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Fransesco Agnes Ranubaya
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Aggiornamento Jurnal Filsafat - Teologi Kontekstual
ISSN : 27464695     EISSN : 29635063     DOI : -
AGGIORNAMENTO adalah sebuah jurnal ilmiah terbuka yang berfokus pada isu-isu kontekstual yang terkait dengan usaha pengembangan ilmu Filsafat dan Teologi Kontekstual. AGGIORNAMENTO menerima hasil kajian filosofis dan teologis dari studi interdisipliner.
Articles 55 Documents
PENTINGNYA PEMBINAAN CALON IMAM UNTUK MEMBENTUK IMAM YANG BERHIKMAT: Studi Komparatif Inji Yohanes 3:1-13 dan Amsal 2:1-22 Fransiskus Anang Adi Prasetyo
Aggiornamento Vol. 4 No. 01 (2023): Vol. 4 No. 01 (2023)
Publisher : Aggiornamento

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Dalam studi ini, peneliti memfokuskan penelitian pada analisis teks Yohanes 3:1-13 dan Amsal 2:1-22 untuk mencari makna pentingya pembinaan calon imam Diosesan. Teks Yohanes 3:1-13 berisikan tentang Nikodemus yang mencari hikmat dengan bertemu dengan Yesus. Sedangkan dalam Amsal 2:1-22 berisikan tentang buah-buah hikmat. Kiranya, kedua teks ini memiliki kesamaan tema, yakni tentang hikmat. Calon imam dibina di seminari bertujuan untuk menemukan hikmat. Agar ia menjadi seorang imam yang takut akan Allah dan menjalani hidup panggilan dengan sukacita. Seorang imam tidak hanya tampil dalam hidup sederhana yang tampil dengan kesucian, melainkan seorang imam harus mampu untuk menginternalisasi semangat Injil. Seminari sebagai tempat pembinaan calon imam berusaha melatih calon imam, agar mampu menjadikan Injil sebagai sumber semangat dalam berkarya di keuskupan. Dalam penelitian ini, peneliti menggunakan pendekatan teks dengan membaca literatur yang berkaitan dan buku-buku tafsir.
LARANGAN MEMBUNUH DAN SOAL KEPUTUSAN HUKUMAN MATI HAKIM (Analisis Kasus Vonis Mati Ferdy Sambo Berdasarkan Teori Fontes Moralitatis, Kitab Suci dan Ajaran Gereja): Indonesia Andreas Mariano
Aggiornamento Vol. 4 No. 01 (2023): Vol. 4 No. 01 (2023)
Publisher : Aggiornamento

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This article discusses the prohibition of killing with an analysis of Ferdy Sambo's death sentence. Lately there has been a lot of public discussion about this death sentence. This reveals as if society strongly supports the death penalty. In this analysis, moral theology seeks to find out the good and the bad if the sentence is carried out. This is also a dilemma because in fact, the Catholic Church does not support the death penalty. Such a model of punishment is very contrary to the main Christian teachings, namely, love. Apart from that, it is hoped that each individual will understand the meaning of life. This cannot be denied because basically, humans are God's creation so only He has the right to take back human life. In this paper, the method used is literature study which focuses on understanding the meaning of death penalty and murder in the light of the Bible and moral theology. These two things cannot be separated by remembering that in them there are many lessons about life. Therefore, avoiding killing is salvation for all human beings. Keywords: Human Rights, Death, Theology
HARAM DAN HALAL SERTA RELEVANSINYA DALAM SUDUT PANDANG MODERASI BERAGAMA: Dalam Terang Filsafat Islam Al-Ghazali Ranubaya, Fransesco Agnes; Sarbini, Peter Bruno; Endi, Yohanes
Aggiornamento Vol. 4 No. 02 (2024): Vol. 4 No. 02 (2024)
Publisher : Aggiornamento

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69678/aggiornamento40228-42


To realize religious harmony, it is imperative that both Muslims and non-Muslims know the laws of haram and halal. These sacred guidelines, as prescribed by the Qur'an and Hadith, serve as guidance and direction for living a pious life and should be disseminated for the benefit of all. It is not a tool that is used by individuals to forbid or justify anything arbitrarily. This research uses a qualitative method. Data collection through interviews and literature studies. Haram is something that is forbidden to do because it can cause the perpetrator to be reproached, while halal is something that is permitted or not prohibited. Specifically, the Quran and Hadith are used as guidelines for Muslims in determining whether a food is categorized as halal or haram. The relevance of carrying out the laws of haram and halal for Muslims is to make a comfortable life because it results in peace and consistency in carrying out Allah's commands in order to realize a perfect religious life. In connection with the law of haram and halal, moderation or the middle way that is emphasized is about the correct understanding of the law of haram and halal so that people can maintain their attitudes and speech so that they do not easily forbid and justify everything carelessly.
Aggiornamento Vol. 4 No. 02 (2024): Vol. 4 No. 02 (2024)
Publisher : Aggiornamento

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69678/aggiornamento40257-70


The intertextual echo analysis of John 14:21 and Proverbs 8:17 is the earliest exposition in biblical studies. This analysis is based on the author's interest after seeing that these two texts have similarities or similarities. In biblical studies, these similarities or similarities need to be studied in depth in order to understand the hidden meaning behind them. The intertextual echo analysis method is used to see this meaning and make it relevant in the life of faith. This analysis finds that "loving wisdom will be loved by wisdom" in Proverbs 8:17 is correlated with "loving Jesus will be loved by Jesus". People who have wisdom are the same as believers. In the practical realm of living faith in Jesus, seeking and loving wisdom is evident in waiting for the coming of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost. It is in this context that the wisdom in Proverbs finds its echo in the Catholic Church's celebration of faith, especially at Pentecost.
Aggiornamento Vol. 4 No. 02 (2024): Vol. 4 No. 02 (2024)
Publisher : Aggiornamento

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69678/aggiornamento40271-79


Man lives in the world with all his being. He is present, there must be a point. hence the need for that to be the focus in this article. This focal point is based on Martin Heidegger's metaphysical thinking on Being and Time. So, to answer this, the method used in this research is qualitative research based on literature studies. Thus, the author is able to provide findings and conclusions as to how the meaning of life is present in the way humans exist and how Heidegger views it with his metaphysics. So, the finding present in this article is how metaphysics sees the existence of humans in Heidegger's metaphysics. Furthermore, how the meaning of life can be created through the existence of humans. Not to forget also that the main finding is the personal way of seeing it as a novelty in this article. The result obtained is that humans are able. Keywords: Heidegger's metaphysics, Being and Time, existing, the meaning of life
REPRESENTASI KEBENARAN (VERUM) DALAM DUNIA POLITIK DI INDONESIA: Usaha untuk Menciptakan Keadilan Sosial dalam Terang Immanuel Kant Bendianto, Septian; Armada, Riyanto; Adon, Mathias Jebaru
Aggiornamento Vol. 4 No. 02 (2024): Vol. 4 No. 02 (2024)
Publisher : Aggiornamento

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69678/aggiornamento4021-13


The author in this paper tries to examine the representation of truth (verum) in the world of politics in Indonesia as an effort to create social justice, by referring to the thoughts of Immanuel Kant. Kant argued that truth is an essential moral foundation in the formation of a just and civilized society. In the midst of Indonesia's political dynamics, this study identifies various aspects of truth representation in the context of public policy, governance, and citizen participation. An in-depth analysis of Kant's concept of truth reveals that efforts to create social justice in Indonesia depend on a shared understanding of moral values and ethical obligations. Along with that, the research highlights the challenges and obstacles that arise in everyday political practice, including corruption, inequality, and social injustice. The results show the need for reforms in political practice and governance to realize Kant's vision of a just society. This involves changes in political mindsets, the eradication of corruption, and increased active participation of citizens in policy-making. This research makes an important contribution in designing concrete steps to achieve social justice in Indonesia by integrating Kant's thoughts on truth and moral obligation into everyday political practice.
Aggiornamento Vol. 4 No. 02 (2024): Vol. 4 No. 02 (2024)
Publisher : Aggiornamento

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69678/aggiornamento40243-56


This study focuses on the text of Jonah about God's saving work towards Jonah and the Ninevites. The journey of Jonah and the people of Nineveh brought the grace of salvation solely because of God's mercy in withholding His judgement on their disobedience. It also looks at the relevance of salvation for Christians today. The purpose of this article is to make a theological contribution to the vocation of Christians as believers to understand the concept of salvation. The methodology of this article uses a literature study by collecting actual and contextual sources from the Book of Jonah and the lives of Christians today with critical reflection. The research found that achieving salvation requires faith, repentance, humility, obedience and perseverance in prayer. The relevance of this research for Christians today is the guarantee of eternal salvation. The merciful God must be understood as a saving grace. Therefore, the participation and co-operation of humans to receive the grace of salvation is a fundamental task.
NILAI KEARIFAN LOKAL PANCASILA DALAM PERMAINAN TRADISIONAL ANAK: BENTENGAN: Refleksi Filosofis Manusia Sebagai Homo Ludens Mayolla, Innoccentius Gerardo
Aggiornamento Vol. 4 No. 02 (2024): Vol. 4 No. 02 (2024)
Publisher : Aggiornamento

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69678/aggiornamento40214-27


This study aims to 1) explore the values of local wisdom Pancasila in the children's game "Bentengan" and 2) reflect on the traditional children's game "Bentengan" in the light of the philosophy that humans are Homo Ludens. The children's game "Bentengan" is one of the traditional games of East Java. Bentengan is played collectively between more than three children. Axiologically, this game has a positive character education value for children's growth and development. Due to the characteristics of this locality, “Bentengan” also contains the value of local wisdom. The methodology that I used is a philosophical-phenomenological research study with an in-depth literature study of the writings on “Bentengan”. The results are then analyzed by philosophical reflection in the light of the local wisdom of Pancasila and the thoughts of John Huizinga, Homo Ludens (Humans are creatures who play). This study found that 1) the traditional children's game "Bentengan" contains the values of local wisdom Pancasila which is positive for children's growth and development and the development of Pancasila profiles for students 2) this local game contains human anthropological characters as creatures who play, namely expressing human freedom, symbolization of human struggle, temporality-spatiality, following the rules, self-purposed game (pursuit of happiness).
Aggiornamento Vol. 4 No. 02 (2024): Vol. 4 No. 02 (2024)
Publisher : Aggiornamento

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69678/aggiornamento40280-114


This study aims to discover the aspects of walking participants awareness. The method used is phenomenological-descriptive. From the research, it was found that: walking means going to a certain point with a purpose; the activity of human life and using the legs given by God; the pilgrimage of life and a true walker is a person who makes meaning every time he walks. Philosophers have also described walking. Nietzsche found that any idea must be born out of the open air and free movement. Kant recognised that walking is simple, without a great mystical union with nature. While Rousseau confessed to never doing anything except walking, the countryside was where he learnt. He claimed to be incapable of thinking properly except when he walking. This research is very relevant to today's context where meaning is really needed in every physical movement. In addition, a healthy lifestyle is not only achieved with big things, but simply by walking.
Aggiornamento Vol. 5 No. 1 (2024): Vol. 5 No. 01 (2024)
Publisher : Aggiornamento

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.69678/aggiornamento511-14


Penelitian ini mengeksplorasi kontekstualisasi Teologi Harapan Karl Rahner dalam Tradisi Naik Dango Suku Dayak Kanayatn dengan fokus pada relevansinya bagi umat Gereja Katolik. Latar belakang penelitian mencerminkan keinginan untuk memahami bagaimana konsep teologi harapan Rahner dapat diaplikasikan dan memberikan dampak dalam tradisi keagamaan lokal, khususnya dalam upacara Naik Dango yang merupakan warisan budaya Suku Dayak Kanayatn. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengidentifikasi dan menganalisis bagaimana Teologi Harapan Karl Rahner dapat dikontestualkan dalam pelaksanaan Naik Dango, serta mengevaluasi relevansinya bagi umat Gereja Katolik. Metode penelitian melibatkan studi pustaka, observasi partisipatif, dan wawancara dengan tokoh agama dan masyarakat setempat. Kerangka teoretis mengintegrasikan konsep Teologi Harapan Rahner, aspek-aspek kepercayaan dan praktik kebudayaan Suku Dayak Kanayatn, serta pertimbangan teologis dalam konteks Gereja Katolik. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa Teologi Harapan Rahner dapat memberikan kontribusi positif dalam memahami dan menghormati Tradisi Naik Dango, dengan potensi untuk memperkuat ikatan antara Gereja Katolik dan masyarakat lokal.