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Jurnal Agroplant
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Agroplant is a journal published by the Faculty of Agriculture, Islamic University of Jember, Indonesia. The following scientific journals are for publishing research papers in agricultural technology and agricultural engineering.
Articles 43 Documents
Analisis Kandungan Klorofil pada Tingkat Perkembangan Daun Kopi Robusta (Coffea canephora) Mawardi .; Mahbub Musaffa
JURNAL AGROPLANT Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): JULI
Publisher : Program Studi Agroteknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56013/agr.v4i2.1165


Coffee (Coffea sp) is one of the commodities that plays an important role in the economy in Indonesia. The coffee commodity is considered promising and able to survive in the global market because coffee is a plantation product that is still very much needed by people around the world. One type of coffee that dominates people's coffee plantations in Indonesia is robusta coffee (Coffea canephora Pierre). This type of coffee is generally cultivated because it has a higher production than Arabica and Liberica coffee. Robusta coffee cultivation is inseparable from an understanding of the growth and development of these plants. Plant growth and development is strongly influenced by many factors, both factors originating from within the plant (internal) and from outside (external). The main external factors that affect plant growth and development are soil, moisture, light and water, while internal factors can include genes, hormones, anatomical structure and morphology of plant organs and chlorophyll content. Chlorophyll is one of the main factors in the growth and development of robusta coffee because it plays an important role in plant metabolism. Robusta coffee plants show color differences in the growth of their leaves. The leaves on the shoots are usually yellowish green, young leaves are light green, and old leaves are dark green. The difference in leaf color indicates differences in the content of leaf pigments, including chlorophyll pigments. This study of chlorophyll content analysis is still limited, so this research was conducted to provide scientific information about the chlorophyll content of robusta coffee leaves at different levels of leaf development. This information is initial data or comparison for research related to chlorophyll content in a plant. This research was conducted in Silo Village, Silo District, Jember Regency from April to July 2019. The experimental design used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with 3 treatments with 6 replications, the treatment consisted of yellowish green, light green, and dark green coffee leaves. The parameters observed were the content of chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, and total chlorophyll. The results showed that the average chlorophyll content of robusta coffee leaves yellowish green was 264.73 mol/m2, light green was 361.25 mol/m2 and dark green was 508.81 mol/m2. The content of chlorophyll and robusta coffee increases with increasing leaf age (level of leaf development).
Aplikasi ZPT Atonik pada Berbagai Konsentrasi terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Perkembangan Buah Jambu Madu Deli Hijau (Syzygium aqueum) Mu’ammar Fikri; Muhammad Juhan
JURNAL AGROPLANT Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): JULI
Publisher : Program Studi Agroteknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56013/agr.v4i2.1166


Honey water guava (Syzygium aqueum) is a new fruit variety, but not many have cultivated it. This guava comes from the Myrtaceae family which has 3 varieties, the shape of the fruit is like a bell with a reddish green skin color, the taste is sweet like honey. This study aims to describe the growth and development of green deli honey guava fruit at different atonic concentrations and to obtain the best concentration. This research was conducted in Pancakarya Village, Ajung District, Jember Regency, in November 2020 - January 2021, with an altitude of 50 m above sea level. This study used a non-factorial randomized block design (RAK), with 6 treatments, repeated 4 times, a total of 24 research objects. The treatments studied were F0 = Control, F1 = 20 ml/L, F2 = 40 ml/L, F3 = 60 ml/L, F4 = 80 ml/L, F5 = 100 ml/L. Data were analyzed by means of variance (Anova), if significantly different, followed by a 1% BNT test. The results showed that the Atonic concentration of F3 treatment (60 ml/L) gave optimal results on diameter, length, unit weight and fruit sugar content. And not significantly different to the parameters of the resistance of the stump and the overall weight of the fruit This research should be carried out during the dry season, so that PGR can be absorbed maximally by the fruit.
Pengaruh Konsentrasi Pupuk Kalium Boron dan Magnesium Phospat terhadap Produksi Jagung Manis (Zea mays saccharata Sturt) Harlan Nugroho Aji; Endang Sri Wahyuni
JURNAL AGROPLANT Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): JULI
Publisher : Program Studi Agroteknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56013/agr.v4i2.1167


Under the guidance Ir. Endang Sri Wahyuni, MP as the main supervisor and the supervisor Ir. Nanik Furoidah, MP as member. This study aims to determine the effect of potassium fertilizer concentration of Boron and Magnesium Phosphate on the growth and production of sweet corn (Zea mays saccharata Sturt.). The study was conducted in August until November 2016 in the village Kertonegoro, sub Jenggawah, Jember district, in paddy fields with a height of ± 60 meters above sea level. This study was conducted using a randomized block design Complete (RAK), two factors with three replications. The first factor is the concentration of potassium fertilizer Boron (K) comprise three levels ie concentration of 0 ml/liter (K0), a concentration of 1.5 ml/liter (K1), the concentration of 3 ml/liter (K2). The second factor is the Magnesium Phosphate (P) comprises 3 levels ie concentration of 0 ml/liter (P0), the concentration of 2 ml/liter in preparation for planting, preparation for the formation of flowers, fruit, fruit ripening, 0.5 ml / liter age of 15 days, and 1 ml/liter of routine applications 7 days (P1), a concentration of 4 ml/liter in preparation for planting, preparation for the formation of flowers, fruit, ripening fruit, 1 ml/liter age of 15 days, and 2 ml/liter routine application of 7 days (P2). The results showed that the treatment concentration of fertilizer Potassium Boron and Magnesium Phosphate significantly affected all observations. Treatment of Potassium Boron concentration of 3 ml/liter (K2) gives the sweet corn production is higher than other treatments. Likewise, treatment of Magnesium Phosphate concentration of 4 ml / liter in preparation for planting, preparation for the formation of flowers, fruit, ripening fruit, 1 ml/liter age of 15 days, and 2 ml/liter of routine applications 7 days (P2) gives the highest compared to treatment more.
Pengaruh Konsentrasi Urin Sapi pada Stek Kopi Robusta BP 308 dan BP 358 (Coffea robusta) Aang Zaenal Arifin; Mohammad Zaedan Fitri
JURNAL AGROPLANT Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): JULI
Publisher : Program Studi Agroteknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56013/agr.v4i2.1168


Robusta coffee plants are widely cultivated in Indonesia because they are very well suited to the land in Indonesia when viewed in terms of altitude, air temperature, wind and soil types. However, the problem now is that coffee production has declined and is not optimal in meeting export and domestic needs due to low coffee productivity. The purpose of this study was to determine the effect of cow urine in the breeding of BP 358 and BP 308 robusta coffee cuttings and to determine the response of robusta coffee cuttings growth in cow urine administration.This research was conducted at PTPN XII Silo Sanen's plantation, Mulyorejo Village, Silo District, Jember Regency. This study uses a factorial pattern of 2 x 5 in a randomized block design (RBD) with 4 replications. The first factor of concentration (K) consisted of five levels namely K0 = 0 ml, K1 = 2.5 ml, K2 = 5.0 ml, K3 = 7.5 ml, K4 = 10 ml and the second factor was robusta coffee clones (R ) consists of BP 308 (R1) clones and BP 358 (R2) clones. In total there were 10 treatments, each treatment namely K0R1, K1R1, K2R1, K3R1, K4R1 and K0R2, K1R2, K2R2, K3R2, K4R2. The test is carried out by the F-Test with analysis of variance (ANOVA), if it is significantly different (F-count value> F-table), it will be followed by the Duncan test of 5%. Based on ANOVA results that the treatment of Robusta coffee concentrations and clones as well as the combination of both of the coffee cuttings were not significantly different from the number of shoots, number of roots, dry weight of stems and roots, wet weight of stems and roots, but significantly different from shoot length and root length.
Pengaruh Perempelan terhadap Produksi Tanaman Cabai Merah Besar (Capsicum annum L. ) Futuh Muafi; Silvia Fitri Mei Arini
JURNAL AGROPLANT Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): JULI
Publisher : Program Studi Agroteknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56013/agr.v4i2.1169


Increasing of Chili production can be apply with various of methodologies one of them  by giving treatment to chili crop. Among of general practice treatment  done by several of  farmer is using  waters bud sealing growth in chili crop leaf axillary. Sealing is the effort or removal activity of waters bud which growth from leafs axillary. This bud is not productive and will distrubes absolute growth. Therefore, lateral bud ough  to seal and removal. The aim of this research to investigate the effectiveness of sealing red chili crop (Capsicum annum L.) production, and to identfy the effect of the big red chili (Capsicum annum L.) quality. This research carried out on february- june  2018 at Krajan, Ampel, Wuluhan, Jember, Jawa Timur. This research occur during 4 month begind on february - june  2018, totally consist of four treatments one control by three times of examined, in each treatment AO= Sealing as Control 0%, Al= 25% Sealing, A2= Sealing 50%, A3= Sealing 75%, A4= Sealing 100%.  This testing conducted by F- test is using variant  analysing (ANOVA) if occur the signficant effect it  will continue with  5% Duncan test. Based on ANOVA test  that has been done that sealing concern on big red chili crop is not obvious on the effect of observation parameter for instance (high of plant, fruit weigh, amount of fruit, longevity of flowering) and has the obvious effect observation parameter of harvesting longevity.
Respon Pertumbuhan Tiga Varietas Selada (Lactuca sativa L.) terhadap Konsentrasi Nutrisi AB Mix Secara Hidroponik Ridlo Agung Wibowo; Nanik Furoidah
JURNAL AGROPLANT Vol. 4 No. 2 (2021): JULI
Publisher : Program Studi Agroteknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56013/agr.v4i2.1170


Alternative ways to meet the needs of vegetables as their daily nutritional intake for the body, one of the leaf vegetables like lettuce are rich in vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients. Public awareness of the importance of eating vegetables is increasing lately, ironically, the availability of agricultural land decreases due to the conversion of agricultural land. One effort that can be done is by vegetable hydroponic farming. The research objective was to determine the best response of varieties of lettuce on levels of nutrient concentrations (AB mix). The research was conducted in the village of Jember Kidul, District Kaliwates Jember in altitude ± 100 m above sea level, in April to June 2016. The study was conducted using a randomized block design (CRD) consisting of two factors: the first factor is the concentration of the nutrient treatments AB mix (K) consisting of 500 ppm (K1), 550 ppm (K2), 600 ppm (K3). The second factor is the treatment of a wide variety of green lettuce is lettuce green Maat (V1), green lettuce green olivia (V2), red lettuce lolo rosa (V3). The results showed matt green lettuce varieties (V1) has the best growth response and significantly different on all parameters except observations observation root length. Treatment nutrient concentrations AB Mix real effect only on the parameter number of leaves and the fresh weight of the total that is best at a concentration of 600 ppm (K3), but no significant effect on observations of plant height, root length and dry weight. Interaction between wide varieties of lettuce and nutrition konstrasi AB Mix all parameters showed no significant observations.
Efektivitas Komposisi Media Tanam Arang Sekam dan Cocopeat terhadap Pertumbuhan dan Produktivitas Labu Madu Hibrida Vivin Alfian; Mohammad Zaedan Fitri
JURNAL AGROPLANT Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): JULI
Publisher : Program Studi Agroteknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56013/agr.v5i2.1345


Pumpkin honey is a plant that has high economic value. In addition, honey pumpkin contains nutrients such as Provitamin A, Protein, Carbohydrates, Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Vitamin B, and, Vitamin C. The thing that must be considered to increase productivity in cultivation is the planting medium. A good planting medium is a planting medium that complies with the principles of GAP (Good Agriculture Practices), which does not contain contaminants of hazardous and toxic materials (B3). Husk charcoal and cocopeat are organic materials that can be used to mix planting media. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of the composition of rice husk charcoal and cocopeat growing media on the growth and productivity of honey pumpkins. This study used a randomized block design (RAK) with seven treatments and four replications. The treatments studied were control (V0); 1 cup of husk charcoal (V1); 2 cups of husk charcoal (V2); 1 cup cocopeat (V3); 2 cups cocopeat (V4); 1 cup charcoal husk + 1 cup cocopeat (V5); 2 cups of husk charcoal + 2 cocopeat (V6). The results showed that there was an interaction beetwen the growing media on vegetative and generative growth, productivity, and high quality of honey pumpkin plants.
Implementasi Pemupukan NPK pada Budidaya Labu Madu Hibrida Durrotun Nasehah; Muhammad Juhan
JURNAL AGROPLANT Vol. 5 No. 2 (2022): JULI
Publisher : Program Studi Agroteknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56013/agr.v5i2.1349


One type of pumpkin that is still rarely cultivated by the Indonesian people is the honey gourd, while the honey gourd is rich in benefits that are good for health and the honey gourd has high economic value because it is still rarely cultivated. In addition, the relatively higher price of honey compared to other yellows makes this pumpkin a sufficient source of income for farmers. One of the efforts to meet the demand for honey pumpkin yields is to use the right dose of NPK fertilizer on honey pumpkin plants. The study used a randomized block design (RAK) with 6 doses of fertilization treatment, repeated 4 times. So the total experiment is 24 plants. The treatments used were R0 without chemical fertilizer, R1 at 20% dose of chemical fertilizer, R2 40% dose of chemical fertilizer, R3 60% dose of chemical fertilizer, R4 80% dose of chemical fertilizer and R5 100% dose of chemical fertilizer. The results showed that the fertilizer dose of 20% (R1) gave the best effect on the finished fruit to harvest and fruit weight. The dose of fertilization has no effect on the growth and size of plant organs.
Aplikasi Konsentrasi ZPT GA3 yang Berbeda untuk Peningkatan Kuantitas dan Kualitas Buah Jambu Air Madu Deli Hijau (Syzygium aqueum) Puput Hariyanti; Nanik Furoidah
Publisher : Program Studi Agroteknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56013/agr.v6i1.1394


This study aims to determine the best concentration of ZPT GA3 to increase the quantity and quality of green deli honey water guava fruit. This research was carried out in Pancakarya Village, Ajung District, Jember Regency which was carried out from December 2021 to February 2022, with an altitude of 50 m above sea level. This study used a non-factorial randomized block design (RAK), with 5 different spraying treatments, repeated 5 times, a total of 25 research objects. The treatment studied was the concentration of GA3 (P) namely: P0 = Control, P1 = Concentration of 5 ppm , P2 = Concentration of 10 ppm, P3 = Concentration of 15 ppm, P4 = Concentration of 20 ppm. The data collected was analyzed by variance (Anova), if it was significantly different, it was continued with the BNT test at the 5% level using SPSS 20 For Windows. In determining the fruit to be sprayed using a random system. The results showed that the concentration of ZPT GA3 in the P4 treatment (concentration 20 ppm) gave optimal results for the sugar content of the fruit. GA3 concentration treatment gave results that were not significantly different for the parameters of fruit length, fruit diameter, number of perdompol fruit, fruit perdompol weight and unit weight of fruit.
Analisis Korelasi antar Organ Tanaman Jambu Madu Deli Hijau Muhammad Nasihin; M. Zaedan Fitri
Publisher : Program Studi Agroteknologi

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.56013/agr.v5i1.1430


Water guava is one type of fruit plant that contains quite a lot of nutrients, so it is very liked by most people. Deli honey water guava is one of the superior cultivars which is an introduced variety from Taiwan under the name Jade Rose Aple. This water guava has long been growing in North Sumatra for ± 10 years. The leaves on the water guava plant are included in the type of single leaf which are located scattered on the branches and twigs of the tree, the basic shape of the leaves is oval with a flat leaf edge. The tip of the leaf is blunt and the base is rounded which has a length of about 13-20 cm and a width of 5-7 cm. Water guava flowers are compound flowers, they are shaped like coral, located in the armpits of the leaves and the flower petals are funnel-shaped. Yellowish green flower color, stamens measuring 3.5 cm, white and there are more than 20 stamens. This research was conducted in Pancakarya Village, Ajung District, Jember Regency which was carried out on 26 September 2020 to 25 November 2020. The purpose of measuring the correlation between plant organs and plant productivity, the method used was correlation regression. Very low correlation occurs between branch length and diameter of the base, middle and tip as well as correlation between unit fruit weight and fruit diameter and fruit length.length). Keywords: Correlation, fruit, leaves, stems