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SELL (Scope of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature) Journal
Published by STKIP PGRI Bangkalan
ISSN : 25286595     EISSN : 25808400     DOI : -
SELL journal seek multidisciplinary contribution from the lecturers, researchers, students, and also all the practitioners in the field of English language teaching, linguistics, and literature. There are several sub-themes (but not limited to): 1. The development of technology in language teaching 2. Translation and pedagogy 3. Sociolinguistics and psycholinguistics 4. Semantics, syntax, phonology, and morphology 5. Applied linguistics 6. English literature, poetry, prose, and drama 7. Digital communication in English language teaching 8. Cultural studies
Articles 119 Documents
Speaking skill and critical thinking skill development through project based learning method of EFL tertiary students Masriatus Sholikhah
SELL (Scope of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature) Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2019): SELL Journal
Publisher : Penerbit STKIP PGRI Bangkalan

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This research explored students achievement in speaking class in EFL setting by implementing project-based learning (PBL) in both their speaking skill and critical thinking skill. The research set out in two cycles of classroom action research which involved 30 students taking a compulsory subject, Speaking for Academic Setting. The researcher utilized some instruments to obtain valid data with observation and consultation sheets, peer assessment, deep interview, and Questionnaire. The students are given some set of projects in producing Vlog then uploaded it in YouTube platform. They have to work in a small group (3 person) and pretend to be a news anchor, news reporter, host in TV program, and personal vlog consecutively. The result showed that PBL significantly elevates students‘ speaking skill as well as critical thinking skill for they enjoyed their self pretending as an “artist“ and actively engaged in the process of discussion, sharing, and cooperate among group member.
The symbolic meaning of "Punakawan Javanese Wayang" (a value imaging study in character education at the character education course in STKIP Bina Insan Mandiri Surabaya) Sulistiyani; Dewi Rosaria Indah
SELL (Scope of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature) Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2019): SELL Journal
Publisher : Penerbit STKIP PGRI Bangkalan

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This study aims to examine the image of figures of clowns in Javanese puppetry in order to enhance the values ​​in character education of students in the world of education through symbolic meaning. This proves that education without character and character has been considered to fail to educate the nation's children. Many school graduates and scholars who are good at answering exam questions, have intelligent minds, but mentally weak, timid, and behavior is not commendable and do prohibited acts. With image theory and symbols in the puppet the author conducted an analysis to examine the image of the clown who then got the symbol of punokawan in Javanese wayang. This study uses interpretive descriptive methods and literature using image and symbol theory. The research used in this study has the purpose of understanding the phenomena experienced by the research subject. The results of this study can be formulated that the image of figures of Javanese puppets is symbolic, ie clowns in Javanese wayang as servants who have exemplary attitudes (honesty, fairness, not giving up / despair, and a high sense of nationalism) that are very necessary and implied in the value of character education. Character education in the subject of character education for students, especially students of STKIP Bina Insan Mandiri Surabaya, is more encouraging to be socialized to all academics so that they can create a generation that is of good quality in terms of intellectual, personality and character in the future.
The implementation of social interactive Writing for English Language Learners (SWELL) method in teaching writing of narrative text at tenth grade students of SMA As-Shomadiyah Bangkalan Maulana Yusuf Aditya; Mohammad Hafidz
SELL (Scope of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature) Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2019): SELL Journal
Publisher : Penerbit STKIP PGRI Bangkalan

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The study conducted in SMA AS-Shomadiyah Bangkalan because the researcher found out that the students of SMA AS-Shomadiyah Bangkalan have several problems in teaching-learning English, especially in Narrative Text. They have difficulty to understand texts and the generic structure of Narrative Text and also in the changing of past participle especially the irregular verb. These problems are caused by several factors. First, they have difficulties in understanding the Narrative Text and they also have lack of vocabulary of past participle verb especially the irregular verbs, so they still find it difficult to write Narrative Texts. Second, the students do not seem to enjoy English writing lesson because the teacher just asks students to do the exercise based on the text book. It makes students bored and exhausted. In this study, the teacher used SWELL (Social-Interactive Writing for English Language Learners) method as the alternative method in teaching writing. The objective of this study is to know the implementation of SWELL in teaching writing narrative text at tenth grades students of SMA AS-Shomadiyah Bangkalan and to find out the students responses in the implementation of SWELL in teaching writing narrative text at tenth grades students of SMA AS-Shomadiyah Bangkalan. The design of this study is a descriptive qualitative design. The instruments used in this study consist of observation checklist and interview. Finally, after implementation of SWELL the researcher believe the student’s writing ability of tenth grades students of SMA AS-Shomadiyah Bangkalan can be better. They interest to write and explore their ability well.
The use of participatory method in learning of short story writing based on personal experience at SMKN 1 Labang Ardiyansah
SELL (Scope of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature) Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2019): SELL Journal
Publisher : Penerbit STKIP PGRI Bangkalan

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The purpose of this study is to describe the activities of teachers in learning to write personal experiences using participatory methods. This research takes the form of descriptive qualitative on class action supported by quantitative data. The research instrument used in the form of observation checklist on the activities of teachers and students, and tests of learning outcomes. The results of student learning at the first meeting on cycle 1 were still below the achievement of student pension criteria with a 19% completeness . Meanwhile in the second meeting on cycle 2, it can be seen in the achievement of the average learning outcomes of 66.66 with 33% completeness of learning outcomes so that it can be concluded the learning outcomes of writing short stories based on personal experience using participatory methods are quite effective .
The effectiveness of pre-questioning in teaching reading at SMPN 5 Pamekasan Evha Nazalatus Sa’adiyah Sy; Yuliarsih
SELL (Scope of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature) Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2019): SELL Journal
Publisher : Penerbit STKIP PGRI Bangkalan

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The general question of this research: do the students’ who taught by using pre-questioning technique has better achievement than the students’ who taught by using the traditional technique? The researcher used Quasi-Experimental design. Because the research conducted in a school situation, it is necessary to use groups as they are already organized into classes. Furthermore, both of the student groups are determined as Experiment Group (X) and Control Group (Y). Experiment group (VII-A class) is a group which taught by using the pre-questioning technique, while the control group (VII-B) is a group which taught by using conventional technique. The instruments used to collect data are pretest and posttest. After getting the result data, the researcher used ANCOVA to calculate it, the result of computed F value. The hypothesis testing showed that there is a significant difference in reading achievement between the students’ taught by using Pre-questioning technique and the students’ taught by using Conventional technique. The students’ who taught by using Pre-questioning technique have better achievement than the students’ taught by using the conventional technique. It was proved from the computation where computed F-value (16.668) was higher than the F-critical value (4.00) in 0.05 level of significance. It meant that Ha was accepted.
Exploring The Plot Analysis 'Kami (bukan) Sarjana Kertas Novel': Seeking for Characters’ Problems Ratih Saltri Yudar; Nofita Sari Gowasa; Mutia Sari Nursafira
SELL (Scope of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature) Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2019): SELL Journal
Publisher : Penerbit STKIP PGRI Bangkalan

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This research purposes to analyze the plot of novel written by Indonesian writer named J.S Khairen entitled “Kami (Bukan) Sarjana Kertas”. Chooses this novel because the idea or main story of this novel related to how young people these days recognizing their own passions, how they struggling from many problems that come on their journey to reach their dreams. This analysis using qualitative research as its methodology to identify the plot of this novel. Novel as a part of prose in literature has two elements, such as intrinsic and extrinsic elements. However this study only focuses its analysis on the intrinsic elements. This study revealed the plot as a structure of events, which is as shown in the arrangement and presentation of the events to accomplish a certain artistic value. The plot is manifested through acts, manner, and attitude of story main characters based on Teori Pengkajian Fiksi proposed by Nurgiyanto (2012).
A Vygotsky’s sociocultural approach to understanding pre-service English teachers for professional development (a study at STKIP PGRI Bangkalan) Arfiyan Ridwan
SELL (Scope of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature) Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2019): SELL Journal
Publisher : Penerbit STKIP PGRI Bangkalan

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The Pre-service teacher program is a compulsory subject at STKIP PGRI Bangkalan with the aim of giving students a real experience to do the learning process in class. Pre-service teacher program itself is divided into 2 courses, namely Pre-service teacher program I (where students are trained to make learning plans on campus followed by microteaching) and Pre-service teacher program II (where students are actually deployed to schools for real teaching practices. This research aims to analyze the extent to which the Pre-Service Teacher Program has contributed to the development of professionalism of prospective teachers or preservice teacher professional development from the perspective of Vygotsky's sociocultural theory. The perspectives to be used in this study are genetic law of development, zone of proximal development, and mediation. Students as prospective teachers must develop themselves in this practicum before they become real teachers (in-service teacher). There are three pre-service students involved in this study in different schools. The data was obtained through document collection, mainly lesson plans, and through interview. The results show that there is an apparent progress in between the two courses of preservice teacher program in terms of pedagogical skills. The mediation between mentor teacher and lecturer supervisor opened a great opportunity for sharing knowledge and ideas in teaching. The pre-service teachers were benefited through sharing of in-service teachers’ experiences, whereas the in-service teachers were benefited through pre-service teachers’ fresh ideas in teaching.
Students’ perception through learning deductive and inductive in basic grammar Mariyatul Kiptiyah; Tera Athena
SELL (Scope of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature) Journal Vol 4 No 2 (2019): SELL Journal
Publisher : Penerbit STKIP PGRI Bangkalan

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The inductive-deductive learning model is a learning model begins by giving examples with the aim that students can identify, differentiate, then interpret, generalize and finally draw conclusions. The objective of this study is to know the students perception to the application of Deductive and Inductive learning in Basic Grammar. The method that writer use is a qualitative research. Subject of the research are students at second semester of English Department. The result of the study showed there are 4% (2 students) answer strongly disagree, 12% (4 students) disagree, 21% (7 students) agree, 29% (10 students) agree and like this statement, and 34% (11 students) strongly agree using deductive and inductive learning.
Process Approach as Skill Enhancer in Writing Recount Text: A Literature Research Ali Mustofa; Ahmad Syafi'i
SELL (Scope of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature) Journal Vol 5 No 2 (2020): SELL Journal
Publisher : Penerbit STKIP PGRI Bangkalan

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31597/sl.v5i2.163


The process writing approach treats writing as a process rather than a completed product. Writing studies are conducted as part of the process due to the completion of the written text. In writing classes, this approach tends to focus on the student, and the teacher only acts as a guide. The process writing approach includes actions that occur when a written text is created. This research analyzed the benefits of the process approach as a teachers’ approach in order to enhance student writing skills in recount text. The researcher used the literature review and some of the previous research which has been conducted before as the measurements toward the process approach could improve student writing skill in recount text whether they understood the material which given by the teacher or not. As a result of the literature review and previous research, the researcher found a significant influence of the process writing approach on writing progress and anxiety mainly in recount text. Based on this finding for written language research, the use of a process writing approach is recommended.
An error analysis of using auxiliary verb in Islamic mathematical complex questions made by mathematics department students Haris Dibdyaningsih; Hendra Sudarso
SELL (Scope of English Language Teaching, Linguistics, and Literature) Journal Vol 4 No 1 (2019): SELL Journal
Publisher : Penerbit STKIP PGRI Bangkalan

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The purpose of this study is to describe students’ error in applying auxiliary verb in writing Islamic Mathematical complex Questions. The participants were nine Mathematics department students of STKIP Al Hikmah who took English for writing course on the third semester. One of the purposes of this course is the students could compose a good Islamic Mathematical complex Questions using a proper grammar. To reach the purpose of this course, the students are equipped with compilation of English mathematical complex questions in Bahasa. For passing the course as the project they must create minimum 50 questions of Islamic Mathematics complex Questions based on the topic in VIII Grade of Junior High School. The study was conducted in descriptive quantitative research design. The data were taken from students’ work composing Islamic Mathematics complex Questions. Auxiliary verb which are investigated on this study are ‘am, is, are, was, were, have, has, and had’. The result of the study proves that most students were not capable in applying auxiliary verbs in their writing, forget which the appropriate auxiliary and still need to improve their ability to divine the appropriate auxiliary verbs. Furthermore, it proves that they are able to create Mathematical complex with Islamic Integration.

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