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The GEADIDAKTIKA Journal is a multidisciplinary journal covering all fields of education and science related to geography, demography and the environment. The purpose of writing this journal are to reveal facts, problems and problem solving that can be used as input for Government, institutions, society and individual. The subject matter of the journal includes the following and related issues: 1. Geography Education, including classroom action research results, experimental research, development research and survey research related to geography education in elementary, junior high, high school and university. 2. Population education, including classroom action research results, experimental research, research development and survey research related to population education in elementary, junior high, high school and university. 3. Environmental education, including classroom action research results, experimental research, development research and survey research related to environmental education in elementary, junior high, high school and university. 4. The phenomenon of the lithosphere and its interaction with the population 5. The phenomenon of hydrosphere and its interaction with the population 6. The phenomenon of the atmosphere and its interaction with the population 7. The phenomenon of anthroposphere and its interaction with environmental elements 8. Interaction between society, development and implication for sustainable development 9. Sustainable use of land, water, energy and biological resources in development 10. Social and cultural contexts of sustainable development 11. Role of education and public awareness in sustainable development 12. Impacts of population growth and human activity on food and other essential resources for development 13. Sustainable land use, water, energy and biological resources in development Distribution, growth, population composition and demographic-related issues 14. Development and application of sustainability indicators GEADIDAKTIKA journal welcomes scientific research papers, review papers and discussion papers dealing with environmental sustainability issues from such fields as the biological sciences, agriculture, geology, meteorology, energy, food sciences, soil and water sciences, geography, education.
Articles 5 Documents
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Peran Kurikulum Tersembunyi Pembelajaran Berbasis Alam dalam Membentuk Perilaku Siswa Tata Ruang Sekolah Alam Bengawan Solo Tahun 2018/2019, Distrik Juwiring, Kabupaten Klaten (Studi Fenomenologi) Zulzil Putriana; Singgih Prihadi; Gentur Adi Tjahjono
GEADIDAKTIKA Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Geadidaktika Januari 2021
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/gea.v1i1.42082


The research aims to: (1) analysis role of the written curriculum and hidden curriculum natural-based learning in shaping spatial behavior; (2) improvement in student learning outcomes in human material and the environment in shaping spatial behavior; (3) the spatial behavior of students as a result; (4) factors that influence in shaping spatial behavior in the Bengawan School of Nature-School. The study used analysis a mixed method with Sequential Exploratory Design. The data analysis technique used is the Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, N-Gain analysis, Frequency Distribution analysis,  and Interactive analysis.The result of this research are: (1) The Bengawan School of Nature-School does not have a written curriculum but has a hidden curriculum in the aspects of school establishment goals, contextual learning systems, humanistic learning management, learning independence of students; (2) there is an N-Gain in the increase in pretest learning outcomes with posttest through the Head Number Together intructional model in class VII of 0.387, class VIII 0.667 and class IX of 1; (3) the spatial behavior of SL-SABS students the high category  characteristics through learning with a technical instructional; (4) factors that influence shaping student spatial behavior come from internal factors, namely personal experience and gender, external factors of school institutions in the form of teacher environmental ideology and teacher professionalism, as well as non-school factors namely parent support and online media
Dinamika Penggunaan Ruang Car Free Day Oleh Komunitas Pecinta Hewan Kota Surakarta Studi Kasus Jalan Brigjen Slamet Riyadi Tahun 2010-2018 Gending Gusti; Sarwono Sarwono; Yasin Yusup
GEADIDAKTIKA Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Geadidaktika Januari 2021
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/gea.v1i1.42083


The existence of animal lovers community when the CFD of Surakarta City produced their community gathering spaces with other animal lovers communities. From 2010 to 2018 these spaces experienced a dynamic. This study aims to: (1) determine the process of production of space carried out by the animal lover community in the Surakarta City CFD (2) determine the development of production of space carried out by the animal lovers community in the City of Surakarta CFD in 2010 to 2018. The research method used in this study is a qualitative method. The research approach in this study is a spatial descriptive approach and regressive approach. Based on the results of the study it can be concluded that: (1) The gathering space of animal lover communities in Surakarta City CFD was created because it was initiated by the participation of these animal lovers communities in CFD to result in social interaction. Animal lovers community practicing spatial practice in CFD. Animal lover communities arrange in such a way as the arrangement of the gathering space of each community (conceived space) using supporting attributes such as using MMT, x-banner, cage, perch and community uniforms that create new spaces of representation. (2) The spaces created by the animal lovers community from 2010 to 2012 occupy random spaces, in 2018 a permanent pattern has been seen in one location and lined up in front of the Surakarta District Court.
Zonasi Tingkat Kerentanan Gempa Bumi Berdasarkan Faktor Lingkungan, Fisik, Sosial, dan Ekonomi di Kota Bandung Tahun 2018 Denaner Pratama; Yasin Yusup; Sarwono Sarwono
GEADIDAKTIKA Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Geadidaktika Januari 2021
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/gea.v1i1.42076


This research aims to: 1) identify earthquake vulnerability in Bandung City based on 4 factors—environmental, physical, economical, and social—using Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP); 2) understand which factor gives the biggest impact toward earthquake vulnerability of Bandung City; and 3) know Bandung City’s alertness toward earthquake. The population of this research was Bandung City’s administrative area with sub-district as its smallest analysis unit. Purposive sampling is used to collect sample. The data were collected from notes and maps, such as land use, slope, lithology, building density, etc. Interview also used to collect data for weighting using AHP. Data’s validity tested using triangulation. AHP’s used as data’s analysis technique. The result showed that: 1) The Earthquake Vulnerability in Bandung City based on physical, environmental, social, and economical factors were very high, high, and medium; 2) Physical factor, which is building density, gave the most impact to earthquake vulnerability in Bandung City; 3) Existing non-structural mitigation was deemed appropriate to earthquake vulnerability in Bandung City, but structural mitigation was not. Further structural review is needed.
Efektivitas Model Pembelajaran Kooperatif Metode TTW (Think, Talk, Write) dan SQ3R (Survey, Question, Read, Recite, and Review) Terhadap Hasil Belajar Geografi dan Kemampuan Geoliterasi Kelas XI IPS MAN 1 Salatiga Tahun Ajaran 2019/2019 (Materi Bonus Demo Chasanah Karismatika; Singgih Prihadi; Yasin Yusup
GEADIDAKTIKA Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Geadidaktika Januari 2021
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/gea.v1i1.42077


The aims of this research to determine (1) differences of effectivity among the application of TTW, SQ3R, and lecture methods, (2) the effectiveness between the SQ3R method and the lecture method, (3) the effectiveness between the TTW method and lecture method, (4) the effectiveness between the TTW method and the SQ3R method in learning outcomes and the geoliteracy abilityof the XI Socialstudents MAN 1 Salatiga Academic Year 2018/2019.This research is an experimental research (Quasi Experiment) with a pretest-posttest design. The population is the studensts of class XI Social in MAN 1 Salatiga Academic Year 2018/2019. The research sample is cluster random sampling. Data collection techniques using documentation techniques, observation, and tests. The data analysis technique used one-way anava and continued after anava.The results showed that (1) there were differences in learning outcomes and geoliteracy abilities of students in the use of the TTW, SQ3R, and lecture methods, (2) the SQ3R method was more effective than the lecture method on student learning outcomes and geoliteracy skills, (3) the TTW method is more effective than the lecture method on learning outcomes and the geoliteracy of students, (4) there is no difference in learning outcomes and geoliteracy abilities of students in the use of the TTW and SQ3R methods of the class XI Social MAN 1 Salatiga academic year 2018/2019.
Studi Keruangan Kedai Kopi dan Ekonomi Kognitif-Budaya di Kota Surakarta Tahun 2019 (Suplemen Materi Bahan Ajar Geografi SMA Kelas X Kurikulum 2013 pada Kompetensi Dasar 3.1. Memahami Pengetahuan Dasar Geografi dan Terapannya dalam Kehidupan Sehari–Hari) Wahyu Trianingsih; Yasin Yusup; Rahning Utomowati
GEADIDAKTIKA Vol 1, No 1 (2021): Geadidaktika Januari 2021
Publisher : Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS)

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.20961/gea.v1i1.42080


This research aims to : (1) determine the distribution of coffee shops inSurakarta in 2019 (2) determine the relationship of coffee shop distribution witheconomic dominance in Surakarta in 2019 (3) determine the characteristics ofcoffee shop visitors in Surakarta in 2019. This research is a quantitative research.The approach in this study is a spatial approach is a map. the results of the researchit can be seen that : (1) The distribution of coffee shops is mostly found in LaweyanDistrict because Laweyan District is an urban center which is the center ofcommunity activity. (2) There is a positive correlation between the distribution ofcoffee shops with the dominance of cognitive-cultural economy. (3) Coffee shopvisitors are residents of productive age, including the upper middle class.

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