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Journal Of Sport Education, Coaching, And Health
ISSN : 27974197     EISSN : 27973565     DOI :
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JOCCA : Journal of Sport Education, Coaching, and Health terbit dalam 4 kali setahun (maret, juni, september dan desember). Jurnal ini mempublikasikan artikel - artikel yang di peer reviewed dari hasil - hasil penelitian yang terkait dengan scope: sports education, sports physical education, sports coaching, sports science, sports management, sports psychology, sports biomechanics, traditional sports, sports nutrition, and health sciences.
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Articles 10 Documents
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The Learning Outcomes of Swimming Using STAD Learning Model Syahruddin Syahruddin; Muhammad Syahrul Saleh; M Sahib Saleh
Journal of Sport Education, Coaching, and Health (JOCCA) Vol 4 No 3 (2023): September
Publisher : Sains Global Institut, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35458/jc.v3i3.1324


This study aims to improve the learning outcomes of freestyle swimming through the STAD learning model in grade XI students of SMA Negeri 3 Bulukumba. This type of research is a type of class action research (PTK) Research is carried out for two cycles where each cycle consists of 2 meetings. Each meeting uses research procedures consisting of planning, implementation, observation, and reflection stages. The subjects of this study were 31 students of grade XI MIPA.1 SMA Negeri 3 Bulukumba. The research instruments used are observation, evaluation tests, field notes, and documentation while the data collection techniques use observation techniques, test techniques, and documentation. The results showed that using the STAD learning model can improve freestyle swimming learning outcomes in students in Physical Education subjects.
The Nutritional Status Level, VO2 Max, and Basic Futsal Techniques At Geral FC Makassar Andi Ridwan; Andi Ihsan; Ahmad Adil
Journal of Sport Education, Coaching, and Health (JOCCA) Vol 4 No 3 (2023): September
Publisher : Sains Global Institut, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35458/jc.v3i3.1326


This study aims to determine the nutritional status, endurance, and cardiovascular of basic futsal techniques in Geral FC Makassar players. This study is descriptive of nutritional status, endurance, and basic futsal techniques. The population in this study is Geral Fc Futsal Club players with a sample of 20 players and sampling using total sampling or sampling techniques with certain considerations. The data analysis technique used is descriptive Percentage. Based on the results of data analysis, shows that nutritional status data with cardiovascular endurance against basic futsal techniques at Club Geral FC Makassar. Based on BMI classification: Low 7 people = 30%, Standard 11 people = 60%, Overweight 2 people = 10%, Obesity 0 people = 0%, Nutritional status obtained total average value (mean) 21.51, minimum data 17.91, maximum data 26.79, with a range of 87.88 and standard deviation 2.42 while clarification of cardiovascular endurance: VO2 Max ability category Very low 1 person, less 6 people, good 12 people and very good 1 person, The total mean value was 45.37, the minimum data was 39.55, the maximum data was 57.10 with a range of 17.55 and the standard deviation was 4.25. Then the results of futsal playing data analysis can be found that the skill level of 0 people (0%) is declared very good, 3 people (15%) are declared Good, 10 people (50%) are declared Sufficient, 5 people (25%) are declared Less and 2 people (10%) are declared Less once, obtained the lowest total average value (minimum) 60, the highest score (maximum) 101, the average (mean) 65.50, standard deviation (SD) 9.76
The Sports Interest in Students' Extracurricular Activities At SMP Negeri 8 Makassar Muhammad Ishak; Nurul Musfira Amahoru; Muh Adnan Hudain
Journal of Sport Education, Coaching, and Health (JOCCA) Vol 4 No 3 (2023): September
Publisher : Sains Global Institut, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35458/jc.v3i3.1327


This study aims to determine how much interest students have in extracurricular sports activities of SMP Negeri 8 Makassar students. This research belongs to the type of survey research. The population of this study was all students of SMP Negeri 8 Makassar with a total research sample of 40 students selected by purposive sampling. The data analysis techniques used are descriptive, data normality, and categorization using the SPSS System Version 16.00 at a significant level of 95% or a0.05. Based on the results of data analysis, this study concluded that the interest in sports in extracurricular students of SMP Negeri 8 Makassar was in the category of Strongly Agree
The Level of VO2 Max With Kizami Tsuki's Punch Speed In Karate Athletes Sudirman Sudirman; Muh. Adnan Hudain; Sahabuddin Sahabuddin
Journal of Sport Education, Coaching, and Health (JOCCA) Vol 4 No 3 (2023): September
Publisher : Sains Global Institut, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35458/jc.v3i3.1328


This study is a correlational descriptive study that aims to determine the relationship between VO2 Max and Kizami Tsuki's Punch Speed in Karate martial arts sports in KKI Dojo H3 athletes. The independent variable in this study is the ability of Cardiovascular, while the dependent variable is Kizame Tsuki's Punch. The population in this study is Makassar City KKI Karate Athletes with a population of 15 people. To obtain the data, researchers used the Bleep Test. The results showed a significant relationship: VO2 Max with the speed of Kisami Tsuki punches on karate athletes KKI dojo H3 Makassar
Physical Education and Sports Facilities and Infrastructure Sahabuddin Sahabuddin; Nukrawi Nawir; Muhammad Ishak
Journal of Sport Education, Coaching, and Health (JOCCA) Vol 4 No 3 (2023): September
Publisher : Sains Global Institut, Indonesia

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.35458/jc.v3i3.1329


Facilities are all things tools and equipment used for physical education activities. Unfulfilled physical education facilities and activities in the physical education learning process will be disrupted and not run smoothly. Examples of physical education facilities such as balls (football, volleyball, basketball, baseball, etc.), beaters, rackets, and so on. Sports infrastructure is something that can facilitate and facilitate the course of the physical education learning process. Unfulfilled physical education infrastructure can hamper the effectiveness of physical education learning activities. Physical education infrastructure consists of courts (football, volleyball, basketball, handball, basketball, field tennis, badminton, softball, baseball, kipres, rounders, hockey, etc.), swimming pools, long jump tubs, stadiums, sports halls, and so on. The purpose of this study is to determine the existence, condition, and status of ownership of physical education facilities and infrastructure and motivation. Because physical education facilities and infrastructure support the achievement of physical education learning so that it runs effectively and efficiently. While motivation encourages someone to do something. A survey of physical education facilities and infrastructure in schools is a method or way to determine the number of existence, conditions and ownership status of physical education facilities and infrastructure in schools. This study aims to determine the condition of physical education facilities and infrastructure in schools. This research belongs to the type of survey research. The population of this study was SMK Negeri 2 Pangkep. The data analysis technique used is descriptive. Based on the results of data analysis, this study concluded that: (1) The percentage of fulfilment of the existence of physical education equipment following national education standards is 33%; (2) The percentage of fulfilment of the existence of physical education equipment following national education standards is 25%; and (3) The percentage of fulfilment of the existence of physical education facilities following national education standards is 33%.
The Agility Analysis of the Ability to Accompany the Ball in Student Football Games Muhammad Nur; Asri Awal; Erwan Hafid
Journal of Sport Education, Coaching, and Health (JOCCA) Vol 4 No 3 (2023): September
Publisher : Sains Global Institut, Indonesia

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This study aims to determine the Agility Analysis of the Ability to Accompany the Ball in the Football Game of Students of SMK Negeri 4 Jeneponto. This research is a quantitative descriptive research using observation. The method in this study uses descriptive statistics with observation techniques and tests. The population in this study was all students of SMK Negeri 4 Jeneponto as many as 365 students. The sampling technique uses random sampling, so the number of samples in this study was 30 students of SMK Negeri 4 Jeneponto. The test instruments used in this study were agility test instruments and dribbling ability tests in football games. Data analysis uses quantitative description with percentages. the overall data of this study shows that There is a relationship between agility to the ability to accompany the ball in the football game of SMK Negeri 4 Jeneponto students.
The Relationship Between Anxiety Level And Shooting Accuracy Hasmyati Hasmyati; Andi Attsam Mappanyukki
Journal of Sport Education, Coaching, and Health (JOCCA) Vol 4 No 3 (2023): September
Publisher : Sains Global Institut, Indonesia

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This study aims to examine the relationship between the level of anxiety and shooting accuracy in Sinjai futsal athletes. The results showed that there was a significant relationship between the two variables. Anxiety has the potential to interfere with the player's concentration and focus, which can affect shooting accuracy. Therefore, anxiety management is a key factor in improving the shooting accuracy ability of futsal athletes. The research method used was a correlational method involving 20 Sinjai futsal athletes as a sample. Data was collected through observation and futsal shooting tests and then analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistical methods. It was concluded that there was a significant correlation between the level of anxiety and the ability to shoot accuracy in Sinjai futsal athletes.
Correlation of Physical Condition Components with Volleyball Smash Ability (Overview of Arm Explosive Power, Leg Explosive Power and Eye-Hand Coordination) Hikmad Hakim; Nukhrawi Nawir; Ahmad Rum Bismar
Journal of Sport Education, Coaching, and Health (JOCCA) Vol 4 No 3 (2023): September
Publisher : Sains Global Institut, Indonesia

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This study aims to determine the correlation of arm explosive power, leg explosive power and hand-eye coordination with smash ability in volleyball games of FIK UNM students. The population in this study was all sports coaching education students of FIK UNM with a total research sample of 30 students selected by random sampling. The data analysis techniques used are correlation and regression analysis techniques using the SPSS Version 16 system at a significant level of 95% or α 0.05. Departing from the results of data analysis, this study concluded that: (1) the correlation of arm explosive power with smash ability in volleyball games, proven r0 = 0.955 (P < α 0.05), (2) the correlation of leg explosive power with smash ability in volleyball games., proven r0 = 0.957 (P < α0.05), (3) correlation of hand-eye coordination with smash ability in volleyball games., proved r0 = 0.852 (P < α0.05), (4) correlation of arm explosive power, leg explosive power and hand-eye coordination with smash ability in volleyball games., proven R0 = 0.970 (P < α 0.05). It can be explained that if a student is supported by a good correlation of arm explosive power, leg explosive power and hand-eye coordination, the student can smash volleyball games well too. Based on the results of the above research can be concluded: 1) There is a significant correlation between arm explosive power with smash ability in volleyball games, 2) There is a significant correlation between leg explosive power with smash ability in volleyball games, 3) There is a significant correlation of hand-eye coordination with smash ability in volleyball games, and 4) There is a significant correlation of arm explosive power, Leg explosive power and hand-eye coordination with smash ability in volleyball games at FIK UNM Students.
Interest in Table Tennis in Junior High School Students in Pinrang Regency Imam Suyudi
Journal of Sport Education, Coaching, and Health (JOCCA) Vol 4 No 3 (2023): September
Publisher : Sains Global Institut, Indonesia

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The purpose of this study was to determine the interest in table tennis among junior high school students in Pinrang Regency. The type of research conducted is a survey. The population used is junior high school students in Pinrang Regency. The samples used were 50 students of SMP Negeri 1 Pinrang, 50 students of SMP Negeri 4 Pinrang, and 50 students of SMP Negeri 5 Pinrang, in total the sample amounted to 50 students. Data collection technique using a questionnaire with the Likert system. The data analysis technique used is a descriptive percentage. The results of the study can be concluded that: (1) The interest in table tennis in students at SMP Negeri 1 Pinrang Regency is very low; (2) Interest in table tennis in students at SMP Negeri 4 Pinrang Regency is very low, (3) Interest in table tennis in students at SMP Negeri 1 Pinrang Regency is low; and (4) Overall, the interest in table tennis among students in Pinrang Regency Public Junior High School is very low.
Straight Punch Technique on Sasana Lipang Bajeng Boxing Athletes Ricardo Valentino Latuheru; Suriah Hanafi
Journal of Sport Education, Coaching, and Health (JOCCA) Vol 4 No 3 (2023): September
Publisher : Sains Global Institut, Indonesia

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This research is a descriptive study, which aims to determine jab and straight punch techniques in Sasana Lipang Bajeng boxing athletes. Data retrieval is the skill level of jab and straight punches. Populasi is a boxing athlete from Sasana Lipang Bajeng while the determination of samples using the total sampling method is the number of samples in the study equal to the existing population of 15 athletes. The results showed that the straight hitting technique of 15 athletes, was categorized as good as 1 athlete or (6.67%), the good category as many as 10 athletes or (66.67%), the medium category as many as 4 athletes or (26.67%), and for the less and less categories there was nothing. Thus, it can be concluded that the straight punch technique of Sasana Lipang Bajeng boxing athletes is in the Good category.

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