technology and online connectivity. They are the generation most affected by digital technology, and the use of this technology has affected many aspects of their lives, including communication, education, entertainment and lifestyle. This research will describe the various competencies possessed by talk active DIGIGEN in an increasingly digitally connected environment. The depiction is based on the results of the Gen Z communication competency analysis displayed on Instagram social media. The research method used in this study is a qualitative descriptive research type. From the results of the analysis, there are 15 (fifteen) superior communication competencies possessed by Talk Active DIGIGEN in this digital era, namely: competence to communicate effectively by being an active listener, open oneself so that good cooperation and collaboration are established, empathize and understand others, be honest (authenticity) with personal data, competence adapt, competence digital awareness and responsible use of ICT, verify information sources, competence maintain online privacy and security, online ethics, leadership and have competence in maintaining digital balance.
Youth, Da'wah and Tik Tok: A Case Study of Husain Basyaiban Budi satria satria; Jumiyati; Pipir Romadi; Riski Alwi,S.Sy.,MH
JIM - Journal International Multidisciplinary Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Rumah Jurnal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58794/jim.v1i2.496


This paper shows TikTok as a medium of da’wah among young people. The large number of social media users today is a solution and a way for preachers as targets for their da’wa. The author used interviews, observations, documentation, descriptive and ethnographic work through Husain Basyaiban TikTok account. The findings of this study demonstrate that the preachers use social media users as targets for their da’wah. One of the media that is widely used is TikTok application. The various videos on TikTok are from positive and negative things, everything returns to how we use the application. Therefore, there are also many young preachers who are actively preaching on TikTok, one of them is Husain Basyaiban. His appearance on TikTok has attracted a lot of attention in various circles, especially among young people. Husain's da'wah was effective because it was based on the Qur'an and Hadis, which has a beneficial effect. Additionally, the way he delivered his message was excellent, including the language he used, his ethics, his public speaking abilities, and his eye-catching fashion sense. This is also a motivation for other young people to participate in preaching to convey Islamic sharia and spread Islam in various countries simply by using social media, namely TikTok, rather than traveling there in person.
Relationship Between Age And Knowledge of Mothers on Early Weaning In The Working Area of The Muara Fajar Health Center Yusmaharani; Rini Hariani Ratih; Nurmaliza
JIM - Journal International Multidisciplinary Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Rumah Jurnal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58794/jim.v1i2.499


Breast milk is very important for the growth of babies, because it can increase antibodies and prevent stunting. Breastfeeding can be given until the baby is 2 years old. The purpose of this study was to find out whether there is a relationship between age and mother's knowledge of early weaning in the working area of ​​the Muara Fajar Health Center. This study used a cross sectional study approach. The population in this study were mothers who had toddlers aged less than 3 years, sampling was carried out by accidental side to 47 respondents. Data analysis using chi square. Statistical test results showed that there was no relationship between age and early weaning (P = 0.965 > 0.05), there was a relationship between knowledge and early weaning (P = 0.018 <0.05), odds ratio/OR = 0.186 meaning mothers who had knowledge lack of early weaning 0.186 times.
Bearing Capacity Analysis of Pile Foundation in Reservoir Construction Puspa Ningrum; Husnah; Dimas Andrian Saputro
JIM - Journal International Multidisciplinary Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Rumah Jurnal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58794/jim.v1i2.502


The foundation was an important part of the structure. In foundation design, it was necessary to considered the foundation condition to be built must be able to support the load up to the allowable capacity. To determine a safe foundation requires analysis using several of static methods. This research was conducted to obtain a critical bearing capacity so that it can be used to determine a very safe foundation. In this study, analysis of the bearing capacity of pile foundations was calculate using the method of Briaud et al. (1985), Meyerhof (1956), Decourt (1982), Shioi & Fukui (1982) based on SPT N-value obtained from the field at borehole 1 (BH-01) and borehole 2 (BH-02). Based on the analytical result of the bearing capacity calculation of a pile foundation with a diameter of 0.35m on depth of 24m, The lowest of bearing capacity (critical value) used to determine the number of piles is the method of Briaud et al. (1985) was 90.55 tons at borehole 1 and 87.06 tons at borehole 2. This value was use as a guideline for determining the number of pile foundations used in reservoir construction design.
Overview of Knowledge of Pregnant Women About the Dangers of HIV/AIDS at the Pratama Nusantara Clinic Mandau District Bengkalis Regency in 2019 Jumiati; Diana Novita
JIM - Journal International Multidisciplinary Vol. 1 No. 2 (2023)
Publisher : Rumah Jurnal

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.58794/jim.v1i2.505


HIV/AIDS is a relatively well-known disease with many health problems, especially when it occurs in pregnant women. Dangers that can occur such as immune system disorders and pregnant women are susceptible to infection, pregnancy will fight the progress of HIV infection, conversely the effects of HIV in pregnancy are intra uterine growth retardation and low birth weight, as well as increased preterm birth and the baby can also be infected in the womb. HIV continues to be a major problem in the world, so far it has claimed more than 35 million lives. At the end of 2017, there were around 36.5 million people living with HIV and 1.8 million people newly infected with HIV worldwide. About 59% of adults and 52% of children with HIV are on lifelong antiretroviral therapy (ART). The high coverage of ART in the world for pregnant and lactating women is 80%. This study aims to describe the knowledge of pregnant women about the dangers of HIV/AIDS at the Pratama Nusantara Clinic, Mandau District, Bengkalis Regency in 2019. The research design used is descriptive quantitative. The research was conducted from June 1 to June 20 2019. The population in this study consisted of 38 pregnant women with a sample of 35 people using Simple Random Sampling. Data were obtained from primary and secondary data for further analysis of the data univariately. The results showed that the majority of pregnant women lacked knowledge about the dangers of HIV/AIDS as many as 18 people (51.43%), at the age of 20-35 years as many as 10 people (28.57%), high school education level as many as 8 people (22.86 %) %), and 7 people (20%) got information about the dangers of HIV/AIDS through electronic media. It is expected that pregnant women will further increase their knowledge by adding information from various media and more often participate in counseling programs conducted by health workers/facilities and participate in carrying out HIV/AIDS testing during pregnancy.

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