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Jurnal Pendidikan Tari
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This Journal is about Creation of Performing Arts or Performing Arts Study as well as the research result of Innovation in Dance and Dance Education
Articles 8 Documents
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Meningkatkan Kemampuan Daya Ingat Melalui Model Ekspositori Bagi Anak Kelas III dalam Menari Tari Tradisional Di Sanggar Tari Dahayu Astramaya clara alverina; Dwi Kusumawardani; Tuteng Suwandi
Jurnal Pendidikan Tari Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Pendidikan Tari dalam Membangun Character Bangsa
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Tari FBS UNJ

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/JPT.416


Penelitian bertujuan menganalisis proses dan hasil penerapan model ekspositori. Permasalahan dalam penelitian ini yaitu kurangnya daya ingat peserta pelatihan dan pembelajaran yang belum mengarah kepada daya ingat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian tindakan kelas (PTK) dari Kemis dan MC Taggart dengan penerapan model ekspositori. Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan 2 siklus. Setiap siklus terdiri dari 4 tahap, yaitu perencanaan, tindakan, pengamatan dan refleksi. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan teknik observasi, wawancara dan tes. Penelitian melibatkan kolaborator untuk melakukan penilaian dan evaluasi hasil dari model ekspositori untuk meningkatkan daya ingat. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa penerapan model ekspositori dapat meningkatkan daya ingat pada peserta pelatihan berdasarkan hasil nilai pra – siklus 55,58, siklus I menjadi 62,34 dan siklus II menjadi 79,21.
Meningkatkan Kerjasama Siswa Melalui Metode Snowball Throwing dalam Materi Pembelajaran Unsur Pendukung Tari Kelas X MIPA 4 SMA Negeri 2 Depok Tahun 2023 Agustiningsih Pratami Goloa Joki ramadhan Goloa; Rahmida Setiawati; Nursilah
Jurnal Pendidikan Tari Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Pendidikan Tari dalam Membangun Character Bangsa
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Tari FBS UNJ

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/JPT.414


This research raised the problem that exists in the students of class X MIPA 4 in State High School 2 Depok, which is the lack of cooperation in the way of learning. This problem occurs because the media and methods of learning in schools have not yet led to activities that require cooperation, learning that is monotonous makes students bored. This study aims to improve student cooperation in the way and process of learning using the method of learning snowball throwing in the material of supporting dance elements, which is beneficial to enhancing the ability of students to cooperate. This study uses the method of Class Action Research (PTK) by separating the action intervention design of Kurt Lewin, which consists of two cycles and each cycle has four stages, namely planning (Planning), action (Action), observation (Observing), and reflection. (Reflecting). The research took place from February to May 2023 at State High School 2 Depok, West Java. Data is collected through the learning process in the dance support element material over 4 meetings over 2 cycles. The data collection techniques used in this study are lifting, observation, and interviews. The results of the research showed that the application of the method of learning snowball throwing in the dance supporting element material can improve student cooperation based on the results at pre-cycle 40%, increasing at cycle I to 75%, and at cycle II to 94%. The results indicated that the method of learning snowball throwing could significantly enhance student collaboration. The conclusion of this study is that the method of learning snowball throwing can be beneficial and can be a way of learning for all students, especially to enhance cooperation. This is because the method of learning snowball throwing has experienced a significant improvement, as demonstrated by the learning results using dance supporting elements.
Tari sebagai Kegiatan untuk Meringankan Trauma pada Anak Korban Kekerasan Seksual Michelle Sarajar; Elindra Yetti; Deden Haerudin
Jurnal Pendidikan Tari Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Pendidikan Tari dalam Membangun Character Bangsa
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Tari FBS UNJ

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/JPT.417


Indonesia emas 2024 diprediksikan, dengan banyaknya usia produktif di Indonesia. Namun kekerasan seksual pada anak meningkat pada tahun 2019 ke 2022 terakhir. Peningkatan yang memperhatikan, mengakibatkan penelitian dilakukan untuk mengkaji hasil pustaka yang membahas terkait meringankan trauma anak korban kekerasan seksual, dengan menerapkan kegiatan tari. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis pustaka terkait bentuk dan dampak dari kegiatan tari untuk meringankan trauma anak korban kekerasan seksual. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah penelitian kualitatif jenis kepustakaan. Penelitian menggunakan jurnal ilmiah, buku elektronik, non-elektronik sebagai metode untuk menganalisis mengenai bentuk dari kegiatan tari untuk anak korban kekerasan seksual, dan dampak kegiatan tari untuk meringankan trauma anak korban kekerasan seksual. Hasil analisis dari penelitian ini adalah kegiatan tari seperti dance/movement therapy dan creative art therapy yang memberikan kebebasan bergerak yang membantu anak dalam mengekspresikan diri secara non-verbal, eksplorasi gerak dengan imajinasi anak dapat membantu mengekspresikan perasaan yang dimiliki tanpa perlu diverbalisasikan. Dampak dari kegiatan tersebut adalah peserta memperoleh kepercayaan diri, pemahaman emosi, ekspresi, terhubung dengan dirinya sendiri, mampu bersosialisasi, dan mempercayai orang tua atau pengasuh. Penelitian ini memberikan potensi untuk diterapkan dengan jenis tari lain seperti salah satunya tari kontemporer.
Bentuk Penyajian Color Guard Contest Dalam Pertandingan Grand Prix Marching Band Oleh Komunitas E(x)-Guard Jakarta Rahmat Suryo Samudro
Jurnal Pendidikan Tari Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Pendidikan Tari dalam Membangun Character Bangsa
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Tari FBS UNJ

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/JPT.411


Marching band performances consist of musical and visual elements. The visual element in the marching band is predominantly represented by the color guard players. The color guard contributes to the visual effect and conveys the message of the marching band performance. Color guard performances do not always depend on marching band orchestras, they can be independent performances using playback music as accompaniment. The Grand Prix Marching Band 2022 competition featured a color guard contest with one of the participants being the color guard community called E(x)-Guard. Researchers conducted observations, interviews and documentation of the results of the E(x)-Guard performance. This data collection technique led researchers to use descriptive qualitative research methods. A study using a theoretical approach of the basic elements of dance composition by La Meri translated by Soedarsono resulted in the conclusion that the color guard contest performance in the GPMB competition presented by E(x)-Guard with the BICARA repertoire had complete elements.
Pendekatan Konstruktivisme Dalam Pembelajaran Seni Tari Untuk Meningkatkan Hasil Belajar Siswa Nida Thahirah; Agus Budiman
Jurnal Pendidikan Tari Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Pendidikan Tari dalam Membangun Character Bangsa
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Tari FBS UNJ

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/JPT.418


Penelitian ini mengkaji tentang penggunaan pendekatan konstruktivisme dalam pembelajaran seni tari. Pendekatan konstruktivisme merupakan model pembelajaran yang memberikan kesempatan kepada siswa untuk mengembangkan kreativitas mereka melalui berbagai kegiatan dalam interaksi edukatif, yang memungkinkan mereka melakukan eksplorasi dan menemukan pengetahuan secara mandiri. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mendapatkan pemahaman menyeluruh mengenai pengaruh pendekatan konstruktivisme terhadap peningkatan hasil belajar siswa SMA kelas XI pada materi fungsi, jenis, bentuk dan nilai estetis tari kreasi. Metode penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kuantitatif pre-experimental design (One Group Pretest-Posttest). Subjek penelitian berjumlah 36 siswa pada satu kelas eksperimen. Instrumen penelitian yang digunakan terdiri dari soal pre-test dan post-test yang berjumlah 15 soal pilihan ganda dengan lima pilihan jawaban, lembar kerja siswa disertai dengan permainan yang berkaitan dengan materi yang dibahas, dimana materi tersebut berbeda tiap pertemuannya sebagai upaya untuk mendukung pendekatan konstruktivisme, kuesioner keefektifan pembelajaran dengan menggunakan pendekatan konstruktivisime, dan pertanyaan wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini membuktikan bahwa pembelajaran dengan menggunakan pendekatan konstruktivisme dapat meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa, hasil analisis dari rata-rata penilaian sebelum diterapkan penerapan berada pada kategori rendah, hasil post-test melalui penerapan pendekatan konstruktivisme meningkatkan rata-rata nilai dengan kategori tinggi. Hasil kuesioner juga menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan pendekatan konstruktivisme dalam pembelajaran seni tari mendapatkan respons positif dari siswa. Pada hasil presentase nilai menunjukan pendekatan konstruktivisme efektif meningkatkan hasil belajar siswa serta menciptakan suasana belajar yang lebih menarik, sehingga siswa dapat mengembangkan kreativitas mereka melalui interaksi edukatif, melakukan eksplorasi, dan menemukan pengetahuan secara mandiri. Selain itu, pendekatan konstruktivisme juga berhasil meningkatkan motivasi belajar siswa SMA kelas XI.
Meningkatkan Pemahaman Tari Tradisional dengan Model Problem Based Learning untuk Projek Penguatan Profil Pelajar Pancasila Tema Kearifan Lokal pada Pelajaran Seni Tari Kelas XI Pemilasari W. Mairani; Mardiayanah
Jurnal Pendidikan Tari Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Pendidikan Tari dalam Membangun Character Bangsa
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Tari FBS UNJ

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/JPT.412


This research aims to increase students’ comprehension towards traditional dances by analyzing the learning process and outcomes in applying Problem Based Learning as a project to strengthen the profile of Pancasila students in the theme of local wisdom in the Dance Class of Grade XI. The research is carried out due to the problems of student’s incomprehensibility towards traditional dances resulted in the difficulties in creating Creative Dance that is based on traditional dances, which becomes one of the learning objectives Phase-F of Emancipated Curriculum. The classroom action research from Kemis &McTaggard was employed in this research and is conducted in two cycles. Each cycle has four stages, namely planning, action, observation and reflection. This research was conducted from June to September 2023 at SMA Negeri 92 Jakarta, through face-to-face learning. The data were collected through d from scores of objective tests, group discussions and papers, collaborator interviews, student interviews, observations by collaborators, observations by students, and documentation. The results of this research show the average pretest score is 40, the average score in cycle 1 is 72 and the average score in cycle 2 is 88. The learning outcomes have increased by 20% compared to the pretest result in cycle 1. There is an increase of 40% of the result in cycle 2 compared to the result in cycle 1. In conclusion, the application of Problem based Learning model can increase students’ comprehension towards traditional dances for students of grade XI as a project of strengthening Pancasila students’ profile in the theme of local wisdom, that is shown by the increasing of academic outcomes.
Teknik dan Ekspresi sebagi Upaya Penguasaan Kualitas Gerak Tari Topeng Tunggal Betawi Menurut Perspektif Margaret N.H'Doubler Monik Alvianisa; Nursilah; Ida Bagus Ketut Sudiasa
Jurnal Pendidikan Tari Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Pendidikan Tari dalam Membangun Character Bangsa
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Tari FBS UNJ

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/JPT.415


This study examines the problem of mastering the movement quality of the Single Mask Dance because this dance has a fairly high level of complexity. The purpose of this study was to determine the form of presentation, movement techniques, and movement quality of the Single Mask Dance through Technique and Expression according to Margaret N H'Doubler's perspective. This research can be used as an opportunity for further study regarding the mastery of movement quality in other types of dance using Technique and Expression theory. The research method used is descriptive qualitative analysis and data collection techniques through interviews, observations, literature studies, and document studies. The data obtained includes: 1) the form of presentation of the Single Mask Dance which can be seen through the analysis of the structure of the movement, 2) the movement technique which includes three aspects, namely the regulation of breath, energy, and rhythm, 3) the expression presented through the movement of the mask and body movements. The results of the analysis and interpretation of the data explain that the Single Mask Dance fulfills all sub-chapters in Technique and Expression. Thus, it can be concluded that Technique and Expression can be used as an effort to master the Single Mask Dance.
Membangun Karakter Tokoh Adaninggar Dalam Pertunjukan Wayang Golek Menak Menurut Teori Fenomenologi Persepsi Maurice Merleau-Ponty Putri Najla Ayu Rasyid; Nursilah; Kartika Mutiara Sari
Jurnal Pendidikan Tari Vol 4 No 1 (2023): Pendidikan Tari dalam Membangun Character Bangsa
Publisher : Program Studi Pendidikan Tari FBS UNJ

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.21009/JPT.413


This thesis examines the problem of building the character of Adaninggar in the Menak Wayang Golek show entitled Putri Kaelani. The purpose of this study was to find out and analyze the Menak Wayang Golek show entitled Putri Kaelani using Maurice Merleau-Ponty's Perceptual Phenomenology theory. The benefits of this research are able to support the improvement of the quality of dancing for the students of Sanggar Surya Kirana. The research method used is qualitative research with ethnographic and autoethnographic approaches. The conclusion that can be, that the process of building the character of Adaninggar according to Maurice Merleau-Ponty's Perception Phenomenology is how the process of gaining experience as a whole in order to get a perception of the world of performing arts. The research data can be categorized into four data, namely the general description of the Surya Kirana studio, the form of presentation of the menak puppet show entitled Putri Kaelani, the characters in the menak puppet show entitled Putri Kaelani, the process of building the character of Adaninggar. The four data above will be analyzed using Maurice Merleau-Ponty's Perception Phenomenology theory, supported by Richard Boleslavsky's character building method, through the first six lessons for aspiring actors.

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