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Agroland: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Pertanian
Published by Universitas Tadulako
Core Subject : Agriculture,
Agroland: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Pertanian (P-ISSN: 0854-641X ; E-ISSN: 2407-7607) is a scientific journal published by Tadulako University. This journal specializes in the study of agriculture. The managers invite scientists, scholars, professionals, and researchers in the disciplines of Agriculture to publish their research results after the selection of manuscripts, review of partners, and editing process. This journal is published is 3 times a year. Agroland: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Pertanian welcomes high-quality manuscripts resulted from a research project in the scope of agriculture related to aspects of Soil Science, Food Science, Agricultural Economics, Agronomy, Agricultural Diversification and Plant Protection. The manuscript must be original research, written in Bahasa (Indonesia), and not be simultaneously submitted to another journal or conference.
Articles 231 Documents
Daya Hasil Beberapa Kultivar Padi Gogo Lokal Asal Kabupaten Tojo Una-Una dan Sigi Sakka Samudin; Maemunah Maemunah; Adrianton Adrianton; Mustakim Mustakim; Yusran Yusran
Agroland: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Pertanian Vol 27 No 2 (2020): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agrolandnasional.v27i2.460


Pengembangan padi gogo merupakan salah satu alternatif untuk meningkatkan produksi padi nasional. Evaluasi daya hasil padi gogo lokal sangat penting untuk dilakukan mengingat padi gogo memiliki daya adaptasi yang berbeda-beda. Tujuan dari penelitian ini ialah untuk mengkaji dan mengetahui daya hasil padi gogo lokal asal Pipikoro dan Ampana yang ditanam di Tamarenja (Lembah Kalama) pada tahun pertama. Penelitiaan ini dilaksanakan di Desa Tamarenja (Lembah Kalama), dengan ketinggian tempat 180-250 Mdpl denganletaklintang LS 00o26’51.5” serta BT 119o49’50.6” Kecamatan Sindue, Kabupaten Donggala. Waktu penelitian dimulai dari bulan April sampai Oktober 2017. Penelitian ini disusun menggunakan Rancangan Acak Kelompok dengan 10 kultivar sebagai perlakuan genotip yaitu: kultivar jahara, kalendeng, pulu tau leru, uva buya, dongan, wangga, tako, delima, buncaili dan uva yang diulang sebanyak empat kali sehingga terdapat 40 unit percobaan. Peubah yang diamati meliputi: tinggi tanaman, panjang daun, jumlah anakan, jumlah akan produktif, panjang malai, umur panen, jumlah biji per malai, bobot 1000 biji dan produksi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kultivar Jahara dan Dongan menghasilkan daya hasil yang tinggi.
Kontribusi Usahatani Sapi Perah Terhadap Penerimaan Rumah Tangga Pada Kelompok Tani Ternak Pangudi Mulyo Di Kecamatan Gunungpati, Kota Semarang M. Yaser Afrizzal; Kustopo Budiraharjo; Wiludjeng Roessali
Agroland: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Pertanian Vol 27 No 2 (2020): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agrolandnasional.v27i2.461


Kelompok Tani Ternak Pangudi Mulyo didirikan pada tahun 2000 atas usulan Dinas Pertanian Kota Semarang. Penelitian ini dilakukan di Kelompok Tani Ternak Pangudi Mulyo, Dukuh Randusari, Kelurahan Nongkosawit, Kecamatan Gunungpati, Semarang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk menganalisis tingkat pendapatan, faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi pendapatan dan kontribusi usahatani sapi perah terhadap pendapatan rumah tangga paada kelompok tani Pangudi Mulyo. Metode yang digunakan untuk menentukan lokasi dipilih dengan purposive (dipilih secara sengaja). Metode yang digunakan untuk pengumpulan data adalah observasi dan wawancara. Metode analisis data yang digunakan dalam penelitian adalah menggunakan analisis deskriptif dan kuantitatif. Analisis yang digunakan penelitian ini adalah analisis pendapatan usahatani sapi perah , profitabilitas dan regresi linier berganda untuk mengukur pengaruh antara variabel bebas yaitu pakan (x1), jumlah sapi laktasi (x2), produksi susu (x3) dan tenaga kerja (x4). Hasil penelitian rata-rata biaya produksi yang dikeluarkan sebesar Rp 3.552.494,-/ bulan. Rata-rata penerimaan anggota KTT Pangudi Mulyo sebesar Rp 7.014.278,-/ bulan. Rata-rata pendapatan yang didapatakan sebesar Rp 3.462.117,-/ bulan. Rata-rata Profitabilitas usaha ternak sapi perah KTT Pangudi Mulyo sebesar 95%. Kontribusi pendapatan usaha ternak sapi perah terhadap pendapatan rumah tangga sebesar 74%. Faktor pakan, jumlah sapi laktasi, produksi susu dan tenaga kerja berpengaruh serempak terhadap pendapatan. Faktor pakan dan produksi susu berpengaruh secara parsial terhadap pendapatan.
Tingkat Kepuasan Petani Terhadap Kinerja Penyuluh Pertanian Di Desa Senden Kecamatan Selo Kabupaten Boyolali Bella Putri Trisnaningtyas; Tutik Dalmiyatun; Siwi Gayatri
Agroland: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Pertanian Vol 27 No 2 (2020): Agustus
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.22487/agrolandnasional.v27i2.463


Penyuluhan merupakan salah satu bagian subsistem kelembagaan yang berperan dalam keberhasilan usahatani. Keberhasilan penyuluhan dapat diukur melalui tingkat kepuasan petaniterhadap kinerja penyuluh pertanian dalam upaya meningkatkan kapabilitas petani. Tujuan penelitian adalah menganalisis tingkat kesesuaian antara tingkat kepentingan terhadap tingkat kinerja pada atribut-atribut kinerja penyuluh pertanian dan tingkat kepuasan petani terhadap kinerja penyuluh pertanian. Penelitian dilaksanakan pada tanggal 13 Desember 2019 – 13 Januari 2020 di Desa Senden, Selo, Boyolali. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode survei. Pengambilan sampel menggunakan simple random sampling dengan jumlah sampel 86 responden. Hasil penelitian diperoleh bahwa tingkat kesesuaian tertinggi terletak pada kemampuan penyuluh menerima pertanyaan langsung dan mampu menjawab pertanyaan dari petani dengan nilai kesesuaian sebesar 93,15%. Hasil analisis Importance Perfomance Analysis (IPA) menunjukkan bahwa kuadran II merupakan kuadran dominan pada atribut kinerja penyuluh pertanian yang terdiri atas enam atribut. Pada hasil analisis Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI) sebesar 74,09% atau 0,7409 yang menunjukkan bahwa petani merasa puas terhadap kinerja penyuluh pertanian.
Pengaruh Perilaku Petani Terhadap Risiko Keefisienan Usahatani Kentang Di Kabupaten Wonosobo Jawa Tengah Anny Hartati
Agroland: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Pertanian Vol 14 No 3 (2007): September
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

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Research using survey method was carried out at Wonosobo Regency with collected sample size of 87 farmers. Utility function, gross margin (as time function), and regression analyses with degrees function were used. Result of the research showed that all of farmers could handle their potato farming risk. Cost and average revenue per hectare could be predicted by using three degrees polynomial function appropriately. Economics social factor, age, education, numbers of family, farm experience, land wide and occupied field status significantly affected farmer behavior risk to conduct their potato farming. The higher the age, the education, the numbers of family, the farm experience, the land wide, and the status, the higher the farmer bravery to handle the risk.
Dampak Kebijakan Pajak Ekspor Minyak Sawit Mentah (Cpo) Terhadap Kinerja Makroekonomi Dan Sektoral Di Indonesia : Pendekatan Model Keseimbangan Umum Rustam Abd. Rauf
Agroland: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Pertanian Vol 14 No 3 (2007): September
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

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This reearch intends to analyze the policy impact of export tax evailed for Crued Palm Oil (CPO) on macroeconomic and sectoral performances using export tax simulation through Computable General Equilibrium application. Using 5 scenarios, export tax cause the ratio of balance of trade to GDP declined (delBreal) from -318,84 percent to -190,62 percent. This impact occured as a result of a decrease in export tax responded directly by an increase in export volume and export value. Prevailing high export tax would weaken demand of investment in agriculture sector, particularly in plantation and CPO.
Vigor Benih Kacang Hijau Pada Budidaya Tanpa Olah Tanah Dengan Aplikasi Pupuk Fosfat Dosis Rendah Yang Ditanam Setelah Padi Sawah Ichwan S. Madauna
Agroland: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Pertanian Vol 14 No 3 (2007): September
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

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Field trial was conducted in the farming area in Parigi Moutong regency. Vigor test was performed in the Seed Technology Laboratory, Agronomy Department Faculty of Agriculture Tadulako University. This trial lasted from 5 February to 16 July 2006. The aim of this trial was to evaluate the effect of non-tillage and the application of low dosage Phosphorus fertilizer in the rice-field following rice sowing on the initial vigor of mung bean seeds produced. This trial used Block Randomized Design in factorial pattern with three replications. Two factors tested, namely non-tillage practices with four levels, namely non-tillage, non-tillage + mulching, non-tillage + glyphosate, and non-tillage + mulching + glyphosate. The second factor was Phosphorus fertilizer with four levels, namely without Phosphorus fertilizer, 1/3 of recommended Phosporous fertilizer dosage (30 kg P2O5/ha); 2/3 of recommended Phosphorus fertilizer dosage (60 kg P2O5/ha); and as of recommended Phosphorus fertilizer dosage (90 kg P2O5/ha). Differences between treatment were determined by using Least Significant Difference test at 5% and 1%. Results of this tial showed that Phosporous fertilizer and non-tillage system did not have interaction. Application of Phosphorus ar recommended dosage had the highest dried-seed yield per hectare, germination (97,50 %) and germination rate (29,457 %)
Komunitas Tumbuhan Bawah Pada 2 Tipe Hutan Di Taman Nasional Lore Lindu Ramadhanil Ramadhanil
Agroland: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Pertanian Vol 14 No 3 (2007): September
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

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The research about the understorey plant community in the Lore Lindu National Park Central Sulawesi has been conducted from March 2004 to February 2005. The research used multiple plots by survey methods with plot size 2X2 m as much 25 plots each forest type. There were 2 types of observed forest namely: “wana” (primary forest) and “pangale” (primary disturbed forest). The result showed the understorey plant composition was differ in two forest types observed. “Wana” were dominated by Pilea wightii (Urticaceae), Curculigo orchimoides (Hypoxidaceae), Chionanthus ramiflorus (Oleaceae) Callophyllum soulatri (Clusiaceae) whereas “pangale” were dominated by Diplazium angustippina, Zizhipus sp (Rhamnaceae), Freycinetia angustifolia, Castanopsis accuminatissima. The Shanon diversity index of wana (3.25) was higher than pangale (3.06).
Pengaruh Konsentrasi Ekstrak Kulit Jeruk Nipis (Citrus aurantifolia S.) Terhadap Kepadatan Populasi Dan Intensitas Serangan Plutella xylostella L. (LEPIDOPTERA : PLUTELLIDAE) Pada Tanaman Kubis Moh. Hibban Toana
Agroland: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Pertanian Vol 14 No 3 (2007): September
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

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The research aim was to identify the influence of extract concentration of orange skin on the population density and the attack intensity of the larvae P. xylostella. The research was conducted from June to September 2004 in Bobo Village, Palolo Regency, Donggala District, Province of Central Sulawesi. The research used a Completely Randomized Design with 5 treatments replicated 3 times, thus, there were 15 experimental units. The levels of extract concentrations were without extract as a control (A), 10% extract concentration (B), 20 % extract concentration (C), 40 % extract concentration (D), and 80% extract concentration (E). The research results showed that the extract of orange skin significantly decreased the population of the P. xylostella larvae. The best treatment was the 80 % extract concentration than other application.
Keterlibatan Wanita Tani Pada Kegiatan Usahatani “Bawang Goreng Lokal Palu” Dalam Upaya Peningkatan Pendapatan Keluarga Di Kabupaten Donggala Rosmini Rosmini
Agroland: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Pertanian Vol 14 No 3 (2007): September
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

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The aim of the research was to identify the participation level of female farmers on the farming system of fried onion var. local Palu, activities dominantly carried out by the female farmers in the farming system, and their contribution to family incomes. The research used a Survey method with a descriptive analysis. Respondents were purposively determined based on the marital status of the female farmers as housewives who actively participate in the farming system activities. There were 4 research locations in where 10 respondents were taken from each location, thus in total there were 40 respondents. The results showed that there was no significant difference in the involvement of the female farmers on the farming system activities among the research locations except for Sidera area where the female farmer only carried out certain activities. The types of the farming system activities showing high involvement of the female farmer were planting, cleaning, and harvesting. The level of family incomes derived by the female farmers due to their involvement in the farming system activities was varied among the research locations. The largest income was generated by the female farmers in Guntarano which was IDR 763,875 per planting season followed by those in Wombo which was IDR 728,437. The income generated by the female farmers in Soulowe and Sidera was IDR 409,500 and IDR 389,812 per planting season, respectively.
Faktor Yang Mempengaruhi Tingkat Ketahanan Pangan Desa (Studi Kasus di Kabupaten Malang) Lien Damayanti
Agroland: Jurnal Ilmu-ilmu Pertanian Vol 14 No 3 (2007): September
Publisher : Universitas Tadulako

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This research aims (1) to analysis factors affecting the level of food tenacity both directly and indirectly, (2) to analysis the correlation and the influence between availability, food access and livelihood, nutrition and health, and food susceptibility, and (3) to analysis the effect of availability, food access and livelihood, nutrition and health, and food susceptibility on the level of food tenacity either partial or combination. This research conducted in 3 sub-district at Malang District: (1) Kepanjen, (2) Pakisaji, and (3) Sumber Pucung with 30 villages. The research carried out using Path analysis with indicators: (1) Availability, (2) Food access and Livelihood, (3) Nutrition and Health, and (4) Food susceptibility. The results of analysis show that only 3 factors significantly affect the level of food tenacity such as food access and livelihood, nutrition and health, and food susceptibility. However, indicator of availability shown no significant. The Successful of food security can be achieved if food could reach to household level.

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