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Jurnal Ilmiah Kampus: Sati Sampajanna
ISSN : 20868391     EISSN : 30262860     DOI : -
Sati Sampajanna focuses on various research results, articles equivalent to research results related to Buddhism: integration between theory and practice in the areas of, but not limited to: 1. Character education, Religious education and Buddhism 2. Buddhist socio-religious 3. Buddhist Psychology and Philosophy 4. Spiritual and local wisdom 5. Engaged Buddhism 6. Buddhist Ethics
Articles 35 Documents
Jurnal Ilmiah Kampus: Sati Sampajanna Volume 10 Nomor 1, 2019
Publisher : STABN Sriwjaya

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This article is the result of a study that began with increasing of the „identity politics‟, whichemphasizes the role of a religion to achieve politics goals, assuming only one religion is the mostcorrect while the others religions is wrong. In internal aspect of religion, it is considered as a sectarianexclusivism which considers anly one sect to be completely right, other sects is wrong. Within theBuddhist community, sectarian exclusivism hypothesized still exists. Although it does not causephysical disputes between people, an exclusive attitude can hamper the process of preservation anddevelopment of Buddhism. From these considerations, a study was conducted to find out theperceptions of Buddhist leaders in Jakarta and Tangerang regarding exclusivism in Buddhism. Thisresearch is a descriptive qualitative study by case study approach. The data collected was analyzedusing the Miles and Huberman model, through data collected, reduction, display and verification orconclusions. Credibility data was carried out by triangulation, member checks, discussions with peers,and also extension of research time. From the results of the study it could be concluded that Buddhistleaders perceive that internal exclusivism is still needed and important for the existence ofsects/assemblies because it describes the characteristics, identity associated with one sect with anotherthat is suitable for increasing faith to Triple Gem. External exclusivism with assuming the only one isthe truest, the best, the purest and consider the others were wrong is unnecessarily because they onlycause dispute and hinder the development of Buddhism. Factors that cause sectarian exclusivism inBuddhism are associated with assumptions that if there is no internal sectarian exclusive attitudeseroded traditions that have been bequeathed by ancestors, the egos of leaders, and different perspectiveand leadership paradigm regarding Buddhism. Positive values of sectarian exclusive attitudes arestrengthening the faith of the people to the truth (Dhamma), maintaining the traditions of each sectsthat show the identity, and the characteristics of each sects. The negative values of exclusivism arepotentially making dispute in communities due to mutual disdain, assume their sect is the easiest, thebest, the purest and considers as the only truest sect. Efforts are made to reduce the impact of sectarianexclusivism in Buddhism by holding a joint Vesak celebration, joint social activities, such as socialservices, joint Health Walks Program; strengthen the role of non-sect organizations that can unifyBuddhists such as the Banten Buddhist Forum (FUB), Gemabudhi, and the Indonesian BuddhistReligious Council Association (Permabudhi).
Buddhisme dan Budaya Lokal Sril Lestari
Jurnal Ilmiah Kampus: Sati Sampajanna Volume 13 Nomor 2, 2023
Publisher : STABN Sriwjaya

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Religion cannot be separated from the culture in which it develops. This study uses discourse analysis about Buddhism and local culture. The method used in this study is Discourse Analysis. Namely a study methodology that focuses on the use of texts used in social and cultural contexts to communicate meaning. In the study "Buddhism and Local Cultures," discourse analysis is used to understand how Buddhism's teachings and practices are discussed and translated in specific local cultures. The research results show that Buddhism has a long history of interacting and adapting to various local cultures throughout the world. In the process, Buddhism not only exerted influence on local culture, but was also influenced and enriched by it. Central Buddhist principles such as tolerance, openness, and respect for diversity, allow him to embrace and nurture local cultures, while maintaining the core of his teachings. However, Buddhism also seeks to critically assess aspects of local culture that may conflict with its basic teachings. Thus, in interacting with local culture, Buddhism practices a balanced approach between adaptation and maintaining core values. This reflects how Buddhism plays an active role in nurturing and nurturing local culture, while ensuring that its central principles are respected and maintained
Ekspektasi Umat Buddha Mengenai Teknik Ceramah Dhamma (Dhammadesana) Oleh Dhammadūta Di Vihara Di Jakarta Barat Madiyono Madiyono
Jurnal Ilmiah Kampus: Sati Sampajanna Volume 11 Nomor 1, 2020
Publisher : STABN Sriwjaya

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Delivering Dhamma using interesting strategies and accordance with  expectations of the lay-people is an important skill for Dhammadūta. However, in fact, some of the Dhammadūta did not pay attention to the needs of listener during their  Dhammadesana. Therefore, this research was carried out, with the aim of knowing the expectations of Buddhists regarding the strategies to deliver Dhamma by Dhammadūta.This research is a descriptive quantitative study by survey method. The data were obtained by distributing questionnaires to Buddhists at 3 monasteries in West Jakarta. The data were then processed using descriptive statistics.Based on the results of data processing, it is concluded that, in relation to the timing of the  Dhammadesana, based on lay-people expectations ideally all session is carried out within a period of 60 to 90 minutes. The most ideal time to deliver  Dhammadesana material that people able to focus on paying attention is within a period of 30 to 60 minutes. It prefer the material is about 60 minutes long and is carried out in the morning, in the morning chanting session. Interesting topics of the  Dhammadesana materials are about daily life refer to  the Tipitaka Scripture. The study will be meaningful when it is presented lightly and accompanied by a joke. They hope, the  Dhammadesana can encourage them to practice the Dhamma better. Regarding the strategy of delivering the  Dhammadesana, it will be effective when the speaker delivers the material at a moderate tempo, not too slow or quick, using  technological media, such as video combined with Power Point media. The  Dhammadesana material is more interesting and easier to understand when the speaker can present it with  a joke. It is better using legal Indonesian language supported by good body language.  Some of hand movements when doing elaboration of Dhamma can help to strengthen people's belief and understanding of the presentedmaterial better. The material is better delivered using a voice with  moderate volume.It gets stronger when the speaker makes eye-contact with the lay-people as listeners during  Dhammadesana activities. Regarding the attitude of the Dhammadūta, the  most favored position when delivering the  Dhammadesana material is sitting on the chair that has been provided with a smiley expression. In general, Buddhist lay-people in Cengkareng West Jakarta consider that the best Dhammadūta are those who are humble, authoritative, and have a sense of humor.
Legenda Keramat Madato Kesambi (Kajian Sosiologi Sastra Lisan) Suntoro Suntoro
Jurnal Ilmiah Kampus: Sati Sampajanna Volume 11 Nomor 1, 2020
Publisher : STABN Sriwjaya

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The purpose of this study is to describe the structure, belief, and function of the oral literature of the legend of Keramat Madato Kesambi. This research methodology uses a qualitative approach to the study of sociology of oral literature with data collection instruments in the form of interview guidelines, observation guidelines, and documentation. Testing the validity of the data using triangulation between sources, between methods, and between times. The results of this study indicate: (1) the structure of the legend of the Keramat Madato Kesambi cannot be identified in detail from the introduction, problems, climax, anticlimax, and resolution; (2) the cult of Keramat Madato was not born out of nowhere but was born through accompanying stories such as the story of Tan It Tiaw, the story of the tsunami eruption of Mount Krakatau, the Tragedy of Tangerang 1946, and the deaths of hundreds of pigs; (3) people believe that Madato's figure is a great, people must ask permission at the Keramat Madato before carrying out important events, and the water around the pagoda is not salty even though it is near to the sea as it gets a blessing from Madato; and (4) the sacred legend of Madato Kesambi has several functions, including social control, educational tools, strengthening solidarity, and ratification of cultural institutions.
Analisis Kebutuhan Wirausaha Bagi Pemuda Buddhis Di Vihara Sekecamatan Cikarang Kabupaten Bekasi Parjono Parjono
Jurnal Ilmiah Kampus: Sati Sampajanna Volume 11 Nomor 1, 2020
Publisher : STABN Sriwjaya

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The research background is based on the entrepreneur needs of Monastery young man in Cikarang sub-district, Bekasi district. The purpose of this study was to determine the views of the monastery youth on the needs of entrepreneurship, the required fields of entrepreneurship, techniques for developing entrepreneur skills and the conditions expected by monastery youth regarding entrepreneur needs. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative research. The research subject was the Monastery young man in Cikarang sub-district, Bekasi district, the object of research was entrepreneur needs. The research location is at the Monastery which is located in the Cikarang sub-district, Bekasi district. Data collection techniques and instruments through observation, interviews and documentation. Based on the findings in the field, the results obtained are: 1) entrepreneur among Monastery young man in Cikarang sub-district, Bekasi district is very much needed because it aims to help the family economy, earn income, continue parents' businesses, gain experience and train independence and as a solution to the difficulty of getting a job; 2) the fields of entrepreneurship needed by the Monastery young man are trading in the sectors of basic necessities, culinary, electrical, electronic, pet shops and animal care services; 3) Techniques to develop entrepreneur skills for young people are to become entrepreneurs directly, learn via the internet, and be self-taught by actively helping run parents' businesses; 4) the conditions expected by Monastery young mans regarding entrepreneur needs are to expect an active role of Monastery young man organizations in planning and implementing entrepreneur skills coaching and training activities, support from Monastery and Foundation administrators, capital assistance
Pembentukan Karakter Siswa Beragama Buddha di Sekolah Markus Tangerang Dwi Purnomo
Jurnal Ilmiah Kampus: Sati Sampajanna Volume 13 Nomor 1, 2022
Publisher : STABN Sriwjaya

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Permasalahan yang diangkat dalam penelitian ini adalah pembentukankarakter siswa beragama Buddha melalui Pendidikan Agama Buddha diSekolah Markus Tangerang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini mengetahuipembentukan karakter siswa beragama Buddha melalui pendidikan agamaBuddha di Sekolah Markus Tangerang.Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kualitatif deskriptif. Subjekpenelitian ini adalah Guru Pendidikan Agama Buddha, kepala sekolah dansembilan belas siswa beragama Buddha di Sekolah Markus Tangerang. Objekpenelitian ini adalah pembentukan karakter siswa beragama Buddha melaluipendididkan agama Buddha. Penelitian ini dilaksanakan pada bulan September2019 sampai dengan Juni 2020. Teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakanberupa observasi, wawancara, dan dokumentasi. Uji keabsahan data meliputicredibility, transferability, dependability, dan confirmability. Analisis datamenggunakan model Miles dan Huberman yang terdiri dari pengumpulandata, reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan.Pembentukan karakter siswa beragama Buddha di Sekolah MarkusTangerang, menunjukkan hal-hal yang baik dan sudah diterapkan dilingkungan sekolah. Tujuan dalam pembentukan karakter siswa beragamaBuddha adalah untuk menciptakan siswa yang memiliki budi pekerti baik,sehingga di masyarakat dapat bermanfaat. Manfaat dari hal baik tersebut yaknimempunyai etika dan moral yang baik. Upaya guru dalam pembentukankarakter siswa beragama Buddha di Sekolah Markus Tangerang yakni dengancara memberikan tugas, menumbuhkan kepedulian terhadap sesama, danmenggunakan media pembelajaran. hal tersebut sudah dilakukan oleh guruagama Buddha sangat baik. Faktor Faktor pembentukan karakter siswaberagama Buddha adalah kemauan dalam diri, selain itu kebijakan sekolah,guru hingga lingkungan menjadi faktor pendukung. Faktor internal dan16Eksternal, yang menjadi pendukung pembentukan karakter siswa beragamBuddha di Sekolah Markus Tangerang. Kendala yang dialami guru dalampembentukan karakter, siswa beragama Buddha pemahaman masih kurangsehingga dimulai dari dasar serta beberapa siswa saat proses pembelajaranagama Buddha Dhammaclass beberapa siswa mengobrol atau bercanda.Hambatan terjadi kepada siswa beragama Buddha akan tetapi dapat diatasioleh guru pendidikan agama Buddha dari pendekatan kepada siswa beragamaBuddha.
Jurnal Ilmiah Kampus: Sati Sampajanna Vol. 14 No. 1 Edisi November 2023
Publisher : STABN Sriwjaya

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The background of this research is that the Wilwatikta kingdom (better known as Majapahit) reached its peak of glory during the leadership of Sri Rajasanagara (or better known as Prabu Hayam Wuruk) accompanied by Mahapatih Gajah Mada. The purpose of this study is to identify and recognize the leadership character of Prabu Hayam Wuruk which is written in the Nagarakretagama book.The method used in this research is library research. The approach method in this research uses the method of text analysis and text interrogation or often called hermeneutics which contains elements of expressing, explaining and translating. The object in this study as well as the primary data source is the Nagarakretagama book. Secondary and tertiary sources are obtained from studies of the Thematic Sutta Pitaka, books, journals, and writings that are relevant to the research theme. Data collection techniques in this study are collecting literature, classifying books, documents and other data, citing data, crosschecking, and grouping data. Techniques for validating data by extending time, persistence of observation and depth of reading, triangulation by utilizing sources outside the data. The data analysis technique is described by content analysis. The research was conducted at the Sriwijaya STABN library, the National Library and the Yogyakarta Regional Library (Grhatama Pustaka). The time of the research was carried out from July to December 2021.The results of the research and discussion in this study can be concluded: 1) Prabu Hayam Wuruk leadership characteristics: tolerance, integrity, democracy, wisdom, generosity, morality, and responsibility; 2) the leadership character of Prabu Hayam Wuruk based on Kurt Lewin's theory is included in the category of democratic (Democratic Leadership Style), namely a leader who involves followers in decision making; 3) The leadership character of Prabu Hayam Wuruk based on the level of Javanese leadership style in Endraswara is included in the Main (Main) level category where the virtues of Javanese leaders will always be liked by the people. 
Perencanaan Strategis Sistem Informasi Rumah Ibadah Berbasis Teknologi (Studi Kasus pada Cetiya Veluvana Arama di Kabupaten Tangerang) Heriyanto Heriyanto
Jurnal Ilmiah Kampus: Sati Sampajanna Volume 11 Nomor 1, 2020
Publisher : STABN Sriwjaya

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Permasalahan penelitian ini adalah belum dipahaminya perencanaan strategis sistem dan teknologi informasi rumah ibadah berbasis teknologi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk menghasilkan perencanaan strategis sistem dan teknologi informasi rumah ibadah berbasis teknologi. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif dengan pendekatan deskriptif. Lokasi penelitian pada cetiya Veluvana Araama di Kabupaten Tangerang. Subjek penelitian terdiri dari unsur kepengurusan dan pengelola cetiya, guru SMB, dan umat cetiya Veluvana Arama. Objek penelitian yaitu: 1) tujuan dan sasaran pelayanan, 2) proses utama dan manajemen cetiya, 3) kebutuhan dan infrastruktur sistem informasi, serta 4) kebutuhan dan infrastruktur teknologi informasi. Proses utama yang menjadi objek penelitian yaitu berkaitan dengan operasional proses pelayanan, pendidikan pada SMB, dan kegiatan sosial. Manajemen cetiya meliputi area fungsional, data dan informasi pengelolaan cetiya. Metode Anita Cassidy digunakan dalam penyusunan perencanaan strategis sistem dan teknologi informasi. Analisis lingkungan internal dan eksternal organisasi menggunakan SWOT dan PEST Analysis. Data penelitian juga dianalisis dengan analisis data model Miles and Huberman.Perencanaan strategis sistem dan teknologi informasi pada cetiya Veluvana Arama menghasilkan roadmap pengembangan yang terdiri dari: 1) Redesain infrastruktur teknologi, 2) Sistem informasi SMB, 3) Sistem informasi umat cetiya, 4) Pengembangan sistem dengan mengadopsi jejaring sosial, 5) Pengembangan sistem dengan mengadopsi Aplikasi Pesan Instan, dan 6) Pengembangan sistem dengan mengadopsi Aplikasi Pesan Instan. Akses informasi dan perkembangan media baru (new media) dalam bentuk digital menjadi faktor eksternal yang membawa pada terciptanya kebutuhan infrastruktur dan koneksi internet. Dengan melihat faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi, rekomendasi divisi sistem dan teknologi informasi menjadi bagian dalam perencanaan yang harus terimplementasi pada cetiya Veluvana Arama. 
Pemaknaan Ritual Sadhana Vajrasattva Bagi Umat Buddha di Vihara Vajra Bumi Nusantara Tangerang Banten Suprianto Suprianto
Jurnal Ilmiah Kampus: Sati Sampajanna Volume 13 Nomor 2, 2023
Publisher : STABN Sriwjaya

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The main problem of this research is an unknown meaning of the sadhana vajrasattva ritual for buddhists in the Vajra Nusnusantara. The purpose of this study is to describe the rituals of sadhana vajrasattva for buddhists in the Vihara Vajra Bumi Nusantara. The study data descriptive types of qualitative research. The informer in this study was the clergy and the buddhists. The data-collection techniques used by interviews, observation, and documentation using instruments of observation guides, documentation guides, and interviews. Research data validity techniques in this research used credibility, transferability, dependability and confirmability. Data analysis data Miles and Huberman, a four-step model of data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and a deduction or verification drawing. The research was: (1) Sadhana vajrasattva could be carried out by sadhaka (people of tantra) on conditions of receiving abhiseka first. Afterward the people could learn to use the dharma tools and learn sadhana. For the people wanting to engage sadhana it was suggested that the sadhana vajrasattva which was part of the prayoga chess sadhana. Sadhana herself did not escape from the readings of mahayana's silk, mantras, visualization and practicing mudra. The practice of the vajrasattva from mantra is a satacsara incantation going around, forming the mudra vajrasattva. After that the Buddha emitted a white glow of bright light that went inside through the tiles. Sadhaka imagined the body giving off a dark aura which means destroying the karma from infinity and beyond. (2) Factors that impeach sadhana vajrasattva by external and internal. External factors such as weather disorders and internal factors such as laziness and boredom. Other factors such as busy work and inconsistency execute sadhana vajrasattva. How to overcome obstacles by removing the obstacles and keeping the vajrasattva working. (3) Contact sadhana vajrasattva as sadhana founder of bad karma. Sadhana vajrasattva asa sadhana the inviting positive energy brings prosperity, health and happiness. Tujaun exercises the sadhana vajrasattva to vie for brahmavihara.
Jurnal Ilmiah Kampus: Sati Sampajanna Volume 10 Nomor 1, 2019
Publisher : STABN Sriwjaya

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The emergence of puritan religious groups with a strong character, it will be forced to reexplorethe relationship between religion and pluralism. The group will remain ignorant of itsdoctrines and opinions and assume that with this belief they will claim the most correct. Puritangroups have variations in names and movements but their diversity of character has the same lines andcorridors. Puritan groups in Buddhism arise in large sects or sects in Indonesia such as the puritangroups of the Indonesian Theravada Buddhist Council, Maitreya groups, Mahayana groups, Tridharma Indonesia, and others.In this study using a qualitative approach (quality research) which reveals a phenomenon togain understanding with data in the form of qualitative data. This research is to find out the paradigmof Buddhist puritans in a plural society that is by openly interviewing schools of Buddhism. Inqualitative research the source of data comes directly from what is experienced by researchers as themain instrument, data embodied in words or images, pay more attention to process rather than results,in analyzing data more likely to use inductive methods.The results obtained show that there are different paradigms in Buddhism regarding theemergence of puritans. The different paradigm followed by listening to responses from religious leadersand youth in the school of Buddhism. After writing in this research, hopefully it will benefit to youngpeople, religious leaders, Buddhist communities and other communities in general.

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