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Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction
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Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction (JETI; e-ISSN: 2963-458X) is a peer-reviewed, international academic open-access journal, and published twice a year (in March and September). JETI publishes original scientific research articles in the field of educational technology and instruction and related areas in primary education, secondary education, and higher education. It also publishes research using a variety of qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches. The audience includes researchers, academicians, professionals, and practitioners from all over the world. The papers should be submitted and will be published in English. All submissions go through a strictly double-blind review process. The focus of JETI is to publish articles related to educational technology and instruction at all levels of education. The range of topics covered by the journal includes: Educational Technology: Computer Technologies and Teaching Multimedia in Digital Learning E-learning Distance Education and MOOCs Virtual Learning Environments Open Education ICT and Education Learning Management Systems Flipped Classrooms Mobile Education Gamification Instruction: Assessment and Evaluation Curriculum and Instruction Classroom Teaching Innovative Methodologies in Learning Collaborative Learning Inquiry-based Learning
Articles 32 Documents
Systematic Literature Review (SLR) Computational Thinking Learning Science in the Period 2012 - 2021 Hari Suharto
Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction
Publisher : Tauladan Fathimah Azzahra

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The study review of the literature systematic displays an overview of research on computational thinking in learning science in the period 2012 to 2021. In the process of selection of data in this study using a flow diagram of a Prism that can show the activity of the inclusion and exclusion of the search results data. The search is performed through the database of Springer to establish some inclusion criteria. The research variables analyzed include the distribution of publications per year, the frequency of the emergence of the term “computational thinking” in the title of the document. The number of authors publishes computational thinking year, the country's most productive research in computational thinking, as well as the number of citations in the research. The results show the publication of the study of computational thinking, the frequency of the emergence of the term computational thinking on the title of the study as well as the author of the most there in 2020, whereas in the period 2012 to 2021 the state the most to contribute in the research of computational thinking, i.e. the USA as well as publisher of research in computational thinking the most is Journal of Science and Technology which has published research in computational thinking by 56 times in one decade
Bibliometric Analysis of Higher Order Thinking in 2012-2021 Icha Ananda Nainggolan
Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction
Publisher : Tauladan Fathimah Azzahra

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Currently, we are in a new era, namely the era of digital industrialization. Almost all needs from human are based on digital and internet. Therefore, in a world that is constantly changing, teachers in schools must train student’s HOTS so that they are trained solving problems. The goal of this research to analyze information about HOTS publications, author productivity levels, country, keywords, and citations from higher order thinking skills article in 2012-2021. Data collection is done using Publish of Perish (POP). Researcher use google scholar as a data source. Data from POP then analyzed using VOS Viewer software and other map visualizations that do not appear in VOSviewer were explored and analyzed manually. The results showed that the most productive writer was Retnowati, H with 11 publications, keyword visualization resulted in 8 clusters, the highest publication was in 2019 with a percentage of 22.12%, the most cited articles were articles with the title “Teaching to Test or Testing to Teach : Exams Requiring Higher Order Thinking Skills Encourage Greater Conceptual Understanding” written by JL Jensen, MA McDaniel, SM Woodard was cited 301 times and the country with the highest number of documents was occupied by Indonesia with 694 documents
Research Trends in Mobile Learning: A Systematic Literature Review From 2011-2021 Siti Aisyah; Afrizal Afrizal
Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction
Publisher : Tauladan Fathimah Azzahra

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As of late, coordinating innovation into schooling keeps on standing out alongside the fast development of information and communication technology. In the writing survey, mobile learning is a learning idea that underscores the learning system with cell phones without relying upon the actual area of learning. This review means to give an exhaustive perspective on the past writing and some potential headings for scientists and instructors for additional mobile learning research. A sum of 45 papers was chosen from the ERIC database. Utilization of the term mobile learning in the title, research strategies, number of authors, major contributing nations, most useful diaries, and cell phones utilized in portable learning are investigated. The outcomes show that exploration of mobile learning has kept on getting consideration from specialists somewhat recently. Among the distributions explored, every one of the 40 articles contained the term mobile learning in the title and dynamic. As of recently, quantitative techniques are more regularly taken on in mobile learning research than quantitative strategies, blended techniques, and research and development (RnD) strategies. When arranged by country, Turkey has the most elevated commitment contrasted with different nations in this field, followed by Indonesia, South Africa, Malaysia, Thailand, China, and Spain. The greater part of the papers distributed in mobile learning research has four authors. In light of the number of articles distributed in mobile learning, Canadian Center of Science and Education, South African Journal of Education, and International Journal of Education and Development utilizing information and communication turned into the most useful diaries in this exploration. The most generally involved cellular phones in this review are cellular phones and tablets
Bibliometric Analysis of Research in Digital Literacy using Google Scholar Database from 2017-2021 Triyana Wahyu Setyorini
Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction
Publisher : Tauladan Fathimah Azzahra

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Bibliometrics is an analytical technique that functions as a communication tool for quantitative results. The theme of this bibliometric research is Digital Literacy. Digital literacy is the knowledge and skills of users in utilizing digital media. Technological developments are in line with the times, so digital literacy needs to be improved. This study use a bibliometric approach with a 5step method, there are 1) determining search keywords, 2) initial search results, 3) narrowing search results, 4) compiling statistics, and 5) analyzing data. There are 5 variables in this study, year of publication, keyword mapping, number of authors, author mapping, and citations. The results obtained are 999 articles with “digital literacy or digital literacies” as the theme in the Google Scholar database 2017-2021. The results of the data that have been analyzed, then mapped using the VosViewer application. The data for the trend of the most article titles was obtained, 249 articles in 2018. A total of 398 articles were written by a single author with the most influential authors being Castek, J. The keyword trends used in 2017-2021 are “digital literacy”, “information literacy”, “media literacy”, “information”, and “chapter”. Of the 999 articles, the title ‘The relation between 21st century skills and digital skills: A systematic literature review by the authors E. Van Laar, A. J. A. M. Van Deursen, J. A. G. M. Van Dijk, Jos de Haan which has the most citations, 873 citations.
A Systematic Literature Review of Mobile Learning Applications in Environmental Education from 2011-2021 Nabila Lailil Widiastuti
Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction
Publisher : Tauladan Fathimah Azzahra

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This systematic literature review aims to capture the trends in the use of mobile learning in environmental education from the Springer database. As inclusion criteria, all article journals should be written in English and published between January 2011 and September 2021. The categories to be analyzed were the distribution of annual publications, the number of publications by journal, the number of authors, research methods, the use of the terms mobile learning or environmental education in the title, and the most productive countries. A total of 378 research articles published in the last decade on mobile learning showed a gradual increase over the last ten years. The most published articles about mobile learning are in 2020. In addition, the most commonly used research method is research and development, the most frequently published articles in this field have 3 authors, the most productive journal is Education and Information Technologies, and the most productive country is the US.
Systematic Mapping in Mobile Learning Topics Based on Bibliometric Analysis Firza Luthfia Adlina
Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction
Publisher : Tauladan Fathimah Azzahra

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The study aims to reverse the trend in mobile learning research through bibliometric analysis by focusing on authors, publications, keywords, and countries. The data from 2011-2021. This research uses various applications that can assist bibliometric analysis, namely Publish or Perish (PoP), VosViewer, and Ms. Excel. Bibliometric analysis shows that most of the countries doing mobile learning are Malaysia, Indonesia, India, United States, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Australia, Taiwan, Turkey, and China. According to the keyword “Mobile learning’, “M-Learning”, “E-Learning”, and “Mobile Device” are the most keywords is platform, mobile application, m-learning application, mobile learning technology, multimedia, and educational process. It was found citing largest analyzed that research by Emran, Mezhuyev, and Kamaludin (2015) is 268 citation. And the last, was found the highest number of authors is shown in 3, the number of authors is 877 with percentages 88% researchers who collaborite in mobile learning research.
The Effect of Augmented Reality on Students' Motivation and Spatial Ability: A Literature Review from 2016-2020 Ika Silvi
Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction
Publisher : Tauladan Fathimah Azzahra

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Student motivation in learning is one of the most important things during the learning process, lack of motivation makes students lazy and unmotivated during the learning process. On the other hand, with increased motivation, students will hone their ability to understand, remember and communicate the subject matter they get during the learning process or what is called spatial ability. The application of Augmented Reality in the learning process is expected to build students' motivation and spatial abilities. The development of technology is expected to make the learning process more interactive and communicative. In this literature review analysis, we will discuss the contribution of Augmented Reality to increasing students' motivation and spatial abilities during the learning process. twenty articles downloaded from springer database from 2016-2020. based on this literature review, the application of Augmented Reality to strengthen students' motivation and spatial abilities during the learning proces s
A Systematic Review of Learning Media Research Trends From 2011 to 2021 Siti Zahroni
Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction
Publisher : Tauladan Fathimah Azzahra

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Several literature review studies analyze trends in using digital learning media in educational process. This goes hand in hand, with the development of ICT in all areas of life. In the literature, learning media by teachers have an important role in the learning and education process. The purpose of this study is to analyze the published literature on learning media through a systematic literature review. A total of 135 articles have been selected for review and analysis from the Springer database published from 2011 to 2021 or the last 10 years. This study analyzes the distribution frequency of publications by year, the number of authors in publication, the top journals with the highest number of articles, and the most productive countries in learning media research. The results of the study show that learning media has become a concern of researchers in the last decade, where taking into account the annual volume of Learning Media research, the results of the analysis show that the number of articles tends to fluctuate with the peak of publication in 2021, that is 123 articles. The largest percentage in the number of authors was recorded in articles with 3 authors, that is 31.11% or 42 articles. In the analysis of the top 10 publishers, the largest percentage was in articles published by Technology, Knowledge and Learning with 26 articles or 21.13%, then TechTrends, and Educational Technology Research and Development which seemed to be the journals with the most articles published. In addition, if sorted by country, the United States has the highest contribution and followed by Turkey, Taiwan, Spain, Sweden compared to other countries in learning media research around the world
A Bibliometric Review of Environmental Education and Literacy from 2010 to 2021 Faa’izah Abiyyah Rihhadatul’aysi
Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction Vol. 1 No. 1 (2022): Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction
Publisher : Tauladan Fathimah Azzahra

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One’s literacy ability is something that should be considered in the era of revolution society 5.0. Environmental literacy is part of basic literacy that is needed so that everyone has the ability to understand and feel that they are part of the solution to environmental problems. This research is a systematic mapping in the topic of ‘environmental literacy’ based on bibliometric analysis. This study aims to determine the development of citations, core journal publications, number of authors, language statistics, publication trends, author collaboration, trend terms keywords, and country statistics on environmental literacy articles in 2010-2021. Data collection through the software used is Publish or Perish (PoP) to search for bibliographies as initial database on Google Scholar. Meanwhile, the country’s statistical data were analyzed using the Vos Viewer. The results showed that the highest number of citations was 761 citations. In the publication trend, the most publications occurred in 2011 with 120 articles. The most widely used keyword term is ‘environmental literacy’ with a frequency of more than 100.
Game-Based Learning: The Impact of Kahoot on a Higher Education Online Classroom Khitam Altawalbeh
Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction Vol. 2 No. 1 (2023): Journal of Educational Technology and Instruction
Publisher : Tauladan Fathimah Azzahra

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Digital games are an interactive tool within a multimedia education system and have the potential to make learning more effective and engaging, particularly for young students. The purpose of this investigation is to learn more about game-based learning. In this study, a game-based learning environment (Kahoot) was used to improve motivation, fun, engagement, and utility for learning. The research was carried out in a university course to test the effectiveness of the proposed approach on students’ learning. A total of 72 students were purposively selected. A descriptive approach was used, and a survey was distributed to the learner. The study tool consisted of 26 items in four domains; fun, engagement, motivation, and utility for learning. The findings of the investigation revealed that fun, engagement, motivation, and utility for learning were supported by game-based learning. However, no significant differences were found based on gender, the field of study, and the academic year. Relied on the results a set of recommendations was proposed.

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