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Jurnal Elementaria Edukasia
Published by Universitas Majalengka
ISSN : 26154625     EISSN : 26550857     DOI :
Core Subject : Education,
Jurnal of Elementaria Edukasia (JEE), mainly focuses on major issues in Teaching in Elementary School, Assessment in Elementary School, Learning Media in Elementary School, Development subject of Elementary School, and Management of Elementary School. This Journal received All topics about the results of studies and research of lecturers, students, teachers, practitioners and scientists in the field of elementary education. For the research category, articles can be written using quantitative and qualitative approaches and can be made in a variety of research designs, such as action research, experiments, and case studies.
Articles 236 Documents
Penerapan Model Pembelajaran Learning Cycle 5e Terhadap Hasil Belajar IPA Siswa Sekolah Dasar ririn wahyuningsih; Yudi Budianti; Arrahim Aarrahim
Jurnal Elementaria Edukasia Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): juni
Publisher : Elementary Teacher Education Program, Majalengka University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31949/jee.v6i2.5087


This research is motivated by the low science learning outcomes of elementary school children. Because students are less actively involved in learning activities, learning is still teacher-centered, and subject matter is only presented in textbooks, the low science learning outcomes in class are very concerning. Under these conditions, the Learning Cycle 5E learning paradigm might be able to help elementary school students improve their scientific learning. Students can actively participate in learning activities because they are incorporated in the Learning Cycle 5E learning paradigm. Using the systematic literature review (SLR) method, this study examines previous research on the impact of the 5E Learning Cycle model on scientific learning outcomes of elementary school students. This research sample analysis uses ten periodicals published between 2012 and 2022. The Learning Cycle 5E learning model can improve scientific learning outcomes of elementary school children, especially in higher grades, based on the findings and sufferings of literary studies. With the Learning Cycle 5E learning paradigm, students can actively participate in learning activities and cultivate a scientific learning mindset, so that learning is more relevant and allows them to achieve their learning goals. The conclusions from the research show that the Learning Cycle 5E learning model can greatly influence and improve scientific learning outcomes, so it is feasible to be applied in an educational environment. Based on the ease of analysis, there is a gradual change in the learning outcomes of the 5E Learning Cycle model. elementary School student.
Study of Children's Literature "Magic Watermelon Seeds" in the Implementation of Didactic Bibliotherapy-Based Character Education Desty Putri Hanifah; Rochyani Lestiyanawati
Jurnal Elementaria Edukasia Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): juni
Publisher : Elementary Teacher Education Program, Majalengka University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31949/jee.v6i2.5090


Children's literature is used as a medium forChildren's literature is a medium for the formation of children's character. Therefore, children's literature should be reviewed so that children's moral values can be optimally taught. The purpose of this research is to study and review children's literature before it is given to children or students at school. The approach to studying children's literature uses a didactic bibliotherapy model or therapy using book media. The study is based on library research. The book studied is a children's book entitled "The Magic Watermelon Seeds", which was published by the Ministry of Education and Culture in cooperation with Room to Read. The results of the research show that the book contains seven implicit moral values. The seven moral values are: 1) emulating good character; 2) being careful in doing; 3) gracefully accepting fate; 4) generous, sincere, and compassionate to everyone; 5) rewarding people who do something expecting conditions; 6) generous to brothers; and 7) living harmoniously and side by side. The content of these moral values can be transmitted to children through a didactic bibliotherapy approach using the method of reading aloud individually or in groups.
Pengembangan Video Pembelajaran Berbantuan Aplikasi Plotagon Pada Materi Memaparkan Informasi Dari Teks Narasi Sejarah Ersila Devy Rinjani Ersila; Fahru Umar Syarif; Asma’ul Husna
Jurnal Elementaria Edukasia Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): juni
Publisher : Elementary Teacher Education Program, Majalengka University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31949/jee.v6i2.5110


Learning media is an absolute necessity in a learning process. Unfortunately, the learning media available on the market or even schools have not been able to answer the needs of teachers in delivering learning material. Including the absence of learning videos specifically designed for historical narrative text material. The purpose of this study was to determine the analysis of the needs, characteristics, and student responses to the Plotagon application-assisted learning videos. This study uses the Research and Development method. Collecting data using the method of documentation, interviews, observation, questionnaires (questionnaire). The results of the study show that the Plotagon application-assisted learning videos are declared very feasible to be tested on students. The validation results from material experts obtained an average value of 86.8% and from media experts obtained an average value of 89.28%. The results of the teacher's response to the Plotagon application-assisted learning video media received an "Agree" response of 66.7% and a "Strongly Agree" response of 33.3%. The results of student responses received "Agree" responses of 34.72% and "Strongly Agree" responses of 65.28%. The conclusions from this research are Plotagon-assisted learning videos can be well received by users and are a novelty in learning media that are in accordance with the needs of teachers and students so that they have a good impact on the learning process.
Efektifitas Model Problem Based Learning Berbantuan Lembar Kerja Siswa Untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Literasi Numerasi Ditinjau Dari Rasa Ingin Tahu Siswa Sekolah Dasar Firmansyah Firmansyah; Nahrun Najib Siregar; Purwati Purwati; Haryanto Haryanto
Jurnal Elementaria Edukasia Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): juni
Publisher : Elementary Teacher Education Program, Majalengka University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31949/jee.v6i2.5119


Literacy skills mark the quality of human resources in a country. However, Indonesia's performance in literacy assessment on an international scale has not been very good. The results of interviews with teachers of SD Inpres 18 subsay Manokwari district on March 14, 2022 found the fact that students' numeracy literacy skills were still very low. This study aims to test the effectiveness of the problem-based learning model assisted by student worksheets to improve numeracy literacy skills in terms of the curiosity of elementary school students in Manokwari district. The approach used in the implementation of this research is a quantitative approach. This type of research is experimental research. Data collection techniques in this study are Numeration literacy test, Observation, Validation Sheet and Documentation. Data analysis includes data analysis of validity and effectiveness. The effectiveness data analysis includes the completeness test for numeracy literacy skills, the average difference test for numeracy literacy skills, testing the effect of curiosity character on numeracy literacy skills. The results of the Effectiveness Test Analysis show that problem based learning models assisted by student worksheets are effective in improving numeracy literacy skills by criteria: (1) The proportion of classical learning completeness can be said to be more than 75% of students getting a score of 65, (2) The numeracy literacy ability of students in classes that use problem based learning models assisted by student worksheets is better than students' numeracy literacy skills with conventional learning, (3) There is an effect of curiosity character (X) on posttest numeracy literacy ability (Y).
Penguatan Karakter Peduli Lingkungan di Sekolah Dasar Melalui Karya Seni Ecoprint Arief Setyo Nugroho; Bambang Sumardjoko; Anatri Desstya
Jurnal Elementaria Edukasia Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): juni
Publisher : Elementary Teacher Education Program, Majalengka University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31949/jee.v6i2.5120


Technological developments have an impact on decreasing environmental quality. Activities carried out by humans during their lifetime directly or indirectly affect their environment, the condition of the plants in the school garden looks less maintained, food and beverage packaging waste is left scattered. Many studies on strengthening the character of caring for the environment are still limited to the substance of learning and school cleaning activities. The purpose of this study was to explore the results of strengthening the character of caring for the environment through ecoprint artwork in elementary schools. Through a qualitative descriptive approach, it is expected to be able to reveal the problems in this study. The need for data collection, the types of instruments used are interviews and observations. Researchers use triangulation techniques and sources to test the validity of the data. This research was conducted using interactive data analysis techniques. Based on the results of research on the implementation of strengthening the character of caring for the environment through ecoprint artwork in elementary schools, the following are as follows: (1) The character of caring for the environment, the indicator of not using harmful synthetic dyes, reaches 100%. (2) Caring for the environment, the indicator of reducing the use of toxic chemicals reached 66.6%. (3) Caring for the environment Characteristics of saving energy and water is 100%. (4) Caring for the environment Characteristics of caring for and caring for plants is 100%. (5) Caring for the environment Characteristics of reduce, reuse and recycle indicators reached 75%. In general, it can be concluded that strengthening the character of caring for the environment through ecoprint artwork achieves a success percentage of 88.32%. Apart from the main goal of strengthening the character of caring for the environment, it has another impact, namely being able to awaken the entrepreneurial spirit of students by producing paintings and cloth products with leaf motifs that can have economic selling value..
Pemahaman Konsep Peserta didik Melalui Penerapan Model Bamboo Dancing Irma Sofiasyari; Aan Yuliyanto
Jurnal Elementaria Edukasia Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): juni
Publisher : Elementary Teacher Education Program, Majalengka University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31949/jee.v6i2.5137


The background of the research was lack of the learners’ concepts due to not-optimum learning model implementation. This situation did not provide the learnres adequate opportunities to participate in the learning. This research aimed to improve the conceptual understandings of the learners. The subjects consisted of 24 learners: 8 male and 16 female learners. The researchers collected the data with test, observation, field note, and documentation. The techniques of analyizng the data were quantitative analysis for the conceptual understanding of the learners on each cycle and qualitative data analysis on each cycle. The results showed that Baboo Dancing model implementation could improve the fifth graders’ conceptual understanding at Public Primary School Babakanjawa V. The result showed improvements from the pre-cycle stage. The learning accomplishment reached a percentage of 41.66% in pre-cycle. Then, the results improved into 66.66% in cycle I and increased into 87.5% in cycle II. The improvements indicated the implementation of Bamboo Dancing could improve the conceptual understandings of the learners.
Implementasi Profil Pelajar Pancasila Dalam Pembelajaran PAI dan Budi Pekerti Berbasis Merdeka Belajar Yulian Rizky Nurhantara; Ratnasari Dyah Utami
Jurnal Elementaria Edukasia Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): juni
Publisher : Elementary Teacher Education Program, Majalengka University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31949/jee.v6i2.5142


Education is an effort to mature students, both mentally and in thinking. Through the learning process, students are directed, guided, fostered, explored, and develop their potential to reach maturity. Therefore, this study aims to see how implementing the Pancasila Student Profile in PAI and Moral learning is based on the “Merdeka Belajar”. This research uses qualitative and descriptive approaches. The data collection techniques used are interviews, observation, and documentation. Test the validity of the data using source triangulation techniques and method triangulation. Data analysis techniques in this study use data reduction, data presentation and conclusion drawing. The results of the research carried out, namely in the application of the Pancasila Student Profile at SD Negeri 03 Bejen Karanganyar, have been maximized because all indicators of the Pancasila Student Profile are met, even though the Global Diversity indicator is obtained through learning Civic Education (Civics) and through the habit of singing the Indonesian national anthem every morning before starting learning. Implementing the Pancasila Student Profile as a manifestation of character education requires all parties, from school principals, teachers, and parents to help.
Pelaksanaan Pembelajaran Berdiferensiasi Berdasarkan Modelitas Belajar Di Sekolah Dasar yuni yati; Minsih; Endang Fauziati; Yulia Maftuh Hidayati
Jurnal Elementaria Edukasia Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): juni
Publisher : Elementary Teacher Education Program, Majalengka University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31949/jee.v6i2.5147


This study aims to apply students' sensory learning styles in creating different content, and the factors that contribute to these learning styles. The research method used is a case study using a qualitative approach. The source of the data in this study were the teachers of Kakuka National Elementary School and the contents of the documents/teaching materials they produced. Observation data was collected using interview guidelines, questionnaires and documentation. In-depth observations were made with teachers at Kakuka National Elementary School. Previously teachers were interviewed to obtain data on students applying sensory learning styles when creating different content and the factors that contributed to this learning. After the interviews, teachers at Kakuka National Elementary School administered and completed the questionnaires. Content documentation produced by the teacher is also carried out to obtain accurate data. Data validity was triangulated using sources and techniques. The results showed that: (1) students' sensory learning styles were implemented in creating different learning content; (2) several factors including internal factors and factors influencing the application of students' sensory learning styles when making different learning materials. Internal factors include the teacher's educational background and teaching practices in the classroom. External factors which include infrastructure and facilities, as well as time.  
Studi Eksplorasi Kinerja Lulusan Program Studi Magister Pendidikan Dasar Universitas Negeri Jakarta markus harefa; Nidya Chandra Muji Utami
Jurnal Elementaria Edukasia Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): juni
Publisher : Elementary Teacher Education Program, Majalengka University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31949/jee.v6i2.5191


The Master of Basic Education Study Program, State University of Jakarta conducted a tracer study in meeting the demands of the market, especially the workforce and to increase competitiveness in improving the education system so far. Data were collected through the distribution of questionnaires given to alumni (graduates) from 2012 to 2022. Respondents of the tracer study consisted of 44 alumni of the Master of Basic Education Study Program, State University of Jakarta. Data analysis was carried out descriptively quantitatively in the form of percentages and the meaning of each tracer study finding was carried out qualitatively. The stages of interpreting tracer study data are data collection stages, data reduction stages, data exposure stages and data verification stages. The results of this tracer study are expected to be taken into consideration for policy makers in making improvements and updating educational strategies and orientations, making technical improvements to the implementation of education and teaching, and providing input for curriculum improvement / change so that graduates of the Master of Basic Education Study Program, State University of Jakarta become better in their intellectual capacity, skills and morals and personality.
The Impact of Covid-19 Pandemic to the Formation of Students Skill Dimension in Elementary School stefanus divan; Gervasius Adam; Fabianus Hadiman Bosco
Jurnal Elementaria Edukasia Vol. 6 No. 2 (2023): juni
Publisher : Elementary Teacher Education Program, Majalengka University

Show Abstract | Download Original | Original Source | Check in Google Scholar | DOI: 10.31949/jee.v6i2.5212


This research intends to elucidate the effect of Covid-19 pandemic in establishing student’s skill dimension and the effort of teacher in forming student’s skill dimension at SDI Lenang Neros. This study uses qualitative approach and case study method. The subjects of the research are teachers and students. Data collection technique used an interview and document study. This research is motivated that by throughout pandemic the teachers were not yet forming the skill dimension of students. The result of this research pointed out that Covid-19 pandemic had an impact on the formation of student skill dimensions at SDI Lenang Neros. The impact of Covid-19 pandemic on the formation of student skill dimensions namely the low ability of writing, reading, drawing, dancing and the ability of measuring. During pandemic the effort of teacher in the formation of student psychomotor not yet maximized. Teacher had not used the platform online learning such Zoom, YouTube, learning video and WA to support the formation of student skill dimensions. The presented subject was only in the form of assignments and theory without practicum activity. Grounded on research findings could be concluded that Covid-19 pandemic had an impact on students’ skill dimension such lacking of motor activity obtained by the students.

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